Tuesday 11 February 2020

How Donald Trump, Single-Handedly, Saved Iran's Islamic Revolution
[How Donald Trump Saved The Islamic Republic Of  Iran's  Theocracy From Being Overthrown and Gave It A Renewed Sense Of Purpose and Direction]

The assassination of General Soleimani came at a unique time in the history of Iran and Iraq.
The Iraqi people were fearful for the political future of their country with some extremist Shia groups conducting reigns of terror against their Sunni counterparts to enforce political compliance.
Indiscriminate arrests, imprisonments, and the indiscriminate assassination of journalists and protesters opposed to Iran's involvement in Iraq's political landscape were all in full swing.  The assassination of General Soleimani was like a gift from Allah to an Iranian-backed establishment desperately clinging to power. It did two things Soleimani had attempted but failed to achieve up to the time of his assassination: The first thing was that it united the majority of Iraqis and Iranians against the United States. Secondly it gave the Iranian regime, in a state of disarray and internal factional divisions caused by internal popular unrest, discontent at runaway prices,oppressive taxation affecting the poor and middle-class and decades of economic stagnation, a remarkable opportunity to reinvent itself through a nationwide propaganda campaign centred on the Revolution's new martyr, General Soleimani.
Because mainstream western media is controlled by big business, which has little time for (and is highly scornful of) insightful analysis (as is President Donald Trump in the United States) this rebirth of the Iranian revolution has gone largely unnoticed in mainstream Western media.
There is however another reason. Many publication moguls are frightened of voicing anything which in any way might contradict the new 'Nero', the new 'Caligula' of the superpower world and what he wants to see evocated. All which displease him are met with swift retribution.
The mainstream media has, in the main, with a few exceptions, succumbed in subservience to power instead of speaking truth to it. This is exemplified in all branches of analysis which should be giving critical assessments rather than what the President wants to hear – to satisfy his personal egotistical and demagoguery ideals.
This assassination has reinvigorated the Iranian Revolution, now in it's 41st year, in a way little else could – and has given it respite from itself being removed through a popular revolt.
(Don't expect to hear this opinion coming from the career-frightened and fearful halls of the Pentagon nor Capitol Hill. Everyone intelligent, wise enough, or of significance are either preparing to resign, have moved on or have already been fired by the President. What are replacing them are ideologues and fanatics - the real 'deep state' which will continue a regime of fear and terror long beyond the reign of Trump.  To leave America broken, hateful, fearful and divided – that is the main objective of the Trump Presidency.)

All tyrants and demagogues will always, eventually, part company. The 'understanding' between North Korea Kim and Donald, between Duterte in the Philippines and Donald, Donald and Xi, not to forget Egypt's new Pharaoh, al Sisi and, the sole one yet remaining, between Donald and Vladimir.
Syria: 'Deja Vu'
You know, it is strange, but I have come across this path before – in Syria.
I recall in 2008 or 2009 my friend Thomas from Germany traversed Syria a few years before the Civil War. His accounts about liberalization of the economy, politics, local environments, friendly communities, were so profound, that I was certain that the whole region was on the verge of a major political change – for the better.
How wrong we were. We failed to appreciate that there were forces at work which did not want a 'liberalized' 'democratic' 'representative' 'secular' Syria – but were actively conspiring to revert it as a feudal theocratic tyranny simply to suit higher economic and political agendas.  We especially failed to fully appreciate the political and economic demographics and the wealth from the Caspian Sea which would be flowing through Syria and Turkey on their way to Europe and, even more important,who (which superpower) was going to control these new Silk Road 'gateways' to Europe, as client states of the East or the West or even of China.

The unanimous support (until fairly recently) of Christian politicians across Europe and the United States for ISIS and ISIS-linked groups, the tearing up of all war crimes protocols introduced since the Nuremberg Trials, the silence of the International Criminal Court to War Crimes in it's own backyard – in Syria and Iraq and political support in favor of such barbarities committed by Salafist and Wahabbi extremists (Takfiris) instead of a secular leader in Syria (Assad) - even if he was a bad unifier - and another tyrant - were all rude awakenings to the fact that we had got it terribly terribly wrong.
We really didn't understand the world of big politics.  But I am sure that we were not the only ones.
I am sure the people of Syria never imagined the sophisticated democratic Christian West, The European Union and The United States – would support such butchery and mayhem as the Caliphate has inflicted on the Syrian people - Christians, Muslims, Kurds and other minority ethnic groups - since the start of the Syrian Civil War.
And after all this butchery, President Trump now says America (The U.S.) will be more selective, that it no longer supports general democracy nor human rights worldwide but is more interested in which like-minded demagogues can be temporarily co-opted into the new 'America First' vision.

So below the references to this blog you will find in illustrated form, what saved a dying Iranian regime from total collapse at most, radical reform at the very least, and what is motivating the radicalization of a new generation of Iranians (many born after the Revolution – of which Iran and Iranians have just celebrated the 41st Anniversary) and some Iraqis in unity against the interests of the United States – and all of which has been brought about by the decision of President Donald Trump to assassinate one individual and change the course of Iranian history – by saving a dying Islamic Shia regime now arising as a phoenix with renewed revolutionary vigour and motivation.

©Patrick Emek, February 2020

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