Wednesday 24 April 2019

The Special Counsel's Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election:
(Parts I and II)

The attached are the 'unpolished' - but likewise redacted - early DoJ release Of Special Counsel
Robert Mueller's Investigation.
It is unknown by this website what the unredacted version contains.
It is speculated that it may, at least, contain some further insight into Robert Mercer's role as a courier and money launderer for Vladimir Putin and how this interacted with Cambridge Analytica in the context of espionage organized by Russia's GRU through intermediaries.
This may be the most important single investigation ever carried out which details the extent of Russia's penetration of both U.S. politicians and powerful financial entities in order to undermine the United States both domestically and internationally.   (In my opinion, it's ''payback'' for 'losing' the 'Cold War.')
There is one aspect which 'leaps' out at me - and is nowhere within the scope of the Special Counsel's brief:  Trump has surrounded himself with a 'cabal' of individuals whose only 'vision' is Mammon.
As with his son-in-law, they believe that Mammon is the answer to every problem:- simply put enough money on the table and everyone will forsake their ideals and values.   (Perhaps they are right and I am wrong.)  But here's my take:  Such individuals will sell out not only the United States, but the primacy of the Dollar itself -  to any hostile power - if the price (in power and influence) is right - and Mr Putin is acutely aware of this.
This aspect 'leaps' at me when I look at the international (global) extent and reach of these Trump- supporter-billionaires - and almost all of The President's Cabinet are a part of this 'cabal'.
All of such matters were way way beyond the Pale - far beyond the brief of Special Counsel Mueller.
I would ask you to keep them in mind when you cross-reference Parts I and II of The Special Counsel's Investigation with known information about this 'cabal' surrounding President Donald J. Trump.   (You can find most of such individuals discussed in blogs at this website - so you don't have to 'travel' nor 'troll' all over the internet to find out who they all are.)
That's my (unusual)  'Takeaway' from the Mueller Report.    

Now read the unpolished (but redacted) Special Counsel's Investigation, Parts I and II, by clicking on the links below.

Patrick Emek, April 2019