
Wednesday 19 August 2015




In case you missed my previous blogs over the past two years I would like to reiterate a few matters which your mainstream media are deliberately concealing.

Before I do however, I must say that I have a problem welcoming these particular migrants and refugees from Muslim countries and from Africa.

The problem I have is not because of their color nor religion but their attitudes to women, to Gay people, to Lesbians, to the disabled and to other minority communities.

Almost without exception, none are Christian. Indeed I have heard (unconfirmed reports) that the Muslim refugees, when they hear there are African or Middle East Christians amongst their group, have resorted to murdering them rather than allow them to travel onwards to Europe with their group. While I have no proof of this, it would be no surprise to discover there was some truth, given the attitude to Christians in the Arab countries of North Africa - such as Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Algeria and in Muslim countries in the Middle East today.

We are being asked to welcome people who regard women as second class citizens whose only usage for girls is enforced marriage, female genital circumcision or mutilation, reproduction or barter. Their attitude to Gay and Lesbians is that they should be murdered as their relationships constitute a grevious sin 'against Allah'. Their general attitude to the disabled and minorities (such as Albinos) is that they too should be murdered at birth (infanticide.) Many have similar attitudes to females – indeed the practice of killing female babies is still practiced in many African and in some Arab countries since they are regarded as having 'less value' than male babies.

Again our politicians deliberately conceal these facts from the general public.

As someone who grew up with Jewish, German, Russian, Italian and other children whose parents were fleeing the aftermath of the horrors in Europe – both Stalin and Hitler - and managed to survive concentration camps only to find they had no living relatives – hence starting new families during the 1950s in more peaceful regions, I have an emotional, moral and spiritual dilemma when rejecting anyone fleeing the horrors of war, famine, disease and impoverishment.

But the refugees I knew were very tolerant and forgiving people.

They were not people who would stone women, or gays or other social outcasts (at that time) to death. Indeed they had seen far too much murder and pillage in their own lifetimes to wish it on anyone else.

The refugees we are being asked to welcome I do not recognise as being able in any way to adjust to the values of modern day Christendom (since their Imams forbid it) and my own preference would be to ensure their temporary safe passage and security with no possibility of European citizenship for either themselves or their children, neither through birth or marriage, and their ultimate  return to their homelands after peace is restored – with full compensation offered where they have saved assets during their sojourn in the safety of Christendom.

[There may well be exceptions where some have significantly contributed to Christendom and espouse it's ideals and values, but such should be exceptions rather than the general rule.]

Unfortunately racism and hatreds based on skin color or other racial stereotypes have blurred and fragmented what should be a united and concerted humane approach to the plight of people fleeing for their lives from what is certain death for themselves and their families.

The ideal solution would be that their fellow-Muslim countries would offer to shelter these refugees.

Indeed Turkey and Jordan, the Lebanon and some North African countries have been doing what they can to take in desperate Muslim refugees – and should be praised for their humanitarian efforts which all too often go unrecognised in Christendom. The rich Gulf countries (including, of course, Saudi Arabia) have done virtually nothing to assist in the context of taking in quota numbers of fellow-Muslims.

Those Really Responsible For The Crises Are Not The Helpless Refugees But Our Own European Christian Politicians

Until our politicians decided they would bring 'salvation' and 'democracy' to North Africa and The Middle East, Iraq and Egypt and 'set the people free' these problems did not exist.

We all worked quite happily with stable governments in Africa and the Middle East who ensured that illegal migrants were returned home and never had access to clandestine smugglers since such close monitoring and political controls made any such activities criminal offences, with very severe penalties to such extent that smugglers would not dare undertake such ventures.

What our Christian politicians left these Muslim lands, far from democracy and freedom, is anarchy and chaos, where nobody is in control and people are living in more fear they have ever known since the time of colonial rule of these territories by imperial powers. But don't expect your mainstream media to tell you about the abysmal failures of our politicians and their culpability in what can only be called a complete mess in North Africa and the Middle East.

What they will tell you about is those 'evil' people smugglers – who, by the way, are transporting men, women, children and babies out of harms way to places of safety.

If Jesus was alive, I believe that one of his chosen professions today would be that of a People Smuggler – leading the exodus of those with no hope and in fear for their lives, from war zones, day and night, out of Hades, chaos and evil – to anywhere that they, their families and their children might find survival, regardless of their race or religion or creed.

All I hear about from the same guilty politicians in Christendom is 'swarms' of 'locust' refugees 'pouring' into Europe. Yes it is true. The numbers are, as I have said in earlier blogs, unprecedented and unheard of since the Second World War, but it is these very same politicians who are to blame for the problems they are deflecting to blame onto the hapless refugees and anyone who assists them to reach the shores of Christendom's safety.

Fortunately the Greek, Italian and Maltese authorities recognise the difference between political refugees from those countries we have left in chaos – Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, from those we clearly have no obligation to assist – such as economic migrants from Nigeria, Ghana, Gabon, The Congo, Central African Republic, Senegal Pakistan and Southern Africa.

Unfortunately I am no saint so I do have a genuine problem welcoming individuals who do not share any of my values – regardless of their race, color or creed.

As a Christian, however, I would not deny them shelter from the storm but would be partial to denying full citizenship rights, under most circumstances, at any time, to such political refugees.

I share nothing in common with racists who only have hatred for these (unfortunate and blameless) people solely because they are a different religion and ethnicity.

What I would like to see is an honest politician in Christendom who will have the courage to stand up and take responsibility for the unholy mess they have all clearly created through incompetence.

As one of my Marist teachers used to say:

''Show me a man with hair on the palm of his hand and I'l show you an honest politician.''

©Patrick Emek, August 2015

Tuesday 18 August 2015

NBC Invests $200m in BuzzFeed

The decision by NBC to invest big time in Buzzfeed had been rumored for some time but the staggering size of the commitment just underscores what I referred to in my last article.
The media moguls are not making significant inroads into the new mediums whereby the youth (especially the youth) of today are getting their sources of key information.
I said that it was my belief that the days of the media moguls are nearly at an end.
I should have qualified this by saying the 'old' media moguls.
Buzzfeed certainly will give NBC a footprint it was hitherto unable to obtain – being seen as 'old school' but even with such a 'new' portfolio, independent trail blazers will continue to evolve to offer a variety of online access services, entirely free, which are already leaving behind entities such as Buzzfeed.
I will just give one example of this:
One of the main problems has always been the useage of copyright material.
Independent media services are starting to offer free access to archives of materials to freely download for unrestricted useage. This, I believe will become even more common in the future. I would go even further and say that these same outlets will also offer editing and broadcasting software to facilitate the capabilities of any  6th Grader to both download, edit, remodel and podcast materials for educational and other non-profit purposes, without any red tape.
This is already creating a revolution in schools which have in-house technology to take advantage of such new facilities provided by (as yet) a limited number of major world media organizations.
There are many more new developments which the 'old school' media moguls simply cannot stop – like King Canute attempting to turn back the tide – so, in desperation, they will attempt to buy up those identified as 'trail blazers' in the belief that they can at least manage the direction (and impose costs) of such access – rather than allow it to be simply 'given' away.
There is no doubt that such investments will have an impact on the availability of 'free' news (as the ultimate aim of the moguls is to charge for all content on as many mediums that they control.)
Already we can see how they are blocking out public service entities – such as PBS from mainstream (lower income and poor) access.
Even the British BBC (the mother of all propaganda networks) is being threatened with extinction. Recently a former Conservative Minister said that the National Licence fee to support this public service network should be abolished or, at the very least, refusal to pay it be decriminalized. 
It is through this licence fee that the BBC retains it's position as the country's only Public Service Network, independent of commercial (big business) control.
The BBC has been instrumental in the development of 'independent' or State broadcasting services worldwide and has contributed enormously to the fabric of social, political and economic development in many parts of the world, something it could never have achieved as a commercial controlled body.
Organizations like CNN, even today, are not as highly rated, worldwide, for intelligence, accuracy and fair coverage as is the BBC.
When you hear a Conservative (Republican Party) Minister encouraging decriminalization of refusal to support the only British media public asset with a global footprint, you really do need to think carefully about what is the ultimate objective.
[Lord Coe is  reported to have declined an offer made  by British Premier David Cameron to Chair the BBC Trust.  As the Mafia always say, when you want to 'hit' someone you really love (and it's just 'business') don't let it appear that it was you who sent them to 'sleep with the fishes.' No doubt Coe was appreciative of what the true nature of such an appointment would entail so he respectfully declined the offer - at this particular juncture in time.]
All governments want their own local and national media services to be compliant and servile so that they serve the policy interests of commerce.
It's only foreign media services which are to be criticized as 'unfree' (!)
The problem for the BBC is that it failed to evolve with the times and it's present woes, I contend, are a direct result of this inability and of it's past effectiveness - or success - as a vehicle for social and political change.
No government want's an independent media service (see my last article about independent thinkers) as such is too threatening to short-term  objectives pursued by big business and commercial media outlets -such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC.
For example, CNN are running an Anti-Slavery Campaign – a rather unusual move for a network which never reports on slavery and slave wages in countries such as Brazil, China, and anywhere else global companies have outsourced jobs from the U.S. to maximize their profit to a minority of shareholders – at the expense of impoverishing U.S. citizens back home.
Likewise CNN will be amongst the last of the networks to back non-slave wages in the U.S. (a fair minimum wage of at least $15 an hour) because their commercial backers will simply not permit it to happen – until, like the already mentioned Canute, they can no, longer 'stand in the doorway' and block the inevitable 'winds of change' (Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A Changin'.)

So, back to Buzzfeed, yes NBC's investment of $200 million dollars is significant – but only because it emphasises the desperation of the 'old school' to retain control and direction of a rudderless, sometimes also anarchic and unpredictable global media craft.

As more and more digital media entities from developing countries enter the global information stream, can the 'old school' 'freeze' them all out and impose a new order?; only time will tell - but I think you already know the answer.

Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin' 1964:

Monday 17 August 2015

The Iran Nuclear Deal
Understanding Political Opposition
-From an Independent Thinker-
someone who is not
being paid
to write

[A Critique For Everyone To Despise]

I have been asked many times, '' why write blogs for free when you can earn money by writing for a well-known publication?;the public don't care, they are all sheep, at least with payment for feeding their stupid minds [the daily mirage - propaganda] you will get something out of it.'' ''They (the general public) are not worthy of the truth – because most are too lazy to go out and 'fight' [protest] or even cast their vote in it's defense.''[paraphrase]

No matter where you are in the world today – the U.S. Russia, China, Iran, Africa or North Korea, an independent thinker writing an article or blogging is probably the most dangerous profession to be in this world.
Challenging a status quo was always a hazardous profession, in any country.

The days of the media moguls controlling what you think has nearly ended – which is why governments have, in desperation, attempted to bring in worldwide legislation restricting or firewalling access to the internet – with the intent to ultimately charge you for download and content, even if, like now, you are accessing it (almost) for free.

So, if you really want to be a futurist activist, get ready to build an 'AlterNet'.

Public service, not journalism, was my first choice for work.
I am not talking about the public service where you sneak in under pretence to undermine the organisation or company whose confidential data you have sworn to protect only to release it under the banner or subterfuge of 'public interest' because you found something you didn't politically agree with in your job, 'woke up' suddenly and decided that Joe Public was your real 'boss' and that you were it's last line of defense in the known universe.

Whistleblowing in Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are a certain death sentence, dismissal or indefinite solitary detention in their equivalent of Fort Leavenworth, in all of the above countries.  In Arab and African countries, like Saudi Arabia, that would be some rat hole prior to public execution.  In Saudi Arabia, where we (the United States, the 'free' world and it's public representatives) have over decades, all endorsed their evolution and perfection of mediaeval Koranic punishments – including stoning to death, crucifictions, public executions in ''Chop Chop Square''(Saudi Arabia) whistleblowing would be regarded as 'the work of the Devil' punishable by death.  I'll leave it to your imagination what the Muslim fanatics in the certain Arab lands have devised in law as 'punishments' for 'independent thinking' 'crimes' such as 'being a Christian' or 'converting out of Islam' (apostasy) or speaking out against 21st century feudal Muslim rulers or dictators and their families, and the mediaeval Koranic laws, suitably adapted for Arab tribal useage, which guarantee them infinite perpetual rule over the ignorant.
[The most recent dictator of Egypt has just introduced such tyrannical laws, just to keep up to date with his counterparts in the region.]

The worst crime you can commit today therefore is to be an independent thinker.

It's The Lobby Groups, Stupid!
The Jewish Lobby, the Muslim lobby, the Arab lobby, the Iranian lobby, the GM Monsanto lobby, the Chicken lobby, the Drug Companies lobby, the Oil cartels lobby, the Armaments Industry lobby, the Private Healthcare lobby, the No Corporation nor Personal Tax lobby, the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Lobby, the Irish Lobby, the Catholic Mafia lobby, the Racist Lobby, the Black Caucasus lobby, the Chinese lobby, The Asian lobby, the Neo-Nazi lobby, the Tea Party lobby, the Christian Evangelical Lobby, the Satanists lobby, the White Christian lobby, they will all get you on something if you stand in their way or don't get on your knees to genuflect to their Mammon, deity or Devil-God.

So you really can't win. With ignorant politicians and their lobby masters in the U.S. cracking whips in opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and ignorant politicians and religious fanatics in Iran preaching as much hatred against the United States as anywhere else in the Muslim world, there is no 'right' choice, there is no 'wrong' choice, since no path will, for example, bring all wars to an end with no further loss of life, ever, on earth.
(If you fail to appreciate the latter it's not a problem. It is written for a particular mindset from a particular point in time, and no apologies are offered here for this personal perspective.)
So, you see, there really is no 'Peace' choice in the Iran nuclear deal. Let's just call it a 'temporary cessation' of hatred, murder butchery and senseless slaughter, to the short-term benefit of the non-nuclear and nuclear armaments industries, in one small corner of the planet - which is a more apt description – if the Iran nuclear deal is either agreed or rejected:
I have thus managed to satisfy the 'blood lust' of all sides – by agreeing that a deal or no deal is...... irrelevant....... in the longer scale of things......... for all sides, but at least it represents (maybe) a temporary cessation in bloodletting by all the parties in conflict over resources and territory, in this part of the jungle.

With such 'bright' options for the future from the mainstream media on all sides, I think I'd prefer to take my chances being hated or despised by all sides than endorsed by any one.

They all, like children, play their games, then manipulate a picture of history to suit their lies.

So my advice to you is to be an independent thinker. Consider it as today's equivalent of 'urban guerilla' or 'jungle' warfare - minus the physical weapons of war.

There are probably about 250 million of you out there who think likewise.
(On the brighter side, if united, it's more supporters than ISIL/ISIS has, worldwide!)

Don't worry too much about making your way through the mainstream media jungle – or clawing your way over dead bodies to the top of the pile – just do the right thing.

I endorse the Iran nuclear deal for one very simple reason:
I've heard so much hate (and ignorance in the extreme - many just one can short of a six pack) spewed out against it – with no viable alternative – except more hatred, insanity and war – that, given it's a choice of two evils, anything else, has to be fractionally better.

©Patrick Emek, August 2015

Friday 14 August 2015

For Consumers

Mom and daughter eating breakfast
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A healthy breakfast is a must for kids. Skip it and your kids will be playing nutritional catch-up for the rest of the day, says Carole L. Adler, M.A., R.D., a dietitian at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
When kids skip breakfast, they don't get what they need to be at their best, says Adler. “Growing bodies and developing brains need regular, healthy meals,” she says. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, studies show that school children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom.
As with other meals, it’s a good idea for your kids (and you) to eat a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains and dairy—not just for breakfast but throughout the day.
Here are Adler’s seven quick and easy breakfast tips to ensure your children start their day off right.
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Breakfast doesn’t have to mean traditional breakfast foods.

Anything goes, as long as you maintain a healthy balance. So if your kids want a change from cereal and eggs, think about serving left-overs from last night’s dinner. There’s nothing wrong with tuna fish with celery on a whole wheat English muffin or a turkey sandwich to start the day.
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Give kids foods they like.

It’s neither necessary nor effective to feed them foods they dislike. Do your kids turn up their noses at vegetables but love pizza? Left-over pizza with a whole-grain crust and veggies works for breakfast, too. Or make muffins with zucchini and carrots, and spread with peanut butter or almond butter for protein with a glass of milk. Your kids love sugary cereal? Mix a little bit of that cereal with a whole-grain, nutrient-packed healthier brand of cereal. “Nothing has to be off the table altogether, and sometimes just a taste of something your kids like is enough to keep them happy,” Adler says.
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Make healthy trade-offs.

Keep in mind that nutritional balance is key—not just for one meal but for foods eaten throughout the day. Not enough vegetables in the morning meal? Prepare extra carrot, celery, and broccoli sticks with a hummus dip as an afternoon snack.
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Take growth and activity levels into account.

Growing bodies need nourishment. And if your kids are physically active to boot, they need plenty of calories to keep them fueled. Adler says that having a breakfast that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates helps children feel full and stay focused until lunch. Protein choices might include an egg, some nuts, a slice of deli meat or cheese, or a container of yogurt.
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Don’t take, “Mom, I don’t have time for breakfast” as an excuse.

Remember, eating on the go doesn’t have to mean forgoing breakfast. Make sure your kids grab a piece of fruit on the way out the door, and hand them a bag of nut-and-fruit trail mix or a whole-wheat tortilla spread with peanut butter or almond butter and a carton of milk. “A fruit-filled shake with milk or yogurt takes only a couple of minutes to drink,” Adler says.
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Prep the night before.

Morning is a busy time for everyone—you included. So take ten minutes to think ahead and prep for breakfast the night before. Chop up fruit to layer in a yogurt parfait or add to cereal. Cut up vegetables for an omelet. Mix up muffin or whole-grain waffle batter, cover, and put in the fridge. Get out a pan for pancakes or a blender for smoothies. Put a bowl of nut-and-fruit trail mix on the table for kids to grab a handful as they walk out the door.
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Use the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient statement when you shop.

“The label makes it easy to determine the amounts of nutrients your kids are getting and to compare one product to another,” Adler says. Make sure your children get nutrient-dense foods that are low in salt and added sugars.
This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.
August 13, 2015
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Page Last Updated: 08/13/2015
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Tuesday 4 August 2015


Some decades ago, I was in Portugal as part of an Atlantic Council delegation.
We were entertained by the British Ambassador not at the Embassy but at another very imposing building in the heart of Lisbon.
The Embassy was, at that time, being refitted, so it was not possible for the Ambassador to receive us there.
The building was very beautiful and quite imposing architecturally.
Our host for the evening, highly apologetic for the absence of the Embassy, told us that, as recompence for the loss, he had chosen this imposing establishment as venue.
None present could have been less impressed when the Ambassador outlined it's very colorful history.
Until about a century ago, it had been a high-class Bordello providing discrete entertainment for Portuguese and other noblemen at residence in Lisbon.
At that time I had been reading about the life of William de Vere because M ** whom I knew, was a distant relative.
Before time hopping I will just relate a story from that evening.
Over sherry, a senior Portuguese Minister (who will remain, by me, anonymous) told us the following story:
One night, at about 2.30-3.00 am. the Portuguese Prime Minister was awoken by his Aide- de-Camp to let him know that the British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, was on the telephone requesting to urgently speak with him. For the life of him he could not think why the BPM would chose such an unruly and highly uncivilized hour for parley.
He took the call as courteous as one can be at an hour when other activities are usually more pressing than semantics with a British politician.
It was the time of the Falklands Crisis and Britain urgently needed to use South Atlantic Portuguese territory for refueling en-route.
It was a request to use Portuguese territory both for stopover and refueling.
'Of course you can use our facilities Prime Minister, but tell me this, why has it taken you so long to call?' was the response. [''The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 between Portugal and England, is the oldest alliance in the world that is still in force'' and before this telephone call, Britain had never requested from Portugal any assistance nor provision under the terms which it operates for both parties.]
Back to William de Vere.
If you have not already seen the film 'Anonymous' written by John Orloff and directed by Roland Emmerich, I highly recommend it.
Shakespeare is more enigmatic a character than the romantic literature of today portrays and markets him and his works for popular consumption worldwide.
Nowhere in Europe will you find any plaque nor house nor residence with a dedication to William Shakespeare or that he stayed there in passing.
The fact is, Shakespeare never left the confines of the British Isles.
So where then did he amass such wonderful bountiful knowledge about subjects, characters, politics and even short cuts to exotic destinations on the continent, in very fine minute?
It was, as Orloff rightly allures to, either in the 16th century brothels straddling the River Thames or chit chat from mariners in the same whilst on shore leave - themselves having sailed the Seven Seas that, if he did indeed write the works, William Shakespeare got all the material for his masterpieces.
(Shakespeare never gives credits to anyone so we must accept his knowledge as 'self-taught' – or must we?)

Most of Shakespeare's work is 'off-limits' to children below the ages of 11 as most plays are filled with such x-rated material that, if translated into modern language format, such would not be published by many mainstream publication nor media outlets in the United States, if submitted for the first time, today (!)
And now I am coming to the intriguing part of the story:
Orloff's main argument in the film 'Anonymous' is that the plays and sonnets themselves are the work of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.
Fortunately his film 'Anonymous' was U.S. released and Emmerich does not really take to heart (nor care about) the British media critical reviews.  If he had, they would not have disappointed. Almost without exception his film met with very frosty acclaim on the English side of the Atlantic. Such was to be expected as he and Orloff had just 'assassinated' an icon of British literature with the upstart inference that, well perhaps Will Shakespeare wasn't quite that saintly enigmatic icon the British have been making him out to be for the past 400 years – indeed perhaps he (or it) is just a very clever (I would even say brilliant) money-spinning deception.
Shakespeare has no pedigree, no legend, and this in itself (as I have always explained to the kids) is the clue or key to solving the mystery.
A bisexual Shakespeare ( Edward de Vere) who spent his life chasing very young boys and girls in the brothels of London (or indeed, in the case of de Vere, exclusively 'procured' – or in today's language 'trafficked' - in the finest of residences on the continent) is not as appealing nor socially (nor financially) acceptable as the very refined educated gentleman with highly conservative civic and deferential values to King, Queen and country, as William Shakespeare is promoted to be, to an international audience, worldwide, by 'the establishment.'

One thing my experience has taught me:the Anglo-Saxons (like many other races) love to hide things - then pretend they never existed(!); the more titillating or controversial they are, the harder a job you'll have discovering the truth.
Emmerich is a genius in his own right so the 'establishment' had some difficulty debunking his production as the work of a 'crank'. If all else fails, just ignore the bugger (!); the film will soon go away – to be forgotten on the 'scrap heap' of undocumented history. This, then, was how the game was played.
Shakespeare is within the holy of holies - the inner sanctum – so fasten your safety belt for a rough ride if thou dare speakest 'au contraire' of 'The Bard' (!)

During the Summer holidays I used to take the kids to the Natural History Museum in Kensington – a short bus ride down the road from where we were based.
There used to be an iconic dinosaur skeleton, affectionately known as 'Dippy', on display in the front podium.
On one occasion when one of the kids remarked how wonderful 'Dippy' 'looked' for his or her age of sixty five million years some smart ass almost spoiled the day with the acerbic remark that it wasn't real, just a fake dinosaur.
My comment was that, whether real or not, I agreed that it certainly looked great for it's age (!); and all was forgiven (!)

©Patrick Emek, 4th August, 2015

The reviews 'Anonymous' received were, for me, highly reminiscent of the reception which Dr Joseph Goldberger had when he proved that Pellagra was a result of diet deficiency. Dr Goldberger was only vindicated a decade after he deceased - too late for the 100 000 victims whose lives were needlessly wasted as a result of racism, pride and bigotry. Few were willing to acknowledge the truth - even with proof - as the cost of implementing reforms were too high for a (mainly)  Southern society convinced that it was a Northern 'conspiracy' against the Southern way of life by an 'outsider' [Dr Goldberger was Jewish, and, even worse for Southern bigots, a New Yorker (!)]

The Bisexuality of Shakespeare's Sonnets and Implications for De Vere's Authorship
Read More:

Thursday 23 July 2015

Jeremy Corbyn & The Battle For The British Labour
(U.S. 'Labor') Party Leadership

I had taken up a long-standing invitation to visit ********* at his beautiful quaint home – **** Manor – in Cambridge.
I decided to let the train take the strain as we were intending to get some pub grub and pork belly at one of his favorite local dens.
It was a very beautiful Summer's day.
He collected me from the station and we spent the sweltering morning walking the lengths of his inner courtyard and gardens while he gave a few tips on elementary botany for the layman and introduced me to his treasured plants and flowers, each by nomenclature.
As we strolled through the gardens I recalled a similar residence in Malta I had, many years ago, been invited to lunch at. The one in Malta was likewise breathtaking and I remember that the proprietor of the property told us that Her Majesty The Queen had actually stayed at this residence when she once visited the island. I cannot recall whether it was a stay for a few days or just a visit to the property to marvel at it's equally beautiful gardens.
(What I can now say is that our visit to Malta was hosted by Frank Salt Properties and this is the first opportunity I am taking to say thank you to Frank and his Staff for being such wonderful hosts, providing the warmest of hospitality and personal guides during our stay on the island.)
The setting for ****** residence in Cambridge could not have been more perfect.
For many years ******* had been trying to persuade me to move to Cambridge on the grounds that there are a better intellect class in residence here (and maybe one more to my liking?) than 'the jungle' where I was residing. He even had somewhere in mind for me to reside.
Sadly when you get too used to 'jungle life' it's very difficult to adapt to 'normality' and I think I would have ultimately found myself infinitely bored in the beautiful picturesque settings I was now enjoying (!)

Over lunch we discussed politics and some issues which did not appear in two of my books nor interviews but were nonetheless very topical.
After that we drove to see his primary and secondary schools, all hallowed, oaked and silent in the blistering heat of a very lazy day, with not a soul in sight just a few lovers strolling by the banks of the glistening and sparkling undulating waters.
I am not one of the world's greatest botanists but I think they were willow trees lightly dipping their boughs into the slow-flowing streams, hardly a gust in sight.

I will not give the exact circumstances nor location where I met Jeremy Corbyn just suffice to say that he had just come from seeing his son, then a Cambridge undergraduate. (His son graduated about two years ago.)
We spend the better part of an hour - just us - nobody else – chatting about everything.
Out of respect, I did not draw him into a discussion about any major political issues but we talked a lot about education in general and the (then) topical issue of climate change, the ongoing drought in Cambridge and it's effects on local farming.
This was not my first encounter with Mr Corbyn. Many years ago - perhaps as many as ten - I was debating with the same on BBC World Television about terrorism in the Philippines.
As I recall there was a third person partaking that BBC Panel debate.

I never agreed with Mr Corbyn's politics - which I am familiar with over many years - but at least he stands for something he believes in.
There are very few (perhaps a handful) of British politicians who are but 'party lackeys' - and all his rival contenders for the Labor Party leadership fit into this bag - with lots of room to spare for many many more of them.
They are all so dull and so predictable - the Socialist 'Nomenklatura' 'Class' in British Politics.
Jeremy Corbyn is the Socialist equivalent of Margaret Thatcher (and I did meet Margaret on many occasions.)
He is feared by the Labor Party nomenklatura because he actually stands for 'genuine' Socialist values – as opposed to their sham and deceitful politics - all carefully managed to fool the general public into believing that they represent 'the ordinary' folk.

I would not vote for Jeremy - but I respect the fact that he actually has something he treasures and genuinely believes in contrast to the 'Judases' now desperately seeking any and every nefarious and perfidious means to scuttle his bid for the Party's leadership.

In one sense he represents the political antithesis of Margaret Thatcher but in another he likewise shares her 'conviction politics' and is motivated toward a grander (utopian?) vision of mankind's existence, under a (rainbow) socialist umbrella.

Perhaps that is what British politics desperately needs - a real genuine alternative so that people can at least have a real genuine choice to vote on at a general election.

The campaign against Mr Corbyn has almost reached hysterical levels - with the end of the world being predicted if he is elected Labor Leader.
They have even dusted down the ghosts (and literally, guns) of old, rehabilitated Mr Blair and put him in the sparring ring to add the 'coup de grâce' as Corbyn lies pummelled and bleeding on the ropes from the blows and the knife wounds inflicted by Brutus et al.

It's unlikely that he will succeed in his bid for leadership of the British Labor Party as every political 'hitman' (or 'hitperson' as the politically correct Socialists would prefer to say) from the four corners of the British Isles has been press-ganged into service to 'get Corbyn' at any and at all costs.

As all those plotters against Corbyn, without exception, 'lie with dogs' (as the saying goes) I have no doubt they will all, ultimately, 'get up with fleas' (!)

©Patrick Emek, July 24th, 2015

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States -- together with our international partners -- has achieved what decades of animosity has not:
A comprehensive, long-term deal that will verifiably prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
This deal shows the real and meaningful change that American leadership and diplomacy can bring -- change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure.
We negotiated from a position of strength and principle -- and the result is a nuclear deal that cuts off every pathway to a nuclear weapon.
I want to make sure every American knows what this deal means and how it works. Take a look here.
Because of this deal, Iran will not be able to produce highly enriched uranium or weapons-grade plutonium, the raw materials necessary to build a bomb. Here's why:
Under this deal, Iran will reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium by 98 percent, remove two-thirds of its installed centrifuges -- the machines necessary to produce highly enriched uranium -- and store them under constant international supervision.
To put that in perspective, Iran currently has a stockpile that could produce up to 10 nuclear weapons. Now, its uranium stockpile will be reduced to a fraction of what would be required for a single weapon.
Under this deal, Iran will modify its nuclear reactor in Arak so it cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium -- and all spent fuel from the reactor will be shipped out of the country indefinitely.
This deal is not built on trust -- it's built on verification. Under this deal, we will, for the first time, be in a position to verify that Iran is meeting all of these commitments. International nuclear inspectors will have access to Iran's nuclear program -- where necessary, when necessary. This is the most comprehensive and intrusive verification regime that we have ever negotiated. If Iran tries to divert raw materials to covert facilities, inspectors will be able to access any suspicious locations.
As Iran implements this deal, it will receive gradual relief from sanctions. If it violates any aspect of this deal, sanctions that have crippled Iran's economy will snap back into place.
Learn more, and get additional context, right here.
That's the deal.
It has the full backing of the international community. Without it, there'd be no agreed-upon limitations on Iran's nuclear program and other countries would feel more compelled to pursue their own programs, threatening a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region of the world.
Put simply: No deal means a greater chance of more war in the Middle East.
That is why it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. Moving forward, I welcome a robust debate in Congress on the details of this deal. As Commander-in-Chief, I am confident that this deal will meet the national security interests of the U.S. and our allies. So I will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal.
Our differences with Iran are real, and the difficult history between our nations cannot be ignored. But it is possible to change. The path of violence and rigid ideology; a foreign policy based on threats to attack your neighbors or eradicate Israel -- is a dead end. A different path -- one of tolerance, and peaceful resolution of conflict -- leads to more integration into the global economy, more engagement with the international community, and the ability of the Iranian people to prosper and thrive. This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction.
We should seize it.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama

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''This morning, the United States became the first country to reach Pluto -
and the first country to explore the entire classical solar system: Mercury, 
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
NASA's New Horizons interplanetary probe has been making its way to 
Pluto since January 19, 2006, and has been providing the world with the 
sharpest photos ever seen of our Solar System's most prominent 
 "dwarf planet." Today, it made its closest approach to Pluto yet-
 about 8,000 miles-at around 07:49:57 EDT.
Here's the photo they took - which, despite traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), took four and a half hours to reach us here on Earth as it crossed the 3 billion miles between here and Pluto:

Every once in a while, a photo comes along that has the ability to shift not
just how we see our place in the universe, but how we see ourselves - 
not just as Americans, but as citizens of Earth.
This is one of those photos, and I hope you'll share it with someone today.''
More soon --
Dr. John P. Holdren
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
The White House

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