Sunday 30 October 2016

Senator Harry Reid:
''FBI Director Comey May Have Broken The Law''

 A few days ago the FBI Director, James Comey, sent an unusually short, cryptic but innuendo-filled email to Republican and Democratic Congress Members on the eve of the most important election in the democratic world

What Is Really Going ON?
Is There Much More Behind All This That We Are Not Being Told?
What Are Comey's Real Motives On The Eve Of A General Election? 
Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was not going to 'abscond' anywhere after the election - so why 'filibuster' the democratic process of the world's foremost superpower - and in the process turn the United States into a Banana Republic - and a laughing stock - in the eyes of the whole world?

4 Things You Might Not Know About James Comey, FBI Director

Fact 1
*The FBI Director was 'frustrated' at being stonewalled by the Department of Justice so close to an election - and may have 'over-reached his authority' by 'going rogue'.
The Chicago Tribune quotes the DoJ as having warned FBI Officials that Comey was 'going rogue' (i.e. had gone 'off the reservation' and was 'on his own')

Fact 2
*There have been ongoing wars between the FBI and Justice Department over several totally unrelated investigations - all of which have convinced the FBI Director Comey that the DoJ and not himself, is 'politically steering' legal investigations across the land - much to his frustration.

Fact 3
*The FBI Director and his wife suffered a personal family tragedy in 1995 and there is some cause to believe that Patrice Comey's frustration with the lack of universal screening health care (preventative action) by both political parties to save the lives of other children (like their son Collin) may be one factor which caused Director Comey to 'loose faith' in the 'system' per ipse to 'deliver results' - hence his decision to 'go public' rather than 'suffer in silence'.
[I can empathize with the family in this regard for several reasons - which is why I am factoring this in as subconscious motive - and would not lightly use this term if I did not have the personal experience nor the professional qualification to so factor. PE ]

Fact 4
*For the above reasons Director Comey had no future (as Director) in a President Clinton administration and, because of constant 'scraps' with the DoJ, his position, even within the FBI, was becoming 'untenable' as complaints that he was 'difficult' to work with, would be an understatement, according to unquoted sources.

*Both political parties utilize the FBI and the DoJ wherever and whenever they can to garnish advantages for either prosecuting or withholding or stonewalling or leaving cases (with political overtures) in abeyance - or just deprioritizing them into (eventual) abeyance due to lack of funds and lack of bipartisan (political) approval.

It is probably a thankless job - whoever is in it.
You please one politician and displease others.
One lot praise you today - the same lot wanna burn you at the stake tomorrow if you transgress or hinder or question what they want to achieve or even caution them that they (or one of their own) might be breaking (or have broken) the law.

Expect some new information about Director Comey himself and (if you check Facebook or Twitter) maybe even some leaked internal memos between his Department and that of the DoJ in the next few days.
If I were you I would check the alternative media - Facebook or Twitter - for example - out first rather than rely on your compliant and docile mainstream media for the full stories about this matter - you are likely to get just as good a picture from the fringe as you are from corporate and compliant mainstream media sources.

 None of the above excuses recklessness on the part of the FBI.
(You can read about where such reckless actions
on the part of the FBI have resulted in the execution of innocent victims - all based on 'tainted' FBI evidence in the reference section below.)

On A Side Note To This Blog:
The Comey's child Collin died shortly after birth from a very preventable bacterial infection - had universal prenatal screening for expectant mothers been covered by the health care insurers.
There has been no significant move in the United States towards preventable screening for the population as a whole for this nor other bacterial infections which could easily be detected and in the process thousands of deaths or severe disabilities prevented in unborn children - and all because of the high costs to the health insurance industry who do not want to foot the bill.
Even the FBI Director himself has limitations to his powers. 
This is enough to make anyone loose faith in 'the system' delivering if you just sit around and wait.
 [Having said that, what can be more 'reckless' than a 'belief' in political power and putting profit before people?]

Perhaps President Clinton, if elected, and as a mother herself, will do the right thing for the country and ensure that healthcare is genuinely overhauled to make people and not profit the objective - introducing statutory preventable screenings across a range of nationwide diseases - a new objective for a more just and equitable caring society than exists at present in the United States?;because for certain, her opposite number (Mr Trump) from his 'ivory tower of wealth', has no incentive to so do for the mass of the populace.


©Patrick Emek, October 2016
In a totally unrelated matter, a case to prosecute the FBI itself was being studied as a result of the following:

DoJ Inspector General castigates the FBI for inordinate delays by 'highly flawed' FBI forensic unit in Death Row Cases:

June 2016:
''FBI Could Start Leaking Evidence From It's Investigation'' 

DoJ Results of Investigations In Baltimore:

Federal District Judge:
''FBI Framed To Get Convictions By Withholding Evidence Which Would Have Cleared The Victims Of Murder''