*repost on 09/09/19
*3 references added today bringing together in an easy to understand
language all themes covered in the 3 reviews (including toxicology)
at this blog site
(Old Acquaintances Renewed!)
''Things Very Ancient and Very Familiar Come Knocking With Tidings Very Different From The Arrogance Your Politicians and Scientists Would Wish To Reassure You With'' [paraphrase] (P. Emek, 2014)
A question I was asked some time ago:
''People always talk about bioweapons but never give any examples I can understand.
Can you give me a common sense example that I can understand – without the hype please?''
Hiya! I am sorry but it is difficult to always use non-technical language as we are dealing with scientific items which have their own nomenclature. I didn't invent the nomenclature so I have to work with it (!) If I describe the scenario in too simplistic language it might miss the intended audience - and end up on Cartoon Network (!); financially, that would be great for someone – but not for the intended audience here. [PE]
I have chosen a bacterial agent which can be fatal and one where no requirement exists other than the right conditions for it to thrive.
I have added an external variant (imported lethal bioengineered strain of the same bacteria) only as a fictional (speculative) example. There are international conventions in place to prevent exactly this (lethal) uncontrolled 'manufacturing' or 'bioengineering' scenario for easily available bacteria and viruses anyone can get hold of worldwide.
But there are also international conventions in place to prevent wars from starting. The latter, we already know, happen, with little to no deference to the international agreements in place.
A mild to severe bowel infection causing diarrhoea containing blood and mucus.
Already, much to your surprise perhaps, dysentery already exists in Europe and The United States but the milder versions of Shingella bacteria are usually not reported to medical authorities as they occur as, for example, mild to moderate gastroenteritis (stomach upsets caused by either infected food or failure to observe proper hygiene (such as washing hands after using a toilet.)
The rarer form is Amoebic Dysentery and can be waterborne (vectorborne)
Large amounts of blood and mucus in faeces of diarrhoea which will decrease in volume but not consistency or frequency over several days. It may cause blood poisoning, kidney and liver infection and failure, seizures, internal (intestinal) and external abscesses (boils) and ulcerations. Severe stomach pains, nausea and rectal pain.
In the undeveloped world between 15%-20% of cases are fatal. (WHO will suggest that this figure is grossly overestimated. I base my figure on the lack or absence of available resources of an impoverished family to have either money or access to proper medical care.)
Over more than a century a whole (highly lucrative) industry has developed around the supply of drugs (antibiotics) all of which mask the persistence of many of incipient and persistent bacterial and viral infections in the developed world.
Because of the over-use of antibiotics in the developed world, many such viruses and bacteria have now become resistant to existing antibiotics and have been re-classified as 'superbugs' .
Hypothetical Scenario
Did you know that the scanning devices at airports, ports and seaports cannot detect larvae (eggs) at a very early stage of development?
Apart from lacking the spectral ability, scanners are not configured for biochemical larvae and cannot differentiate biochemical matter naturally present on, say, clothes, from biochemical (lethally re-engineered) larvae in transit for less benevolent purposes?
They will have minimal to no heat signature and sub-micron identification can only be achieved after a very detailed 3-D scan of, say, one luggage bag. How many luggage bags pass through one port or airport every day?
For all the sophisticated devices in play at airports and ports, there are ways and means to simply render these systems of detection useless as protective devices. Such devices only work for so long as, say, for example, a State actor (for example) is not drawing down from it's (illegal under international conventions) bioweapons stockpile - useful for a task abroad - or on behalf of a 'third' party – a state or non-state entity – acting as a 'false flag.' Far-fetched? Right.
Security for the most part is all configured to identify normal smuggling and the more obvious chemical elements existing in the periodic table.
Besides, there is unlikely to be a single terrorist group in the Middle East, the Far East or in Europe who have the capabilities, determination or sophistication to go through with such a plot.
Far-fetched? Right. Correct?
[Even banning all fluids and all creams on all flights and sea transportation worldwide will not solve this problem]
I want to give a further example from a few years ago.
In parts of the world where it simply costs too much to invest in sophisticated bioterror scanning devices at airports, there are often staff trained to spot, say, someone who visibly appears to be unwell, has a fresh cut on his/her face etc., and to politely intervene to make an assessment of the situation as to his/her 'fitness' to travel. (In my opinion, this could be a far more effective tool than the Western tendency to 'rely' on technology to provide the answers.)
The bottom line is this: For all the sophisticated devices, a State, individual or group who/which is determined enough, will bypass with ease all the devices currently in place providing security at borders in order to effect a terror operation.
[As I said at the beginning, a biological agent by itself is nothing – in the sense that it's 'effects' will be limited to 15-20% of the population, at most.
A biological agent with a 'programed' (RNA) 'timer'* (even a down-scale crude one) is as lethal as a nuclear bomb.]
extract 1
*When genes are transcribed, a part of the gene called the promoter region has the job of switching on the gene so that DNA will be copied into mRNA. The Einstein scientists found that the promoter regions of the SWI5 and CLB2 genes do something else as well: they recruit a protein called Dbf2p, which jumps onto mRNA molecules as they're being synthesized. ….....
"Our findings indicate that genes making proteins whose levels must be carefully controlled contain promoter regions that sentence their mRNA molecules to death even as the mRNA is being born," ….....
"Once you gain insight into the mechanisms controlling the cell cycle and cell division," he noted, "you can propose targeted therapies for regulating the uncontrolled cell division that characterizes cancer."
extract 2
Regulation of bacterial gene expression by small RNA (sRNA) molecules is an increasingly recognized phenomenon but one that is not yet fully understood. We show that the sRNA RyhB suppresses several virulence-associated phenotypes of Shigella dysenteriae, a causative agent of bacillary dysentery in humans.
[conversely, if we know the timer or promoter regions, such can also be programed to extend the life of mRNA molecules, like you program your central heating system with a manual or digital autonomous timer.]
''... Shigellosis is a disease limited to humans, and to non-human primates (NHP) to a lesser degree since the dose required to induce infection experimentally is considerably higher than that required for humans [5][6][7] . There is a lack of laboratory animal models that mimic some of the essential gastrointestinal characteristics seen in human shigellosis. ...
... There is a lack of laboratory animal models that mimic some of the essential gastrointestinal characteristics seen in human shigellosis. Consequently, studies of mechanisms of disease including identification and determination of the role of virulence attributes and the nature of the host response are based on observations made on primates 1,[5][6][7][8] . In addition, evaluation of the many vaccine candidates currently being developed, depend entirely on the use of NHP or human volunteers [9][10][11][12] . …''
It is always assumed that, as in the case of 'traditional' terror and insurgency entities, the objective is murdering innocent civilians or assassinating enemies. But what if events are not philosophically connected to any such groups in any way, shape or form? What if the objective is the massive economic disruption, panic and widespread chaos across countries and continents with any fatalities subsequently occurring simply incidental (casualties) to the mission?
What happens if nobody claims responsibility for the attack(s) and all the public are left with are 'wild' media speculation(s) – with the likely consequential impact on civil liberties and free movement in 'open' societies.
How long can any country's economy and health services sustain prolonged and sustained massive asymmetric non-synchronous attacks of a chemical or biological nature where it is not possible with any certainty to identify who let alone when or where the next 'terror' attack will take place?
What happens if no demands are made? No blackmail, no extortion, no political nor social 'manifesto' is received from any terrorist group? The attacks just start and end without any apparent motive?
As is well-known folks, generals are always planning to win the last war they fought in the next time 'round.
Traditional Treatment For Dysentery:
The past treatment involved ingesting fluids (clean water) without the need for any antibiotics.
Since a victims stools are highly contagious for several weeks, recommended past treatments are Ampicillin,Contrimaxozole for Shingellosis and Metronidazole for Amoebic dysentery.
Widely available OTC products for diarrhoea sold in supermarkets and pharmacies should not be used.
These products are not produced by 'Big Pharma' for such emergencies – and could do more harm than good to your body for these reasons.
Check out the websites cited here for the most up-to-date products for dysentery.
Images Below Assume Natural Vectorborne Infections and Disease Worldwide
The images above may be subject to copyright.
Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried amongst the rodent population by fleas.
This is the most easily transmissible as it infects cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels and other household mammal pets.
A bite from an infected flea to a human will cause Bubonic plague. Infected hosts will spread this easily transmissible disease by any contact with a potential host as the variant biological co-traveller, Pneumonic plague.
Do not forget folks, all international safeguards were designed specifically to prevent exactly this scenario and, to date, for over half a century since World War II,they have successfully contained this potential menace – the singular one all bioterrorist experts secretly fear and, through unanimous informal agreement, never discuss in public forums.
As conventional terrorists are thwarted in achieving their (perhaps quite genuine?) political objectives, as totalitarian regimes are supported by a totalitarian superpower, as genuine political opposition is mercilessly crushed, insurgent groups may very well revise strategic thinking and take the fight to the heart of the 'evil empire.'
This is a bacteria anyone can produce anywhere in the world – in their kitchen, basement, 'man cave' 'woman cave' or in the garden shed.
For the vector, all you require are a few live fleas.
It's relative ease of production is yet another reason it is rarely discussed and, the experts assure, will remain safely hidden away through international non-proliferation agreements with zero threat to the developed world for the foreseeable future. [Let's hope they are right – or, that you are still alive for them to 'apologize' to you if they are wrong(!) ]
To increase it's virulence as a bioweapon, an assumption is made that
1. ''inserting plasmids, small bacterial DNA fragments, into the DNA of other bacteria in order to increase virulence or other pathogenic properties within the host bacteria
Please refer to the reference in my 2014 publication on Bioweapons and also add
- M. Ainscough, Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and Biowarfare (April 2002). Available at http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/cpc-pubs/biostorm/ainscough.pdf (28 December 2012) (extract only)3. or you can download a copy of Colonel Ainscough's Paper from here
For the mechanics, please refer to my earlier blog and to the reference section of the same.
Swollen and tender lymph glands ('buboes') in the armpit(s), groin and neck. Fever chills (hot to cold), headache, swollen glands, continuous tiredness, breathing difficulty (similar to an oncoming heart attack and has the potential to be misdiagnosed if the other symptoms above are not seen as contiguous to the infection.) The coughing up of blood in sputum and within mucous should be the alert signal that this is an infectious disease.
Believe it or not Bubonic Plague has a relatively good survivability rate (some 40% of infected victims will survive) compared with it's co-terminus host traveler, Pneumonic Plague, which has a 100% mortality rate if not treated in the first 24 hours.
Traditional Treatment for Bubonic Plague
•Antibiotics (Consult 'CDC' and 'Contagion' for the latest up to date details in this case)
H5N1 (and it's Relatives!)

(images above may be subject to copyright)
Bird Flu and Other Viruses Which Have Already Crossed The Species Barrier But Have Not Yet Been Weaponized For Use By Terrorists
As a weapon of war, the most costly economic (to the economy of a country) contagious disease could very well be Bird Flu and it's related mammal viruses(shown above.)
It possesses all of the qualities for the most easily configurable manageable and plausibly deniable weapon of war by a State, a State-sponsored operator, or a false flag entity.
There are two variants, A and B.
Type A rarely affects humans.
A genetically engineered variant of type B has already been shown capable of jumping the species barrier:
In Hong Kong, 1997, the strain (or variant) H5N1 crossed the species barrier - from bird to human - for the first time in recent known recorded medical history.
Since 2003 H5N1 outbreaks in poultry have occurred in Korea, Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia and China:
''H5N1, a virus that has crossed the species barrier (to humans) three times since 1997. H7 subtypes have infected humans and other animals. Direct transmission of an avian H7 virus to a human first occurred in 1996, and outbreaks in poultry have been followed by human outbreaks among those culling infected animals.''
Cough, sore throat, fever,aching muscle pains, eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory disorders – high risk of mortality to very young, very old and those with weak immune systems; abdominal pains.
For Avian flu and it's relatives, this is fatal to birds and mammals.
For humans, there is a 30% survival rate.
As I said in 2014, there are ways and means to bypass all security monitoring systems for this unique set of viruses. This increases their potential lethality and the likelihood that a pandemic
will happen when variants (either natural or designed) of these agents are formed or converge.
The Continual Mutating Influenza Virus
(The 'hype' (below) that there are only two 'variant strains' is highly misleading*. PE)

(image above may be subject to copyright.)
* for a more scientifically accurate assessment please visit:
I deliberately took issue with the above image - because it neatly leads into the final section of this blog - synthetic biology.
Back To The Future (!)
(read the Intro!)
I have tried to keep this blog as easy to read as possible with as few technical terms as necessary.
Keeping it together just short of Cartoon Network is not the easiest of tasks (!)
To appreciate synthetic anything having an elementary knowledge of chemistry, biology and physics is useful (!)
If you scroll down the right hand side of this page you will find some useful online videos about viruses, virology and bacteria, produced with the general readership in mind.
I chose the above as the last image because it illustrates a very important point - and not just to 'pick a fight' with it's creator.
Yes indeed there are two very distinct 'strains' of influenza A and B, But this masks the fact that worldwide there are an estimated 200 strains existing.
The strains mentioned are the ones scientists believe are the primary and secondary ones - in their professional opinion.
I want to demolish this smugness in a few lines.
Their arrogance is based on the fact that it is assumed that, for example, you will not come today literally from living and sleeping in a tent in, say Mongolia, with bovine creatures (housed indoors as much to keep the whole family warm as to sometimes protect the livestock from the elements or rustlers) and end up in a Cafe in central New York tomorrow. The fact that the cows, dogs and other pets living and sleeping in the tent had 'strains' of influenza - happily 'shared' with the host family, who over centuries, had developed the antibodies to protect them from what would otherwise be a pathogentic strain of the virus, and the family itself, has little contact with foreigners ever in their lives, provide all of the ripe conditions for a vector or host (carrier) who is quite well, to get on a plane at UlaanBaatar and fly the 18 hour connecting journey to NY.
This particular strain may very well have it's own unique aetiology.
So when scientists tell you ''I don't understand* .......''(sic. what I am saying here) you can pretty much take it how 'out of touch' they are - and why it is so dangerous to place so much faith and trust in their limited perspectives of how opportunistic viruses - such as rare influenza strains - will behave in urban environments of 10 to 12 million people. (And I am not even including the potential weaponization of the influenza virus from such strains as a part of this particular blog.)
Opportunistic viruses do not work within limited parameters of elite scientific fraternities. The 'best' are 'street wise' for survivability.
My main concern folks is that advice about the likelihood of a major pandemic is being given by scientists who have little experience of the real world and are 'fine tuning' their recommendations to comply with the objectives of 'political' support for future funding of specific projects - and by (deliberately) not telling their potential funders the whole truth.
This (above) may very well be one way a major influenza pandemic will begin.
(Be also assured, these same individuals who failed to give a full account of the potential for disaster, will be the first ones asked to 'sort out the problem'(!); a simple matter of the politicians and their advisers 'hanging together' - or 'hanging separately.'
(*Just to say I do know how such people live. I have shared their hospitality and the offer of a warm place to eat and rest for a few days in a single hut, where everyone - including the animals - lives.)
©Patrick Emek, January 2019
All of the above material may be used without prior permission for non-financial and educational purposes. Request that you give note to the author and any of the references cited above.
Synthetic Antibodies
[H5N1 Virus Plastic Antibody Based on Molecularly
Imprinted Polymers
Chak Sangma, Peter A. Lieberzeit, and Wannisa Sukjee]
[from the book: ''Synthetic Antibodies,Methods and Protocols'' Edited by Thomas Tiller
MorphoSys AG, Discovery Alliances & Technologies, Planegg, Germany
ISSN 1064-3745 ISSN 1940-6029 (electronic)
Methods in Molecular Biology
ISBN 978-1-4939-6855-8 ISBN 978-1-4939-6857-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6857-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017933077]
Key words: Plastic antibody, H5N1 influenza virus, Molecularly imprinted polymers, Surface imprinting, H5N1 MIPs, Synthetic H5N1 antibody
Normally, antibodies against influenza A have been prepared from viable virus or an engineered strain in certain hosts or cultured media. Two factors concerning antibody production are obvious. The obtaining antibody that is a kind of biomolecule has to be handled carefully, e.g., to be kept in a refrigerator.
Furthermore, when the virus strain is highly pathogenic, such as H5N1, antibody production has to be
done carefully in a high-level biosafety lab. Here, we show how to produce an antibody against H5N1 from a polymeric material using inactivated virus which can be conducted in a low-level biosafety lab. The process is based on imprinting the whole virus on a polymer surface to form molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). The MIPs show some properties of H5N1 antibody as they recognize H5N1 and have some important antibody activity. The H5N1 MIPs are not to be considered biomaterial, so they can be stored at room temperature and thus do not need any special care.
1 Introduction
Influenza A virus infects people worldwide every year as a seasoning flu. Occasionally, under some conditions it could become a pandemic outbreak [1, 2]. When an outbreak strain is highly pathogenic the disease can kill millions of people as it happened in 1918 from influenza A H1N1 [3–5]. Few years ago, influenza A H5N1 virus has spread mainly among poultry farms and wild birds
in Asia [6–8]. It was found that H5N1 is a very highly pathogenic strain and can infect humans, although human-to-human transmission is limited [9]. Nonetheless, people fear H5N1 could evolve
to become a human virus [10]. To prevent or minimize a casualty on such a global scale researchers have been working on this strain [11, 12]. Designing and making effective antibodies against H5N1
(“H5N1 antibody”) is among important topics in this research area. Better understanding in the production of H5N1 antibodyand the related knowledge would benefit other disciplines such as
virus diagnostics or vaccine production Owing to the high pathogenicity of the strain, conventional
procedures from direct cell culture to reverse engineering to make H5N1 antibody from viable virus have to be carried out in a high biosafety level laboratory [13]. Methods that can produce H5N1
antibody under less restricted laboratory conditions using inactivated virus are always attractive. Based on the functionality, we can consider an antibody against a corresponding pathogen as a mate-
rial that can recognize the pathogen and inhibits pathogen activity. According to this, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), which are produced by imprinting an antigen on a polymer system, can
be regarded as the corresponding antibody to that antigen provided the MIPs have the required properties. To get such MIPs,imprinted cavities left on a polymer surface are expected to form by
self-organization of monomers induced by the antigen of interest during pre-polymerization. Here, we demonstrate how to produce MIPs as plastic antibody against H5N1. The copolymer system
from four types of monomers is optimized for inactivated virus imprinting as previously reported [14]. Preparation methods are bulk-imprinting suspension copolymerization to form polymer-
beads and surface imprinting by virus stamping to form thin-film plastic antibody. These materials can be applied as a platform for virus classification and virus-binding agent screening.
Fig. 1 A scheme showing how to make H5N1 MIPs by surface imprinting on a desired surface (in this case is
a QCM electrode). First, drop and spin at 1000 × g the pre-polymer gel on a surface we want to have the MIPs.
Then, drop and spin the H5N1 virus template on a clean glass slide. At the end, stamping the H5N1 virus template on the pre-polymer gel followed by UV-induced polymerization process
For the materials and methodology utilized please refer to the book:
Key to all the best scientific articles are the references.
I have highlighted (below) some from ''Synthetic Antibodies'' you might wish to follow-up {PE]
Synthetic Antibodies
[H5N1 Virus Plastic Antibody Based on Molecularly
Imprinted Polymers
Chak Sangma, Peter A. Lieberzeit, and Wannisa Sukjee]
1. Edwin DK (2006) Influenza pandemics of the 20th century. Emerg Infect Dis 12(1):9.
2. Beveridge WI (1991) The chronicle of influenza
epidemics. Hist Philos Life Sci 13(2):223–234
3. Jeffery T, David MM (2006) 1918 Influenza:
the mother of all pandemics. Emerg Infect Dis12(1):15. doi:10.3201/eid1201.050979
4. Taubenberger JK (2006) The origin and virulence of the 1918 “Spanish” influenza virus.
Proc Am Philos Soc 150(1):86–112
5. Watanabe T, Kawaoka Y (2011) Pathogenesis
of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus. PLoS
Pathog 7(1):e1001218. doi:10.1371/journal.
6. Kim H-R, Lee Y-J, Park C-K, Oem J-K, Lee
OS, Kang H-M, Choi J-G, Bae Y-C (2012)
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1)
outbreaks in wild birds and poultry, South
Korea. Emerg Infect Dis 18(3):480–483.
7. Eagles D, Siregar ES, Dung DH, Weaver J,
Wong F, Daniels P (2009) H5N1 highly
pathogenic avian influenza in Southeast Asia.
Rev Sci Tech 28(1):341–348
8. Gutiérrez RA, Naughtin MJ, Horm SV, San S,
Buchy P (2009) A(H5N1) virus evolution in
South East Asia. Viruses 1(3):335–361.
9. Wang H, Feng Z, Shu Y, Yu H, Zhou L, Zu R,
Huai Y, Dong J, Bao C, Wen L, Wang H, Yang
P, Zhao W, Dong L, Zhou M, Liao Q, Yang
H, Wang M, Lu X, Shi Z, Wang W, Gu L, Zhu
F, Li Q, Yin W, Yang W, Li D, Uyeki TM,
Wang Y (2008) Probable limited person-to-
H5N1 Plastic Antibody
person transmission of highly pathogenic avian
influenza A (H5N1) virus in China. Lancet
371(9622):1427–1434. doi:10.1016/
10. Ungchusak K, Auewarakul P, Dowell SF,
Kitphati R, Auwanit W, Puthavathana P,
Uiprasertkul M, Boonnak K, Pittayawonganon
C, Cox NJ, Zaki SR, Thawatsupha P,
Chittaganpitch M, Khontong R, Simmerman
JM, Chunsutthiwat S (2005) Probable person-
to- person transmission of avian influenza A
(H5N1). N Engl J Med 352(4):333–340.
11. Gambotto A, Barratt-Boyes SM, de Jong MD,
Neumann G, Kawaoka Y (2008) Human
infection with highly pathogenic H5N1 influ-
enza virus. Lancet 371(9622):1464–1475.
12. Baz M, Luke CJ, Cheng X, Jin H, Subbarao
K (2013) H5N1 vaccines in humans. Virus
Res 178(1):78–98. doi:10.1016/j.
13. Kang S-M, Yoo D-G, Lipatov AS, Song J-M,
Davis CT, Quan F-S, Chen L-M, Donis RO,
Compans RW (2009) Induction of long-term
protective immune responses by influenza H5N1
virus-like particles. PLoS One 4(3):e4667.
14. Wangchareansak T, Thitithanyanont A,
Chuakheaw D, Gleeson MP, Lieberzeit PA,
Sangma C (2013) Influenza A virus molecu-
larly imprinted polymers and their application
in virus sub-type classification. J Mater Chem
B 1(16):2190–2197. doi:10.1039/
15. Thitithanyanont A, Engering A, Ekchariyawat
P, Wiboon-ut S, Limsalakpetch A, Yongvanitchit
K, Kum-Arb U, Kanchongkittiphon W,
Utaisincharoen P, Sirisinha S, Puthavathana P,
Fukuda MM, Pichyangkul S (2007) High sus-
ceptibility of human dendritic cells to avian
influenza H5N1 virus infection and protection
by IFN-α and TLR ligands. J Immunol
179(8):5220–5227. doi:10.4049/
16. Eisfeld AJ, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y (2014)
Influenza A virus isolation, culture and identi-
fication. Nat Protoc 9(11):2663–2681.
17. Wangchareansak T, Thitithanyanont A,
Chuakheaw D, Gleeson MP, Lieberzeit PA,
Sangma C (2014) A novel approach to identify
molecular binding to the influenza virus
H5N1: screening using molecularly imprinted
polymers (MIPs). Med Chem Commun
5(5):617–621. doi:10.1039/C3MD00272A
All the above from 'Synthetic Antibodies' to the references are extracted from the book:
''Synthetic Antibodies Methods and Protocols''Edited by Thomas Tiller
MorphoSys AG, Discovery Alliances & Technologies, Planegg, Germany
ISSN 1064-3745 ISSN 1940-6029 (electronic)
Methods in Molecular Biology
ISBN 978-1-4939-6855-8 ISBN 978-1-4939-6857-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6857-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017933077
Assassinations, Murders, Accidental Deaths (by Messing With Intemperate Viruses, Bacteria - and Things In-Between!)
A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health
(Especially Since 9-11)
Michael Davidson
© Copyright 2002, From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com, All rights reserved. May be recopied, distributed for non-profit purposes only; May not be posted on an Internet web site without express written authorization. Contact service@copvcia.com for permission.
List of murdered scientists..
List of murdered scientists..
#!.dec. 2001.. Dr. David Schwartz.. murdered at home.. #2 Dr Benito Que... dead in the street...3 Dr.Set Van Nguyen..dead in airlock refrigerator. 4 DR.Don Wiley.. vanished.. car abandoned...5 Dr. Vladimer Pasechnik Dead near his home. ..... Feb. 2002...6 Dr. Ian Langford .Russian.. beaten to death in his home...7. DR. V Korshunov... Russian..head bashed in... 8 Dr A Bushlinski Russian.. murdered.. 9.. Dr. I Glebov.. Russian.. Bandit attack.... Also reported that in plane from Isreal to Russia 4 or 5 microbiologists were aboard.. The plane that crashed in the sea near Russia.. that was brought down by missle.. Their names not published.. (that I know of )....
What did these scientists know that was so important that they had to be silenced..????.
(OR, what CURE could they have come up with to what's about to be DELIBERATELY RELEASED??)
Missing / Dead Scientists
Another Leading Scientist Found Dead
Dr Ian Langford, Senior Research Associate in CSERGE, in the UK
British News
February 13, 2002
Mystery death of scientist
By Michael Horsnell
DETECTIVES were last night trying to unravel the circumstances in which a leading university research scientist was found dead at his blood-spattered and apparently ransacked home.
The body of Ian Langford, 40, a senior Fellow at the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, was discovered on Monday night by police and ambulancemen. The body was naked from the waist down and partly wedged under a chair. It is understood that doors to the terraced house were locked.
A post-mortem examination failed to establish how Dr Langford, who lived alone in the house in Norwich, died.
Dr Langford began working at the university in 1993 after gaining his PhD in childhood leukaemia and infection following a first-class honours degree in environmental sciences. He worked most recently as a senior researcher assessing risk to the environment.
Professor Kerry Turner, director of the centre, said: “We are all very shocked by this appalling news. Ian was without doubt one of Europe’s leading experts on environmental risk, specialising in links between human health and environmental risk. He was known for his work on the effects on health of bathing water and air pollution, for example. He was one of the most brilliant colleagues I have ever had.”
A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health
Especially Since 9-11
Michael Davidson
© Copyright 2002, From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com, All rights reserved. May be recopied, distributed for non-profit purposes only; May not be posted on an Internet web site without express written authorization. Contact service@copvcia.com for permission.
[ -- As FTW has begun to investigate serious discussions by legitimate scientists and academics on the possible “necessity” of reducing the world¹s population by more than four billion people, no stranger set of circumstances since 9-11-01 adds credibility to this possibility than the suspicious deaths of what may be as many as 12 world-class microbiologists. Following on the heels of our two-part series on the coming world oil crisis, this story by Michael Davidson, FTW’s new staff writer, and a graduate of the Syracuse University School of Journalism, is one which takes on a unique significance. Special thanks to Jeff Rense, www.rense.com and researcher Ian Gurney for bringing five of these deaths to FTW¹s and the world¹s attention first. – Revised February 15, 2002 – In our original story we incorrectly reported the original date of disappearance of Dr. Don Wiley. That has been corrected in this version of the story. -- MCR]
FTW - February 14, 2002 -- How many microbiologists does it take to change a light bulb?
Whatever you think the answer may be, change that light bulb soon!
Microbiologists are dropping like flies!
In the five-week period from November 16, 2001 through December 23, 2001, five world-class microbiologists in different parts of the world were reported dead. Four undoubtedly died of "unnatural" causes, while the fifth's death is quite questionable.
In the ten weeks prior to December 12, 2001, two additional microbiologists were killed, and possibly another five. The period also saw the deaths of three Israelis holding high-level positions in either medical research or public health.
On November 16, 2001, Dr. Don C. Wiley, 57, vanished, and his abandoned rental car was found on the Hernando de Soto Bridge outside Memphis, TN.
On December 10, 2001, Dr. David Schwartz, 57, was found murdered in his rural home in Loudon County, Virginia.
On December 12, 2001, Dr. Benito Que was found comatose in the street near the laboratory where he worked at the University of Miami Medical School.
On December 14, 2001, Set Van Nguyen was found dead in the airlock entrance to the walk-in refrigerator in the laboratory he worked at in Victoria State, Australia.
And on December 23, 2001, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, 64, was found dead in Wiltshire, England, a village near his home.
Before these deaths, on October 4, 2001, a commercial jetliner traveling from Israel to Novosibirsk, Siberia was shot down over the Black Sea by an "errant" Ukrainian surface-to-air missile, killing all on board. The missile was over 100 miles off-course. Despite early news stories reporting it as a charter, the flight (Air Sibir 1812) was a regularly scheduled flight.
According to several press reports, including a 12/05/01 article by Barry Chamish and one on 1/13/02 by Jim Rarey (both available at www.rense.com), the plane is believed by many in Israel to have had as many as four or five passengers who were microbiologists. Both Israel and Novosibirsk are homes for cutting-edge microbiological research. Novosibirsk is known as the scientific capital of Siberia. There are over 50 research facilities there, and 13 full universities for a population of only 2.5 million people.
At about the time of the Black Sea crash, Israeli journalists had been sounding the alarm that two Israeli microbiologists had been murdered, allegedly by terrorists. On November 24, 2001 a Swissair flight from Berlin to Zurich crashed on its landing approach. 24 of the 33 persons on board were killed, including the head of the Hematology department at Israel's Ichilov Hospital, as well as directors of the Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University School of Medicine. They were the only Israelis on the flight. The names of those killed, as reported in a subsequent Israeli news story but not matched to their job titles, were Avishai Berkman, Amiramp Eldor and Yaacov Matzner.
Besides all being microbiologists, the five scientists who died within five weeks of each other pose severe problems with "official" explanations of their deaths. And four of the five were doing virtually identical research; research that has global political and financial significance.
Dr. Don C. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, was one of the most prominent microbiologists in the world. He had won many of the field's most prestigious awards, including the 1995 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for work that could make anti-viral vaccines a reality. He was heavily involved in research on DNA sequencing, and was last seen at around midnight on November 16, leaving the St. Jude's Children¹s Research Advisory Dinner at The Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN. Associates attending the dinner said he showed no signs of intoxication, and no one has admitted to drinking with him.
His rented Mitsubishi Galant was found about four hours later, abandoned on a bridge across the Mississippi River, headed towards Arkansas. Keys were in the ignition, the gas tank full, but the hazard flashers had not been turned on. Wiley¹s body was found on December 20, snagged on a tree along the Mississippi River in Vidalia, LA, 300 miles south of Memphis. Until his body was found, Dr. Wiley's death was handled as a "missing person" case and police did no forensic examinations.
Early reports about Wiley's disappearance made no mention of paint marks on his car, or a missing hubcap which turned up in subsequent reports. The type of accident needed to knock off the hubcaps (actually a complete wheel
cover) used on recent model Galants would have caused marked damage to the sheet metal on either side of the wheel, and probably the wheel itself. No body or wheel damage to the car has been reported.
Wiley's car was found about a five minute drive from the hotel where he was last seen. There is a four-hour period in his evening that cannot be accounted for. There is also no explanation as to why he would have been headed into Arkansas late at night. Dr. Wiley was staying at his father¹s home in Memphis.
The Hernando de Soto Bridge carries Interstate 40 out of Memphis, across the Mississippi River into Arkansas. It was early Sunday morning (or late Saturday night depending on your point of view) in one of America's premier music and nightclub towns. The traffic on the bridge was reduced to a single lane in each direction. This would have caused all eastbound traffic out of Saturday-night Memphis to slow down and travel in one lane. Anything in the other two closed lanes would have been plainly obvious to every passing person. There are no known witnesses to Dr. Don Wiley stopping his car on the bridge.
On January 14, 2002 (almost two months later) Shelby County Medical Examiner O.C. Smith announced that his department had ruled Dr. Wiley's death to be "accidental"; the result of massive injuries suffered in a fall from the Hernando de Soto Bridge. Smith said there were paint marks on Wiley's rental car similar to the paint used on construction signs on the bridge, and that the car's right front hubcap was missing. There has been no report as to which construction signs Dr. Wiley hit. There is also no explanation as to why this evidence did not move the Memphis police to consider possibilities other than "missing person."
Mr. Smith theorizes that Wiley pulled over to the outermost lane of the bridge (that lane being closed at the time) to inspect the damage to his car. Smith's subsequent explanation for the fall requires several other things to have occurred simultaneously:
· Dr. Wiley had to have had one of the two or three seizures he has per year due to a rare seizure disorder known only to family and close friends, that seizure being brought on by use of alcohol earlier that evening;
· A passing truck creating a huge blast of wind, roadway bounce due to heavy traffic; and,
· Dr. Wiley had to be standing right at the edge of the guard rail which, because of Wiley's 6' 3" height, would have come only to his mid-thigh.
These conditions would have put Wiley¹s center of gravity above the rail, and the seizure would have caused him to lose balance as the truck created the bounce and blast, causing him to fall off the bridge.
Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was a founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology Association, and the Executive Director of Research and Development at Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology. He was extremely well respected in biophysics, and regarded as an authority on DNA sequencing. Co-workers became concerned when he didn't show up at his office, and he was later found dead at home. Loudon County Sheriff's officials said he was "apparently" stabbed. It has been theorized that Dr. Schwartz may have interrupted a burglary in progress. Nothing, however, has indicated that investigators found evidence of unauthorized entry, or anything missing. An adult and two teen-agers have been arrested in the case. The three are said to have a fascination with both swords and Satanism, and the murder may have been part of a ritual. The Loudon County Sheriff Criminal Investigation Division will not release any additional information on the case, which remains open.
Dr. Benito Que was found comatose on a street in Miami, FL. He had left his job at a research laboratory at the University of Miami Medical School, apparently heading for his Ford Explorer parked on NW 10th Ave. The Miami Herald, in its only story on Dr. Que, referred to the death as an "incident", and quoted Miami police as saying his death may have been the result of a mugging. Police made this statement despite saying there was a lack of visible trauma to Dr. Que's body. Among Dr. Que's friends and family there is firm belief that Dr. Que was attacked by four men, at least one of whom had a baseball bat. Dr. Que's death has now been officially ruled "natural", caused by cardiac arrest. Both the Dade County medical examiner and the Miami Police will not comment on the case, saying it is closed. The public relations office at the University of Miami Medical School says only that Dr. Que was a cell biologist, involved in oncology research in the hematology department.
Set Van Nguyen was found dead at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia. He had worked there 15 years. In January, 2001, the magazine Nature published information that two scientists at this facility, using genetic manipulation and DNA sequencing, had created an incredibly virulent form of mousepox, a cousin of smallpox. The researchers were extremely concerned that if similar manipulation could be done to smallpox, a terrifying weapon could be unleashed.
According to Victoria Police, Nguyen died after entering a refrigerated storage facility. "He did not know the room was full of deadly gas which had leaked from a liquid nitrogen cooling system, Unable to breathe, Mr. Nguyen collapsed and died" says the official report.
Nitrogen is not a "deadly" gas, and is a part of the air. An extreme over-abundance of nitrogen in one's immediate atmosphere would gradually cause shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and fatigue; conditions a biologist would certainly recognize. Additionally, a nitrogen leak in a laboratory's refrigerator system sufficient to fill the room with nitrogen would set off gas system alarms, and would be so massive as to cause complete failure of the refrigeration system, causing the temperature to rise, also setting off alarms that every one of these systems is equipped with as a standard safety procedure.
In 1989, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik defected from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Great Britain while on a trip to Paris. He had been the #1 scientist in the FSU's bioweapons program. On November 23, 2001, Pasechnik's death was reported in the New York Times as having occurred two days earlier.
The New York Times obituary indicated that the announcement of Pasechnik's death was made in the United States by Dr. Christopher Davis of Virginia, who stated that the cause of death was a stroke. Dr. Davis was the member of British intelligence who de-briefed Dr. Pasechnik at the time of his defection. Dr. Davis says he left the intelligence service in 1996. When asked why a former member of British intelligence would be the person announcing the death of Dr. Pasechnik to U.S. media, Dr. Davis replied that it had come about during a conversation with a reporter he had had a long relationship with. The reporter Davis named is not the author of the Times' obituary, and Dr. Davis declined to say which branch of British intelligence he served in. No reports of Pasechnik's death appeared in Britain for more than a month until December 29, 2001, when his obituary appeared in the London Telegraph. Doing a Google search on the Web for "Vladimir Pasechnik" brings up, among many, two links to that obituary in the London Telegraph.
Attempts to access either of those links resulted in "Page Not Found".
Vladimir Pasechnik spent the ten years after his defection working at the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research at the UK Department of Health, Salisbury. On February 20, 2000, it was announced that, along with partner Caisey Harlingten, Dr. Pasechnik had formed a company called Regma Biotechnologies Ltd. Regma describes itself as "a new drug company working to provide powerful alternatives to antibiotics." Like three other microbiologists detailed in this article, Pasechnik was heavily involved in DNA sequencing research. During the anthrax panic of this past fall, Pasechnik offered his services to the British government to help in any way possible. Despite Regma having a public relations department that has released many items to the press over the past two years, the company has not announced the death of one of its two founders.
Early October saw reports that British scientists were planning to exhume the bodies of 10 London victims of the 1918 type-A flu epidemic. An October 8, 2001 report in The Independent said that the victims of ³the Spanish Flu² had been victims of ³the world¹s most deadly virus.² British scientists hope to uncover the genetic makeup of the virus, making it easier to combat. Professor John Oxford of London's Queen Mary's School of Medicine, the British government's flu adviser, acknowledges that the exhumations and subsequent studies will have to be done with extreme caution so the virus is not unleashed to cause another epidemic. The uncovering of a pathogen's genetic structure is the exact work Dr. Pasechnik was doing at Regma. Pasechnik died six weeks after the planned exhumations were announced. The need to exhume the bodies assumes no Type-A flu virus sample exists in any lab anywhere in the world.
Almost immediately at the outset of the anthrax scare, the Bush administration contracted with Bayer Pharmaceuticals for millions of doses of Cipro, an antibiotic to treat anthrax. This was done despite many in the medical community stating that there were several cheaper, better alternatives to Cipro, which has never been shown to be effective against inhaled anthrax. The Center for Disease Control's (CDC) own website states a preference for the antibiotic doxycycline over Cipro for inhalation anthrax. CDC expresses concerns that widespread Cipro use could cause other bacteria to become immune to antibiotics.
After three months of conflicting reports it is now official that the anthrax that has killed several Americans since October 5 is from US military sources connected to CIA research. The FBI has stated that only 10 people could have had access, yet at the same time they are reporting astounding security breaches at the biowarfare facility at Ft. Detrick, MD; breaches such as unauthorized nighttime experiments and lab specimens missing.
The militarized anthrax used by the United States was developed by William C. Patrick III, who holds five classified patents on the process. He has worked at both Ft. Detrick, and the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. Patrick is now a private biowarfare consultant to the military and CIA. Patrick developed the process by which anthrax spores could be concentrated at the level of one trillion spores per gram. No other country has been able to get concentrations above 500 billion per gram. The anthrax that was sent around the eastern United States last fall was concentrated at one trillion spores per gram.
In recent years Patrick has worked with Kanatjan Alibekov. Now known by the Americanized "Ken Alibek", he defected to the U.S. in 1992. Before defecting, Alibek was the #2 man in the FSU's biowarfare program.
His boss was Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik.
The DNA sequencing work that the above microbiologists were doing is aimed at developing drugs that will fight pathogens based on the pathogen's genetic profile. The work is also aimed at eventually developing drugs that will work in cooperation with a person's genetic makeup. Theoretically, a drug could be developed for one specific person. That being the case, it's obvious that one could go down the ladder, and a drug could be developed to effectively treat a much broader class of people sharing a genetic marker. The entire process can also be turned around to develop a pathogen that will affect a broad class of people sharing a genetic marker. A broad class of people sharing a genetic marker could be a group such as a race, or people with brown eyes.
About 10 weeks before 9-11, in June, 2001, senior government officials gathered at Andrews Air Force Base for an extremely complex war game called Dark Winter. One Dark Winter scenario had several major media outlets receiving letters demanding the immediate removal of all U.S. military forces from Saudi Arabia and the waters of the Persian Gulf. The demand is backed by the threat of biological attacks using anthrax, smallpox and plague. Another part of the Dark Winter exercise involved a terrorist smallpox release in Oklahoma City infecting 300,000 people, killing a third in about three weeks. Analysis of the exercise concluded that dealing with the epidemic was impossible due to an inadequate vaccine supply.
In 1998, the BioPort Corporation was founded for the express purpose of buying the Michigan Biologic Products Institute from the State of Michigan. MBPI was the only firm in the U.S. making Anthrax vaccine, and their sole client was the U.S. government. Until recently, BioPort has not been able to deliver any vaccine due to continuous problems with the FDA in areas such as sterility, contamination, as well as improper procedures and record keeping.
BioPort now has on its Board of Directors Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. In October 1985 Crowe was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He retired from that position in 1989 and was appointed US Ambassador to Britain. Admiral Crowe, a long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was given ownership of 22.5% of BioPort's stock without investing any money. Crowe's role at the company was to facilitate cooperation and good relations with government agencies and to secure military contracts from the Department of Defense.
After four years of constant factory violations that prevented the vaccine from being shipped, on December 13, 2001 the FDA began re-inspecting the BioPort anthrax facility in Lansing, MI. On January 14, 2002 The FDA issued a full approval of the facility, and on January 31 BioPort got final approval to distribute their anthrax vaccine.
BioPort's anthrax vaccine is quite controversial, with a great deal of debate about both its safety and efficacy.
An October 17, 2001 story in USA Today reported that the US government wanted to order 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine. Apparently, that wish has been granted. On November 28, 2001 a British vaccine maker, Acambis, announced that it had received a $428 million contract to provide 155 million doses of smallpox vaccine to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This was Acambis' second contract. The company is already in the process of producing 54 million doses. The U.S. government has 15.4 million doses stockpiled, and HHS plans to dilute them five to one. The two contracts and the dilution program will bring the total HHS stockpile to 286 million doses.
Smallpox was officially declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1977, after treating the last known case in Merca, Somalia.
According to Steven Black, a director of the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center, vaccinating the entire U.S. population for smallpox will probably result in 600 to 1,000 deaths, and several thousand cases of encephalitis. Chief of the infectious disease department at Thomas Jefferson University Medical School, Roger Pomerantz, warns about the complete lack of knowledge about the reaction to the vaccine of people under the age of two or over 65. He also expressed great concern about the reaction of persons with weakened immune systems, such as those with transplants, people undergoing chemotherapy, and those with HIV/AIDS.
there's much much more!
If you're not already sick to death and want read the whole story of why, should you choose Microbiology, Virology or Bacteriology as a career, in any country on this planet, and then go on to excel in your chosen profession, and why you will need a 'real' insurance policy in the event of your unfortunate accidental demise, read on, if you dare. In addition, you might want to make sure your brother or sister (or a relative) is either in law enforcement (or a Mafia Boss!) to silently 'go after' (in retrospect) your 'unidentified' assassins: - should you fatally slip on a banana - or slippery bacteria or viruses or be bitten by plague-infected fleas - when getting out of or into bed.
If you really really have the stamina for it and want to disinter all 52/58 pages (depending on your medium of access) of data of this very detailed research by Michael Davidson (where even your mainstream media is too frightened at what it will find if it's research 'connects 'all the dots' or 'dots the I's and crosses the T's' correctly)