Monday 29 April 2019

As Donald Trump 'Exhorts' His Staff To 'Defy' Congress Subpoenas, What Will Happen Next?

Yesterday (Sunday morning) I watched an interview with a University of Essex (United Kingdom) Professor on CNN where the dynamics of U.S. politics does not appear to have been entirely grasped nor the fundamentals of the dynamics of Congress and what the likely scenario to play out will, more likely than not, be.
For a number of years I was on the editorial board of a Transatlantic Review (based at The University Of Essex) which explained both U.S and U.K. political dynamics through the eyes of the decision makers (see below.)
It is not out of disrespect but more to give an alternative perspective that I  am adding what I think is likely to happen this week and beyond:
Those former White House Staff who have been served with subpoenas and are anxious to clear their names (smeared by Donald Trump in his misleading and false statements) will appear before the Committee (and any sub-Committees requested) to give their evidence and ensure that they have future careers (and working lives!) in their respective professions - free of the criminal charge or, at the very least, free of the inference that, in the year of Our Lord 2019, they had obstructed or had been in contempt of  The Congress Of The United States Of America.
Donald Trump can, if he so wishes, personally stand outside the Committee Room entrance door and summarily ''dissuade'' (using physical force) or execute (with a shot to the head or other part of the body - a procedure very common in North Korea or, indeed, where a Mafia Godfather has been grievously ''disrespected'' - with contempt) each former member of his White House Staff as they pass through on  their way to be received by Congressman Chairman Nadler.    This is his executive privilege.
Those who want to defy a Congress subpoena - on the urging of Donald Trump - which instruction to defy Congress he will of course deny he ever gave in writing saying at some future time, that he was merely expressing his personal opinion and that they (White House Staff) all acted on their own initiative - to defy Congressional subpoenas - without his implicit nor explicit ordering; all those who believe in Trump's supremacy over the provisions of the U.S. Constitution will not appear before Congress.

So brothers and sisters, folks, this is how, in my opinion, the above circus is likely to play out.

[My own view is that history will not look kindly on those current nor former White House Staff who 'stick' their finger(s) up at The Congress Of The United States of America.]

Patrick Emek, April 29, 2019

I was asked if there are any other scenarios to Trump executing former White House Staff outside the door of the Congressional hearing Committee Room.  
There is, as I understand it, just one.  
The White House Legal Counsel could issue an injunction - and hand it (or throw it at!) the subpoenaed attendee outside the Committee Room.  [ I am not joking here (!); as jocular as it might seem (!) ]
However, to enforce an injunction against a Congressional subpoena, could, again as I understand it, in itself, be regarded as a contempt of Congress as Presidential privilege does not supersede (or is not superior to) a Congressional subpoena unless quite clearly covered by presidential executive privilege. 

House Oversight Dem threatens jail for Trump officials who don't comply with subpoenas   by  ARIS FOLLEY - :

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