
Tuesday 19 September 2017

Bringing The Sword Of Justice For Those Victims Of The Islamic Caliphate
(Blood for Blood)

Lest You Forget Exactly What the Islamic State and Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' (backed by all our Western Christian Politicians at that time - excluding Donald Trump - I must honestly add)
Were All About

the edited version
(written in the vernacular)

In April of this year, 2017, I published a blog about the Islamic Caliphate.
Because of it's content, I did not even entitle it.
I said at the time that this was 'The Edited Version'.
There were 3 reasons for this:

1.A war was still in progress by Allied forces in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Islamic Caliphate.
The images withheld were of the beheadings of captured Kurdish soldiers, Russian conscripts and the beheading of a civilian, *Paul Johnson.

2.Some of these beheadings were carried out by children between the ages of possibly eight years old and twelve years old, assisted in some instances by Islamic State (Caucasus and European Muslims) Islamic State militant volunteer fighters.

3.My concern here was the demoralising effect which showing such videos might have on Allied U.S. and Iraqi forces as they (and their Iraqi and Syrian patriotic rebel forces) prepared to bring justice to the Islamic State and bring the bloody reign of the Islamic Caliphate State (and ISIS/ISIL terror in these regions) to a conclusive end.

As I understand it, those patriotic forces in Iraq and Syria have now meted justice (blood for blood) on all such perpetrators – regardless of age.
I salute those brave Iraqi and Syrian forces in what (I appreciate) was a difficult task but a necessary one and, as I understand the Qaran, Allah will praise and bless them and their Offspring for their actions and their places, both for Shia and Sunni, are reserved at His right hand.

As I also understand it, this justice has now been completed and those innocent victims (mainly Muslim but some Christian) of the Islamic State have been dealt with according to the Qaran.
Neither were those known perpetrators of horrific war crimes buried according to the Qaran – their bodies being left for the dogs and in Christian areas for the swine (with orders they remain unburied) so their souls will never find peace, and, if my interpretation of the Qaran is correct, they are now burning in the everlasting fires of Hell.

I posted many of these videos of the innocent victims of Islamic State executions at another website so that at least there might be opportunities for others to record their demise, and, hopefully, when the war ended, inform any known relatives of their unfortunate demise.

In any war environment one of the worst things is not knowing what happened to a missing loved one.
You can come to terms with a loved one being murdered, executed taken prisoner or killed in action but the uncertainty of not knowing what happened is often too much to bear.
It is for this reason that I posted anonymously what data I had compiled at another site.

There are 3 videos remaining in my archive.
One is the execution of Paul Johnson.
This has been covered in the press in the United States but during the war of liberation was never publicly released so as not to provoke a backlash across Christendom against Muslims.
I agreed with this policy.
Given the election of such an uneducated individual (Trump) brought into Office by a foreign power, I knew how he would use this material to incite hatred.
As I have said, ISIS/ISIL/Daesh supporters worldwide numbered no more that 1% - 2% of Muslims and most of these individuals are living in Muslim lands.
For a single innocent Muslim to be injured or killed in Christendom as a result of the same ignorance (lack of intelligence) which brought Trump into Office would, in my view, be a crime against God – if you really are a believer.

These videos were, however, circulated amongst brothers and sisters on the left and right (and amongst Christian movements) across the world but many took the same decision that I did – not to give added publicity nor glory to War Crimes perpetrated by the Islamic State.

These 3 haunting videos remain – so you can see some examples in real time why it was necessary to defeat these ISIS/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate - butchers of captured prisoners of war.
This, for myself, is the most heinous of crimes.
It brings back memories of how Israeli captured soldiers were butchered (with no mercy) whilst being held as prisoners of war.  Another incident I read about and which has stayed with me was when Israeli children, out on an adventure to explore caves, were mercilessly stoned to death.  An Israeli colleague, who knows my independent thoughts with regard to  insurgency movements, asked me 'well what do you say about this?'  (I think he was misguided to think that I would reply with anything other than what I did - that this was also a heinous and an evil act - which must be avenged.)
[On the eve of Rosh Hashanah and nearing Yom Kippur it also should remind the Israeli government today to respect the rights of those Palestinians being held as prisoners of war -and that, in my opinion, is what their status should be - and the Israeli government knows this to be true.]

Without further mention, here are at least 3 of the videos omitted from my blog about the Islamic State in April 2017.

These are exceptionally bloody scenes (which is why I omitted them during the war of liberation in Iraq and Syria.)
I have discussed their release here and have been encouraged in the belief that those (Christians and Muslim troops) who have struggled to bring justice for Muslim victims, for Christian Coptic Church victims, for Nuns and Priests, for Kurd, Yazidi, and other ethnic groups who were all victims of Islamic State barbarity, will use this (and other examples) to show and teach the next generation about why the necessity to bring justice for the innocent dead victims (may they rest in peace) of the Islamic Caliphate.

That infinite justice, as I said earlier, is reserved for Allah, who alone decides their ultimate destiny.

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

*Paul Johnson was beheaded in 2004, before the creation of the Islamic State.

His beheading was initially posted on an al-Qaeda affiliated website and has been used since for propaganda purposes by ISIS and it's affiliates.
It was then re-published on the site shown in the video.
I have mentioned previously (with the references) that there are 'splits' within al-Qaeda for over a decade and that some more extremist factions of al-Qaeda stopped taking orders from AQAP and AQIS after the creation of the Caliphate as they switched allegiance to ISIS.
It was one such extremist faction of al-Qaeda which murdered Paul Johnson.
(I have covered these 'splits' in earlier references.)
His beheading has been used by both al-Qaeda and ISIS for propaganda purposes and published on ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated websites.
Chechen rebels, also affiliated to the same groups have been posting beheadings of captured prisoners of war for more than a decade.
Likewise, ISIS-affiliates have used such to terrorize and demoralize patriotic rebel forces in Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic Caliphate is no more.

As with the Third Reich it has been destroyed - but it is far from dead.
As an intelligent readership you will note the passion with which many foreign Jihadi fighters fought to their last bullet rather than surrender to the 'Infidel'.
I also salute them for being prepared to embrace Shuhada (Martyrdom) rather than surrender to what they regarded as 'Satan' (their perception.)
(I can say this because one does not have to 'love' ISIS nor their deeds to recognize fortitude in your nemesis. You will be hard-pressed to find many say this in Christendom for fear of opprobrium.)
The original Waffen SS were hand-picked for their total loyalty to the death (Martyrdom) to the Fuhrer.  They were the most loyal, most fanatical and most highly motivated of all German soldiers.
As with ISIS foreign recruits, they were volunteers (or 'hand-picked') and were fighting 'for the cause' not for personal wealth nor gain but 'spiritual glory' for the New World Order which, for them, was also a religion.
 The concept of a 'pure' Islamic world is far from dead.  Quite the opposite I would predict.
One book (written by a 'Believer' not an 'Infidel') which I found very useful understanding ISIS is available to download from the reference site below.
You will note that the publishing house was, as for most such extremist ISIS material, based in Saudi Arabia.  It was widely downloaded by Westerners and Muslims in the Caucasus' and,as I understand, was widely discussed in 'chats' as a 'reliable' introduction for the novice long before the creation of the Islamic Caliphate.
If you really want to understand why ISIS supporters did as they did (without the propaganda 'hype') you might perhaps read this book?

It is one Islamic State believers spiritual version of 'Mein Kampf' and it clearly sets out certain principles which are (or should be for 'true' Muslims) 'non-negotiable'.

As I have said for may years now (and you can verify this fact for yourself) Islam is still the fastest growing religion in the world.

All the barbarity and horrific crimes of ISIS did was, maybe, slow down the conversion rate on this planet to a religion which many worldwide (and individually) must be perceiving as offering spiritual hope, in, what they perceive as, a world of spiritual darkness, 'lost in the Dunya'.    Many in Christendom are so consumed with materialism, with hate or contempt, engrossed in their own political or spiritual ideologies or, indeed, 'mindset programming' that they cannot grasp nor appreciate these obvious facts as true representations rather seeing them as something  so 'alien' that they simply cannot grasp - perhaps because it is 'a different reality' (?)
When you understand these new realities, you may appreciate why the Islamic State is far from dead, but, like a Phoenix, will re-engineer itself (or mutate) - perhaps next time into something more peaceful (?)

Now check out that reference below - if you dare (!)


If you found the above reference of interest, videos, articles and magazine at this website (not an al-Qaeda nor ISIS website!) will help you to understand the parameters of Jihad.
I have been recommending this site in chat for reading - especially if you are based or assigned to challenging environments - for some time:ḥayat-media-center/

[at least you will now appreciate the motivation of  AQIP, AQIS, AQIA, AQIS, insurgents and Caliphate supporters in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.] 
Bringing The Sword Of Justice For Those Victims Of The Islamic Caliphate
(Blood for Blood)

Lest You Forget Exactly What the Islamic State and Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' (backed by all our Western Christian Politicians at that time - excluding Donald Trump - I must honestly add)
Were All About

the edited version
(written in the vernacular)

In April of this year, 2017, I published a blog about the Islamic Caliphate.
Because of it's content, I did not even entitle it.
I said at the time that this was 'The Edited Version'.
There were 3 reasons for this:

1.A war was still in progress by Allied forces in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Islamic Caliphate.
The images withheld were of the beheadings of captured Kurdish soldiers, Russian conscripts and the beheading of a civilian, *Paul Johnson.

2.Some of these beheadings were carried out by children between the ages of possibly eight years old and twelve years old, assisted in some instances by Islamic State (Caucasus and European Muslims) Islamic State militant volunteer fighters.

3.My concern here was the demoralising effect which showing such videos might have on Allied U.S. and Iraqi forces as they (and their Iraqi and Syrian patriotic rebel forces) prepared to bring justice to the Islamic State and bring the bloody reign of the Islamic Caliphate State (and ISIS/ISIL terror in these regions) to a conclusive end.

As I understand it, those patriotic forces in Iraq and Syria have now meted justice (blood for blood) on all such perpetrators – regardless of age.
I salute those brave Iraqi and Syrian forces in what (I appreciate) was a difficult task but a necessary one and, as I understand the Qaran, Allah will praise and bless them and their Offspring for their actions and their places, both for Shia and Sunni, are reserved at His right hand.

As I also understand it, this justice has now been completed and those innocent victims (mainly Muslim but some Christian) of the Islamic State have been dealt with according to the Qaran.
Neither were those known perpetrators of horrific war crimes buried according to the Qaran – their bodies being left for the dogs and in Christian areas for the swine (with orders they remain unburied) so their souls will never find peace, and, if my interpretation of the Qaran is correct, they are now burning in the everlasting fires of Hell.

I posted many of these videos of the innocent victims of Islamic State executions at another website so that at least there might be opportunities for others to record their demise, and, hopefully, when the war ended, inform any known relatives of their unfortunate demise.

In any war environment one of the worst things is not knowing what happened to a missing loved one.
You can come to terms with a loved one being murdered, executed taken prisoner or killed in action but the uncertainty of not knowing what happened is often too much to bear.
It is for this reason that I posted anonymously what data I had compiled at another site.

There are 3 videos remaining in my archive.
One is the execution of Paul Johnson.
This has been covered in the press in the United States but during the war of liberation was never publicly released so as not to provoke a backlash across Christendom against Muslims.
I agreed with this policy.
Given the election of such an uneducated individual (Trump) brought into Office by a foreign power, I knew how he would use this material to incite hatred.
As I have said, ISIS/ISIL/Daesh supporters worldwide numbered no more that 1% - 2% of Muslims and most of these individuals are living in Muslim lands.
For a single innocent Muslim to be injured or killed in Christendom as a result of the same ignorance (lack of intelligence) which brought Trump into Office would, in my view, be a crime against God – if you really are a believer.

These videos were, however, circulated amongst brothers and sisters on the left and right (and amongst Christian movements) across the world but many took the same decision that I did – not to give added publicity nor glory to War Crimes perpetrated by the Islamic State.

These 3 haunting videos remain – so you can see some examples in real time why it was necessary to defeat these ISIS/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate - butchers of captured prisoners of war.
This, for myself, is the most heinous of crimes.
It brings back memories of how Israeli captured soldiers were butchered (with no mercy) whilst being held as prisoners of war.
[On the eve of Rosh Hashanah and nearing Yom Kippur it also should remind the Israeli government today to respect the rights of those Palestinians being held as prisoners of war -and that, in my opinion, is what their status should be - and the Israeli government knows this to be true.]

Without further mention, here are at least 3 of the videos omitted from my blog about the Islamic State in April 2017.

These are exceptionally bloody scenes (which is why I omitted them during the war of liberation in Iraq and Syria.)
I have discussed their release here and have been encouraged in the belief that those (Christians and Muslim troops) who have struggled to bring justice for Muslim victims, for Christian Coptic Church victims, for Nuns and Priests, for Kurd, Yazidi, and other ethnic groups who were all victims of Islamic State barbarity, will use this (and other examples) to show and teach the next generation about why the necessity to bring justice for the innocent dead victims (may they rest in peace) of the Islamic Caliphate.

That infinite justice, as I said earlier, is reserved for Allah, who alone decides their ultimate destiny.

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

*Paul Johnson was beheaded in 2004, before the creation of the Islamic State.

His beheading was initially posted on an al-Qaeda affiliated website and has been used since for propaganda purposes by ISIS and it's affiliates.
It was then re-published on the site shown in the video.
I have mentioned previously (with the references) that there are 'splits' within al-Qaeda for over a decade and that some more extremist factions of al-Qaeda stopped taking orders from AQAP and AQIS after the creation of the Caliphate as they switched allegiance to ISIS.
It was one such extremist faction of al-Qaeda which murdered Paul Johnson.
(I have covered these 'splits' in earlier references.)
His beheading has been used by both al-Qaeda and ISIS for propaganda purposes and published on ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated websites.
Chechen rebels, also affiliated to the same groups have been posting beheadings of captured prisoners of war for more than a decade.
Likewise, ISIS-affiliates have used such to terrorize and demoralize patriotic rebel forces in Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic Caliphate is no more.

As with the Third Reich it has been destroyed - but it is far from dead.
As an intelligent readership you will note the passion with which many foreign Jihadi fighters fought to their last bullet rather than surrender to the 'Infidel'.
I also salute them for being prepared to embrace Shuhada (Martyrdom) rather than surrender to what they regarded as 'Satan' (their perception.)
(I can say this because one does not have to 'love' ISIS nor their deeds to recognize fortitude in your nemesis. You will be hard-pressed to find many say this in Christendom for fear of opprobrium.)
The original Waffen SS were hand-picked for their total loyalty to the death (martyrdom) to the Fuhrer.  They were the most loyal, most fanatical and most highly motivated of all German soldiers.
As with ISIS foreign recruits, they were volunteers (or 'hand-picked') and were fighting 'for the cause' not for personal wealth nor gain but 'spiritual glory' for the New World Order which, for them, was also a religion.
 The concept of a 'pure' Islamic world is far from dead.  Quite the opposite I would predict.
One book (written by a 'Believer' not an 'Infidel') which I found very useful understanding ISIS is available to download from the reference site below.
You will note that the publishing house was, as for most such extremist ISIS material, based in Saudi Arabia.  It was widely downloaded by Westerners and Muslims in the Caucasus' and,as I understand, was widely discussed in 'chats' as a 'reliable' introduction for the novice long before the creation of the Islamic Caliphate.
If you really want to understand why ISIS supporters did as they did (without the propaganda 'hype') you might perhaps read this book?

It is one Islamic State believers spiritual version of 'Mein Kampf' and it clearly sets out certain principles which are (or should be for 'true' Muslims) 'non-negotiable'.

As I have said for may years now (and you can verify this fact for yourself) Islam is still the fastest growing religion in the world.

All the barbarity and horrific crimes of ISIS did was, maybe, slow down the conversion rate on this planet to a religion which many worldwide (and individually) must be perceiving as offering spiritual hope, in, what they perceive as, a world of spiritual darkness, 'lost in the Dunya'.   Many in Christendom are so consumed with materialism, with hate or contempt, engrossed in their own political or spiritual ideologies or, indeed, 'mindset programming' that they cannot grasp nor appreciate these obvious facts as true representations rather seeing them as something  so 'alien' that they simply cannot grasp - perhaps because it is 'a different reality' (?)
When you understand these new realities, you may appreciate why the Islamic State is far from dead, but, like a Phoenix, will re-engineer itself (or mutate) - perhaps next time into something more peaceful (?)

Now check out that reference below - if you dare (!)


Bringing The Sword Of Justice For Those Victims Of The Islamic Caliphate
(Blood for Blood)

Lest You Forget Exactly What the Islamic State and Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' (backed by all our Western Christian Politicians at that time - excluding Donald Trump - I must honestly add)
Were All About

the edited version
(written in the vernacular)

In April of this year, 2017, I published a blog about the Islamic Caliphate.
Because of it's content, I did not even entitle it.
I said at the time that this was 'The Edited Version'.
There were 3 reasons for this:

1.A war was still in progress by Allied forces in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Islamic Caliphate.
The images withheld were of the beheadings of captured Kurdish soldiers, Russian conscripts and the beheading of a civilian, *Paul Johnson.

2.Some of these beheadings were carried out by children between the ages of possibly eight years old and twelve years old, assisted in some instances by Islamic State (Caucasus and European Muslims) Islamic State militant volunteer fighters.

3.My concern here was the demoralising effect which showing such videos might have on Allied U.S. and Iraqi forces as they (and their Iraqi and Syrian patriotic rebel forces) prepared to bring justice to the Islamic State and bring the bloody reign of the Islamic Caliphate State (and ISIS/ISIL terror in these regions) to a conclusive end.

As I understand it, those patriotic forces in Iraq and Syria have now meted justice (blood for blood) on all such perpetrators – regardless of age.
I salute those brave Iraqi and Syrian forces in what (I appreciate) was a difficult task but a necessary one and, as I understand the Qaran, Allah will praise and bless them and their Offspring for their actions and their places, both for Shia and Sunni, are reserved at His right hand.

As I also understand it, this justice has now been completed and those innocent victims (mainly Muslim but some Christian) of the Islamic State have been dealt with according to the Qaran.
Neither were those known perpetrators of horrific war crimes buried according to the Qaran – their bodies being left for the dogs and in Christian areas for the swine (with orders they remain unburied) so their souls will never find peace, and, if my interpretation of the Qaran is correct, they are now burning in the everlasting fires of Hell.

I posted many of these videos of the innocent victims of Islamic State executions at another website so that at least there might be opportunities for others to record their demise, and, hopefully, when the war ended, inform any known relatives of their unfortunate demise.

In any war environment one of the worst things is not knowing what happened to a missing loved one.
You can come to terms with a loved one being murdered, executed taken prisoner or killed in action but the uncertainty of not knowing what happened is often too much to bear.
It is for this reason that I posted anonymously what data I had compiled at another site.

There are 3 videos remaining in my archive.
One is the execution of Paul Johnson.
This has been covered in the press in the United States but during the war of liberation was never publicly released so as not to provoke a backlash across Christendom against Muslims.
I agreed with this policy.
Given the election of such an uneducated individual (Trump) brought into Office by a foreign power, I knew how he would use this material to incite hatred.
As I have said, ISIS/ISIL/Daesh supporters worldwide numbered no more that 1% - 2% of Muslims and most of these individuals are living in Muslim lands.
For a single innocent Muslim to be injured or killed in Christendom as a result of the same ignorance (lack of intelligence) which brought Trump into Office would, in my view, be a crime against God – if you really are a believer.

These videos were, however, circulated amongst brothers and sisters on the left and right (and amongst Christian movements) across the world but many took the same decision that I did – not to give added publicity nor glory to War Crimes perpetrated by the Islamic State.

These 3 haunting videos remain – so you can see some examples in real time why it was necessary to defeat these ISIS/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate - butchers of captured prisoners of war.
This, for myself, is the most heinous of crimes.
It brings back memories of how Israeli captured soldiers were butchered (with no mercy) whilst being held as prisoners of war.
[On the eve of Rosh Hashanah and nearing Yom Kippur it also should remind the Israeli government today to respect the rights of those Palestinians being held as prisoners of war -and that, in my opinion, is what their status should be - and the Israeli government knows this to be true.]

Without further mention, here are at least 3 of the videos omitted from my blog about the Islamic State in April 2017.

These are exceptionally bloody scenes (which is why I omitted them during the war of liberation in Iraq and Syria.)
I have discussed their release here and have been encouraged in the belief that those (Christians and Muslim troops) who have struggled to bring justice for Muslim victims, for Christian Coptic Church victims, for Nuns and Priests, for Kurd, Yazidi, and other ethnic groups who were all victims of Islamic State barbarity, will use this (and other examples) to show and teach the next generation about why the necessity to bring justice for the innocent dead victims (may they rest in peace) of the Islamic Caliphate.

That infinite justice, as I said earlier, is reserved for Allah, who alone decides their ultimate destiny.

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

*Paul Johnson was beheaded in 2004, before the creation of the Islamic State.

His beheading was initially posted on an al-Qaeda affiliated website and has been used since for propaganda purposes by ISIS and it's affiliates.
It was then re-published on the site shown in the video.
I have mentioned previously (with the references) that there are 'splits' within al-Qaeda for over a decade and that some more extremist factions of al-Qaeda stopped taking orders from AQAP and AQIS, after the creation of the Caliphate as they switched allegiance to ISIS.
It was one such extremist faction of al-Qaeda which murdered Paul Johnson.
(I have covered these 'splits' in earlier references.)
His beheading has been used by both al-Qaeda and ISIS for propaganda purposes and published on ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated websites.
Chechen rebels, also affiliated to the same groups have been posting beheadings of captured prisoners of war for more than a decade.
Likewise, ISIS-affiliates have used such to terrorize and demoralize patriotic rebel forces in Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic Caliphate is no more.

As with the Third Reich it has been destroyed - but it is far from dead.
As an intelligent readership you will note the passion with which many foreign Jihadi fighters fought to their last bullet rather than surrender to the 'Infidel'.
I also salute them for being prepared to embrace Shuhada (Martyrdom) rather than surrender to what they regarded as 'Satan' (their perception.)
(I can say this because one does not have to 'love' ISIS nor their deeds to recognize fortitude in your nemesis. You will be hard-pressed to find many say this in Christendom for fear of opprobrium.)
The original Waffen SS were hand-picked for their total loyalty to the death (martyrdom) to the Fuhrer.  They were the most loyal, most fanatical and most highly motivated of all German soldiers.
As with ISIS foreign recruits, they were volunteers (or 'hand-picked') and were fighting 'for the cause' not for personal wealth nor gain but 'spiritual glory' for the New World Order which, for them, was also a religion.
 The concept of a 'pure' Islamic world is far from dead.  Quite the opposite I would predict.
One book (written by a 'Believer' not an 'Infidel') which I found very useful understanding ISIS is available to download from the reference site below.
You will note that the publishing house was, as for most such extremist ISIS material, based in Saudi Arabia.  It was widely downloaded by Westerners and Muslims in the Caucasus' and,as I understand, was widely discussed in 'chats' as a 'reliable' introduction for the novice long before the creation of the Islamic Caliphate.
If you really want to understand why ISIS supporters did as they did (without the propaganda 'hype') you might perhaps read this book?

It is one Islamic State believers spiritual version of 'Mein Kampf' and it clearly sets out certain principles which are (or should be for 'true' Muslims) 'non-negotiable'.

As I have said for may years now (and you can verify this fact for yourself) Islam is still the fastest growing religion in the world.

All the barbarity and horrific crimes of ISIS did was, maybe, slow down the conversion rate on this planet to a religion which many worldwide (and individually) must be perceiving as offering spiritual hope, in, what they perceive as, a world of spiritual darkness, 'lost in the Dunya'.   Many in Christendom are so consumed with materialism, with hate or contempt, engrossed in their own political or spiritual ideologies or, indeed, 'mindset programming' that they cannot grasp nor appreciate these obvious facts as true representations rather seeing them as something  so 'alien' that they simply cannot grasp - perhaps because it is 'a different reality' (?)
When you understand these new realities, you may appreciate why the Islamic State is far from dead, but, like a Phoenix, will re-engineer itself (or mutate) - perhaps next time into something more peaceful (?)

Now check out that reference below - if you dare (!)


Bringing The Sword Of Justice For Those Victims Of The Islamic Caliphate
(Blood for Blood)

Lest You Forget Exactly What the Islamic State and Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' (backed by all our Western Christian Politicians at that time - excluding Donald Trump - I must honestly add)
Were All About

the edited version
(written in the vernacular)

In April of this year, 2017, I published a blog about the Islamic Caliphate.
Because of it's content, I did not even entitle it.
I said at the time that this was 'The Edited Version'.
There were 3 reasons for this:

1.A war was still in progress by Allied forces in Iraq and Syria to defeat the Islamic Caliphate.
The images withheld were of the beheadings of captured Kurdish soldiers, Russian conscripts and the beheading of a civilian, *Paul Johnson.

2.Some of these beheadings were carried out by children between the ages of possibly eight years old and twelve years old, assisted in some instances by Islamic State (Caucasus and European Muslims) Islamic State militant volunteer fighters.

3.My concern here was the demoralising effect which showing such videos might have on Allied U.S. and Iraqi forces as they (and their Iraqi and Syrian patriotic rebel forces) prepared to bring justice to the Islamic State and bring the bloody reign of the Islamic Caliphate State (and ISIS/ISIL terror in these regions) to a conclusive end.

As I understand it, those patriotic forces in Iraq and Syria have now meted justice (blood for blood) on all such perpetrators – regardless of age.
I salute those brave Iraqi and Syrian forces in what (I appreciate) was a difficult task but a necessary one and, as I understand the Qaran, Allah will praise and bless them and their Offspring for their actions and their places, both for Shia and Sunni, are reserved at His right hand.

As I also understand it, this justice has now been completed and those innocent victims (mainly Muslim but some Christian) of the Islamic State have been dealt with according to the Qaran.
Neither were those known perpetrators of horrific war crimes buried according to the Qaran – their bodies being left for the dogs and in Christian areas for the swine (with orders they remain unburied) so their souls will never find peace, and, if my interpretation of the Qaran is correct, they are now burning in the everlasting fires of Hell.

I posted many of these videos of the innocent victims of Islamic State executions at another website so that at least there might be opportunities for others to record their demise, and, hopefully, when the war ended, inform any known relatives of their unfortunate demise.

In any war environment one of the worst things is not knowing what happened to a missing loved one.
You can come to terms with a loved one being murdered, executed taken prisoner or killed in action but the uncertainty of not knowing what happened is often too much to bear.
It is for this reason that I posted anonymously what data I had compiled at another site.

There are 3 videos remaining in my archive.
One is the execution of Paul Johnson.
This has been covered in the press in the United States but during the war of liberation was never publicly released so as not to provoke a backlash across Christendom against Muslims.
I agreed with this policy.
Given the election of such an uneducated individual (Trump) brought into Office by a foreign power, I knew how he would use this material to incite hatred.
As I have said, ISIS/ISIL/Daesh supporters worldwide numbered no more that 1% - 2% of Muslims and most of these individuals are living in Muslim lands.
For a single innocent Muslim to be injured or killed in Christendom as a result of the same ignorance (lack of intelligence) which brought Trump into Office would, in my view, be a crime against God – if you really are a believer.

These videos were, however, circulated amongst brothers and sisters on the left and right (and amongst Christian movements) across the world but many took the same decision that I did – not to give added publicity nor glory to War Crimes perpetrated by the Islamic State.

These 3 haunting videos remain – so you can see some examples in real time why it was necessary to defeat these ISIS/Daesh/Islamic Caliphate - butchers of captured prisoners of war.
This, for myself, is the most heinous of crimes.
It brings back memories of how Israeli captured soldiers were butchered (with no mercy) whilst being held as prisoners of war.
[On the eve of Rosh Hashanah and nearing Yom Kippur it also should remind the Israeli government today to respect the rights of those Palestinians being held as prisoners of war -and that, in my opinion, is what their status should be - and the Israeli government knows this to be true.]

Without further mention, here are at least 3 of the videos omitted from my blog about the Islamic State in April 2017.

These are exceptionally bloody scenes (which is why I omitted them during the war of liberation in Iraq and Syria.)
I have discussed their release here and have been encouraged in the belief that those (Christians and Muslim troops) who have struggled to bring justice for Muslim victims, for Christian Coptic Church victims, for Nuns and Priests, for Kurd, Yazidi, and other ethnic groups who were all victims of Islamic State barbarity, will use this (and other examples) to show and teach the next generation about why the necessity to bring justice for the innocent dead victims (may they rest in peace) of the Islamic Caliphate.

That infinite justice, as I said earlier, is reserved for Allah, who alone decides their ultimate destiny.

©Patrick Emek, September 2017

*Paul Johnson was beheaded in 2004, before the creation of the Islamic State.

His beheading was initially posted on an al-Qaeda affiliated website and has been used since for propaganda purposes by ISIS and it's affiliates.
It was then re-published on the site shown in the video.
I have mentioned previously (with the references) that there are 'splits' within al-Qaeda for over a decade and that some more extremist factions of al-Qaeda stopped taking orders from AQAP and AQIS after the creation of the Caliphate as they switched allegiance to ISIS.
It was one such extremist faction of al-Qaeda which murdered Paul Johnson.
(I have covered these 'splits' in earlier references.)
His beheading has been used by both al-Qaeda and ISIS for propaganda purposes and published on ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated websites.
Chechen rebels, also affiliated to the same groups have been posting beheadings of captured prisoners of war for more than a decade.
Likewise, ISIS-affiliates have used such to terrorize and demoralize patriotic rebel forces in Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic Caliphate is no more.

As with the Third Reich it has been destroyed - but it is far from dead.
As an intelligent readership you will note the passion with which many foreign Jihadi fighters fought to their last bullet rather than surrender to the 'Infidel'.
I also salute them for being prepared to embrace Shuhada (Martyrdom) rather than surrender to what they regarded as 'Satan' (their perception.)
(I can say this because one does not have to 'love' ISIS nor their deeds to recognize fortitude in your nemesis. You will be hard-pressed to find many say this in Christendom for fear of opprobrium.)
The original Waffen SS were hand-picked for their total loyalty to the death (martyrdom) to the Fuhrer.  They were the most loyal, most fanatical and most highly motivated of all German soldiers.
As with ISIS foreign recruits, they were volunteers (or 'hand-picked') and were fighting 'for the cause' not for personal wealth nor gain but 'spiritual glory' for the New World Order which, for them, was also a religion.
 The concept of a 'pure' Islamic world is far from dead.  Quite the opposite I would predict.
One book (written by a 'Believer' not an 'Infidel') which I found very useful understanding ISIS is available to download from the reference site below.
You will note that the publishing house was, as for most such extremist ISIS material, based in Saudi Arabia.  It was widely downloaded by Westerners and Muslims in the Caucasus' and,as I understand, was widely discussed in 'chats' as a 'reliable' introduction for the novice long before the creation of the Islamic Caliphate.
If you really want to understand why ISIS supporters did as they did (without the propaganda 'hype') you might perhaps read this book?

It is one Islamic State believers spiritual version of 'Mein Kampf' and it clearly sets out certain principles which are (or should be for 'true' Muslims) 'non-negotiable'.

As I have said for may years now (and you can verify this fact for yourself) Islam is still the fastest growing religion in the world.

All the barbarity and horrific crimes of ISIS did was, maybe, slow down the conversion rate on this planet to a religion which many worldwide (and individually) must be perceiving as offering spiritual hope, in, what they perceive as, a world of spiritual darkness, 'lost in the Dunya'.   Many in Christendom are so consumed with materialism, with hate or contempt, engrossed in their own political or spiritual ideologies or, indeed, 'mindset programming' that they cannot grasp nor appreciate these obvious facts as true representations rather seeing them as something  so 'alien' that they simply cannot grasp - perhaps because it is 'a different reality' (?)
When you understand these new realities, you may appreciate why the Islamic State is far from dead, but, like a Phoenix, will re-engineer itself (or mutate) - perhaps next time into something more peaceful (?)

Now check out that reference below - if you dare (!)


[at least you will now appreciate the motivation of  AQIP, AQIS, AQIA, AQIS, insurgents and Caliphate supporters in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.] 

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