
Thursday 7 September 2017

The Taboo Nobody Will Discuss
(On A Silver Platter)

We know that Donald Trump is pro-neo-Nazi. That is without question.  
As with the Fuhrer, Donald Trump is also a 'gift' to the Aryan nation.

Historical Background
What is deliberately hidden from general public media debate is the fact that some Jews in Hitler's Germany were pro-Nazi and  pro-Adolf Hitler - and many of that small minority occupied important positions within German society and in the armed forces of the Third Reich between 1939 and 1945.
[I believe that time - and U.S. declassified archives - will reveal that many were tasked with very 'sensitive' operations involving the extermination of their fellow-Jews - knowing that their loyalty (to the Third Reich) was next to one hundred per cent.]
Why has this issue been hidden from public debate for so long?  I could speculate but my guess is probably as good as yours.
What I want you to do is to read, to look and to listen and to make up your own mind about their motives.

Why Is This Such An Important Topic Today?
It is an important time in history to be looking at such questions because such Jews (in America and in Israel) are now becoming highly vocal (again) in their outspoken support for neo-Nazism.
Is this out of hatred of their own race?;out of some atavistic fear?;a wish to disassociate themselves from, what they perceive as a tribe they do not wish to belong to for their own psychological reasons?; or is it something even deeper and darker about all of us which is very difficult to fathom?  
I would opt for the latter argument.
I can't say that I have any answers but perhaps by looking and listening what some of them have to say about their lives and upbringings something of value may be extrapolated.

This Was A Minority Of German Jews
(Not The Majority - Who Were Too Busy Fleeing The Continent Of Europe!)
I have to again say that this represents a small proportion of the total German Jewish population
(probably less than 10%) but the fact that the Fuhrer himself was probably Jewish (and compelling facts exist which suggest that he was) coupled with the fact that a number of very senior officers serving under the Third Reich were Jewish, and given President Donald Trump's own background  (which I separately covered two months as an introduction) there is clearly an enigma which the mainstream media is actively refusing to engage with.

Why Has This Topic Suddenly Assumed Such Importance?
Why is the topic important at this particular time?
It is important, in my opinion, because a  U.S. President  coupled with a small group of trusted advisors (including Steve Bannon) are embarking on a program to transform America from a plural democracy into a national socialist empire.
It will take time - and the ousting of senior GOP members - but the process has already begun.

''When They Came For My Neighbor I Did Not Speak Out............''
It appears that few Republicans are prepared to oppose this direction and, as with Nazi Germany, many countries outside the United States will simply 'capitulate' or 'acquiesce' (stay silent) while this transformation takes place.
Indeed as with Nazi Germany, some countries will embrace the renewed philosophies of this revived movement  with open arms - and in the process become a part of this new Axis empire.

Taking Up The Fallen Torch Of Liberty and Freedom
So who will be out there to offer an alternative path?  Who is capable of taking the torch of liberty, of freedom and democracy for the poor, the needy and those dreamers of plural democracy and human rights?
Who can show those motivated individuals worldwide seeking a better life that a country of hope exists on the planet?
More importantly, now that the experiment in American democracy appears to be over (the U.S. State Department recently announced that it will no longer be actively promoting democracy and democratic values abroad. You didn't know this?; you need to be better informed than what your mainstream media has to offer) have any lessons been learned to prevent another 'American' tragedy by it's successor in kind?

End Of The Dream
(Sleepwalking Into The Past)
I say this as if the American dream is completely dead.
Well there is opposition.  I will not give a list of the most prominent Republicans quietly opposing Trump.  If you read my earlier blogs and consider what happened to those opposing the Fuhrer  - murdered, discredited, imprisoned, officially executed (assassinated) died by 'accidents' - the list is lengthy - but what was left was no political opposition to Adolf Hitler nor his plan to transform Germany, Europe and ultimately the world.

''Keep Your Friends Close............''
Those Trump has the most contempt for are his fellow Republicans who refuse to endorse him and his 'vision' for change.
Most do not have the moral courage to  oppose President Trump and, will easily fall into  line after the 'conscientious objectors' are removed.

Tribalism: Part Of The Human Condition
Another question I discussed was is this obsessive and racial purity issue one which is only affecting one specific group (or two groups - Jews and Aryans) of people?
The answer is most certainly 'no'.
The fact that the Yugoslav Serbs, the Croats and Bosnian Muslims and the Albanians will all engage in ethnic cleansing (and even the forced removal - and murdering in the process - of vital healthy organs from live individuals of other ethnic groups) shows that this is not a aberration of human nature but, under the wrong conditions, all of us are likely to so behave and acquiesce in atavism.

When Human Life Is Just A Piece Of Meat
(No Nation Can Claim 'Sainthood')
The fact that the Hutu in Rwanda will attempt the same type of racial purity by extermination with the crudest of implements at their disposal (chopping up their victims with butchers knives and leaving the body parts on tables) or Pol Pot (a former Buddhist monk) political 'purification' by extermination and re-education of political dissidents, and many others you and I could mention over the millennia all demonstrate that this desire for political, ethnic or racial purity is worldwide and not (as some would lie to make you believe) aberrations of human nature but are a part of the natural flow and cycle of human life and the human species on this planet.

The Past Always Repeats - If You Know What You Are Looking At
As some attempt to consign such atavism to the past, others fight back for it's preservation on the grounds of purity of the tribe and separation of all the races and groups.

[Scientific theory and Space theory evolutionists are even using science-fiction and theories of celestial origin and similar ideologies (sometimes cleverly concealed beneath what on the surface appears totally innocent academic hypotheses) to weave such racial separations as 'evidence' of  higher being plans for the human species -conveniently (and quite expertly, by design, in my opinion) utilizing pseudo-science and religion to support their case.]

'Hope' We Can Believe In?
Sounds quite depressing doesn't it?; but there still is hope - and time.
Those opposing Trump are still in the majority - and can still (until it is taken away) use (if they care to) their democratic right to sweep away everything he is attempting to put in place.

The hope that we can all move beyond our origins to something higher is not yet entirely extinguished. 

The promised land is but a dream away - make it happen!

'With Forked Tongue!'
To those GOP members sitting 'round the dinner table this evening, watch your backs (!) ; your host speaks 'with forked tongue' - and you drink from a poisoned chalice  (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

[You will find the required material on the above matters in the side column of this blog.]

One correction of historical fact for the side reference:
'Zionist Attempt To Cut Deal With Nazis' for Jewish State (Israel)

It is a distortion of fact to say that Hitler was the founder of Israel.  Yes he did attempt to 'get rid of the Jews' by 'doing a deal' with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  The Grand Mufti was however, as I said two years ago in a blog at this site, horrified at the influx of Jews from Germany and threatened to withdraw - and use his influence with the *[Ottoman] Turks - to switch sides of All Arabs, Turks and  Muslim believers to the Allies if Hitler did not relent and withdraw this proposal to expel all German Jews to Palestine.   These are the facts.  You can check them from (earlier) references at this site or do your own research.]

Ottoman empire ended after WW1, Ottoman renaissance (and German promises for after WWII) motivated support for the Fuhrer


The Taboo Nobody Will Discuss
(On A Silver Platter)

We know that Donald Trump is pro-neo-Nazi. That is without question.  
As with the Fuhrer, Donald Trump is also a 'gift' to the Aryan nation.

Historical Background
What is deliberately hidden from general public media debate is the fact that some Jews in Hitler's Germany were pro-Nazi and  pro-Adolf Hitler - and many of that small minority occupied important positions within German society and in the armed forces of the Third Reich between 1939 and 1945.
[I believe that time - and U.S. declassified archives - will reveal that many were tasked with very 'sensitive' operations involving the extermination of their fellow-Jews - knowing that their loyalty (to the Third Reich) was next to one hundred per cent.]
Why has this issue been hidden from public debate for so long?  I could speculate but my guess is probably as good as yours.
What I want you to do is to read, to look and to listen and to make up your own mind about their motives.

Why Is This Such An Important Topic Today?
It is an important time in history to be looking at such questions because such Jews (in America and in Israel) are now becoming highly vocal (again) in their outspoken support for neo-Nazism.
Is this out of hatred of their own race?;out of some atavistic fear?;a wish to disassociate themselves from, what they perceive as a tribe they do not wish to belong to for their own psychological reasons?; or is it something even deeper and darker about all of us which is very difficult to fathom?  
I would opt for the latter argument.
I can't say that I have any answers but perhaps by looking and listening what some of them have to say about their lives and upbringings something of value may be extrapolated.

This Was A Minority Of German Jews
(Not The Majority - Who Were Too Busy Fleeing The Continent Of Europe!)
I have to again say that this represents a small proportion of the total German Jewish population
(probably less than 10%) but the fact that the Fuhrer himself was probably Jewish (and compelling facts exist which suggest that he was) coupled with the fact that a number of very senior officers serving under the Third Reich were Jewish, and given President Donald Trump's own background  (which I separately covered two months as an introduction) there is clearly an enigma which the mainstream media is actively refusing to engage with.

Why Has This Topic Suddenly Assumed Such Importance?
Why is the topic important at this particular time?
It is important, in my opinion, because a  U.S. President  coupled with a small group of trusted advisors (including Steve Bannon) are embarking on a program to transform America from a plural democracy into a national socialist empire.
It will take time - and the ousting of senior GOP members - but the process has already begun.

''When They Came For My Neighbor I Did Not Speak Out............''
It appears that few Republicans are prepared to oppose this direction and, as with Nazi Germany, many countries outside the United States will simply 'capitulate' or 'acquiesce' (stay silent) while this transformation takes place.
Indeed as with Nazi Germany, some countries will embrace the renewed philosophies of this revived movement  with open arms - and in the process become a part of this new Axis empire.

Taking Up The Fallen Torch Of Liberty and Freedom
So who will be out there to offer an alternative path?  Who is capable of taking the torch of liberty, of freedom and democracy for the poor, the needy and those dreamers of plural democracy and human rights?
Who can show those motivated individuals worldwide seeking a better life that a country of hope exists on the planet?
More importantly, now that the experiment in American democracy appears to be over (the U.S. State Department recently announced that it will no longer be actively promoting democracy and democratic values abroad. You didn't know this?; you need to be better informed than what your mainstream media has to offer) have any lessons been learned to prevent another 'American' tragedy by it's successor in kind?

End Of The Dream
(Sleepwalking Into The Past)
I say this as if the American dream is completely dead.
Well there is opposition.  I will not give a list of the most prominent Republicans quietly opposing Trump.  If you read my earlier blogs and consider what happened to those opposing the Fuhrer  - murdered, discredited, imprisoned, officially executed (assassinated) died by 'accidents' - the list is lengthy - but what was left was no political opposition to Adolf Hitler nor his plan to transform Germany, Europe and ultimately the world.

''Keep Your Friends Close............''
Those Trump has the most contempt for are his fellow Republicans who refuse to endorse him and his 'vision' for change.
Most do not have the moral courage to  oppose President Trump and, will easily fall into  line after the 'conscientious objectors' are removed.

Tribalism: Part Of The Human Condition
Another question I discussed was is this obsessive and racial purity issue one which is only affecting one specific group (or two groups - Jews and Aryans) of people?
The answer is most certainly 'no'.
The fact that the Yugoslav Serbs, the Croats and Bosnian Muslims and the Albanians will all engage in ethnic cleansing (and even the forced removal - and murdering in the process - of vital healthy organs from live individuals of other ethnic groups) shows that this is not a aberration of human nature but, under the wrong conditions, all of us are likely to so behave and acquiesce in atavism.

When Human Life Is Just A Piece Of Meat
(No Nation Can Claim 'Sainthood')
The fact that the Hutu in Rwanda will attempt the same type of racial purity by extermination with the crudest of implements at their disposal (chopping up their victims with butchers knives and leaving the body parts on tables) or Pol Pot (a former Buddhist monk) political 'purification' by extermination and re-education of political dissidents, and many others you and I could mention over the millennia all demonstrate that this desire for political, ethnic or racial purity is worldwide and not (as some would lie to make you believe) aberrations of human nature but are a part of the natural flow and cycle of human life and the human species on this planet.

The Past Always Repeats - If You Know What You Are Looking At
As some attempt to consign such atavism to the past, others fight back for it's preservation on the grounds of purity of the tribe and separation of all the races and groups.

[Scientific theory and Space theory evolutionists are even using science-fiction and theories of celestial origin and similar ideologies (sometimes cleverly concealed beneath what on the surface appears totally innocent academic hypotheses) to weave such racial separations as 'evidence' of  higher being plans for the human species - conveniently (and quite expertly, by design, in my opinion) utilizing pseudo-science and religion to support their case.]

'Hope' We Can Believe In?
Sounds quite depressing doesn't it?; but there still is hope - and time.
Those opposing Trump are still in the majority - and can still (until it is taken away) use (if they care to) their democratic right to sweep away everything he is attempting to put in place.

The hope that we can all move beyond our origins to something higher is not yet entirely extinguished. 

The promised land is but a dream away - make it happen!

'With Forked Tongue!'
To those GOP members sitting 'round the dinner table this evening, watch your backs (!) ; your host speaks 'with forked tongue' - and you drink from a poisoned chalice  (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

[You will find the required material on the above matters in the side column of this blog.]

One correction of historical fact for the side reference:
'Zionist Attempt To Cut Deal With Nazis' for Jewish State (Israel)

It is a distortion of fact to say that Hitler was the founder of Israel.  Yes he did attempt to 'get rid of the Jews' by 'doing a deal' with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  The Grand Mufti was however, as I said two years ago in a blog at this site, horrified at the influx of Jews from Germany and threatened to withdraw - and use his influence with the *[Ottoman] Turks - to switch sides of All Arabs, Turks and  Muslim believers to the Allies if Hitler did not relent and withdraw this proposal to expel all German Jews to Palestine.   These are the facts.  You can check them from (earlier) references at this site or do your own research.]

*Ottoman empire ended after WW1, Ottoman renaissance (and German promises for after WWII) motivated support for the Fuhrer


The Taboo Nobody Will Discuss
(On A Silver Platter)

We know that Donald Trump is pro-neo-Nazi. That is without question.  
As with the Fuhrer, Donald Trump is also a 'gift' to the Aryan nation.

Historical Background
What is deliberately hidden from general public media debate is the fact that some Jews in Hitler's Germany were pro-Nazi and  pro-Adolf Hitler - and many of that small minority occupied important positions within German society and in the armed forces of the Third Reich between 1939 and 1945.
[I believe that time - and U.S. declassified archives - will reveal that many were tasked with very 'sensitive' operations involving the extermination of their fellow-Jews - knowing that their loyalty (to the Third Reich) was next to one hundred per cent.]
Why has this issue been hidden from public debate for so long?  I could speculate but my guess is probably as good as yours.
What I want you to do is to read, to look and to listen and to make up your own mind about their motives.

Why Is This Such An Important Topic Today?
It is an important time in history to be looking at such questions because such Jews (in America and in Israel) are now becoming highly vocal (again) in their outspoken support for neo-Nazism.
Is this out of hatred of their own race?;out of some atavistic fear?;a wish to disassociate themselves from, what they perceive as a tribe they do not wish to belong to for their own psychological reasons?; or is it something even deeper and darker about all of us which is very difficult to fathom?  
I would opt for the latter argument.
I can't say that I have any answers but perhaps by looking and listening what some of them have to say about their lives and upbringings something of value may be extrapolated.

This Was A Minority Of German Jews
(Not The Majority - Who Were Too Busy Fleeing The Continent Of Europe!)
I have to again say that this represents a small proportion of the total German Jewish population
(probably less than 10%) but the fact that the Fuhrer himself was probably Jewish (and compelling facts exist which suggest that he was) coupled with the fact that a number of very senior officers serving under the Third Reich were Jewish, and given President Donald Trump's own background  (which I separately covered two months as an introduction) there is clearly an enigma which the mainstream media is actively refusing to engage with.

Why Has This Topic Suddenly Assumed Such Importance?
Why is the topic important at this particular time?
It is important, in my opinion, because a  U.S. President  coupled with a small group of trusted advisors (including Steve Bannon) are embarking on a program to transform America from a plural democracy into a national socialist empire.
It will take time - and the ousting of senior GOP members - but the process has already begun.

''When They Came For My Neighbor I Did Not Speak Out............''
It appears that few Republicans are prepared to oppose this direction and, as with Nazi Germany, many countries outside the United States will simply 'capitulate' or 'acquiesce' (stay silent) while this transformation takes place.
Indeed as with Nazi Germany, some countries will embrace the renewed philosophies of this revived movement  with open arms - and in the process become a part of this new Axis empire.

Taking Up The Fallen Torch Of Liberty and Freedom
So who will be out there to offer an alternative path?  Who is capable of taking the torch of liberty, of freedom and democracy for the poor, the needy and those dreamers of plural democracy and human rights?
Who can show those motivated individuals worldwide seeking a better life that a country of hope exists on the planet?
More importantly, now that the experiment in American democracy appears to be over (the U.S. State Department recently announced that it will no longer be actively promoting democracy and democratic values abroad. You didn't know this?; you need to be better informed than what your mainstream media has to offer) have any lessons been learned to prevent another 'American' tragedy by it's successor in kind?

End Of The Dream
(Sleepwalking Into The Past)
I say this as if the American dream is completely dead.
Well there is opposition.  I will not give a list of the most prominent Republicans quietly opposing Trump.  If you read my earlier blogs and consider what happened to those opposing the Fuhrer  - murdered, discredited, imprisoned, officially executed (assassinated) died by 'accidents' - the list is lengthy - but what was left was no political opposition to Adolf Hitler nor his plan to transform Germany, Europe and ultimately the world.

''Keep Your Friends Close............''
Those Trump has the most contempt for are his fellow Republicans who refuse to endorse him and his 'vision' for change.
Most do not have the moral courage to  oppose President Trump and, will easily fall into  line after the 'conscientious objectors' are removed.

Tribalism: Part Of The Human Condition
Another question I discussed was is this obsessive and racial purity issue one which is only affecting one specific group (or two groups - Jews and Aryans) of people?
The answer is most certainly 'no'.
The fact that the Yugoslav Serbs, the Croats and Bosnian Muslims and the Albanians will all engage in ethnic cleansing (and even the forced removal - and murdering in the process - of vital healthy organs from live individuals of other ethnic groups) shows that this is not a aberration of human nature but, under the wrong conditions, all of us are likely to so behave and acquiesce in atavism.

When Human Life Is Just A Piece Of Meat
(No Nation Can Claim 'Sainthood')
The fact that the Hutu in Rwanda will attempt the same type of racial purity by extermination with the crudest of implements at their disposal (chopping up their victims with butchers knives and leaving the body parts on tables) or Pol Pot (a former Buddhist monk) political 'purification' by extermination and re-education of political dissidents, and many others you and I could mention over the millennia all demonstrate that this desire for political, ethnic or racial purity is worldwide and not (as some would lie to make you believe) aberrations of human nature but are a part of the natural flow and cycle of human life and the human species on this planet.

The Past Always Repeats - If You Know What You Are Looking At
As some attempt to consign such atavism to the past, others fight back for it's preservation on the grounds of purity of the tribe and separation of all the races and groups.

[Scientific theory and Space theory evolutionists are even using science-fiction and theories of celestial origin and similar ideologies (sometimes cleverly concealed beneath what on the surface appears totally innocent academic hypotheses) to weave such racial separations as 'evidence' of  higher being plans for the human species - conveniently (and quite expertly, by design, in my opinion) utilizing pseudo-science and religion to support their case.]

'Hope' We Can Believe In?
Sounds quite depressing doesn't it?; but there still is hope - and time.
Those opposing Trump are still in the majority - and can still (until it is taken away) use (if they care to) their democratic right to sweep away everything he is attempting to put in place.

The hope that we can all move beyond our origins to something higher is not yet entirely extinguished. 

The promised land is but a dream away - make it happen!

'With Forked Tongue!'
To those GOP members sitting 'round the dinner table this evening, watch your backs (!) ; your host speaks 'with forked tongue' - and you drink from a poisoned chalice  (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

[You will find the required material on the above matters in the side column of this blog.]

One correction of historical fact for the side reference:
'Zionist Attempt To Cut Deal With Nazis' for Jewish State (Israel)

It is a distortion of fact to say that Hitler was the founder of Israel.  Yes he did attempt to 'get rid of the Jews' by 'doing a deal' with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  The Grand Mufti was however, as I said two years ago in a blog at this site, horrified at the influx of Jews from Germany and threatened to withdraw - and use his influence with the *[Ottoman] Turks - to switch sides of All Arabs, Turks and  Muslim believers to the Allies if Hitler did not relent and withdraw this proposal to expel all German Jews to Palestine.   These are the facts.  You can check them from (earlier) references at this site or do your own research.]

Ottoman empire ended after WW1, Ottoman renaissance (and German promises for after WWII) motivated support for the Fuhrer


Monday 4 September 2017

Charlottesville :
[A Tale Of Two Groups]

There was were two victims of the Charlottesville Terrorist Attack – and neither of them was Donald Trump.
The First Was Heather Heyer.
The Second Was Race Relations in America.

To the chants of 'Jews Will Not Replace Us!' President Trump pushed back against 'the fake media' reporting of this and other racist chants to the American people with the words (and I paraphrase): 'These (so-called neo-Nazi protesters) had some very fine people amongst their ranks and they all had a legal right to protest - in contrast to those protesting against their presence. 'The neo-Nazis and those protesting against Nazism are equally at fault.' (i.e. there is a moral equivalence between Nazism and those opposing it.)
I just wonder how he will explain his equivocation of Nazism and those who oppose it to his part-Jewish grandchildren when they grow up?

I contend that those marching as neo-Nazis know very little about Nazism, it's history, it's origin nor it's mythology.
Yes no doubt their hierarchy (leadership) most certainly do but not the rank and file – more motivated by personal grievances based on race-hate and division - a unique form of American racism resulting from the enforced mixing of the races in this land of immigrants, than anything else.

Yes all these groups worldwide have certain things in common – and all are motivated by a hatred of foreigners based on race and tribal origin.

Many see themselves as 'Aryan' – without understanding that the word itself - and indeed the origin of the Aryan Race – is thousands of years old and derives from Northern India and lands we know today as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. [It may be the ultimate Greek pathos and supreme irony that those most hostile racists may very well be killing their own (99% genetically identical) 'kit and kin' brothers and sisters, some generations or centuries removed. They would probably say 'we don't care' – so I'll leave it at that.]

But in this blog I want to focus on a tale of two groups.
Not the ones you probably think I will highlight but two very different and separate organisations with very little in common.

El Al Security at *******:
It Was A Circus (!)
I, a civilian, should not be able to identify an El Al agent on protective duty anywhere in the world. Neither should I be able to identify any local (official) secondary 'spotters' (be they local army personnel or civilians) working with them.
Even if the government of a host country forbids them to carry an open or concealed weapon in a particular area (such as an international airport near the El Al Desk) I should be totally oblivious to their presence. It is only if I am totally unaware that they are there can they be successful and effective in the event of an issue arising.
In actual fact, where I was, El Al protective security created such a circus with their entourage that it defied belief to the point of my exasperation (!)
If I was a terrorist, it would be so easy to 'take out' (or, with a little more detective work, capture – a more likely scenario for the environment I was in) the security agent(s) and his or her entourage – forget about the El Al flying passengers - these would be better trophies – their heads impaled on wall somewhere anonymous. Besides, with such sloppiness the likelihood of obtaining their home addresses for kidnap, capture for ransom, or assassination, if I was determined enough, would be a piece of cake.
[On an observational note, it is possible that because there has not been an incident for a long time here that these individuals have become 'sloppy' – and are now making very dangerous mistakes, even to an untrained observer, which endanger both themselves and the people they are supposed to be protecting.]*

American neo-Nazis (or AN Supporters)
Are, coincidentally, having the same problem as their El Al security 'counterparts' – that of 'blending in' to new environments.
They look so 'out of place' it is almost unbelievable.
The stories they make up to justify their presence are so laughable and fictitious that they beggar belief.

They (neo-Nazis) also, while generating their cover story, get their racist terminologies all mixed up – confusing African-Americans (or more derogatory terms used by them) with local indigenous individuals of color (and using the same U.S. derogatory terminology for them also.)
They even talk (with me) of their personal experiences of living and working on Kibbutz' in Israel and are so violently (rabidly?) anti-Arab (anti-Palestinian) that this too beggars belief.
I too have some limited knowledge of Israel and when I challenge them on inaccurate statements they go to ground with little more to say.

[Because of the perceived future (beyond the Trump administration years) real dangers to the physical security of Jews in America (and, by association, Israel) a new 'public relations' campaign has been launched in Israel to attempt to dissociate Zionism from neo-Nazism. This campaign is, in my opinion, about 60 years too late and will have no impact on entrenched positions of extremism within American and European politics on the political left and on the right – a legacy of the Presidency of Donald Trump.]

Now I do not have anything in common with the Turks or Arabs (Christian nor Muslim) but, thankfully, I never volunteered for a Kibbutz – where all (Christians) who I knew that returned had been 're-programmed' as Zionists and, more importantly, as rabid anti-Arab racists.
This is why I have said that Trump is a 'gift' to the Aryan Nation and neo-Nazi movements in America – because what will follow (and their leadership is aware of this) on the left or right, will be very hostile to Israel - it having been seen as being responsible for creating divisions in American politics solely to further the aims and objectives of Israel against the security and economic interests of the United States, hamstrung as it is from furthering it's global priorities because of this ongoing issue of Palestine and how it has impacted negatively U.S. foreign policy interests.

So these individuals (neo-Nazis) go out of their way to boast about their 'loyalty' to Israel' to the extent that it raises red flags – when you look beyond their 'hype' to what they really represent.
[It reminded me of the fact that Israel itself has a 'home-grown' neo-Nazi movement – imported mainly from Russian and Ukrainian emigres into the country.]

At one encounter a particular individual, a U.S. citizen, brought a local ('donkey') who had Swastikas temporarily tattooed on his fingers and arms, and, in a drunken fit of rage, having had a few drinks over lunch, accused me (someone he had never met before now) of not being 'real family'. He had obviously been told certain 'facts' by his 'mentor' and, in a drunken fit of rage, wanted to challenge me to a fight. I asked him to explain what he meant by 'real family' and he just went silent before getting up to challenge me. His mentor told him (in no uncertain terms) to sit down. This donkey gave him a 'lap-puppy' look and complied with the order. The entourage around our table just looked at the pair of them in utter horror and disbelief. [This 'mentor' had to spend some considerable time in quiet diplomacy after the event (and in my absence) rebuilding 'confidence' and 'trust' of some pretty sceptical individuals seated around the table that particular afternoon.]

Which is why I say that this U.S. neo-Nazi movement is uniquely American and moving further apart (maybe even a world apart) from global modern National Socialism ideology of today and its objectives worldwide.

What Your Mainstream Media Is Concealing
There are many countries throughout the world (in Africa, in Asia and in the Americas) which have the equivalent of national socialist governments – but your mainstream media will not tell you this so as not to 'confuse' you.
I define a national socialist government as one concerned with placing the primacy of one particular tribe or group or caste as paramount in policy whilst not disenfranchising other communities.

The Trump administration could be called the first National Socialist government in America – but don't expect to hear this from your mainstream media.
President Obama recently called on Trump to be President for all Americans.
Why should he be? That is not the purpose of a National Socialist government.
U.S. politicians better quickly wake-up and be more pro-active before their cherished values are consigned to the history museums along with other symbolic artefacts - 'vestiges d'un gloire disparu'.

The oligarch owners of mainstream media prefer their editors to call them 'nationalist' rather than what they really are - national socialist governments.
They (journalists working in the mainstream) will never use the term 'national socialist' for fear of both getting fired, being blackballed, and terrifying the populace at large – with all the evil connotations associated when you combine the words 'nationalism and socialism' into a political ideology or movement.
Anything that is 'national' and 'socialist' combined is supposed to be evil – and when you see and hear American neo-Nazis as I did I can well understand why nobody sane and in their right senses would want to associate with such rabidly (and obsessively) hateful and divisive groups.

It will take a long time before the concept and values of nationalism and socialism are seen as anything other than all I have described above for the reasons given.

[If you attempted to tell people the truth, you too can expect to be 'labeled' as an 'extremist' or neo-Nazi sympathizer or supporter (!)]

Arrogance, outlandish behavior, racism, bigotry, or just sheer incompetence always seem get the better of their sense and sensibilities.

'He's Trained To Bite!'
Not too long ago, in a European country, I passed a Police Officer with a fierce-looking dog near a very well-known Shopping Mall,
I had to ask him what he thought the presence of this dog (or indeed the visible presence of a big gun!) would have on a would-be suicide bomber.
His cordial reply to me was 'well Sir, he'll bite you if commanded' - as the dog sniffed my hand just waiting for that incentive (!)
(What I wanted to reply here was 'well, given the current situation, if you also trained him to shoot to kill you might be getting better value for money!'; but I refrained from this impolite comment!)
I then relayed to him my experience in Morocco (which I told you about earlier) and the surprise of the armed Officers on duty outside the popular tourist Cafe overlooking the Square in Marrakesh were at my remarks; and which Cafe was devastated with a terrorist explosion about a year later killing dozens and badly wounding and disfiguring many ex-pats and tourists.

We then had a ten-minute or so conversation (where he became more candid about the facts of life and realities on the ground) about the issues at hand.

Paper Tigers
The point I am making here is that 'visible' deterrence – be it El Al airport security (part-paid for incidentally by the Israeli government, worldwide) or the Police with guns or dogs or indeed the Army on the streets will not one iota deter committed individuals – be they Islamic suicide bombers or neo-Nazis terrorists or the sheer insane.
Indeed it may well have the opposite effect on fanatics who may very well see their visible presence as a great challenge too good to be missed to blow up (or in the case of Islamic radicals run down with an improvised attack weapon) as many members of the security forces as is possible and practicable in one very visible - and very prominent – location.

Fear Is The Key
Politicians in Western Europe and in the United States have given up trying to justify and explain to increasingly hostile electorates the links between Islamic terrorism in Christendom and their (the West and the United States) meddling in Arab Muslim lands and the chaos which their overthrowing of Arab regimes have created, the refugee displacement and anarchy - which I told you years ago would spill over into Christendom.
These same politicians are fighting past counter-insurgency wars in modern urban environments and are more concerned about intimidating their own populace to be submissive and compliant in the 'war on home-grown terror' than they are about deterring would-be extremists, terrorists or suicide bombers – since they already know the sad truth – which they must conceal from the general population as they implement new technologies of political and social controls with little to no scrutiny.

The Myth Of Islamic Terror Beyond the Dispossessed and Disenfranchised, The Religious Ideologues, the Deranged, and the Mentally Vulnerable
What has given vent to racism and xenophobia in Western Europe has been the huge influxes of (mainly Muslim men) into Western Europe.  This is often interpreted as a planned exodus from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.  I do not know the truth about this.  What I know is that before wars in Libya, in Somalia, in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Niger, there were no millions of boat people and displaced refugees seeking sanctuary from torture and terror in Europe.
You must ask yourself:who is responsible for creating the conditions where these people. who had good jobs, professions, stable communities and societies, are now fleeing in fear?
I know that you know the answer so I do not need to spell it out.
You need to hold your politicians to account when they and their mainstream media again beat the drums of war and intervention - because there are always unexpected consequences.

[By now, you, as an intelligent readership, already know that the acts of terror (resulting in real and terrible heartbreak and carnage however) being committed by Islamic terrorists are pretty unsophisticated and fairly crude in comparison with, say, the ability to manufacture a rocket (or 'mortar' or 'projectile' as the mainstream media prefer to say rather than create widespread panic amongst the general population) and accurately use relatively crude technology to project a flight path which lands it into the back garden of number 10 Downing Street – which the IRA did on one occasion -nearly killing the Prime Minister of Great Britain and her 'inner' Cabinet, or, as with the Tamil Tigers, to cause utter devastation using an estimated 2000 pound bomb with nail bombs at a busy bus terminal early in the morning – killing or wounding hundreds of men, women and children on their way to work or school – with body parts strewn everywhere - a scene from hell relayed to me by a lucky survivor reliving the trauma and who only escaped death because he was running a few minutes late for work that particular morning.]

The myth is perpetrated that Islamic terrorism is a great threat to world peace.
Yes terrorism is a threat but it cannot be defeated without political and social justice.
There is a difference between the war on terror and regime change worldwide.
It has been the loss of the clear objective and decisions to dismantle whole countries (about which our politicians know next to nothing - outside what economic resources they possess) that has got us into the quagmire we are in todayin Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Syria and in Libya.
And to think these same individuals now want to start a war with Iran, having learned nothing from their most recent fiascoes, want to send more troops to die needlessly.

I contend that the greatest threat to world peace and national security is military interventions on the orders of politicians with little experience of  war nor the countries being invaded, to secure economic and strategic resources, contracts, military bases and link roads (see earlier blogs about the ancient Silk Road route from China to Northern Syria) using humanitarian reasons and NGOs as cover.

After the Middle East, the Caucasus' and Caspian Sea regions will be the new fountains of the blood of innocents - massacred and butchered wholesale or displaced as refugees to further Mammon's priorities.

The presence of neo-Nazis on the streets of Charlottesville and other American towns and cities is a wake up call – the same wake-up call as the presence of these same individuals with twisted and false ideologies in foreign lands.

Now you might have gotten the impression that I keep 'bad company'.
This is not the case at all. What I want to do here is impress the negative aspects of my encounters rather than my responses to them in other settings, or, to misquote someone else:

'most of those folks I met there were pretty decent people.'

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

*the reason I have not mentioned the location of the El Al protective team I observed is because their ridiculous visible presence represents a disaster waiting to happen and when it does, they will be looking for someone or something to blame - other than their own incompetence

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