Wednesday 9 November 2016

 President Donald Trump?

(October 2016, reblogged)

The Shape of Things to Come
Should Donald Trump be elected to the Office of President of The United States, there will be a lot of disappointments.
The first major political casualty will be the man who I earlier described as one of the most intelligent people in the House today, and a likely future Presidential candidate (but not if Trump has his way) Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan will, at some early future point, resign and bide his time as a local activist until Mr Trump disappears from the scene.   (Ryan may well have to wait a very long time for The Great Manipulator and his 'entourage' to exit the scene.
A President Trump, with a hit list of those Republicans who no longer, in his view, represent the Party, will no doubt take a lot of pleasure in taking revenge on Ryan - and ensure that in the process he forever scuttles Ryan's future hopes and dreams of ever making it to the White House.
Ryan is clever enough to appreciate you cannot work constructively with someone like Trump.
Sooner or later they would both inevitably have to part company, no matter how conciliatory Ryan attempted to be with regard to policy support and development on behalf of President Trump.)

Did They Go...Or Were They Pushed?
Don't Rely On Your CNN and other Corporate Mainstream Media To Tell You the Truth!
Apart from the obvious political replacement candidates chosen by President Trump the list of additional (non-essential - not required because of political changes at the top)  'resignations' are likely to be very substantial from every Department: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Health and Human Services, Energy, Treasury, Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, Department of The Interior and from The Department Of Agriculture.
Also expect senior resignations from the Federal Reserve, which is not a Government Department, to take place.

Expect a Trump Presidency to appoint 'Witchfinder Generals' to 'go after [perceived] 'enemies' of Donald Trump - across all Departments and in both Houses, amongst Republican and Democrats alike.

(In another era, more robust official steps might have been taken to stop Trump becoming President.
Then there are the likely senior (non-essential) resignations from the CIA, the NSA and all other branches of the Armed Forces including the Department of Defense.

To The Gullible and Subservient Corporate Mainstream  Media:
Be Careful What You Wish For
(A Coup By Any Other Name)
If the U.S. media reported them all, it would look like a coup d'etat had taken place in the United States. But the (usual subservient) corporate media will just fall in line and you will be hard pressed to gauge the extent of the political chaos and revolution which is taking place within.
Neither will the media itself escape the wrath of Trump and his extremist supporters in both Houses.
Indeed it will also be amongst the first of casualties.
New defamation (censorship) laws (similar to Singapore) will be introduced to put the media into checkmate.
Familiar faces will announce they are 'stepping down', leaving politics, going into business, retiring for 'health reasons'.
(We can thank the Russian Federation for this state of events.)
In the Kremlin, President Putin, his heads of Military, the FSB and the GRU will all be celebrating the first victory ever of the birth of a new order on the American continent - and speculating where these new possibilities can take Russian - U.S. relations.
(In actual fact, the hands of the clock will have moved closer to midnight, for all of us, than they ever were since the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s.)

The media will (just about) live to rue the day it was complicit in the birth of the Trump era - before it too finally succumbs to total subservience - a prefect clone of it's Russian Federation counterpart.
Of course all will be explained away to an almost totally ignorant American public audience as one by one, media empires are 'taken over' by individuals personally loyal to one individual - President Donald Trump.
A few 'bones' will be 'thrown' to the Trump 'faithful' -the 'common' 'plebes' - to convince them that he is 'one of them' (or at least continue to keep them angry and now direct their motivation and energies away from domestic stagnation and against those 'disloyal' and 'enemies within' who are 'conspiring' to prevent America becoming great again.)

A Hail Mary
The McCarthy witch hunt era will be reborn anew - with new internal enemies of the State to be burnt at the stake (or deported.)
And so it will be with other known household institutions which have guaranteed American pre-eminence throughout the globe - as one by one they are all absorbed within the Trump empire - the logic being that you cannot organize America's economy successfully unless you can replicate those of China and the Russian Federation.
As individuals of wealth attempt to leave the United States for citizenship of other jurisdictions, they will face huge 'penalty fines' before being allowed to relinquish American citizenship for foreign shores.
The IRS will be instructed to mercilessly pursue any individual of wealth attempting to relinquish U.S. citizenship and transfer their substantial assets abroad.
Global corporations will be legally obliged (forced) to repatriate to within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States all wealth held overseas - except where special permission has been granted by the Internal Revenue Service.
Some will choose Canada, others Mexico, the Caribbean and South America.
Citizenships For Economic Refugees
Russia and China, amongst other nations, will attempt to woo Americans of wealth desperately seeking to 'escape' their predicament under a Trump Presidency.
 And the above will only be the start.

 Somewhere....... Over the Rainbow.........
And what about the ordinary American folk?
They will be exactly where they have always been - angry and confused - but the great manipulator will know exactly how to channel away this anger and confusion so that the real issues of the day (economic decline and how to revive America as a global industrial and economic force) can be comfortably kicked somewhere far far down the road for another day, for someone else to resolve at another time and in another era - assuming  the Trump 'dynasty' (or cult of personality) has an 'end'.

© Patrick Emek, October 2016