Thursday 12 May 2016

It's Now A 3-Horse Race!

- And My Money's On

'The Bern' and on 'The Filly' (!)

Return To The Planet Of  The Apes

As things 'hot up' in in 'The Campaign' you would think by now that 'The Donald' would have ended his 'war' on women, on Hispanics, on Latinos (in general) on Mexico, and his 'Crusade' on all the world's Muslims.  On the contrary, 'The Donald' is now proposing a 'Commission' to look into the 'Muslim problem' in America.
This would, as I understand it, bypass law enforcement and report directly to himself - presumably for executive decision  should Congress disapprove, and, of course, should he be elected President.

John McCain Is 'A Loser' (Donald Trump)
Senator McCain, a U.S. pilot in the Vietnam War, was shot down over enemy territory, captured and tortured by the North Vietnamese and, from what Senator McCain himself tells us, bore the psychological scars of this torture for a long time.  To many, Senator McCain, a decorated War Hero, represents the best of America in terms of valor and fortitude.  This comment by Donald Trump will resonate with some both outside and inside the veteran world.
Politicians who lack experience of 'real' war, beyond Hollywood, don't want to hear, up close and personal, what torture is like.   In the Hollywood movie, you are supposed to either die or escape, and not be released and return home to tell of your experiences as a captured (and tortured) prisoner of war or PoW.

Practice What You Preach                       Senator McCain's voting record on Veterans issues, however, does not endear him to all in his constituency so the support by Veterans for Donald Trump has, in this regard, been more positively responsive than one would have expected after such comments about the Senator.**  

That same warmth for 'The Donald' may not, however, resonate within other communities across America.

Rispetto [Respeto]
With regard to the Hispanic Community in general, to attack Senator Cruzs' family – his wife, his father – in the manner which Trump did shows a complete lack of knowledge of the cultural dynamics of family life and how precious it is to the Hispanic communities.

(Perhaps 'The Donald' attacked and villified Senator Cruzs' family for that very reason?)   But you know something, family and Christian values resonate strongly within the Hispanic, Latin, Irish, Greek, Anglo-Saxon and other communities across Europe, Latin America, Canada and the United States.

If such personalised attacks had taken place outside this 'arena' they would have resulted in 'family' 'wars' - perhaps for generations before reconciliation.  'Trump' opened a 'Pandora's Box' when he made personalized attacks on the family of Senator Ted Cruz.  Even outside Senator Cruzs' circle, the idea or concept of 'Respeto' [Rispetto] is widespread.

'The Donald' will be 'punished' at the ballot box for this transgression – to an extent he never thought possible and by many different diverse, communities, male and female, across the United States.

(But there again, who could believe that 'open society' politics could ever sink to such low depths in the Christian world?)

Human Beings
Money certainly can't buy you happiness, neither can it buy you respect.  As lyrics in a song by the artist 'Seal' go, 'when you loose your self esteem, that's when love dies.'

Only a public 'contrition' before the Election can (conceivably) save 'The Donald' in this regard – and that is not going to happen – so he will be 'punished' by an 'angry' electorate across many diverse communities, Christian and non-Christian, who respect family – and family values who will not see this candidate as representing the highest of civic society values they would want their children to aspire to.

Such 'values' thus also resonate across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean – and all are reflected in 'educated' American 'civil' society today.

 What If…………...

A Trump-Cruz ticket would, as I said earlier in this Race, have given Hillary and or Bernie a run for their money – and might even have succeeded.   But such was never to be.

Will 'The Donald' ever get it?   I think not.  The truth is, he doesn't really give a r$ts $ss.   For himself, power is the name and power is the game.

Will America be better off with Hillary or Bernie?

That's another question – for another blog day (!)

What Was Donald Trump doing while John McCain was being tortured whilst held captive as a U.S. Prisoner of War in North Vietnam?

**However, Senator McCain's voting record on Veterans issues in his home State has not, for many, lived up to expectations:

(Please also read the many comments following the article.)

Seal:Human Beings
