Saturday 29 October 2016

Those New Emails and
Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton

Those New Emails and Presidential Candidates
The recent decision by the FBI to open a new investigation into related emails on a different server other than that of Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton must be seen in the light of new information having been discovered or made available.
*It was initially unclear on which server the relevant material was discovered. It is now being claimed to have emanated from Senator Clinton's civilian (unprotected) server.

Are They Relevant?
The sources, in this instance, are immaterial.
What is important is that the FBI is given the opportunity to study the relevance (if any) of this new material and to report its findings at the earliest opportunity.
As I write this blog no doubt the emails are being scrutinized to the finest minute and legal opinions are being (if not already) given about what further steps or indeed recommendations, if any, should be made to the Department of Justice.
Sadly, what Paul Ryan has not said (to date) is that, in the interests of democracy, the investigations must be speedily dealt with so that the election due in less than two weeks can take place in a democratic environment.

Speaking Out
In my opinion, one of the roles of the Speaker is to oversee the exercise of democracy - and to speak out in its defense, where necessary.
The shadow of another 'stolen' election (similar to that of Florida where Presidential hopeful Al Gore was, according to many U.S. citizens, even today, 'robbed' of the U.S. Presidency because of Gerry Mandering) because of political interference will not be perceived well - should the U.S. wish to retain it's status as the world's foremost democracy.

Withdrawal Of Senator Clinton's Access Privileges
Paul Ryan has requested that Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton be denied access to confidential top secret briefings because of her negligence in handling classified data. Sadly for Representative Ryan, this late intervention is unlikely to cut him any slack with a President-elect Donald Trump.  Ryan is perceived as 'part of the problem.  Of the 'old Republican guard', the GOP, which has lost its way and has no place in a 'Trump White House incorporated'.

Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity
My own view is that it is in the interests of the FBI to get the matter out of the way before the election - regardless of what the different politicians from both main parties are advocating.

Decline and Fall
A Trump Presidency will be just another step in the direction of  'Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire'.
For example, in the Philippines (which I know very well - having both lived there and researched it extensively)  (to the shock of the State Department)  President Duterte has said, to both the European Union and The United States, in a nutshell: ''F*** you, our future is with China.'' ''They can offer us a better deal, as fellow-Asiatics, than your imperialism and colonialism has ever done for our country.''   In my opinion nothing could be further from the truth.  President Duterte is just as ignorant as his counterparts - the fast-emerging U.S. and Western politicians (such as, for example, 'Fat Boy' Johnson, Secretary of State in the U.K.) who are ignorant, but masters of speech and of war.

The Pre-Emptive Mindset Is Conditioned or Evolved, It Was Not Born That Way
As I said in one of my few interviews, we have entered an era of ignorant politicians coming into power who are running the world towards unnecessary (and uneconomic) conventional and 'limited arena' nuclear wars - all fueled out of total ignorance, twisted ultra-nationalism and sheer greed - with no thought for future consequences.
Sadly, war, is, in my view, not always avoidable. My contention is that it should be a last rather than a priority option which politicians, if they get their way, are increasingly seeking ways and means to make it such. 

The Fog Of War
To put it in a nutshell, what has emerged in the U.S. is a generation of  political naivety who wield a frightening level of power, who live in a 'bubble' and have no appreciation of their own (nor their country's) mortality, egged on in a hyper-mediated  vacuum, a hypercube of 'invincibility' and 'ultimate victory' which, sooner or later, motivates the thought of pre-emptive 'first-strike' options to settle political and economic differences with competing superpowers and smaller nation states.

Of Democracy and Democratic Values 
(Have Any Heard of Plato's 'Republic'?; I think Not)
When you permit armed militias to be created the length and breadth of the land who perceive themselves as 'last lines of defence of democracy' or defending certain ('treasured') amendments of the constitution or to retain economic and social privileges, it's only a matter of time until such armed militias see their role in opposition to the State or Federation in pursuit of their own agendas and privileges.
It is only a logical extension that pre-emptive actions against real or imagined 'infringements' of such 'perceived' democratic 'values' is the next step.

This is why most of the world is wise enough not to permit armed militias (as opposed to citizens' rights to bear arms) to exist -  to the extent that they pose a threat to the security of the state or country.

The Doctrine Of PreEmption: 
Ringing Eight Bells
Should Mr Trump be elected he will attempt to extend U.S. influence in a way unacceptable to most of Asia and South America.
The economic future of the world for at least the next 200 years lies in the Pacific rim, with China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and The Philippines playing critical parts.  (I exclude Australia because it is, to put it frankly, at the mercy of economic developments in China.  It would not at all surprise me if conflict breaks out at a future point between Australia and Indonesia for control of valuable sea lanes, oil and gas deposit fields in Straits curently within the territorial jurisdiction of Indonesia - but strategic resources which Australia will desperately need if it is not to become a poor Asiatic backwater in an otherwise thriving region.  Under such conditions a strengthening of ties between the U.S. and Australia as its 'eyes and ears' will only be to the benefit of both parties.  But such alliances will ultimately be regarded as 'threatening' to Indonesian sovereignty which, similar to the Philippines, might well pivot closer to China both economically and militarily.  It is for such reasons that I said in my last blog the election of a President Trump will undoubtedly move the hands of the clock closer to 'midnight', the end of this 'watch', than has ever been the case for over fifty years.)

Off Track?
So what in hell has all the above to do with this issue of emails?; you may well ask. 
Should this issue of Senator Hillary Clinton's emails not be resolved before election day and the electorate (in my opinion wrongly) perceive Hillary Clinton as 'untrustworthy' because of the mass media mis-reporting of FBI's inconclusive (or ongoing investigations) on or at Election Day,  the credibility of many institutions (The Presidency, The Electoral Process, The Justice System, and the FBI itself) are all gravely undermined, whoever is elected as President of the United States.
All of this will be reflected in the perception of the U.S. in many parts of the world as an 'unreliable' ally, one which is too fickle and lacks 'commonsense' in judgement - prefering instead to place itself and its values on hypocritcial soap boxes so it can preach to the world principles and codes of conduct which it itself either lost a long time ago or indeed has long-forgotten how to apply justly and fairly. 

©Patrick Emek, October 2016

(Be Warned!)
The Shape of Things to Come:
Just one example (you can find many more internationally - if you research them) of  the 'diplomatic' 'language' of today's politicians - which will evolve to become 'standard practice' for trading insults worldwide:

President Duterte of The Philippines Tells the EU:
''F**k You European Union!''

President Duterte Gives The European Union
'Human Rights Faggots' the Middle (f**k) finger: 

PHILIPPINES: President Rodrigo Duterte Calls US Ambassador Philip Goldberg “The Gay Son Of A Whore”

Philippines' defence minister says military can cope without US aid:

[Interestingly, before the decline and fall of past Empires, 'disaffection' and 'name calling' of 'superpower' leaders were commonplace - to taunt or goad 'the Empire' into taking military action against the insulters (to teach them a lesson) - thus consolidating disparate tribes against 'the common' imperial superpower 'enemy'.  Such 'disparaging' insults and remarks by 'the taunters' took maybe months for spies to transmit the 'disrespect' spoken either informally or at formal meetings (or festive gatherings) back home for action by Greece or Rome.
Alexander of Macedon dealt with such dissention and disrespect ruthlessly - as did the Roman Empire, The Spanish Empire, the British Empire and the Third Reich.   
Now it's America's turn.   Let us wait and see what will happen.]



Masters of War: