Monday 10 February 2020

Iran's Space and Missile Program:
''The spokesman for the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) says the country has launched its domestically-made Zafar (Triumph) satellite using a Simorgh (Phoenix) satellite carrier, but the missile fell short of reaching the designated orbit.'' Fars News Agency, quoting the Public Relations Department of Iran's Defense Ministry on Sunday, Ahmad Hosseini as saying,
''A second identical satellite will be launched as soon as data from the failed satellite has been analyzed.''
A further joint Russian-Iranian satellite launch will take place later in this year from Baikonur [Kazakhstan.]
[No details are available about this intended joint launch but it is speculated that it will 'enhance' both countries 'cooperative defense capabilities.'  PE]  
As with the U.S. Space (and North Korean) missile programs, these technical issues for indigenously produced rocket-thrust motor and fuel injection-mixing technologies were overcome through trial and error.  

[The short video above gives an appreciation of the technical issues the Iranian Program earlier had - all of which are not dissimilar to the early days U.S. and U.S.S.R. missile test program failures.]  

©Patrick Emek, February 2020

For further reading about the background and history to Iran's Missile and Space Program: