Tuesday 4 December 2018

Book Of The Year

Product details

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 2626 KB
  • Print Length: 401 pages
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster (21 Aug. 2018)
  • Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B078M51YSR

Why I Choose This As My Book Of the Year
Because it was very disturbing.  It addressed all of the issues I feel strongly about.
It addressed all of the issues the mainstream media would rather bury.
It paints the final destination for the Kafkesque, dystopian world, which is the inevitable product where Mammon is chosen by heretics as the God of Gods - but disguised by Christian heretics, charlatans and evil fanatics as God itself.
Collapsing empires go into free fall in different ways.
(This is why the collapse of the Roman Empire, the most technologically advanced Empire until it's decline and fall, so fascinates academics to this very day.)

Chris Hedges covers all of our worst nightmares.

He reconfirms my own belief that Mammon will be replaced by either a Socialist or a National Socialist alternative Dystopian reality rather than the utopia which both have the potential to create.

Why do I say this?  Because I believe that, if faced with inevitable collapse,  American capital will gravitate towards National Socialism rather than a Socialist Utopia for very logical reasons:
There are more recent historical examples of this than history would care to remember.

Some time ago JB was kind enough to invite me and others to spend a few hours on the veranda of his Club near the River.
I was asked what kind of society I foresaw if I believed that our existing systems were on the brink of collapse. 
When I said that I believed that a liveable wage for an average worker  in the U.S. and developed European countries was $14,000 -$16,000 per month and not the current slave wages being paid of $4 to $16 per hour, which, at most is around $2000.00 per month.  That this slave economy in the United States is contributing to its ultimate demise.   Blinded by greed, the beneficiaries of slave labor cannot see they are sowing the seeds of their very own systems' destructions. 
This economic enlightenment, I continued, would enable any and every man or woman, to live a dignified life and afford to aspire to the American dream anywhere in the developed world.    
And who would pay for this Utopian world?; I was asked.  Why honest and fair levels of taxation at the expense of those whose wealth far far exceeds their ability to ever consume it all in their lifetime, I answered.  At this point one individual politely excused himself and left -  no doubt thinking I was totally insane.  [At least he did not call me ''an idiot''(!)]

I was beginning to think that I was completely out of touch  - until I read Chris Hedges book.

It suggests that I am not alone in part of this analysis or thinking but the frustrating thing is, that, like a runaway express train, with Mammon and it's acolytes at the helm, there is absolutely nothing so few in opposition can do to stop the downhill thundering and screeching momentum towards the inevitable train wreck when it hits the wall of steel, and, even worse, the horror at experiencing, in those last few seconds of existence, exactly who is picking up our lifeless body parts, for the Museum of Extinction, at the final destination.

©Patrick Emek, December 2018

If you do not have the time to read the book, take about 45 minutes to listen to Chris Hedges compelling talks about his book at one (or both) of the following websites:

