Sunday 12 June 2016

Pulse Nightclub Massacre

Lessons To Learn?

Many decades ago I said to some friends that it's impossible to protect everywhere. You can't protect every nursery, every exclusive school, every university, every shop, restaurant, hospital, clinic, church, synagogue, mosque, candy shop, ice cream parlors, every retirement village, supermarket, mall, school party out on a study or field trip, from someone demented and determined enough to do harm.
You can put 'Gorillas' who look like 'King Kong' patrolling malls, nightclubs, schools and colleges, but where an individual or group is or are determined to create carnage, the 'visual' (psychological) effect of seeing 'King Kong' is immaterial.
You can create sophisticated layers of security and passive encirclement but again, where someone is determined enough, they will (eventually) find a way (flaw) to breach even the best of what is on offer through the private sector.

There is, for most of us, always a sadness where 'totally innocent' victims are the subject of carnage. The 'crime' of being Gay, or Black, or an Israeli, WASP, or an Arab, is enough to convince the perpetrator(s) that such indiviuals are not 'totally innocent victims' - but part of 'the problem.'

Part of the problem, as I see it, is that we have not paid any 'real' attention to racism, tribalism, slavery, cannibalism (Africa and Albinos) and homophobia in Africa nor in Muslim lands.
The only time we ever do is when the West is eager to achieve a political or economic objective which the target entity is opposing.
Besides, they are not very 'sexy' subjects to disinter where so much money can be made in oil and mineral rich regions of the Middle East, Africa and the Caucasuses.
Similar thinking meant that the entire Christian and Jewish communities in Iraq and Iran, have now disappeared (murdered or fled) because money and wars were 'sexier' than any thought to the consequences of Western military and economic interests. (Besides, who ever let a few Jews or Christians or 'cannibalised' African Albinos stand in the way of making 'lovely' money?)

You see over millennia, we ignored all such fundamental principles in favor of Mammon – so Muslims, Africans, and Asiatics, as individuals and as nations, naturally assume that all our Western 'Christian' politicians are bought and sold in the market – all that requires negotiating is their price – through their respective lobby interest groups.
As far as many Muslims perceive it, our Christian bible is a worthless piece of trash which has been 'updated' so much (and so many times) that its messages are meaningless – and their 'proof' is given in the fact that even (most) Christians do not live by the tenets of their own 'holy' book.

Having an appreciation for the 'books' of several faiths, it is absolutely no surprise to me that some individuals simply 'flip' (or develop mental illness related to the contrast between what their own holy book is telling them and what they are seeing around them in their Western 'liberal' communities) and they never 'return' to 'normality'.
As a devoted Muslim, Christian, or Orthodox Jew, to have to accommodate the tenets of your faith with the 'immorality' and 'excesses' of everyday life, is a great challenge.
Where there are almost no 'role' models to espouse your 'cause' and 'represent' your 'platform' leaves little to do but to recourse to 'opting out' or creating your own microcosmic world populated with like-minded believers.

Where a book written for devotees some thousand(s) of years ago is held up as the only way of life in the 21st century, and it can never be 'revised' because the person who wrote it is dead – and he (or she) was 'infallible' – such is, in itself, a recipe for ultimate disaster.  Another topic conveniently ignored by the 'pundits'.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and the like will, like pulling rabbits out of a conjurors hat, bring out terminologies to pigeon-hole this deranged individual. Politicians will grasp at whatever 'capital' can be garnished from the event. After reflection will come anger - and the desire for revenge or lynch-mob 'justice'. Anti-gun lobby groups will see this as yet another vindication for their cause – failing to appreciate that even in the absence of ease of availability, a way would have been found by some determined deranged individual, sooner or later, to exact carnage, regardless.

What happened at the Pulse Nightclub is a cornucopia of opportunism for every spectrum of hate.

All of the above brings us full circle back to the entry door of the Pulse Nightclub, Orlando, in the early hours of a Sunday morning, where someone, who had clearly 'snapped', decided he was going to bring God's 'wrath' on 'sinners', regardless of consequences. (What is the experience of a brief moment of death in exchange for everlasting eternity – in the process of doing the Lord's or Allah's or Adonai's work?)

And if you cannot see all this, then you too, also, need to step back from the canvas to get a better perspective.

©Patrick Emek, June 2016

As further information becomes available about this individual who carried out the horrific crime in the early hours of Sunday morning at Pulse in Orlando, Florida, it vindicates my initial belief that this had nothing to do with ISIS/ISIL/Daesh - who would like to take credit for every massacre and all acts of  extreme barbarity, inhumanity and violence within our Western societies.
I was particularly interested in the pychosexual analysis of this demented and confused individual and how his behavior was inconsistent at many different times.
If there is a silver lining it is that this tragedy has brought the 'Gay' and supportive 'Straight' communities worldwide more together than ever in recent times and has highlighted the need  by all minority communities to be more alert - appreciating that 100% security 100% of the time is an impossibility - but being vigilant has never cost lives.



'Mammon is one of the seven princes of Hell. He is the Demon of wealth, greed and avarice.'  ''Mammon is one of The Fallen, an angel who refused to fight during the battle with Hell. As a punishment for this God cast him and others like him from Heaven and exiled them to the pits of Hell. There he assumed great power and soon became one of the most powerful demons within the pits.'' 

the above quote has been taken from 


 and a further interesting alternative article on the subject can be found at: