
Friday 1 April 2016

Book Review

The 'establishment' want you to believe that Donald Trump is an ignorant and dangerous megalomaniac with unreal visions of grandeur and world domination.  Unfortunately for them he has the resources to ensure that his message is communicated across all the mediums they control - to the general population.

When the message is received and read, the average person, far from distrusting Trump as a fascist, as a racist and as a bigot see him in a very different light - and also start to question the motives of those who are so obsessed with destroying his public career as a politician and his private life (and that of his family) as a citizen.

They (those who control the Republican Party and the general media) all say that Trump has no domestic nor foreign policy and that it is all being made up ''on the hoof''.  Other than Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz  I doubt if any of the other presidential candidates have read 'Crippled America' where Donald Trump clearly outlines his vision for America. 

Love it or hate it lets just dispel the myth that the man has no vision for America.   His vision is as clear as that of FDRs  (of whom he has expressed a great admiration) for a post-war world after Hitler was defeated.

If however, you were to watch CNN or any other corporate media outlet you would think Trump was a sort of joke or clown - with no vison or policy on anything.

I have no doubt that media editors and their corporate bosses who own the media networks have read Crippled America - and it frightens them.

The European Union was built out of the rubble of a failed Germania - but its ideals and vision are remarkably similar to the post-war world the National Socialist Party had planned for: Hitler also had a 'vision' for a world where the Empire of Germania was triumphant.

''Mein Kampf'' (which just became available for general public free access and useage this January) was widely known about by the intelligensia and corporate Germany - which all attempted, without success, to portray Adolf Hitler as an ignorant and dangerous buffoon - with no vision for Germany.  After this failed, they sought ways to control him so that he would be working in their interests.  The end result, in this instance,  was that those who agreed with his 'vision' he took on board, as Party members, and those who did not, he sent to the concentration camps, executed, they committed suicide or they fled the country - as political refugees and economic migrants and immigrants - to the United States, amongst other countries.

Hitler's failed vision of tyranny was a bonus for a post-war America where freedom and democracy had a different emphasis, where hard work and individuality was respected and where different ideas, ethnic communities,  free enterprise independent of the socialist and communist State planning, were seen as strengths rather than weaknesses, all working in unison to build a great America.

 I discussed this with two people I knew (who happen to be Jewish) about twenty years ago and they were both incredulous and thought that I just might have 'lost the thread' when I said that the European Union was exactly the pre-planned National Socialist vision to dominate Europe which was being worked out as early as 1941, during the war years, in the Reichstag, in Berlin.   We now know (only fairly recently) from declassified U.S. Nazi war documents, that this was, in actual fact, the case.  The only symbolic remanant of the Swastika is the circular outline - this time, however, in pretty yellow stars against a blue background rather than black and white against red.

Then there was Yalta.  During the war Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill all met in this beautiful (but freezing) Crimean setting to plan the future of the world after Hitler was defeated.  (FDR also met Ibn Saud to plan out the future of the oil rich Arabian Gulf with the United States promising to underwrite Arab independence from the British provided the Saudis met their end of the bargain.)

Winston Churchill had a vision for a post war world - but Stalin and Roosevelt (initially, together) had other plans - which left him somewhat angry, puzzled and 'out in the cold' - especially after so much which 'The British Empire' had 'sacrificed' to defeat Nazi Germany.  This, however, was quickly to change, as Britian was, again, dealt, thanks to Stalin's incompetence,  the turn of a friendly card.

Sometimes, as they say, a photo can say a thousand words*.

All three had a vision for their respective countries (and for the world)  after the Second World War.

This 'vision' of Hitler was more in tune with that of Josef Stalin than that of Roosevelt and Churchill.

To the best of my knowledge, Stalin had no Economic Union plan for Europe beyond subjugation to Communism and vassal states to the Soviet Empire. 

Winston Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech at Fulton, Missouri, showed the stark differences in 'visions' between the democratic world, that of defeated National Socialism and triumphant Communism, in post- war Europe, and the world at large.

'Crippled America' is Donald Trump's vision to make America great again.

He certainly has policies on every topic - at home and abroad.

The problem for Trump is, these policies have not been agreed in secret backrooms nor in private clubs nor esteemed 'old money' nor 'new money' settings with the institutional, political and corporate 'Godfathers' but are the results of Trump's own experiences in business, on the streets (yes he has met with ordinary folk) in schools, in hospitals, with law enforcement, his experience in business and his own careful studies through discussions with specialists,  renowned academics,  entrepreneurs and innovators, of why America is failing, both at home and abroad.

For myself, the most poignant comment in his book was when he was seated with Kuwaitis  (citizens from Kuwait) after the Gulf War and they told him that they would NEVER invest in America - the country which had just secured their liberation from Saddam Hussein!   The 'establishment' however does not want you to know such fine details - as such would only 'confuse' your perception of U.S. foreign policy.

As I watched CNN this evening where Trump was being treated (and laughed at) as some sort of joke by commentators being described as 'specialists' and 'experts' in their field, I felt more sad than angry that this is the level of misinformation and disinformation the mainstream media in America has to sink to defeat Mr Trump's candidature for the Office of President of The United States.

I do not want to bore you with history lessons of world leaders with 'visions' (the list could be endless!) but I would just like to finish with one last visionary - Margaret Thatcher.    Her speech at The National Press Club** is strikingly similar (in some ways) to the dilemma facing Donald Trump as he struggles, like King Canute, to relay his independent vision for a great America against that of corrupt (and corrupted) politicians who have all in unison, crippled America.

©Patrick Emek, 2016

Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again Hardcover – November 3, 2015

and the article below is an example of how  one country's fate was to be settled:



Documents on the History of European Integration: Continental plans for European union, 1939-1945 (including 250 documents in their original languages on 6 microfiches)

If you do not believe the European Union is a Nazi conspiracy this reference will please you:

on the other hand ...............................................

 2nd April


+++from any British  'suggestions' or 'pacts' with other regional (Allied) powers such as The Soviet Union, The Ottoman Empire (a former Axis ally) or it's proxy rule in the future by another Arab or Muslim  entity (such as Egypt or Persia)

Saudi Arabia World War II and Its Aftermath

 James Wynbrandt:A Brief history of Saudi Arabia, 2nd Edition

War_Issues_and_US_Relations :


addendum, 4th April:

The following reference is from a  Zionist anti-Arab website.  In the main it is historically accurate and is included solely for reference purposes with regard to the known strong ties between The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia and Germany during the Second World War.  There was considerable apprehension after World War II that Saudi Arabia would be 'sold out' - as had Poland and Eastern Europe.   The re-assurance given from President Roosevelt (The United States) to Ibn Saud (Saudi Arabia) about the integrity (nor would Yemeni or other territorial claims on the Kingdom be recognised by the Allies in the New World Order) of The Kingdom when they met has been a historical bond of mutual financial and regional security interests between both countries since that time.  Donald Trump was, in my opinion, quite right to ask the politically incorrect question of U.S. politicians: ''what the heck is going on?'' with regard to the vetting of all Muslims before entering the United States.  The historical bond of mutual friednship between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. has been violated with the 'export' of anti-Christian and anti-Western sentiment and hate propaganda by Saudi Imams to the Muslim world and to four corners of the earth.  Until 9/11, Saudis had a very special status (equivalent to that of South Koreans) with regard to visa travel worldwide.  Saudi fanatics, with the blessings of the Saudi authorities, used such privileges to spread hatred and terror against 'Kufars' (Infidels) worldwide. The failure to resolve the issue of Palestine, the rise of  armed liberation struggle Palestinian movements in the 1970s, the lanugishing of Palestinians in refugee camps for decades (which all bread new generations of hate and revenge against Israel and against Jews worldwide), 9/11, Muslim Jihadi terrorism in Europe and in America, even the current Muslim refugee crises affecting Europe, can all, in some indirect way, be  traced back to the U.S. policy of 'hands off the Saudis'  since that historical meeting (and pact) between Roosevelt and Ibn Saud.

Do not believe the rubbish which CNN and other major media networks will have you believe about individual crazed Muslim fanatics - as if their 'inspiration' to wage Jihad just came out of thin air or that this clear distortion of Islam originated with Daesh/ISIL/ISIS or Al Qaeda.  It can all be historically traced back to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are now trying to 'cover their tracks' in a 'Night of The Long Knives' - by murdering everyone in the Kingdom ('as terrorists') who can provide any evidence of Saudi complicity in all of the above.  You didn't know this?   You need to be better informed.  Saudi Arabia is the most mediaeval country on this planet so it is perhaps no surprise that  information is scant - except to those politicians in whose interests it is to ensure it gets no further than themselves.  The responsibility for keeping the Arabs tribal and superstitious - all of which are contributing to our problems today - can, however, clearly be laid at the door of the victorious post - Second World War Western Allies.           

You (the reader) need to appreciate that he who controls Mecca, controls the Sunni Muslim world.    (PE)

other references of historical interest: 

In 1941, Turkey signed a Treaty of Friendship with Germany and can be regarded after this time as an Axis Ally:

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Donald Trump
Israel and The Arabs
It's not as easy to hide the fact that you are sympathetic to either Israel or The Arab States these days as it was when the general media concealed (successfully) for almost half a century the fact that Jackie Kennedy (JFK's wife) was Jewish.
Does it matter? It matters, in my view, if your finger is on the world's nuclear trigger and you may have to take a decision based on faith or ethnic affinity. [Israel would argue that it doesn't really care, it has it's own nuclear stockpile - as contingency.]
But this is not the case with regard to Donald Trump.
He is not Jewish but the son of German-Scottish immigrants.
One of his children (his daughter Ivanka who is the daughter of Ivana) is married to Jared Kushner, a successful Jewish (Orthodox) real estate developer.  Orthodox Rabbi Lookstein performed the ceremony.

The Kushner Company Group owns and manages commercial real estate.
This was (in my opinion) as much a commercial marriage (similar to Paul McCartney's marriage to Linda Eastman [Kodak-Eastman Company myth] as it was anything else. Such marriages (and divorces!) are not unheard of – either between royalty or the wealthy, worldwide, and, again, in my rather cynical opinion, should be seen for what they really are – either tax (IRS) or inheritance-wealth (IRS) related – rather than the type of marriages most of us (including myself) are more familiar with.

The group (Kushner Company) is highly reputable and well-thought of as an efficient and sound business - the sort of exemplary business model Donald Trump would certainly approve of.
Jared Kushner is also publisher of The New York Observer.

'Nuke The Arabs Daddy!'
The issue here is that it is highly unlikely that Donald Trump would be taking instructions (!) from any of his children with regard to world affairs (!) should he become President.
If you read my previous blog you will gather that this is highly likely - if he can bury his (ethnic?racial?) differences with Ted Cruz as his Vice-Presidential running mate. It's not entirely implausible – but with each trading insult the chasm widens.

The New York Post:
Bury It – Until After the Election (?)
If there is anything interesting here it is the fact that The New York Post initially covered the marriage in 2008 (at Trump National Golf Club, N.J.) but have deleted all references to the matter from their current public search archive.
Again, I am of the view that to avoid conspiracy theories after the Election, they should not have gone down this road but let the public make their own minds up on the basis of policy and what Donald Trump would bring to the Presidency in his own right.
In an information conscious era it's neither practical nor rational in 'open' societies to conceal (or apparently attempt to conceal) public interest details about national figures nor their family – especially related to the Presidency of The United States – which is what The New York Post has attempted to do.
Such actions only fuel conspiracy theories and, in the aftermath, are highly detrimental and damaging to the parties for whom the concealment was (initially) meant to 'protect'.

(If The Republican Convention does not choose 'The Donald' or Ted, my money's still on Hillary and Bernie to win comfortably.)'

(Don't expect to see or hear the above on or in the 'politically correct' U.S. media election coverage staged 'shows')

©Patrick Emek, March 2016

erratum:Linda McCartney

If you want to read about the real Linda McCartney, you will get a better insight from here
than from 'official' politically correct biographies and autobiographies.  Like Linda McCartney, she ruthlessly protected her own (and her husband's)  'image' and the 'aura' of the Kennedy Clan from public scrutiny while alive. Only after her death was the myth of Kennedys shattered - warts and all.
I irritated her somewhat where I once referred to LBJ in one of my books (read and reviewed by very few I might add!) as the real force for social change and racial justice in the United States - and not her deceased husband (!)

Sunday 20 March 2016

President Donald Trump?

I May Be Wrong But...........

On a head count alone, it unlikely that 'The Donald' will reach the magic figure of 1237 delegates required for automatic endorsement as Republican Presidential Candidate.
This is on the basis of my analysis of how the votes are likely to be divided in the remaining States yet to vote. I may be wrong. I hope that I am. But the figures don't add up to 1237 delegates.
Unless nobody comes out to vote for alternative candidates (which is unlikely!) then Donald Trump is likley to be somewhere between 45 and 100 candidates short of automatic endorsement. Under such conditions, he will have to either gracefully bow out or, as he has remarked, exhort his followers to take to the streets in protest.
The Republican 'establishment' is both hoping (and praying) the number falls short of 1237 delegates for 'The (enigmatic) Donald.'

[My guess is that at the Republican Convention he will, after a futile battle, accept defeat and, within a period of a few years retire to, perhaps, Hawaii - maybe even get together for a few games of golf with (then) retired former President Obama (?)]

If Donald Trump Falls Short Of The Magic Figure
Nominating a candidate will then go back to 'the party establishment'.
The problem with Donald is that he does not genuflect to any interest group or lobby. Here there is no love lost between himself and, for example, transnational policy elites – yet, like all astute politicians – he aggressively courts all of their votes on the campaign trail.
Nonetheless his supporters accept him at his word when he says that he remains fundamentally committed to the extension of American influence rather than it being 'held hostage' to foreign lobby groups.
(Trump Cruz Ryan and Clinton are all  due to address AIPAC's Policy Conference Convention over the next few days.)

Team America
Unfortunately he is not rich enough to replace them all (!) but certainly intelligent enough to offer alternative options or, even more alarming for the corrupt Washington elites, bring in or create his own 'task force' teams to 'sort out' America. In other words, Donald Trump is just as dangerous as was John Kennedy – with regard to his 'vision' for America not because he has a vision, but more because it has not been manufactured for him in China, Saudi Arabia nor elsewhere nor do such countries have any more leverage to influence the same in ways more favorable than they would  if he were an 'insider'.  In fact the opposite might very well be the case.

Like all politicians, however, should Donald Trump ever assume Office as President, in the coduct of pragmatic foreign policy, all bets would, more likely than not, be off.

Skull & Bones - But No Thules In The Box!
Skeletons In The Attic
Interestingly Kennedy himself was not very partial towards Israel despite the fact that his wife was one third Jewish (a fact concealed from the general public very well by the media for nearly half a century.)
You could liken Kennedy (politically) with today's charismatic Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders – who has recently declined an invitation to speak at AIPAC because of a very busy schedule – and who is infusing the same momentum and hope into the Democratic Party which JFK offered to the electorate in 1960 general election.

Capricorn One
Getting rid of Trump will not be an easy one for the insider establishment elite - who will now have to wait until the Convention if the delegate votes go to the wire with no obvious winner of the magic number.
So Donald Trump, the first 'wildcard' since John Kennedy (but, unlike Kennedy, an outsider from the political, military-industrial - but not from the business establishment elite) will be stopped at the Republican Party Convention because he will (more likely than not) lack the number of delegates to guarantee automatic nomination – leaving the issue to be decided by the Republican Party's 'traditional' 'backroom horse-traders'.
He has been a headache, a real headache to vested political Republican Party establishment interests. (They have probably learnt some bitter lessons from this Trump Presidential bid – one of which is that allowing an intelligent, articulate television business celebrity to be in the homes of tens of millions of Americans for almost a decade - should never be encouraged nor promoted, ever again.)

With 'The Donald' History....Where Does This Leave The Party?
So where does this leave insider establishment politics?
The next obvious figure is Ted Cruz.   He is likewise intelligent, opinionated and charismatic.
But he too is disliked by Washington's insider establishment – for other reasons. A friend of corporate financial America, the gun lobby, bible-belt middle-America, but luke warm to foreign lobby groups as his interests are U.S. financial interests and the projection of U.S. influence and power abroad - as opposed to the corruption of American politics by foreign lobby groups – anxious as they all are to extend their own country's influence within the United States. He is partial to Israeli lobby interests in Washington and has the support of significant sectors of Orthodox Jewish voters in New York, Florida and California where such group vote would, in a Presidential candidate election, be split between Hillary Clinton and himself.
For example, the votes which Bernie Sanders will loose in extremist Jewish communities and in Dixie because of his background (he is Jewish) and his commitment to 'Peace with the Palestinian Arabs', Ted Cruz and Donald Trump could well scoop up a significant number of these voters.
To say however that Ted Cruz is 'disliked' in Washington by the (Christian) 'insider elites' would be an understatement.
He has not spent a lot of time 'cultivating' potential patrons and friends within such groups and traditional societies, where it is a prerequisite ritual, to be seen - as 'a safe pair of hands'.  It is often remarked that he has a lot of disdain for 'Washington insiders' preferring to spend more of his time outside and yonder beyond - in the heartland of his constituency (Texas) - than living inside the Washington matrix bubble (or sty!)

A Cuban-American, born in Canada (a country traditionally mistrusted as 'too socialist' by many Republican 'insider' groups) Ted Cruz is often portrayed as a gun-toting slightly scary figure (something in the same manner Donald Trump portrays poor Hispanic economic migrants – except this time the 'feed' for such stories sometimes come (covertly) from his own Republican Party, and, I am likewise convinced, from overt Democratic sources.)
It is a great pity that pride, ethnicity, style, background, individuality and charisma prevents a Trump-Cruz presidential ticket.
It would certainly give Hillary a run for her money – and just might even succeed.
But that's what history is about: missed opportunities, chance encounters, location, birth and status or just sheer brute force to be ruthless enough take power – and to hold it.

Doctor Ben Carson
I would be doing a disservice if I did not mention Dr. Ben Carson.
His polling amongst Southern Whites and Blacks in Dixie was not insignificant as a Black Republican Candidate. My understanding is that he is well-liked and respected by all who have met him and personally know him.
There will be many senior cabinet posts in a future Republican administration which will require talented leadership and vision – so don't entirely rule retired neurosurgeon Dr. Carson out in this regard.

So Who Will The Republican Convention Backroom Insiders Choose?
The safest pair of hands is Paul Ryan. Lacking charisma but a well-trusted insider, a technocrat who knows how to 'work' the wheels of power in Washington whilst maintaining the confidence of all the 'traditional' groups – and lobbyists - at home and abroad.
So what would a Ryan Presidency look like?  It would look more like Ronald Reagan's presidency than that of George Bush Junior. One consolation, if it can be called that, is at least you would not find a President Ryan (or his enforcers) storming into CIA nor NSA Headquarters to demand that data be 'doctored' in order to justify military campaigns abroad. Ryan is far more intelligent than to ruin his place in the annals of U.S. presidential history with such folly.
Paul Ryan is a gifted individual and with the right media 'makeover' will be imprinted onto the minds of the electorate, as charismatic and the only great hope for a ' change' Americans can really believe in.

Sadly, neither he nor anybody on the ticket with him, are the team to defeat Hillary Clinton - Bernie Sanders (possible) ticket.

Furthermore, it would not at all surprise me if many middle American voters (who are no fools) disappointed and angry with the ignominious dumping by the 'establishment' of their choices (and the best candidates for the job) - Donald Trump and Ted Cruz - will 'cross the floor' and, in protest, vote for Hillary Clinton and her running mate (possibly, but not a mandatory choice, Bernie Sanders) at the next U.S. Presidential election, enabling the Democrats to sweep into power with a historical majority unseen in recent decades

One thing that is for sure, the next 'Candidate' election is one soap opera epilog not to be missed!; wherever you live in the world!


Wednesday 9 March 2016

Domestic Intervention By the Turkish Armed Forces Into Political Affairs

As a follow-on to my recent blog a question which arose was ''when will the Turkish Armed forces intervene (if at all) into domestic affairs?''
My answer to this is that the Turkish Armed Forces will only intervene after humiliating military defeats in Syria (and possibly Iraq) all of which can be attributed to the incompetent decisions of President Erdogan.
(He will, of course, attempt to place the blame at the door of his own armed forces commanders and dismiss those considered 'unreliable' and 'disloyal'.)

It never ceases to fascinate me how all our politicians lack the courage to call Erdogan out for what he is: a dictator, a tyrant and a demagogue who is leading Turkey over the precipice and into chaos, tyranny anarchy and civil war.
CNN Turk, like its parent in Atlanta, is, as I have said previously, a national (now an international) disgrace as it conveniently ignores democracy and media freedom in that country in the hope of saving its own commercial neck from the wrath of Erdogan. [Much better, in my view, that CNN declare itself for what it really is:an infomercial station for global corporate conglomerates interspersed with news of relevance and favorable to the same bodies it serves. In this regard it would,at least, in my opinion, avoid the criticism that it ignores relevant political issues as such would not be expected of a business infomercial global network.]
But back to this question of military intervention into domestic affairs.
Despite Erdogan's purges, the Turkish armed forces remain relatively unpoliticized and free of Wahhabist-Salafist control, at the present time.
The armed forces will only move if and when they see that popular sentiment has universally turned against Erdogan because of military reverses – hence the recent crackdowns on the opposition media – to prevent such information reaching the general populace.

Will Europe be Compliant As Turkey Descends Into Tyranny?

My own opinion is that Europe does not really care – for so long as whoever is in power halts the haemorrhaging of economic and political migrants and refugees from war-torn and devastated areas into Europe.

I have already expressed my own view that 'throwing Euros' at Erdogan is the equivalent of the Roman Empire, in the era of its decline, 'throwing' Denarius at the mercenaries (or 'contractors') tasked with 'guarding' the Empire's frontiers. As soon as the money 'ran out', the mercenaries - Vandals and other barbarians - commenced their looting and pillage of the Empire's territories they had (hitherto) been tasked with 'protecting'.

It's a fools path the European Union has now embarked upon.

Back to Turkey.
I have no doubt that Erdogan, being of the same ilke as every tyrant before him, will attempt to block access to all information to the general populace, other than that which he wants them to see and hear.
Pulling the plug on social media networks and effectively 'closing down' the internet (especially in areas and regions where such are most active) will go some way to staving off the inevitable.
As The Fuhrer and his High Command were all too aware during World War II, you cannot conceal massive military defeats forever from the general public.

What About the Saudi Armed Forces?
Saudi Arabia has money (lots of it!) but its armed forces, as standalone,
unlike the IDF, Hezbollah, and the Syrian Armed Forces, has no backbone.
Its 'backbone' is provided by Britain and the United States, as underwriters and guarantors of Saudi sovereignty - but both countries will 'limit' their client's 'military interventions' (or, in my opinion, military adventures) where such could result in a wider conflagration - or even a war between the superpowers – which nobody (with any sanity) wants to see happen.

The Turkish Armed Forces however are a very different kettle of fish.
They are competent, organized, highly disciplined, resolute, determined and have got 'what it takes'.
As soon as the Turkish position changes, the Saudis (and their Gulf State 'allies') will quickly disappear from the scene.

I hope this clarifies the earlier blog when I say that the Turkish Armed Forces will only intervene in domestic politics where its own reputation has been greviously undermined by political decisions which place the future territorial integrity and economic stability of the Turkish state in jeopardy, should such be allowed to continue.

© Patrick Emek, March 2016

Friday 4 March 2016

Organizing for Action

Yesterday, OFA supporters were on the ground making their voices heard in cities all over the country for a fair Supreme Court nomination process. At organizing rallies, media events, and phone banks, they called on Senate leaders to do their jobs and give President Obama's nominee fair consideration.

It's up to all of us to make sure they know that obstructing this process is unprecedented -- and unacceptable.

Here's a quick, simple way you can get involved: Send a tweet to Senator Robert Portman demanding a fair process.

The Senate must do its job and give the President's nominee a fair hearing.

Tweet Now

Senate leaders need to hear it directly from you. They can break with their obstructionist colleagues at any time and call for a fair nomination process, but they need to feel the pressure from the people who matter to them.

Senators and their aides pay attention to the tweets they get from their constituents. This is a moment to make your voice heard.

Join OFA supporters in calling for a fair hearing and a timely up or down vote for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee -- tweet now:



Caleb Gardner
Digital Director
Organizing for Action 

Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

Paid for by Organizing for Action
Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

 Public Information

Did You Know That This Month is Black History Month?

(There's still time to get involved!)  (Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Georgia)

With so much hatred, killings and chaos in the world today,Virginia McLaurin brings a touch of joy (and inspiration) to all of us.

[ Hopefully, I too can move as swiftly as she - and dance like a butterfly - when I am 106 years old (!!) ]

Sunday 14 February 2016

Remarks by the President on the Passing of the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

5:45 P.M. PST

Statement by Vice President Biden on the Passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:


Update on 20th February:

The Last Post

Supreme Court Justice Scalia Honored By Thousands Today at Funeral Mass in Washington D.C. Washington D.C.

The email below was sent by the Democratic Party.

It speaks for itself.


Join us.

Breaking news from the GOP debate stage:

In tonight's debate, the Republican presidential candidates were asked whether or not President Obama should nominate a new justice to the Supreme Court. They said Congress should block, delay, or otherwise refuse to allow the President to fill this vacancy.

There's no excuse for this, Patrick. It's putting partisan politics above the Constitution and the rule of law, and it's appalling to hear from any public official -- let alone someone who thinks he should be the next President of the United States.

And they're not alone. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- who is responsible for scheduling votes in the Senate -- has already said that "this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President."

But no matter what Mitch McConnell says, President Obama is going to fulfill his constitutional obligation to nominate a successor to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court -- and that nominee deserves a fair hearing in the Senate.

Add your name to call on Republicans to follow the Constitution instead of obstructing the confirmation of our next Supreme Court justice:



Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Austria 2016:

Press Headlines:

[The attacker]


the sub-header read:


The News Report continues:

''A 10-Year Old boy was raped by a JEW in a Public Swimming pool, Thersienbad.''



           ''NO JEWS ADMITTED''
[The sign was later removed by HERR MAYER who said that it was a 'mistake' to put it up ''but the ban on JEWS at my PUBLIC Pool remains in place'', he continued.]



''Groups of concerned citizens are organizing themselves into NIGHT AND DAY PATROL UNITS to PROTECT ARYAN WOMEN AND MEN TRAVELING HOME ALONE AND IN SMALL VULNERABLE GROUPS AT NIGHT'' the Newspaper report continued.

To check out the accuracy of
the above information I refer you to the references below.

For clarity of understanding in the year 2016, I have transposed certain details - but the accuracy of the report and the underlying thinking motivating the 'tribal' reactions to migrants and ''collective punishment'' of all migrants for individual criminal acts IN AUSTRIA and THROUGHOUT CHRISTENDOM are in no doubt whatsoever.


Der Sturmer

Interestingly, it was not the horrific slaughter of hundreds innocents by the most evil group in existence today – Daesh/ISIL - on the streets of Paris or London or other european capital cities - which has galvanized an emotive response from the European general public but the issue of a sexual assault against which more atavistic subconscious fears can be implicitly and explicitly exploited.
At least we now know what will 'trigger' a call to action or 'attack' [''Sturmer''] against ''alien'' tribes (migrants.)
it (and human nature) remain no different today than in1923 when Julius Streicher first published ''Der Stürmer''.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Land of Hope and Glory?

Welcome to the European Union – 2016
(Certainly Not ''The Land of The free and the home of The Brave'' – If You Are AN AFRICAN, MUSLIM, MIDDLE EAST OR ASIATIC MIGRANT.)

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