The original blog at this address was replaced on 17th October 2018 to preserve the front page until November 5th.
This original blog can be found below the new one:
original blog:
the very heavily edited version
''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family
David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential Trump strong room safe.
This blog speculates in images as to the types of Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.
This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and broad range of interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:
Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York. (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)


This original blog can be found below the new one:
Want To Tell You Another Bedtime Story
In Time
August 2003, while on holidays, I was contacted and requested to
visit a nearby war zone I was familiar with.
99% of journalists I have never been an 'embedded' Western
journalist, do not have links with Zionist elements within the
mainstream media (believe me, there are many) nor has my research
work ever been promoted to a dumbed-down audience for propaganda
felt that there was a distinct possibility that I would be killed
during this assignment and I had not made out a will.
had very little time (and none for sentiment) to work out what to do.
was staying at a well-known international hotel and requested a
meeting with the (then) General Manager.
was the then General Manager of The *** *******
explained to him, in brief, that I would request that he and another
member of staff witness my last will and testament. I also explained
to him what I do and where I was going. He was very happy to assist
and called in to his office ELSY, the Director Of Human Resources
at that time, to witness the documents.
On Overtime''
assignment was successful and whilst there I completed a radio
interview for a local network about the local crisis and then
returned home.
Of Sight Out Of Mind''
out of stress I quickly forgot the dangers as soon as I got back
a month later I received a bulky envelope from the ****** Hotel.
Hotel logo was on the outside.
remembered what was likely to be contained within.
it was very busy time in my life, I tossed it aside – with the
intention to open it later.
were many personal issues I was trying to negotiate – including
bereavements – and was finding it difficult to cope with everything
happening so quickly around me.
cut a long story short, the unsealed envelope disappeared under tons
of correspondence and junk mail to be lost in a sea of paper until I
did 'house cleaning' this past summer.
My Car?''
the years between 2003 and last summer I had occasionally thought of
where this unopened letter might be. Perhaps I threw it away? It
didn't seem to be anywhere and I had not come across it again.
reason was because I had promised a friend my car – should anything
ever happen to me – in my Will.
assured this person that I had indeed left my car in my last will and
testament of 2003. I think he/she half-believed me.
I found the unopened envelope with the hotel's insignia on the
outside I immediately phoned this person.
sheer coincidence and almost at that very same time he/she too had
been doing, unknown to myself, long-delayed ''parallel'' house
cleaning this very same Summer and came across something of equal
'historical' note involving a matter of significance - with my name
on it (!)
one of the documents would prove that I did indeed leave my car to
the person in question, I invited him/her over last Sunday to do the
honor of opening the envelope I had long protested existed – and
which was not a figment of my imagination (which, indeed, even I
myself was beginning to believe might be the case after such a long
period of absence.)
over a few drinks and a meal I invited that person to open the 2003
lost envelope from ****** Hotel .
invited him/her to read all of the enclosed documents.
of them was indeed addressed to that person – signed dated and
witnessed – where I bequeathed my car - as promised.
at this point you may well ask what is the purpose and link with ''I
Want To Tell You Another Bedtime Story Jamal Khashoggi'':
of all journalists lead very boring lives (in my opinion.)
are paid ridiculous amounts of money for lying to the general
populace. I am at a loss to know how they live with themselves (but
they all seem to do so quite comfortably.)
other goal in life is to 'win a prize', get a 'pat on the head' [for
hoodwinking the general populace all of their professional lives] –
and so that they can be held up as that ''shining beacon on the
Hill'' of what journalism should be and what the next generation
should aspire towards – maybe even get a film made about their life
(even posthumously - if serving as an embedded journalist in a war
zone when killed in action.)
Of the Sun''
of my favorite films is 'Tears Of The Sun'. The film is a fictitious account about the
effort of a small team of military professionals to extract
internally displaced refugees likely to be butchered - into little
pieces in an African country where a civil war is in progress - if nobody cared.
It can be evaluated that the 'fictitious' country is, in fact, Nigeria, where a bloody civil tribal war did in fact take place during the 1960s and horrific massacres along similar lines did, in fact, take place.
It can be evaluated that the 'fictitious' country is, in fact, Nigeria, where a bloody civil tribal war did in fact take place during the 1960s and horrific massacres along similar lines did, in fact, take place.
Because the film does depict the reality and uncertainties of existence in war
zones (and reflects something of what I myself have seen) where
life is very cheap and where life and death decisions are often in
the hands of individual combatants and officers who have to decide
whether or not to use their own initiative – and live with the
consequences of their actions (or non-action) and the subsequent nightmares of these
decisions for a very long time afterwards.
(probably) happened to Jamal Khashoggi was evil, heinous and
undoubtedly premeditated.
savagery and tribal thinking involved is, in my opinion, exactly as depicted in the above film.
This 'execution' of an unarmed journalist, in this case Jamal Khashoggi, is, again in my own view, not about Arab or Jew or Turk or Iranian.
is about what all of us really really are – and I will explain what I mean
by this a little later on.
the Boundary Of Life and Death
Do Look Very Different Here!)
points I wanted to get across in my previous blog is that you know
what the risks are when dealing with insurgents (Al Qaeda) or
intelligence agencies for that matter.
insurgents will often trust you on the understanding that you will
keep certain promises or that you can get certain things done.
you are honest, you will tell them there and then if the demands they
are making are unrealistic and non-starters. If they then decide
that you are no longer of use and execute you, you have only yourself
to blame.
in heavens name did you ever choose to get yourself into such a crazy
and ridiculous predicament?; I have often mused. Why didn't you just
lie to the insurgents? They only ''kept you alive'' thinking you
would be useful to them. Why in heavens name didn't you do what 99%
of journalists do – stay at home, lie to the dumbed-down general
populace as everyone does, and keep your nose clean? )
look at you? You're dead. And why? All because of hubris or
Hubris (Turkey and Saudi Arabia)
of the most repressive regimes of journalistic free speech in the
Muslim world – and both vying for control of 1.7 billion Muslims
worldwide. Jamal Khashoggi was caught between them both.
made his choice.
Western governments support for the murderous ISIS-affiliated
insurgents in Syria [until, ironically, Trump said (paraphrase)''no
more of this duplicitous crap, we're getting out of Syria'', much to
the dismay, shock and anger of Western Europe and NATO – which had
invested so much time and resources – not to mention those armed
forces personnel who died for absolutely nothing – in the demise of
President al-Assad - and the fact that Jamal Khashoggi was
'sympathetic' to the Muslim Brotherhood who, by association, are
'sympathetic' to ISIS and ISIS-affiliated groups across the Middle
East and the Caucasus'; he knew only too well the dangers he was
can call it foolhardy, you can call it naive, but you cannot deny it
required someone unique and someone with exceptional courage and skills.
With The Devil''
previous blog about Jamal Khashoggi was written immediately after I
was given an account totally contrary to what the mainstream media
was dishing up to the general populace. It was written with some
sarcasm, derision and bitterness not aimed at Jamal Khashoggi but at
the hypocrisy of the lies being fed by 100% of the media to a dumbed
down audience.
Jamal Khashoggi was intimately involved with Turkish intelligence.
Jamal Khashoggi did want to overthrow the House of Saud.... and
replace it with...?..different tyrants no doubt: ''meet the new boss
same as the old boss.''
am not at all surprised nor shocked at what happened to him at the
hands of a Saudi-style ''Hit Mob.''
Principles Of International Diplomacy
am concerned with the bigger picture – that of embassies worldwide
being places of sanctuary and protection - and the fact that the
those who ordered Jamal Khashoggi to be 'clinically' executed and
'disposed of' have no conception of the profound consequences of
using a Consulate or Embassy to carry out such butchery.
could have, at the very least, planned something more 'elaborate'.
You need to appreciate, however, that you are dealing with a culture
whose mentality, fundamentally, has hardly changed since the time of
the Prophet. Saudi Arabia has little support amongst either the
Turkish nor Western-orientated populace and the only place it felt
confident to carry out this pre-meditated execution was within the
confines of their Consulate or Embassy. The mentality, in my
opinion, precludes a look at any wider implications beyond the very
narrow objectives of the execution of this dissident.
you appreciate it in this context it begins to make more sense – as
horrific and heinous as the 'execution' was. That was why I
drew, for comparison, on 'Mob' executions in the United States as the
nearest examples to what I had heard, had happened to this
unfortunate and unlucky individual.]
With Dirty Faces''
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, The West, The Washington Post nor mainstream
media have ''clean hands''.
were (and still are) ''pushing''; the same false agenda (''fake
news'') on a dumbed-down populace and painting Jamal Khashoggi as a
totally innocent party whilst hiding the real questions:
''grassed him out'' (his relations with Turkish Armed forces and
Turkish Intelligence Services) to Saudi intelligence? Why was he
''set-up'' at this particular time – just before a very important
commercial conference in Saudi Arabia.
it may well have been ''serendipity'' [to his executioners] that his
follow-up visit to the Consulate-Embassy coincided with this
international conference.
are any of your mainstream media linking these events in this manner?
The answer is, of course, that none of them are.
for 'primitive thinking' individuals it is nonsensical to believe
that no appreciation of the significance of this event [the execution
of Mr Jamal Khashoggi] and it's possible effects on this planned
major world financial gathering in the Kingdom – specifically to
plot the future of Saudi Arabia into the next century - could neither
be evaluated nor assessed before a decision was taken to ''dispatch''
an ''execution squad'' to Istanbul. from Saudi Arabia.
Goes Around............''
your mainstream media is hiding the real questions it should be
asking – and you should be thinking about - in favor of the
portrayal of this horrific episode – the execution of a Saudi
dissident with close links to ISIS -affiliated Islamist groups – as
''horrific'' and ''outrageous'' knowing, as they all do, for example,
the slaughter and suffering of the innocents taking place, with
Western weapons and logistical support, in Yemen, this very day.
Devil's Lot''
should the Saudis not think that if the West is happy to give weapons
to kill civilians wholesale, a penny a dozen, in Yemen, that it will
shed anything other than ''crocodile tears'' for the fate of one
Saudi dissident plotting with unnamed governments to overthrow the
House of Saud?
Saudi Arabia is only doing ''publicly'' [execution and dismemberment]
the West is doing ''privately'' [covert supply of weapons to Saudi
Arabia – to pulverize and bomb into the Stone Age one of the most
impoverished countries on this planet - Yemen] with rebel Yemeni
forces being covertly supported by The Russian Federation and Iran
with the long-term objective to ultimately bring down the House of
Saud as a Western ally.
there, I hope you now have a more 'holistic' picture of the scenario.
you can sleep soundly?
Emek, October 2018
original blog:
the very heavily edited version
''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family
David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential Trump strong room safe.
This blog speculates in images as to the types of Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.
This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and broad range of interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:
Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York. (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)
Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments
Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments
Photo of unknown individual found in the National Enquirers' Trump safe
Believed by National Enquirer to be animation co-conspirators. Do you know who these animation characters are? They are wanted for questioning.
One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Above: Tweet at 00.26 EDT:
'' Definitely a 10 folks!'' (''NOT LIKE THAT CROOKED HILLARY!'')
What else happened in that Moscow Hotel Room?

Above:Top Secret:The exact geographic location of Area 51