
Monday 16 January 2017

MH-17 Unanswered Questions
I was asked over the holidays as to what I thought happened to flight MH-17 or had my views changed with regard to who was responsible for this mass murder.
My views have not changed - the Reports by both sides are so far apart that, depending on whether you support Russia (The Russian Union of Engineers) or the Dutch Safety Board, you are likely to have a biased opinion.
But for the families of the victims, who just want someone to tell them the truth, the agony continues.
I want to recap for the reader what has been happening in the meanwhile - and draw what were disconnected threads together in the process.
I watched both sides presentation of the 'facts' and was very disappointed with Moscow's team of experts - The Russian Union of Engineers.
I found their presentation too technical, too bureaucratic, almost lacking that 'common sense' approach to enable all but the most highly scientifically-minded to understand.
This was not a conference with the victims in mind but more a scripted presentation of data.
It was almost as if the technical professionals lacked all human feelings and understanding that they were dealing with what had been real people, their relatives and friends, whose lives had been cut short and shattered by this tragedy.
But there may have been another reason. It was almost as if the presenters of Russia's version were too frightened to speak their minds* and it appeared so highly scripted to the point of being so highly technical that (I suspect) the 'audience' (local and international reporters) were likewise afraid to ask any 'embarrassing' or 'awkward' questions which might vary from the official line the experts had been instructed (or so it appeared) to take or might show a lack of understanding of what were scientific assessments which demanded challenge at each conclusive statement.   Nobody asked any awkward questions other than accept 'the official line'.
So many issues were distorted.  Olga Ivshina's BBC reportage was not just rubbished but was ordered to be removed from the BBC website because it was considered to be too 'pro-Moscow' when what she appeared to be trying to do was to establish the facts and separate fact from fiction.
I stood by her approach then as I do now. 
Trying to establish the facts is the most challenging thing in today's world  where most people  (especially governments - and often their leaders) do not want you to find out the truth - even (especially) if it is a 'public interest' matter or issue.
Many years ago (about 10) I met at a gathering a senior diplomat from Malaysia who was delighted to tell me that his daughter had graduated as a journalist (or was studying journalism - I cannot quite fully recall.)    I did not want to disappoint and tell him by saying that she had chosen one of the most hated and dangerous professions in many parts of the world today - especially if you are attempting to 'speak truth to power' .   [Unless of course you are traveling as an 'embedded' journalist - so you are protected but obligated to self-censor your protectors deeds as and where the needs arise.]
To do your job properly you will always displease someone - and it's a thankless job - even in 'open' societies.
So Olga paid a price for trying to be objective - her report was removed from the official BBC website - as if it had never existed.    I said at the time that this would profoundly affect the credibility of the BBC  - and I stand by that statement to this day.
The BBC (or any other network for that matter)  cannot give a reporter or researcher 'carte blanche', request and agree for him her or them to  go seek the truth, and, when they bring back unpalatable answers, say that they are biased.   Sadly this happens all to often today - and professional careers in Christendom are (more often than not) cut short as media networks find grounds to dismiss 'troublesome' (honest) reporting staff in favor of those more prepared to present 'fake' news.
[I have mentioned both Infowars and Jesse Ventura in the past.  While I do take issue with how some 'facts' are sometimes presented - no worse than I do with mainstream media - nonetheless they have both been marginalized because mainstream media in the U.S. and Western Europe has become far too docile and deferential to corporate interests  to the extent they no longer provide intelligent (independent thinking) people with alternative (and often controversial) viewpoints. 
The traditional major mainstream media networks ratings (especially those involved with the provision of news - with a few exceptions) are, for the most part, in serious decline.  They blame it on the likes of bloggers (!) and other internet websites which provide alternative versions of 'news' - rather than looking to their own failings in providing honest challenging reportage instead of  the daily mirage - with the deliberate intent of 'dumbing down' the populace as a whole - and in the process avoiding anything remotely 'politically inconvenient' or not 'politically correct'.]
The fate of MH-17 to this day has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the victims relatives.
Yes the issue has disappeared from the media because the 'funeral rites' have been performed - statements have been made, reports produced,  contested, and nobody has been brought to account for this terrible crime.
It appears that the immediate investigation is closed but no investigative researcher, no journalist who really believes in what he or she is doing, should just give up on trying to bring justice to those whose lives were so cruelly shattered when their relatives and friends were murdered by person(s) unknown on that fateful day.
(Remember next time it could be your relatives and if it was, you and your family would want justice, to hold someone accountable, with the truth.)

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

I include all my blogs below directly related to this issue.
There are other separate references for Malaysia MH-370.
I have included these references below in case you are looking at both


Sunday 15 January 2017

MH-17 Unanswered Questions
I was asked over the holidays as to what I thought happened to flight MH-17 or had my views changed with regard to who was responsible for this mass murder.
My views have not changed - the Reports by both sides are so far apart that, depending on whether you support Russia (The Russian Union of Engineers) or the Dutch Safety Board, you are likely to have a biased opinion.
But for the families of the victims, who just want someone to tell them the truth, the agony continues.
I want to recap for the reader what has been happening in the meanwhile - and draw what were disconnected threads together in the process.
I watched both sides presentation of the 'facts' and was very disappointed with Moscow's team of experts - The Russian Union of Engineers.
I found their presentation too technical, too bureaucratic, almost lacking that 'common sense' approach to enable all but the most highly scientifically-minded to understand.
This was not a conference with the victims in mind but more a scripted presentation of data.
It was almost as if the technical professionals lacked all human feelings and understanding that they were dealing with what had been real people, their relatives and friends, whose lives had been cut short and shattered by this tragedy.
But there may have been another reason. It was almost as if the presenters of Russia's version were too frightened to speak their minds* and it appeared so highly scripted to the point of being so highly technical that (I suspect) the 'audience' (local and international reporters) were likewise afraid to ask any 'embarrassing' or 'awkward' questions which might vary from the official line the experts had been instructed (or so it appeared) to take or might show a lack of understanding of what were scientific assessments which demanded challenge at each conclusive statement.   Nobody asked any awkward questions other than accept 'the official line'.
So many issues were distorted.  Olga Ivshina's BBC reportage was not just rubbished but was ordered to be removed from the BBC website because it was considered to be too 'pro-Moscow' when what she appeared to be trying to do was to establish the facts and separate fact from fiction.
I stood by her approach then as I do now. 
Trying to establish the facts is the most challenging thing in today's world  where most people  (especially governments - and often their leaders) do not want you to find out the truth - even (especially) if it is a 'public interest' matter or issue.
Many years ago (about 10) I met at a gathering a senior diplomat from Malaysia who was delighted to tell me that his daughter had graduated as a journalist (or was studying journalism - I cannot quite fully recall.)    I did not want to disappoint and tell him by saying that she had chosen one of the most hated and dangerous professions in many parts of the world today - especially if you are attempting to 'speak truth to power' .   [Unless of course you are traveling as an 'embedded' journalist - so you are protected but obligated to self-censor your protectors deeds as and where the needs arise.]
To do your job properly you will always displease someone - and it's a thankless job - even in 'open' societies.
So Olga paid a price for trying to be objective - her report was removed from the official BBC website - as if it had never existed.    I said at the time that this would profoundly affect the credibility of the BBC  - and I stand by that statement to this day.
The BBC (or any other network for that matter)  cannot give a reporter or researcher 'carte blanche', request and agree for him her or them to  go seek the truth, and, when they bring back unpalatable answers, say that they are biased.   Sadly this happens all to often today - and professional careers in Christendom are (more often than not) cut short as media networks find grounds to dismiss 'troublesome' (honest) reporting staff in favor of those more prepared to present 'fake' news.
[I have mentioned both Infowars and Jesse Ventura in the past.  While I do take issue with how some 'facts' are sometimes presented - no worse than I do with mainstream media - nonetheless they have both been marginalized because mainstream media in the U.S. and Western Europe has become far too docile and deferential to corporate interests  to the extent they no longer provide intelligent (independent thinking) people with alternative (and often controversial) viewpoints. 
The traditional major mainstream media networks ratings (especially those involved with the provision of news - with a few exceptions) are, for the most part, in serious decline.  They blame it on the likes of bloggers (!) and other internet websites which provide alternative versions of 'news' - rather than looking to their own failings in providing honest challenging reportage instead of  the daily mirage - with the deliberate intent of 'dumbing down' the populace as a whole - and in the process avoiding anything remotely 'politically inconvenient' or not 'politically correct'.]
The fate of MH-17 to this day has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the victims relatives.
Yes the issue has disappeared from the media because the 'funeral rites' have been performed - statements have been made, reports produced,  contested, and nobody has been brought to account for this terrible crime.
It appears that the immediate investigation is closed but no investigative researcher, no journalist who really believes in what he or she is doing, should just give up on trying to bring justice to those whose lives were so cruelly shattered when their relatives and friends were murdered by person(s) unknown on that fateful day.
(Remember next time it could be your relatives and if it was, you and your family would want justice, to hold someone accountable, with the truth.)

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

I include all my blogs below directly related to this issue.
There are other separate references for Malaysia MH-370.
I have included these references below in case you are looking at both


Wednesday 11 January 2017

Has Russia Finally Won The Cold War?
America's New Global Partners and 'Assets'
In a remarkable turn of events never seen in recent U.S. history, yesterday President-elect Donald Trump called the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin as 'asset' whilst at the same time rubbishing the U.S. intelligence community at home and abroad.
Has President-elect Trump decided to dispense with his own home-grown 'assets' in favor of the GRU and the FSB?   It certainly appears to be the case.  And all but fools could not see this in his statements.
I have said previously that his words and actions are treason - yet he will be confirmed as President of the United States in less than 10 days.
What happens when he orders his Senior Staff to share intelligence with the Kremlin - in direct violation of U.S. laws?
Will Congress actually wait until the protective umbrellas which safeguard democracy worldwide together with the economic institutions and global entities which are the pillars of the post-Second World War western world and the global community, the heart of its financial  and social stability and fabric, are so demoralized and undermined, that they just either 'surrender' to Moscow or just turn away from the United States and its core values?
Will Congress wait until this very last moment before stepping in to impeach the President?
There are many 'assets' in the Trump transition team who could be indicted as 'foreign agents' if not spies for Moscow - at this present moment  (if the definition of spying includes informal contacts with President Putin to reassure him that everything will be 'OK' after Obama leaves Office - just 'hang on' a little longer) - and before they assume responsibilities for the security of America and global nuclear security in less than 10 days time.
Mutual Trust and Collective Security
Allies of the United States  worldwide are, no doubt, in the light of Mr Trump's 'Tweets' and statements, assessing whether having the U.S. as an ally holds any value when the country is about to elect a President who will sell them all for slightly more than thirty pieces of silver, to Moscow, and in chains?
Why should they all not, now,  'cut a deal', cut their own deals, now, with Moscow, independently, before they are  presented by Moscows' man in the White House, as a 'fait accompli' a 'done deal', sold like slaves in the market place to the highest bidder - Vladimir Putin?
Night Of The Long Knives
In less than 10 days President Trump's 'team' will control all branches of  the government of The United States.
I told you before the election that Trump will, if elected,  as with the Fuhrer, purge every department of 'disloyal' Staff.
Will Congress actually wait until after Trump does this before impeaching him on one of many grounds - which exist at this very moment?
The answer is that they probably will wait until after he has 'purged' Federal government before acting.   [He will, in effect, be doing illegally what they have no legal authority to undertake.]
There is a unintended consequence of all this:
America is left with a fascist dictatorship - and all but those who do not want to see will know this to be fact.
In all honesty, how safe do you feel with President Trump having the nuclear codes - distrustful as he is of his own military and intelligence communities in preference to Moscow and its intelligence 'assets'?
The Role Of Congress
So what will Congress do? Very little it appears.
Yes there are planned hearings on the intelligence together with the  salacious and fantastical allegations about Trump whilst he was in Russia.   It would not be right to pre-judge nor prejudice the outcome of such hearings but I am alarmed that with the 'hard core' 'raw' intelligence about such serious matters already available - that a U.S. President has already been compromised before he assumes Office - it almost seems criminal to allow a 'fake' inauguration to take place simply (as was explained to me) to protect the institution of the Presidency and the Constitution of The United States itself.
Playing Devil's Advocate
If I were to put myself into the shoes of world leaders at present allied with the United States, I would seriously consider 'cutting my own deal' with Moscow (and Beijing) before I was 'sold out' by Trump and his incoming administration, sooner rather than later.  They may very well be offered better 'terms' now than those which Trump will 'negotiate' on their behalf - on behalf of 'the free world'  - and will simply 'Tweet' to Allies, in the aftermath, that they should 'not worry' and that he has 'taken care' of everything.

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

Has Russia Finally Won The Cold War?
America's New Global Partners and 'Assets'
In a remarkable turn of events never seen in recent U.S. history, yesterday President-elect Donald Trump called the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin as 'asset' whilst at the same time rubbishing the U.S. intelligence community at home and abroad.
Has President-elect Trump decided to dispense with his own home-grown 'assets' in favor of the GRU and the FSB?   It certainly appears to be the case.  And all but fools could not see this in his statements.
I have said previously that his words and actions are treason - yet he will be confirmed as President of the United States in less than 10 days.
What happens when he orders his Senior Staff to share intelligence with the Kremlin - in direct violation of U.S. laws?
Will Congress actually wait until the protective umbrellas which safeguard democracy worldwide together with the economic institutions and global entities which are the pillars of the post-Second World War western world and the global community, the heart of its financial  and social stability and fabric, are so demoralized and undermined, that they just either 'surrender' to Moscow or just turn away from the United States and its core values?
Will Congress wait until this very last moment before stepping in to impeach the President?
There are many 'assets' in the Trump transition team who could be indicted as 'foreign agents' if not spies for Moscow - at this present moment  (if the definition of spying includes informal contacts with President Putin to reassure him that everything will be 'OK' after Obama leaves Office - just 'hang on' a little longer) - and before they assume responsibilities for the security of America and global nuclear security in less than 10 days time.
Mutual Trust and Collective Security
Allies of the United States  worldwide are, no doubt, in the light of Mr Trump's 'Tweets' and statements, assessing whether having the U.S. as an ally holds any value when the country is about to elect a President who will sell them all for slightly more than thirty pieces of silver, to Moscow, and in chains?
Why should they all not, now,  'cut a deal', cut their own deals, now, with Moscow, independently, before they are  presented by Moscows' man in the White House, as a 'fait accompli' a 'done deal', sold like slaves in the market place to the highest bidder - Vladimir Putin?
Night Of The Long Knives
In less than 10 days President Trump's 'team' will control all branches of  the government of The United States.
I told you before the election that Trump will, if elected,  as with the Fuhrer, purge every department of 'disloyal' Staff.
Will Congress actually wait until after Trump does this before impeaching him on one of many grounds - which exist at this very moment?
The answer is that they probably will wait until after he has 'purged' Federal government before acting.   [He will, in effect, be doing illegally what they have no legal authority to undertake.]
There is a unintended consequence of all this:
America is left with a fascist dictatorship - and all but those who do not want to see will know this to be fact.
In all honesty, how safe do you feel with President Trump having the nuclear codes - distrustful as he is of his own military and intelligence communities in preference to Moscow and its intelligence 'assets'?
The Role Of Congress
So what will Congress do? Very little it appears.
Yes there are planned hearings on the intelligence together with the  salacious and fantastical allegations about Trump whilst he was in Russia.   It would not be right to pre-judge nor prejudice the outcome of such hearings but I am alarmed that with the 'hard core' 'raw' intelligence about such serious matters already available - that a U.S. President has already been compromised before he assumes Office - it almost seems criminal to allow a 'fake' inauguration to take place simply (as was explained to me) to protect the institution of the Presidency and the Constitution of The United States itself.
Playing Devil's Advocate
If I were to put myself into the shoes of world leaders at present allied with the United States, I would seriously consider 'cutting my own deal' with Moscow (and Beijing) before I was 'sold out' by Trump and his incoming administration, sooner rather than later.  They may very well be offered better 'terms' now than those which Trump will 'negotiate' on their behalf - on behalf of 'the free world'  - and will simply 'Tweet' to Allies, in the aftermath, that they should 'not worry' and that he has 'taken care' of everything.
©Patrick Emek, January 2017


 ''Pervert'' Trump To Be Inaugurated As President of The United  States  
On 20th January, 2017
Bestiality, Incest and Zoophilia
 (Sex with Animals) 
 - Porn Claims Abound -


If you want to read the full Intelligence Declassified Report about how Donald Trump was compromised you can see it here and download it in .jpg format.
The title and sub-title of this blog are sourced from the additional references below. 
[As I understand it, there will be Senate Select Committee Investigation into all the allegations and intelligence conclusions based on  substantiated  classified official data.
Donald Trump's words alone - that the intelligence community and the media are both 'conspiring' against him, that all the allegations are 'fake' news,  are not sufficient to satisfy Members that there is no just cause for a Hearing to establish the facts of the matters brought to the attention of both the incumbent President (Obama) and the incoming President (Trump) by the Intelligence Community over the past 10 days.
The allegations by the media outlets below are very serious and, if substantiated, there is no precedent as to what could happen - at least not for over one hundred years.






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