
Tuesday, 6 June 2017

'The Big Kahuna'
[Harbinger Of Tidings]

''If Thou Hast Not Seen The Devil, Look At Thine Own Self ''[Rumi]

The deadly bomb blast at the outskirts of the Diplomatic Quarter of Kabul last week killing 90 and wounding nearly 461 souls is a portend of what is to come in Europe and elsewhere.

I saw the aftermath of damage caused when a 1000 lbs bomb ripped through a vulnerable area – a major bus terminal – of a capital city when I was on assignment many years ago – and I spoke with a survivor who recounted a similar day which he had personally witnessed and escaped being killed by a few minutes- as little as seven minutes of a difference.   Such is chance.
[This individual never got psychological help nor counselling to help him recover from this traumatic event  because this was a third world country.   He considered himself lucky to be alive – and still able to work at a major hotel to support his ageing parents.    I listened to him with respect and without interruption because I appreciated that I was the only source of solace which he had and that he himself was grateful being here to be able to recount the vivid horrors he experienced that early morning at a crowded bus terminal - and which would remain with him forever - to someone else who would not pass judgement but just listen in silence.]

A bomb which causes 1000-5000 casualties in any crowded area I would estimate to be perhaps 2000-2500lbs of concentrated explosive.

Somewhere in Europe or another region which is outside the immediate conflict area of the Middle East carnage on an Afghan scale will occur at some time in the future.
Neither more police patrols, army, para-military, political nor religious exhortations will not make one iota of a difference.
Martyrs embrace death as their nemesis professionals, with their logic of thought and certainty of control dominance and victory, embrace life.
The 'total commitment' [sic. embracement of martyrdom – and the 'softer' the target the quicker the path to Allah] is without doubt It is when that certainty is shaken at its foundations and, to put it metaphorically, when the *Dunya darkens the same blood-red rivers we all share, so that we are all drinking from the same blood-engorged cups, that doubt creeps in and certainty in ultimate victory wanes.
The response of politicians is already predictable – blame someone else and not their own incompetence and disastrous foreign policy blunders.

*refer to earlier blogs for definitions and contextual settings

'The Big Enchilada'
But I want to look beyond this – to 'the big one' – the 'Big Enchilada' – the event which will change this planet – and what the motives are likely to be.
For this blog, unusually, I will cite no references – but you can refer to my comprehensive Bioweapons Blog for some guidance.
Why I am not providing references is so as not to give any scope than those out there already are in possession of and who are already cognizant. There is another reason which will become apparent as you read this blog.
This is not science fiction. The technology became available to the ordinary man or woman on the street at least 20 years ago – if you knew where to look. So the 'horse' already has 'bolted' at a point where (some) governments are closing (or attempting to close) the stable doors.

In order to add some credibility to this, I want to say that over 30 years ago I knew someone who worked at Porton Down Bioweapons Research.
Porton Down is (or was) the U.K.'s foremost biological and chemical weapons research facility and one of the most advanced outside the United States.
Because it is over 30 years ago and for anybody reading with intelligence access, I will say that this individual lived along Hammersmith Bridge Road – leading up to the Bridge from Hammersmith, on the right-hand side – at that time.
Now there were unlikely to be many individuals fitting this unique profile living at this specific location.
That person was of course, 'anonymous' to his or her neighbors and nobody was aware of his or her occupation.

Chatham House Rules
As an academic and journalist, keen as I always have been, interested to learn about new things, and, under 'Chatham House Rules' we had several 'profound' discussions about the future applications of such technology.
I was amazed first at how far the weaponization of germs and bacteria had advanced - even at that time - secondly, how easy it was for anybody with even limited scientific and technical knowledge to 'weaponize' relatively harmless (and easily available) biological substances.

[I have to say that before I focused on researching Islamic insurgency in the 1980s, I was creating databases in other key areas – Bioweapons research was just one. Nuclear technology was the second. I knew of two very prominent nuclear scientists during this period and, through a friend, attended at the home of one just off Victoria Street in Central London.
This individual had been involved in the Manhattan Project and it is difficult to describe being in the presence of someone whose contributions to the War effort changed the world we live in today.
I was nervous – but he was very polite and I had few questions – since everyone wanted to ask him something about his achievements (!)
The other individual – who was exceptionally paranoid (it was the era of the Cold War) and not very outgoing – lived almost opposite the entrance to British Museum Library – where he spent most of his time in research - before the age of computers and the digital age of immediate access. I did learn a lot however from the latter's publications – specifically about ionization radiation of particulate elements. What I did not know about – nor could I have at that time – was that amazing advances in this specific field were already taking place in the United States. Even to this day, the advances made and the military technologies developed, are still highly classified. I have read some speculative reports online and if even a fraction of them are true, the military breakthroughs which have been made (and, apparently, successfully tested in this area) are incredible – and on a similar scale to that of the Manhattan Project.]

I say all of the above, which is checkable to the informed, because I am citing no references here for this blog.

Now I want to get to the heart of the matter.

**When Death Comes Calling, Where Will You Be?
At some point a bioweapon will be released which, like the Black Death, will 'expire' a very high percentage of national populations.   Even the putting in of travel bans will not prevent the spread - because it will be airborne and 'chain-reactive'.

[Before you get too alarmed, there are 'protective' countermeasures in place to, amongst other things, 'measure' the particulate element concentrations which are airborne at all times. Some of these are highly sophisticated.   Some are publicized, others less well-known.]

What I want to try to do is examine the mindset of two likely 'suspects' to 'explain' their position - to an exasperated and incredulous readership here.

Aryan Nation

I have taken Aryan Nation as an example as just one of several groups worldwide with the 'motivation' to achieve the unthinkable. This particular group however is so heavily surveilled that more innocuous unconnected strands of similar thought and commitment with no MO whatsoever are the likely harbingers of the new dawn.

This is a view from the perspective of Aryan Nation:

section deleted

Can you imagine the reaction of any country which has casualties amounting to perhaps at least half to three quarters of it's population? Where all civil institutions have collapsed because this germ or weaponized entity does not discriminate
and is in a state of perpetual unpredictable evolution (or mutation) making it impossible to develop effective vaccines.
All this makes concepts of terror and war fatalities since the dawn of human evolution which have preceded it, insignificant in terms of the loss of human and animal life.

As I said in an earlier blog, when fatalities (morbidity-mortality) are contemplated in the billions everything we took for granted looses all meaning.

Can you appreciate the suspicions between major nations and superpowers that this is a government-backed 'conspiracy' using 'sleepers' or 'false flags'? This might not be as science-fiction as it at first appears.

Unintended Consequences
The logistical problem for such a group is that should such a weapon be developed and deployed on the continent of the Americas, this will simply mean that India, China or another Asiatic nation may well inherit the mantle of superior dominance of this planet.
From a simple numerical viewpoint China Indonesia and India and Russia would be 'winners' - if I can use this term loosely on just a proportionate head count of the 'living' and 'active' – not factoring in the skills, age nor the gender of the survivors.
So an even worse form of servitude of the Aryan people could ensue as an unintended consequence of such misdirected hatred.
This is the dilemma and there are no simple ready solutions.

Do Not Be Alarmed!
[AN Will Not Be Involved In This Madness]
It is highly unlikely that AN or any known affiliates would ever be involved in such a blueprint.
There are however scarier groups with absolutely no profile out there, working quietly to herald the new age, the new dawn where those (they believe) truly destined to rule, exterminate all before them, and create a Fourth Reich which will, this time, without question, in their viewpoints, rule for thousands of years, because nobody will be left to be tolerated to oppose in opposition to the State religion, philosophy and way of life as determined for all by the new order.
In essence Pol Pot in Cambodia, starting a 'new world' from Year 1 meant that all which has preceded must be levelled to dust. Please do also remember that Pol Pot once trained as a Buddhist Monk [as did Joseph Stalin a Priest and the Fuhrer,
Adolf Hitler, as a Poet and Artist] so this 'vision' of Nirvana or leading the faithful out of a racial, spiritual or political 'Dunya' or abyss (or sewer) and into the Promised Land is quite common a feature of a 'better tomorrow' by many who tread on that very same path.
Indeed Menachem Begin and the Irgun partisans when blowing up the King David Hotel, had, as their ultimate dream, Heretz Israel, the Promised Land, in all it's perfection and glory.
Archbishop Makarios III of Cyprus, had that same vision - even while exiled by the British government to the Seychelles.
The list of such visionaries is as endless as are their incomplete tapestries fractured or, in some cases, shattered dreams of political, racial and spiritual Nirvana (as an embodiment of the unravelled or uncoiled Lotus or Swastika) here on earth, to this very day.

A World Without 'Infidels'
The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and it's ideology are remarkably similar to those of AN above. Indeed, but for the fact that it promulgates Islam and Mohammed, the worlds both envision are so remarkably similar that they could almost be mirror images of each other. Indeed I would go further and say that both AN and ISIS/ISIL are, spiritually, 'brothers in arms'.
Both see a world peopled only by the faithful. Both regard the planet as, to quote an earlier phrase, 'lost in the Dunya'.
For AN, it is a racial 'Dunya', for ISIS/ISIL a spiritual one.

'Cleansing' The Planet
[Those working for a New Dawn or Reich would say the planet is a sewer of genetic inferiors and bacteria - which must be septically 'cleansed'. Islamic State likewise regard Kufars, Kafirs or Infidels as 'unclean'. There are however different religious 'opinions' as to whether slavery or death are the best course of action as a 'final solution'.
Likewise within AN, there are conflicting viewpoints as to whether slavery or extermination of undesirables are the better of final solutions.

'Moderate' Islamic State (ISIL/ISIS) Clerics
In the case of Islamic extremists, numbering 1-2% of Islam's population of 1.8 billion faithful, a small minority of clerics within this extremist minority even believe that some Infidels are 'redeemable' if they 'renounce Satan' and 'convert' [sic. To Islam.] This is a minority viewpoint however and such IS/ISIL clerics and fighters are considered 'moderates' since most believe that only 'ethnic cleansing' by extermination is the only solution to rid the planet of the 'problem' and herald in their new dawn where Allah's word is supreme and governs all aspects of everyday life.

The Numbers Game
Within Islam itself such extremists (in totality) account for some 1-2% of the faithful.
[The same is true of AN.]
If you take the most recent figure of 1.8 billion Muslim believers in the world today 2% you get about 38 million believers worldwide in this 'philosophy'. Out of that 38 million, statistically, there are probably about 16-18 million people who are actively motivated and promoting this extremist ideology. Statistically, out of that 18 million, probably less than 5% (less than one million) would be motivated towards active confrontation and an even smaller percentage – probably as few as 30,000 individuals worldwide, motivated towards embracing martyrdom. When you consider that most of this number will be based in the Middle East or in other Muslim countries, their only influence beyond these areas will be extended by means of modern technology.
[By the way, do not believe your politicians when they tell you that by controlling or monitoring the Internet they will defeat terrorism. This is simply another means to control you – utilising the new modern technologies of political and social control.]


I have deliberately named two groups (AN and ISIS/ISIL.)

The irony here is that, the 'Big Cahuna' will never be organized by any group so prominently in the spotlight as AN or ISIS/ISIL.
[Indeed I would tend to think that any such a bioterror group will never leave a 'calling' card (as signature) after the 'big event' nor claim responsibility for a very long time - as such would not be necessary.]

The Final Outcome
Of course neither will ever create the 'perfect' world even in the (statistically highly unlikely) event of  success.
['Success' in this instance would be measured by how many billions of people have been 'expired' and how many (demographically and by race, religion and profession) remain 'uncontaminated'.]

This is the ultimate illusion – and the ultimate pathos – of all their efforts.

After The Fire
Myopia Will Recede – At Least For 50 Years After – Or Until Populations Rise To Such Levels That Politicians Again Have The Confidence To Successfully Wage Wars

Perhaps if (or when) this (ever) happens, there might be lessons to be learned – at least for a while – and what emerges to identify itself as 'representatives' may, for a short time at least, desist in warfare and focus on other priorities.

Such is the world of tomorrow. When (or if) it happens thank your politicians - all of them – for creating the 'ripe' conditions which brought it all about.

Just to add as a further point of interest and talking point, this will be the first time when a specific species was almost totally wiped out by a deliberate act of it's very own and not by a chance of nature.

'Appointment In Samarra'**
To conclude. Many years ago I was in a country where it's ruler was living in fear of Islamists taking over. I noticed two heavily armed Police Officers guarding an entrance. I approached and asked them what they would do if someone came up to them and blew himself or herself up. They looked intently at me quite shocked (it was either fear or horror I saw in their eyes) not quite knowing if this was their moment of destiny. It was not. It was only a question – but one which, from their initial response, they believed they were immune from being asked to contemplate. Such is human nature.
[It happened, about a year later, maybe slightly less or more I cannot now recall with total accuracy, that a massive bomb tore through that popular restaurant - catering mainly for foreigners and expatriates – which scenarios I have always been careful to avoid - with many dead and injured, including the duty manager and many of his staff. I sincerely hope that those particular Officers I spoke with and who were humble enough to brush off my question without personal insult, were not amongst the victims. I think that they were not. Whoever planted this bomb [and I would estimate 200-300lbs for such devastation and carnage in a confined space ] knew that, apart from the unlucky indigenous staff, only foreigners would be patrons and locals would be either guarding the entrance downstairs or in the market square the restaurant overlooked.]

The above blog simply reflects the dreams of others to create their perfect world.

When you understand their pain and their suffering and that of their families – at having to live on an alien [racially or spiritually 'dead' or 'dying'] planet where they are the 'victims' and their 'torture' is never ending – you can see why they would want to change everything – and as might be phrased – to put us out of their misery forever.

Don't blame me either.
As a journalist and researcher I'm just a harbinger of tidings.

©Patrick Emek, June 2017

**The title of this section was reminisced from

'Appointment In Samarra by John O' Hara':

The below extract might assist you with the sentiment above.
 Please visit the Wikipedia reference below for the full explanation in the true context of it's original setting.   Thank you.
''The title is a reference to W. Somerset Maugham's retelling of an ancient Mesopotamian tale,[2] which appears as an epigraph for the novel: A merchant in Baghdad sends his servant to the marketplace for provisions. Soon afterward, the servant comes home white and trembling and tells him that in the marketplace he was jostled by a woman, whom he recognized as Death, and she made a threatening gesture. Borrowing the merchant's horse, he flees at great speed to Samarra, a distance of about 75 miles (125 km), where he believes Death will not find him. The merchant then goes to the marketplace and finds Death, and asks why she made the threatening gesture. She replies, "That was not a threatening gesture, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra."
In his foreword to the 1952 reprint[citation needed], O'Hara says that the working title for the novel was The Infernal Grove. He got the idea for the title Appointment In Samarra when Dorothy Parker showed him the story in Maugham's play, Sheppey. He says "Dorothy didn't like the title, [publisher] Alfred Harcourt didn't like the title, his editors didn't like it, nobody liked it but me." O'Hara describes it as a reference to "the inevitability of Julian English's death."

Monday, 5 June 2017

High Crimes Of Treason & Espionage:

The Russian Connection

How Donald Trump Became President Of the United States - With A Little Help From His Friends


It is a Criminal Offence To Read This Top Secret Document - so if you want to stay in ignorance all of your life just delete it without opening

In any event, do not open for reading until 2042, May 5.

Please retain in conjunction with the ICA Assessment of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 and the 35-page Confidential Memo, both of which you can read in full at:

or you can download it at this website:

to send material in confidence use telegram:
A Beginner’s Guide to Telegram, the High-Security Messaging Service Biting at the Heels of WhatsApp

High Crimes Of Treason & Espionage:

The Russian Connection

How Donald Trump Became President Of the United States - With A Little Help From His Friends

High Crimes Of Treason & Espionage:

The Russian Connection

How Donald Trump Became President Of the United States - With A Little Help From His Friends


It is a Criminal Offence To Read This Top Secret Document - so if you want to stay in ignorance all of your life just delete it without opening

In any event, do not open for reading until 2042, May 5.

Please retain in conjunction with the ICA Assessment of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016 and the 35-page Confidential Memo, both of which you can read in full at:

or you can download it at this website:

to send material in confidence use telegram:
A Beginner’s Guide to Telegram, the High-Security Messaging Service Biting at the Heels of WhatsApp

Sunday, 4 June 2017

the edited version
[Lost In the Dunya]

As Britain Declares A De Facto State of Martial Law, Will It Make Any Difference To The Suicide Bombers Of The Islamic State and Their Supporters?

Following on from the Manchester Arena Stadium bombing in the United Kingdom a decision was taken by the Prime Minister to place up to 5000 troops on the streets of Britain to give 'visible support' to the Police, initially in the Manchester area.
But will it make any difference?  Are individuals who have no fear of death likely to be deterred by the visible appearance of military or para-military forces in  key locations in Britain or indeed in any other country across Christendom?
This really gets to the heart of the matter and one which I have been mentioning for the past decade:what is the objective of Christian forces occupying Muslim lands – in much the same way as the Crusaders, with the support of local Arab Emirates and Sultanates, fought endless battles for centuries across the Levant in pursuit of wealth and strategic locations to further trade, commerce and politics, all sanctioned by the political leadership of Christendom  – The Holy Father (the Pope in Rome) and his Advisors, in those bygone days.

Can Christian military forces or Christian politicians (from either the Russian Federation or NATO-Atlantic Alliance) coalition bring peace justice and order to Islamic lands – backing client states - Muslim Emirates, Sultanates or Kingdoms - against one another or in support of several? The answer should be obvious but sadly 99.9% of our politicians are myopic and, as I never fail to point out, are all forever doomed to repeat historical mistakes of the past.

How can the ordinary person, the man or woman in the street, make sense of what is happening when nobody is telling the truth?
[For example, you probably do not know that Bahrain, a Gulf Kingdom, is not the tyranny Russia Today television network paints it to be, but, as with Iraq, has a historically inherited Shia majority population governed by a Sunni-minority.  Iran, a Shia-majority country nearby, claims Bahrain as a historical part of one province. The ruling Sunni (and Saudi-backed) leadership and population in this small Kingdom have no practical 'final solution' for this dilemma.
I use this term because it would be loath of this moderate Muslim kingdom to embark on a 'Hitler-type' 'final solution' to solve its ethnic problems.]

Not a single journalist in the mainstream media in Christendom today asks pertinent questions – such as why are these individuals, the Islamic terrorists, so pleased and willing to be martyrs?   Indeed, do our governments and institutions share any culpability through their reckless actions in Muslim lands, in the radicalization processes of such extremists and in their motivations to commit such horrendous acts of carnage?

When Patriotism and Martyrdom Are One and the Same
Why should people throughout Christendom be doomed to live in a perpetual state of fear and civil emergency because our politicians have their own (hidden) political and economic agendas for the Levant which the general populace, through widespread ignorance and disinformation, feel compelled to support or otherwise such persons are viewed and labeled as 'unpatriotic' and as 'traitors'?
Why is it unpatriotic to suggest that Christian forces should not be so highly visible as aggressors (by ordinary Muslim folk -as opposed to the ruling classes) across the Levant, the Gulf, the Sahel and the Far East?

Who defines political and religious martyrdom?

Ascension Thursday
There was an era when a religious figure of standing would bless all those innocents who had been martyred and whose place is now at the right hand of their God.
Indeed, today, for Catholics, it is Ascension Thursday.
As all appear lost in the Dunya, it's symbolism has likewise crumbled into [Pagan?] dust.   Christendom and it's inhabitants have no spiritual guidance nor inspiration as a follow-on from this recent carnage – only the empty words of [temporal] entities promising defiance and continuity in the face of terror.

Silencing The Messengers
There was a time when I could pull out my Press Card in most parts of the world and it afforded if not protection then a modicum of respect and likely excuse against me being murdered - on the grounds that there was some empathy for the fact that I was only doing my (professional) job of work.   Like doctors of old (not of today, I am sorry to have to tell you) you treated all 'patients' equally – regardless of whether they were government supporters or opposition fighters.
You simply reported what you found.   Not any more.

How To Defeat Terrorism
One of the best ways to defeat terrorism is to take away the causes for rebellion, martyrdom and self-sacrifice:these are usually economic social and political injustice and disenfranchisement of the masses.
When did you last hear any political or spiritual leader tell you these facts?
[Every one of them will 'duck and dive' when you put the above statement to them saying, for example, 'well, that's a matter of politics, our job is law and order and protecting life and property' or 'I don't know anything about that, my job is to preach against all extremism' or some other non-committal reply which leaves the heart of the matter, unresolved – crying out for justice – with the 'guarantee' of more martyrs to come.]

You need to dwell on that last paragraph just a little longer because you are not getting any pertinent facts from your mainstream media nor from your politicians nor from your spiritual leaders.

War Is Good For Business (When You Have Little Else To Sell Except Fear and Insecurity)
Why have we, in Christendom, just given up on promoting principles of democratic values, social justice, economic and political prosperity and harmony as opposed to promoting wars and arms sales in Muslim lands and in the Third World?   Cynics might reason that it is more profitable, quicker (in terms of outcomes) and cheaper to promote war and destruction than confidence and nation-building measures and structures – which are long, painstakingly slow, frustrating, and whose outcomes are never pre-determined nor can they be dictated.

History Repeating
As the great treasures of Babylon, Assyria, Phoenicia and Timbuktu are laid waste by Vandals (the Islamic State on this occasion) so too there will come the day when every treasure and heritage in Christendom will likewise be laid waste and ground into fine dust by their successors in aspiration or in empire.

Such is the sad and sorry epitaph for all prospective successor powers on planet earth, under its current stewardship.

Lost In The Dunya
I was going to leave this blog at the above but there is something else:
The generation I came from, before age politics and evolution, believed in love, peace and understanding.   We are probably the most laughed at and scorned generation of teenagers which ever existed.  Yet none of us preached the taking of any human life at any time and most wanted a more harmonious and just world for all.    Yet we were all shouted and hounded out of these beliefs – and such philosophies were regarded as too anarchic and very dangerous.
Yes there are just causes worth sacrifice and martyrdom – there always have and always will be.  The Coptic (and their West African Christian brother) prisoners of ISIS beheaded on the shores of the Mediterranean in Libya who all refused to deny their faith when given the chance to live (see an earlier blog) is just one of many testaments to this fact.

This is why you have what you have today.  It is by design and by intent.
Let nobody ever deceive you by saying that you have the exponential terror in the world of today and tomorrow by chance.
The denial of basic justice, human rights and disenfranchisements are at the root causes of terrorism in the world today.   
All of the extremes which evolve from such injustice are simply a more extreme evolution of unresolved political, economic, social and religious issues.

So as even more families grieve and mourn for innocents so cruelly taken at such short notice and through no fault of their own in this recent act of carnage, uniting them in spirit, as brothers and sister, with those in my previous blog and whose terrible deaths – their own precious lives likewise so cruelly taken – the latter receiving but a fraction of the world publicity the Manchester suicide bombing victims have attracted, why, I asked myself, should their precious Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist* lives, and equal suffering, be any less valid other than the fact that, until the horrors of what we disinter and call from beyond a place none of us know, come through the darkness to knock on our very own doors, we, likewise, will continue to all be lost in denial and in ignorance – in the Dunya.

©Patrick Emek, May 2017

I chose this title 'Lost in the Dunya' to again reflect the fact that this was an Islamic (Muslim) martyr, inspired by a cause or perceived injustice, that the victims were of whatever chance religion (or no religion) happened to have the misfortune be in his or her presence when Shahada (martyrdom) was embraced by that individual, that there was, in the mind of the suicide bomber a 'just cause' for his or her actions and that he or she genuinely believes that this action will be praised by Allah – and that, as a martyr, he will take his place at the right hand of the Prophet who himself is at the right hand of Allah.
Likewise, as innocent victims with absolutely no link to combatants, the security forces nor to their families nor such innocents sharing any responsibility or having any reason for the initial cause of jihad, such innocent individuals killed or murdered in this manner are, as I understand it, totally unacceptable to Allah in the Koran as sacrificial 'offerings' by the suicide bomber to justify his martyrdom.   You did not know this?    You need to converse with an Islamic scholar to confirm what I have just said.    [As a non-Muslim I cannot advise you in this regard.]
You should also ask such a learned cleric as to whether such a misguided individual would be forgiven by Allah - in ignorance or mistranslation or misguidance of martyrdom and its terms of reference in defense of Islam and Islamic values - which caused him to act as he did in the taking of innocent life.

The Dunya:An Arabic-Islamic term which has many meanings but in essence translates into non-Arabic (English) language as either 'worldly' or 'hedonistic' and 'lost' to Mammon.

*I refer to the Muslim, Shinto Buddhist, Christian and Hindu believers as captured and murdered victims of ISIS in Syria, Libya and Iraq

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

In an era of monumental political stupidity at an unprecedented presidential height, of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia in Europe and the United States, of hatred and wholesale butchery and slaughter on an abattoir-scale of Christians and their fellow Muslims throughout the Arab world of North Africa - especially in Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, The Sahel, across the Levant Syria, Iraq and elsewhere – and where the flames of democracy, justice, civil rights, freedom of thought, expression and sexuality are being extinguished by exhortations from what was once regarded as the leadership of the free world, I could not resist to include the article below, as encouragement and support to all whose disabilities may now be mocked openly – with sanction from the highest political authority you can imagine – that the struggle must continue:
' A Luta Continua!'

[The motto of the story below is that it is not the money – but knowing where to leave the chalk mark. Henry Ford no doubt learned a valuable lesson from the encounter.]
Patrick Emek

now read on...............................................................................................................

Important Quotes

There are no foolish questions, and nobody becomes a fool until they stop asking questions.”
Money is a stupid measure of achievement, but unfortunately it is the only universal measure we have.” 

Charles Steinmetz
1865 – 1923

Charles Steinmetz stood four feet tall with a humped back. Now virtually unknown, he was a brilliant German mathematician and engineer in the 1890’s and early 1900’s.  A devout socialist with capitalist tendencies, he had no problem charging huge fees for his services.  A friend of Albert Einstein, he rode to work every day on a bicycle wearing a suit and a top hat. Steinmetz moved to America at age 24.
His work with electricity was monumental. His calculations and experiments allowed electricity to become safer, stable and more widely used.
Henry Ford enlisted his help with electrical problems, hiring Steinmetz to fix a troubled generator.
Steinmetz arrived without tools and began staring at and listening to the generator, doing it for two days. He finally climbed up a ladder and made a chalk mark on the side of the generator.  He told Ford employees to replace certain parts at the chalk mark. The generator was fixed.
Henry Ford was happy, but almost fell on the floor when he got a bill for what he considered a simple task – $10,000.  Ford, at first refused to pay, saying he wanted Steinmetz to itemize his bill.
Steinmetz did just that.  He told Ford that the chalk mark was one dollar. The other $9,999 was for knowing where to put the mark.

A rare 1921 photo taken at a tour of an RCA wireless station in New Jersey.  Steinmetz is in the middle with Albert Einstein to the left.  

The above article and photograph are courtesy of
  • Please visit their website.
  • This website will give readers a viewpoint contrary to what they find here.
  • It is important that our international readership understand that this website supports the right
  • of every website worldwide to freely express without fear nor favor their political, economic, social, religious, atheistic cultural and pagan views regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, color, sexuality or sexual orientation and that while often not agreeing with them, we support our brothers and sisters exercising their right to free speech at 'Stand Up America.'
  • The exception to the above being websites which promote the taking of human life and the denial of justice,liberty and freedom of expression in all of its forms.
  • Even such dangerous websites I will always for your study and wisdom refer you to from time to time - as a beacon or lighthouse near the headland - least your skiff gets dashed on the jagged rocks.

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