Monday 26 November 2018

''You're An Idiot!''
(Zionist Jew To Patrick Emek Not Too Long Ago)
[A Cautionary Tale Of Folly and Woe]

Some time ago, I attended a Reception where the Guest Speaker was an individual of note.

After drinks reception, I made my way to the Banqueting room.
It happened that because I had been engaged in lively discussion with like-minded colleagues I was almost the last person to enter the room.
There were few seats left and I choose a seat near to the entrance door of the U shaped table room arrangement,
far away from the Guest Speaker.
(The guest Speaker would be giving his address from the centre of the U.)
I was politely asked to vacate this seat as it was reserved for someone else – which of course I was happy to do on receipt of this information.
I was immediately invited by the same person who had requested that I vacate my current seat to take a seat beside the guest Speaker at the main table – since he/she said that this was an available seat and not reserved.
I took my new seat at the right hand side of the Guest Speaker, as directed.
I did note that a short stocky individual arrived somewhat late and occupied what had been my original seat.
Because I was in friendly company someone said to me that I should be ''careful what I say'' should I encounter this ''Zionist Jew'' elsewhere.    Forewarned is forearmed.
It happened that this Zionist Jew had invited someone I knew as his guest and we ended up walking towards the subway – the 3 of us.
Bear in mind, I had never met this Zionist Jew before today (and he had no knowledge I had been given a 'friendly' warning about him during the Dinner.)
As we strolled towards the Subway he says to me, out of no provocation whatsoever:
''You're an idiot!''
I ask you to consider Brothers and Sisters, I had said absolutely nothing to provoke this bizarre comment from someone I had never met before.
Comments like this are meant to provoke.
The objective was to provoke an angry response.
For a second or two I was taken aback and was thinking about anything earlier that could have provoked such a bizarre comment.   In an attempt to diffuse the situation, I thanked him for his observation and commended his complimentary remark (!)
He then made a derogatory comment about the sexuality of the Irish Premier, Leo Varadkar (who happens to be Gay) and about his race (he happens to have Indian heritage.)
[Again there was little provocation – other than the fact that I had earlier remarked that Premier Varadkar, as I understood it, was supportive of Brexit (Britain leaving the European Union) but was mindful of his responsibility to uphold the Good Friday Agreement which brought peace to the island of Ireland after centuries of civil rights protests and wars and that he (Varadkar) did not want to go down in Irish history as yet another warmonger.]
I again thanked him for his comment – and told him that I would relay his comment(s) verbatim to the Irish Prime Minister when I next encountered him (!)
He said nothing further.
During the silent subway journey it gave me the opportunity to quietly think as to what in heavens name could have provoked such bizarre comments from a Zionist Jew I had never met before.
''You're an Idiot'' is one thing – which I dismissed as uncalled and unnecessary, but then to go on to denigrate the legal representative to the world of a sovereign state was something entirely else.
As there was no way this individual could have known I would be attending this event, his fury had to be based on something which occurred earlier.
It was not difficult to fathom.
This Zionist Jew believed that, because of his wealth (he is a very wealthy individual) it was his 'God-given right' to be seated beside the Guest Speaker.
That someone as 'lowly' as myself (a Gentile?) should be seated there was, to him, outrageous – and should not have been allowed.
[I cannot remember with absolute certainty but for sure he was probably the last of the attendees to arrive in our banqueting room so had no knowledge of the dynamics taking place 10 minutes prior to his arrival.]

This was just after an incident in Thailand where, thanks to the courageous efforts of experienced British cave divers, a football team of Thai youngsters was rescued from a cave complex – where they had got lost and hopes were fading for their rescue.
The whole world held its breath as the rescue efforts appeared to be getting nowhere.
Elon Musk, an American Zionist Jew, 'ordered' the rescue mission in Thailand to he 'halted' until he could get a 'mechanical robot' despatched to Thailand to effect the rescue.
So incensed was he (Musk) that 'lowly' unknown Britons had, thankfully and miraculously rescued the Soccer Team and their Coach that he made bizarre and outrageous accusations against individuals he did not even know (!)
He simply made the outrageous comments because, as with my nemesis, his 'pride' had been hurt – believing that he had a 'God-given' right to be first to attempt a rescue – regardless of whether the victims would be retrieved alive or dead (!)

So Brothers and Sisters, this is the psychopathology you are dealing with.
Note it well.

I have no issue with Zionist Jews, as a tribe, building monuments to others who have saved Jewish lives.
I do have an issue when such individuals are so jealous of others for having been in the right place, with the right skills at the right time, who are not Zionist Jews, and who save non-Jewish lives.
That such individuals think they have some divine right to the best of everything – and the rest of us servile.

Thankfully (and praise God) these experienced cave divers were in the very right place, at the very right time with the very right skills to save an entire junior Thai Soccer Team and their Coach who had got lost in the cave complex with rising waters and most certainly would have perished but for these brave* individuals.
(Quite frankly, most normal people would not have cared what race, religion, color or tribe this person came from if he or she was able to save the life your son or daughter.)
But not so for Mr Elon Musk – obsessed as he was or is with his own self-importance, he could see nothing else but himself:''why should these two cent nobodys ('the Brits') get all the praise and I, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, get none?'' he probably still asks himself.

His further reaction out of envy, of greed, of jealousy, was to besmirch a reputation to the extent that this humble individual was forced to announce he would take legal action for his character being ruined by Mr Elon Musk.
That it was only when someone explained to Mr Musk how most of the world – of every race, religion and color - were reacting to his bizarre statements, that this Zionist Jew backed off – and subsequently apologised.

The story was so horrific a portrayal of the real character of Mr Elon Musk that the mainstream media quickly buried it to avoid the scrutiny it should have rightly have gotten.

It was only under the disgust and opprobrium of almost the entire world, that Mr Musk apologised.
I was not so fortunate folks (!)
[ But I did put my thumb to my nose, in bugle-like manner, and played a note or two with the rest of my fingers, as I stood on the the platform, the doors having closed with this solitary individual glaring at me as the moving train departed (!) ]

©Patrick Emek, November 2018

*sadly there was one fatality.
Saman Kunan, a 37-year old former Thai Navy SEAL died of asphyxiation on 6th July whilst returning from delivering oxygen supplies.