Saturday 15 February 2020

Takfiri Salafism:Alive and Well - and Living In Cyberspace - (as I predicted to all the sceptics many years ago)

''.................By The Company They Keep''

Nasheeds Deemed Permissible By Takfiri Salafists To Listen To

(Wish You Were Here?)

Yesterday I received an anonymous 'Top 6' Nasheed Motivational Music List
(You will thus know where you are (knowingly or unwittingly) if you come across any of these Nasheeds being broadcast.)

(If you want some historical information about Nasheeds and their motivational (Islamic revolutionary) influences please search this blog site under the word 'Nasheeds'.)

Patrick Emek, February 2020

No 6:
No. 5

No. 4


No. 2

No. 1