
Saturday 31 December 2016

Donald Trump's New Year's Message To The Military and Intelligence Communities In The United States:

''Your Assessments About The U.S. Election Are A Worthless Pile Of  Crap Not To Be Taken Seriously; My True Friend is Vladimir Putin and His 'Smart' Team in Moscow Who Provide Me With All The Intelligence I Need To Do My Job Here In The U.S. Of A''

(the edited version)

As I predicted, as with Hitler, Mr Trump has quickly dispensed with niceties and has shown his true colors to the military intelligence communities in America by his casual dismissal of all evidence that his election as President was the most rigged election by a foreign superpower (and rival) of the United States, Russia, in the history of it's existence with Mr Trump the most illegitimate U.S. President ever elected into office in the history of the United States.

There has never been a more illegitimate President about to assume Office in the history of the United States – and all the mainstream media is silent to a large extent.

I also predict that Americans will rue the day they elected this man to Office and that Hillary Clinton, warts and all, would have been better for the security of the United States and its allies worldwide than Trump and his global alliance with Vladimir Putin will ever be.

Hillary Clinton observed that Mr Trump was 'psychologically and temperamentally unfit to assume this important office of the Presidency of The United States'. Her remarks were drowned out with the propaganda coming from the Kremlin in Moscow as it poured everything it had hacked from the Democratic Party (and individual members who had failed to secure their home and mobile systems) into destroying her character and reputation.

Americans were more prepared and open to one-phrased sound bites than they were to common sense and reason.    They were more lazy to being 'fed' disinformation than for checking the facts for themselves.    They were more ready to accept Munich-rally style political speeches and cries for blood than they were to think for themselves.    They were more scared to think for themselves than let mob rule and bullying succeed.

For all these reasons (and more, already mentioned in earlier blogs) the peaceful protests and responses to Trump's presidency and divisive legislations will be more widespread than the protests against President Johnson and President Nixon by their respective opponents.

On an entirely different level, The Far Right, when it appreciates the full extent of the 'betrayal' and the Far Left, angry at what it perceives as an 'illegitimate' President, will both be angry enough to agree, if not unite, on this one common theme.

As to who will call the shots first, I expect on this occasion it will be Trump as he uses the police [and paramilitary groups] to 'crack down' on peaceful dissent, initially from the left of the political spectrum.

[Röhm's equivalent today is in Trump's Cabinet – but do not forget what happened to Röhm when his usefulness had run its course.]

Perhaps when you read how the American populace as a whole has been 'dumbed' down and 'overdosed' on the 'Daily Mirages' it was not so unremarkable that these new tyrants can assume office – in any country in the world – given similar circumstances.

[No doubt every aspiring tyrant, tribal and religious 'witch doctors' worldwide, will all be studying how the 'dumbing down' of their own populace can likewise be achieved to create for their political elites, the 'perfect storms'.

Donald Trump is every global tyrants Nirvana.

Why send anyone to concentration camps and gas ovens or butcher them to a man woman and child (like the Hutu tribe did to the Tutsi in Rwanda during a bloody year of genocide when Bill Clinton looked the other way) when you can simply dumb 90% (or more) down as an 'untermensch' sub-species, fed as junkies on a 'diet' - courtesy of the mainstream media - every day and night, day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year, ad infinitum, and have them crave for more of this elixir 'till they can't get enough to satiate their frivolous and aimless appetites, all substituted for reality and goal-orientated purposeful professional aspirations.

Think of it folks, the Trumps (and I include his sons) new 'friends' for solutions in the world - an 'outed' Salafist fanatic and demagogue – Erdogan of Turkey and – and in South East Asia (the Philippines) a President (Duterte) who has publicly personally admitted to murdering people. Before reading on I want you to reflect on the latter sentence for just one single minute folks.

And mainstream media, whose supposed job it is to vigilantly guard and 'police' the probity of the democratic process, where will they be?; all 'going along for the ride' on the gravy train of course.

Trump will attempt to mould America into the shape of Vladimir Putin's Russia - and America's donkey mainstream media still gives equal airtime to representatives of someone who mainly 'tweets' - have already been cowed into silence by their Oligarch-owners - least Trump and his extremist Cabinet move swiftly to introduce the legislation which will ultimately clone them all in the image of their Russian counterparts [which he and his fanatics will attempt to do in any event.]

Britons (privately) are already regretting the day David Cameron literally 'walked away' from being Premier and left a tunnel vision Party, together with just over half the country, to 'sort out the mess'.

[The UK's Brexit Vote coupled with Premier Cameron's enforced 'resignation' were perhaps (if history were to be written properly – which it never is) two of the greatest political mistakes in the twenty first century British politics.   I said so before the vote and I say it again.

I never met Mr Cameron during his time as Premier and so, regretfully, unlike with Jeremy Corbyn, I cannot give you a personal assessment of my impression of the man and was only present, on one occasion - one of the last receptions which he hosted as Premier - as a guest at a private venue in Central London, before he announced he was resigning as Premier of The United Kingdom.]

Likewise Americans have made their choice and will all, collectively, at home and abroad, have to pick up the shattered and splintered pieces of a broken and 'crippled' America after Trump and his entourage 'depart' the scene.

Shattered hopes, fractured communities and a confused and even more divided society will be Trump's legacy to the 'American Dream'.

Already a number of organizations are 'moving' their 'bases' out of U.S. jurisdiction before Trump assumes Office in January.    My next blog will cover just one such group.

Like all demagogues and tyrants Trump despises and fears a free press – not because it opposes him (quite the opposite) because it has the residual potential to expose his wrongdoings and inform the public about his illegal activities. That the mainstream press is already cowed in silence is neither here nor there – but any part of it could 'rebel' at any time – and this is what he and his extremists fear – and will attempt to legislate against.

To all brothers and sisters on the alternative spectrum, note carefully that what is used against the Left today will be more swiftly used against yourselves tomorrow – should you likewise fall out of line with any policies or sentiments with which you disagree in the course of this new administration.

I recently had a round 'kitchen table' discussion with individuals - one of whom is in the medical field - who said the most deliberate and pernicious political policy agenda which initiated the process of popular disenfranchisement of the next generation, was the abolition of the subject of 'Civics' from Public (in the UK State government-supported schools are called 'State' schools) schools' curriculums.

[This was the sole statement he made on the matter before we moved on to another topic since he was, in the main, talking to the deaf, the blind and the dumb around the table or to those who were just not interested even though they understood all too well what he was inferring.] My colleague had to say no more. The message was loud and clear.

You know folks, we sometimes like to think that we can see most of the 'angles' but this single statement coalesced for myself a number of earlier suspicions. I had never looked at it from this perspective. I had never considered that politicians would see the teaching of Civics to schoolchildren as their greatest threat to the status quo society and 'subversive' to capitalism and enterprise and that its abolition would become their number one obsessive priority. Civics, as a School Subject, was to be left only as a 'holy' preserve of elite schools – where the 'next generation' of rulers and 'captains' are to be 'shaped' to govern and rules the 'ignorant' 'troglodyte' masses, worldwide, fed on, or, if in Africa, destined to be fed on, Reality TV, Games, Quiz Shows and the like. By 'ignorant' I do of course include my dear beloved mother and aunt who would not have known any better, but for the fact that such media rubbish which 'transfixes' the masses, wholesale, never existed in their day. It is solely for this reason that, even with what little education they both achieved, they were, nonetheless, pretty 'smart' individuals, despite our modest existence.

Even before the TV Games Shows, the Reality TV shows and Diva Series, the populace as a whole had to be 'dumbed down' so that their aspirations were not centered on questioning political governance, nor aspiring to the professions of science nor molecular engineering, medicine, surgery, law, computer technology, astrophysics nor quantum mechanics, not questioning status quo issues of global inequality, injustice and civil rights, but aspiring solely to 'surreal' plasticity and fake materialism - their new God being Mammon – all provided through mainstream media - with Christianity (for myself, Catholicism), Islam and Judaism and all the major faiths all going along for the ride.

So, Satan's 'gravy train' - with Mammon and the 'flock' on board - had left the station a long long time ago and I was, in effect, playing catch up with interpretation.

I had only appreciated half the picture (the Mammon bit) and not the 'how' nor the 'why' of it all.

When you appreciate all of the above folks (compressed here for the sake of brevity) you appreciate how someone as ignorant as Donald Trump could be elected as President of the most powerful country on this planet, The United States, how President Duterte in the Philippines can publicly admit that he personally murdered people and nobody cares to arrest him, how 'fatboy' Johnson in The United Kingdom can racially slur the President of the United States with impunity (nay, with promotion!) and how Vladimir Putin can single-handedly run the Russian Federation, how Erdogan in Turkey can support allies (ISIS and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) of Al Qaeda, responsible for 911, and be rewarded by the U.S. Government and allowed to invade neighboring countries at will – with no repercussions, with praise from Donald Trump for Turkey, the Philippines and other tyrants as he prepares to 'sell out' U.S. military and intelligence agencies, countries in peril such as Tibet (already discounted and assigned to China by the State Department for nearly 40 years) the Ukraine, U.S. allies worldwide, the Baltic States, and NATO, all heads to be offered on a silver platter to  the Kremlin in Moscow, and all in the name of Mammon.

And these scumbags will all be welcomed and revered by, royalty, the religious and political establishments worldwide.

So first the American public, those already dumbed down that is, were persuaded by President Obama that there was such a thing as 'moderate' Syrian rebels. You know the ones – those bloodthirsty butchers of Syrian and Iraqi Christians - while all our politicians and spiritual leaders throughout Christendom, without exception, closed their eyes to this wholesale carnage and slaughter on an industrial scale while it was happening, by these 'moderate' (ISIL/ISIS/ Al Qaeda-supportive) Syrian rebels hell-bent on creating the same chaos our politicians created in Libya and Iraq.

Now President-elect Trump wants to embrace as a friend and ally ISIS-Al Qeda Salafist backer - and the main instigator (on our behalf) of carnage in Syria – President Erdogan.

And who is to be tried for War Crimes in Iraq and Syria? (Forget about Libya, nobody cares.) Well nobody of significance. The Turks, Iranians, Donald Trump's new model army and maybe even the Israelis will capture some ISIS leaders and, as with Nuremberg, put them on trial - the ritual sacrificial offerings of the victors to the world to show justice and the rule of law has triumphed – all of course to recuse themselves from any guilt, shame and negligent culpability as the collective instigators of the bloody carnage, of the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions.

[Nobody liberated Catholics, Protestants, Gypsies, Jehovahs Witnesses, Russian PoWs nor Jews from German, Polish, nor any other concentration camps nor slave labor factories throughout Europe during the Second World War whilst the wholesale slavery carnage and gassing was in progress by the Nazis. Likewise nobody (no government) came to liberate the Christians, Kurds (Yazidis) nor the tens of thousands of truly moderate Muslims whilst they were being slaughtered by ISIL/ISIS in Syria and Iraq – yet all our politicians to the last man and woman (in the latter case) knew everything that was happening whilst the slaughter and carnage were in progress. Likewise for our so-called spiritual leaders – to the man and to the woman in Christendom. Everybody who had the power to do something stayed silent.

It did however provide a convenient and opportunistic excuse to show trial the vanquished – so that lying historians could 'dumb down' the next generation with overtly pseudo-moralistic justifications for going to war against Hitler - all of which were lies and bore absolutely no reality to the hidden motives – imperial power and global empires under siege in Europe and The Far East.

Do not believe any of these politicians, left, right nor center as they again attempt to dumb you all down into believing that justice has been served and the dead avenged by such mock show trials broadcast and webcast to the world as they attempt to cleanse their black souls for forever and a day damned in whatever hell awaits them in any existing hereafter.

As I said earlier brothers and sisters, when politics sinks to such depths, the end of politics and democracy itself, as we have have known both in the West since the time of Plato, in all their guises, become thinkable, viable and doable. Just a few more catalysts will give momentum past the point of no return and initiate the kernel of the autonomous entity, - such as, for example, barter exchange within local communities on a scale hitherto unthinkable and unimaginable.

Politics and politicians have reached new depths of ignorance – but this is only the start folks; perhaps the motivation for an alternative beginning which shuns (as leprosy) everything before it, in some cases ignoring it, in others leaving it behind or when threatened with collective punishment, autonomous city states and regions globally unite to defend the new alternative order.

Daydreaming? Well think again. **Oregon and the State of Texas are ideal candidates for autonomous development, currency issuance and barter to create real local growth and real local jobs rather than wait for corrupt politicians to 'bring them back' from China, Mexico, South Korea and the like. And they are just the tips of global icebergs.

Why bother with politicians, their lobby groups, their vested interests and their fake promises where autonomous communities can cooperate locally, regionally and globally to provide local security, economic growth and development?

Donald Trump has not assumed the Office of President of The United States just yet.

Five years is a very very long time in politics.

©Patrick Emek, January 2017


Reasons for choosing Oregon:

I had a choice of Atlanta in Georgia (mainly Black in ethnic population) or Oregon (mainly White.)

Both are equally ideal because both have concentrations of individuals who would relish the opportunity to work cooperatively in a barter environment.   I decided on Oregon because across an entire State this same ethos is more applicable that the city of Atlanta in the State of Georgia – where the same ethos does not appear applicable than, say, even for Portland, Oregon.  Sorry guys and gals in Georgia – but I'm sure you can work it out cooperatively with Oregon (!)

As an afterthought I am including the following reference:

I am familiar with Oregon's past history and darker side but I am also aware of the support many Oregonians gave to Barack Obama in 2012.  So it's not just an issue of 'Black v White' but more of
interests and  shared 'values' in communities and societies today - which is what cooperatives and barter are all about.
Atlanta (Georgia) is likewise an ideal candidate for cooperatives but the same ethos is not present throughout the State as a whole - which is why I choose Oregon.
(I hope this puts the myths and speculations to rest!)

*a personal note and opinion about Oregon and cooperative communities world wide:

Building cooperative communities across racial, ethnic, religious and tribal divides based on interests and services to be bartered (or training in exchange) are key components of a community where everyone is prospering rather than the divisions preferred by our incumbent political class in order to continue to 'divide and rule' whilst 'sacking' our local communities of jobs, services and resources for their own benefits.

I have deliberately not looked at Texas because Texan communities, as a whole, are more motivated and governed by personal greed which mitigates against successful cooperative barter communities.

The long-held desire for Texan autonomy has absolutely nothing to do with building barter cooperative communities across the ethnic and racial divides but is (and has always been) motivated by other factors.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Faith Hope and Charity

(Don't Judge A Blog By It's Title!)

The Test Of Any Great Civilization Is How It Treats Those Who Can Least Help Themselves


I would like to end this year on both a happy and a sad note.

The first involves the birth of a child weighting approximately 8 ounces.
This shows what humanity is capable of - the saving of human life - when it focuses its efforts and talents on such priorities.
When so much focus on is death and destruction - both the metaphorical 'death' of jobs and industry on the homefront and on the international front, in many cases the destructive nature of 'progress' has more negative than positive benefits to the societies which they purport to be assisting to develop economically, socially and politically.)
You have probably heard about the West African children who work on Cocoa Plantations
(for products in our Supermarkets as their final destination - chocolate) and who have never tasted a chocolate sweet, bar, biscuit nor cake because they work 12- 14 hours a day cutting the cocoa plants and are still too poor to even afford the most basic of amenities supplied to their rural communities - sanitation - let alone go to school.
So it is the case - but there is no rule which says that it must always be like this.
You can play your part in the change by making others aware of such injustices - and also awareness of the possibilities for change - for doing some good deed - if you put some effort into it yourself.

'Fat Cats' Of The Aid Business
Many years ago I wrote about the 'fat cats' of the international aid business (and that is what it is - a business) who have done nothing to reduce world poverty - but this was never their real motive where Aid and Trade 'businesses' are inseparable aspects of a country's foreign policy.
Today's emphasis is on 'billionaire' and 'corporate' charitable sponsors (their 'charity' departments) to carry out these aspects of a ['first' or 'developed' world] government's foreign policy objectives.
Socialists, in particular, do like this terminology 'first world' 'second' (developing) and 'third' (underdeveloped) worlds since all highlight their blatant failures to reduce poverty and inequality worldwide despite centuries of  'benevolent' charitable works, aid, program assistance and other activities whose provisions and services your donations are regularly appealed for.
But this is exactly how the world is today.

Only One Planet Discovered To Date Has An Abundance of Life - But Does It Have Any Meaning?
 You know, life itself is very precious- yet we spend more time destroying life (or engaged in destructive or negative aspects of existence) than we do creating it - and making the world better for all its inhabitants; and this has been a feature of humanity from time immemorial. 
Again a story such as the birth of this child demonstrates that such need not be the case - if we recalibrate our priorities.
Now I do not know whether this was a private or state hospital but the point is that such a facility to save a life, however remote, should be available not for a privileged few but as a matter of fact in every country.
The West African 8 or 10 year old child whose product (cocoa) provide us with the luxury of chocolate would not have survived if he had not been born this way in his West African village.
But this need not be the case -nor indeed should it be the case.
I have always said to the kids, do not look to the politicians nor religious clerics for salvation nor guidance,look for it from within and, as the saying goes, 'let the light shine outwards' because, as sure as hell, there's a lot of darkness - and negativity - out there.
Acceptance and Humility
The second story is equally profound.   It involves a severely disabled child living in one of Africa's richest countries -but whose folk (more than half of them to be precise) live in absolute squalor and destitution because of their government's endemic failures in the fields of health, education, welfare and social justice over decades since independence from Britian.
(Indeed Nigeria is still a recipient of Foreign Aid from the British Government despite it's phenomenal oil  wealth which has never been used to benefit all but a handful of the countries estimated 174 million citizens.)
Despite all of this you can feel the love and warmth and acceptance of this [cruel] situation by Rama Haruna's family.   This short video also shows another side - the true side - of Islam - that of care, compassion and acceptance of God's (Allah's) will  - which is all too often absent (deliberately ignored or forgotten) when we look at (or have to confront) the challenges a more incipient evil and vocal minority (some 1%) pose for us today throughout Christendom.   Indeed I have found, from personal experience, no difference in how devout Christians would likewise respond to a similar situation. 
[Sadly all the great religions have been long-ago 'hijacked' by clerics and governments with their own unique understanding of political, religious and social controls.]

So as you tuck in to your Christmas festivities and 'get into' the Christmas 'spirit' spare a brief thought - just for one second - for the other spirit - that one which is all too often lacking in our daily activities and in our world today.

Seasons Greetings!

©Patrick Emek, December  2016


Radicalizations Worldwide - Then - Now - and Tomorrow
I have included the reference below because it is a holistic and brief read about how Nigerians see THEIR situation - rather than me as an outsider/foreigner pontificating about their dilemma (Please also read the answers section below the article - again all written by local folk about how their perceive their own country.)
When you see how and why politicians have failed their own people,you can then also appreciate, as in Europe, why the populace (en masse in some areas) turn to radical Islam (Boko Haram) to provide answers.
This is no different than why citizens in Europe and the United states are turning to radical politics to likewise provide solutions to issues as diverse as jobs, employment, wealth disparities, immigration and the feeling that their local representatives cater more for special interest groups than they care about the local communities which elected them into office.
Human needs and desires remain the same throughout the world and the basic needs for health, education, jobs, family and community security, social cohesion, identity, and, above all, hope for the future for themselves and their children, transliterate themselves worldwide.
Finally I thought that I had completed this blog when something rather unexpected happened.
I had an interesting conversation with an individual who essentially told me that 'trade blocs' are a thing of the past and 'the new world order' will be based on 'the digital age' and advanced technologies for which some (developed) countries are already equipped to prosper and thrive from - regardless of whether trade blocs exist or not.  Such statements jogged something in my memory and it was this: The WTO never worked for the poor worldwide and what my learned colleague was giving me was a new nightmare vision of a world where 'superior' or 'enfranchised' economic global elites 'digitally rule' the masses (my own words) by means of patent control - restricting the ability of poor countries to 'develop' new ideas as such - and any variations - have already been patented - even before they have been thought of by local folk in these developing countries (!)); by copyright (of genetically modified products for example) and the new 'outsourcing' of secondary and tertiary services to the third world, retaining the 'higher' skills and technologies in the first world.   There is nothing wrong with this model except one thing: it simply doesn't work.  It is (and will represent) a significant part of the reason we have the rise of future radical ideologies, worldwide, to challenge such iniquitous arrangements - and hence the causes of future global conflicts.  However, that is not the real objective.  In the process a very small minority will get fabulously rich - at the expense of world security and peace.
Do not delude yourselves by thinking those with socialist communist or religious extremist  agendas are any different in thinking from the elites currently moving the planet in the wrong direction.   If anything they are more dangerous - since they all mislead by purporting to be representing the ordinary folk whereas the existing bunch (some of them) are at least honest enough to say they are only representing themselves or a small clique.

(The above You Tube videos are lighter-hearted looks at something deadly serious since to present the profound effects in stark reality would be too much for most people - especially younger people - to watch.  These presentations are particularly 'kids friendly' - to help them appreciate very complex and serious matters in an easy-to-understand format.)
If you really are interested in the future, why not see what went wrong in the past?; as the past is now repeating.....

Faith Hope and Charity

(Don't Judge A Blog By It's Title!)

The Test Of Any Great Civilization Is How It Treats Those Who Can Least Help Themselves


I would like to end this year on both a happy and a sad note.

The first involves the birth of a child weighting approximately 8 ounces.
This shows what humanity is capable of - the saving of human life - when it focuses its efforts and talents on such priorities.
When so much focus is on death and destruction - both the metaphorical 'death' of jobs and industry on the home front and on the international front - in many cases the destructive nature of 'progress' has more negative than positive benefits to the societies which they purport to be assisting to develop economically, socially and politically.
You have probably heard about the West African children who work on Cocoa Plantations
(for products in our Supermarkets as their final destination - chocolate) and who have never tasted a chocolate sweet, bar, biscuit nor cake because they work 12- 14 hours a day cutting the cocoa plants and are still too poor to even afford the most basic of amenities supplied to their rural communities - sanitation - let alone go to school.
So is the case - but there is no rule which says that it must always be like this.

You can play your part in the change by making others aware of such injustices - and also awareness of the possibilities for change - for doing some good deed - if you put some effort into it yourself.

'Fat Cats' Of The Aid Business
Many years ago I wrote about the 'fat cats' of the international aid business (and that is what it is - a business) who have done nothing to reduce world poverty - but this was never their real motive where Aid and Trade 'businesses' are inseparable aspects of a country's foreign policy.
Today's emphasis is on 'billionaire' and 'corporate' charitable sponsors (their 'charity' departments) to carry out these aspects of a ['first' or 'developed' world] government's foreign policy objectives.
Socialists, in particular, do like this terminology 'first world' 'second' (developing) and 'third' (underdeveloped) worlds since all highlight their blatant failures to reduce poverty and inequality worldwide despite centuries of  'benevolent' charitable works, aid, program assistance and other activities whose provisions and services your donations are regularly appealed for.
But this is exactly how the world is today.

Only One Planet Discovered To Date Has An Abundance of Life - But Does It Have Any Meaning?
 You know, life itself is very precious- yet we spend more time destroying life (or engaged in destructive or negative aspects of existence) than we do creating it - and making the world better for all its inhabitants; and this has been a feature of humanity from time immemorial. 
Again a story such as the birth of this child demonstrates that such need not be the case - if we recalibrate our priorities.
Now I do not know whether this was a private or state hospital but the point is that such a facility to save a life, however remote, should be available not for a privileged few but as a matter of fact in every country.
The West African 8 or 10 year old child whose product (cocoa) provide us with the luxury of chocolate would not have survived if he had not been born this way in his West African village.
But this need not be the case -nor indeed should it be the case.
I have always said to the kids, do not look to the politicians nor religious clerics for salvation nor guidance,look for it from within and, as the saying goes, 'let the light shine outwards' because, as sure as hell, there's a lot of darkness - and negativity - out there.
Acceptance and Humility
The second story is equally profound.   It involves a severely disabled child living in one of Africa's richest countries -but whose folk (more than half of them to be precise) live in absolute squalor and destitution because of their government's endemic failures in the fields of health, education, welfare and social justice over decades since independence from Britian.
(Indeed Nigeria is still a recipient of Foreign Aid from the British Government despite it's phenomenal oil  wealth which has never been used to benefit all but a handful of the countries estimated 174 million citizens.)
Despite all of this you can feel the love and warmth and acceptance of this [cruel] situation by Rama Haruna's family.   This short video also shows another side - the true side - of Islam - that of care, compassion and acceptance of God's (Allah's) will  - which is all too often absent (deliberately ignored or forgotten) when we look at (or have to confront) the challenges a more incipient evil and vocal minority (some 1%) pose for us today throughout Christendom.   Indeed I have found, from personal experience, no difference in how devout Christians would likewise respond to a similar situation. 
[Sadly all the great religions have been long-ago 'hijacked' by clerics and governments with their own unique understanding of political, religious and social controls.]

So as you tuck in to your Christmas festivities and 'get into' the Christmas 'spirit' spare a brief thought - just for one second - for the other spirit - that one which is all too often lacking in our daily activities and in our world today.

Seasons Greetings!

©Patrick Emek, December  2016


Radicalizations Worldwide - Then - Now - and Tomorrow
I have included the reference below because it is a holistic and brief read about how Nigerians see THEIR situation - rather than me as an outsider/foreigner pontificating about their dilemma (Please also read the answers section below the article - again all written by local folk about how their perceive their own country.)
When you see how and why politicians have failed their own people,you can then also appreciate, as in Europe, why the populace (en masse in some areas) turn to radical Islam (Boko Haram) to provide answers.
This is no different than why citizens in Europe and the United states are turning to radical politics to likewise provide solutions to issues as diverse as jobs, employment, wealth disparities, immigration and the feeling that their local representatives cater more for special interest groups than they care about the local communities which elected them into office.
Human needs and desires remain the same throughout the world and the basic needs for health, education, jobs, family and community security, social cohesion, identity, and, above all, hope for the future for themselves and their children, transliterate themselves worldwide.
Finally I thought that I had completed this blog when something rather unexpected happened.
I had an interesting conversation with an individual who essentially told me that 'trade blocs' are a thing of the past and 'the new world order' will be based on 'the digital age' and advanced technologies for which some (developed) countries are already equipped to prosper and thrive from - regardless of whether trade blocs exist or not.  Such statements jogged something in my memory and it was this: The WTO never worked for the poor worldwide and what my learned colleague was giving me was a new nightmare vision of a world where 'superior' or 'enfranchised' economic global elites 'digitally rule' the masses (my own words) by means of patent control - restricting the ability of poor countries to 'develop' new ideas as such - and any variations - have already been patented - even before they have been thought of by local folk in these developing countries (!)); by copyright (of genetically modified products for example) and the new 'outsourcing' of secondary and tertiary services to the third world, retaining the 'higher' skills and technologies in the first world.   There is nothing wrong with this model except one thing: it simply doesn't work.  It is (and will represent) a significant part of the reason we have the rise of future radical ideologies, worldwide, to challenge such iniquitous arrangements - and hence the causes of future global conflicts.  However, that is not the real objective.  In the process a very small minority will get fabulously rich - at the expense of world security and peace.
Do not delude yourselves by thinking those with socialist communist or religious extremist  agendas are any different in thinking from the elites currently moving the planet in the wrong direction.   If anything they are more dangerous - since they all mislead by purporting to be representing the ordinary folk whereas the existing bunch (some of them) are at least honest enough to say they are only representing themselves or a small clique.

The above You Tube videos are a lighter-hearted look at something deadly serious since to present the profound effects in stark reality would be too much for most people - especially younger people - to watch.  These presentations are particularly 'kids friendly' to help them appreciate very complex and serious matters.
If you really are interested in the future, why not see what went wrong
in the past?; as the past is now repeating.....

Friday 25 November 2016

reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 

Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?
reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 
Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?

reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 
Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business
with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?

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