I met on Sunday with an individual who gave me information not yet in the public domain about the unnamed chambermaid making allegations against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director, Mr Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the intended main challenger to President Sarkozy as the next President of France.
The person I met said, basically, that the woman involved in the allegation has a history of sexual dysfunctionali
ty which makes here prone to making allegations after suggestive encounters towards men-not for attention seeking reasons but because of her own profile and background with relationships going back to her childhood.
‘’Because she is an immigrant her own background as a child may be hard to uncover and she is also in the unique position of having complete anonymity under US law-until she decides voluntarily to ‘cash in’ on this affair.’’
As the alleged victim,should anyone attempt to reveal her identity they too become liable to criminal prosecution.
At this point, whether guilty or not, Strauss-Kahn is ruined politically and socially.
‘’The only people with the capability of unearthing the facts are the USCIS the FBI and the CIA and most likely all three agencies will be required to take a back seat as it’s a US Police local state (not Federal) matter and only the Justice Department will be involved.’’
As a Euro sceptic I have always been against most things which are EU-orientated.
Indeed for many years I have supported an anti-European Union group as I share it’s sentiments-so I am the last person in the world to want to say any good words about the EU or it’s officials.
Why would anyone want to ‘set-up’ Strauss-Kahn and who benefits from his absence from key talks about the Euro and it’s future hanging as they are in the balance?
What would be the global implications of the collapse of the Euro as a single currency and how would it affect the dollar?
Strauss-Kahn is undoubtedly a brilliant economist and visionary in his own field.
He is singularly credited with saving the Euro from collapse by his ability to persuade
Germany to buy into a rescue package with the prospect that it will emerge as
the economic super-giant of the European continent when the European economies recover-which they eventually will.
How would this emergence affect Europe’s relationship with the United States and the rest of the world?
Let’s stick with the facts as known at present and remove the hype.
Is it credible to believe that Mr Strauss-Kahn would, without being solicited, actively commit a sexual assault of the kind he is being accused of?
The answer is currently unknown but as in the Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) case, there are troubling doubts-not about his guilt but about the scenarios of alleged guilt given the critical timings.
''Even if he is eventually proved to be guilty of attempted rape that does not preclude the possibility of him having being set up to commit a crime.
Entrapment of high-profile individuals by rival companies and corporations is not unknown in the world in which we live.''
It is known that there have been prior issues affecting Mr Strauss-Kahn in his work environment and this alone is likely to heighten suspicions about his guilt-even before a fair trial.
Already today an individual in France is alleging attempted assault and other individuals may see this as the time to also bring forward past affairs or grievances.
''These issues however were matters, as I gather, which could affect many co-workers working or travelling together for prolong periods of time and under great stress and should not have a bearing on any current accusation-but in this case they undoubtedly will-making it impossible for Mr Strauss-Kahn to be given a fair trial in the United States in the glare of media publicity which will now devour every aspect of the man’s private and public life.''
Back to the crises in Europe. Mr Strauss-Kahn is being replaced in these complex negotiations between economically ailing Euro zone countries and the IMF by someone who has only months of experience as a Deputy Director and lacks the charisma and ‘fixing’ abilities across so complex an economic structure which Strauss-Kahn is reputed to possess.
Why is such an international high profile individual who cannot flee nor hide anywhere in the world being held in custody and not released on bail to continue his work-which is critical to the future of Europe?
Even if he is released on bail or bond assurance, such is the damage done to his reputation that he may find it impossible to function in his current role at this critical juncture in EU-IMF relations such will be the detraction of this issue.
This will have immediate effects on the course and direction of the negotiations-especially if European leaders lose faith in his credibility-which is highly likely.
Of course everyone can be replaced-but in time. So the timing is critical in this instance.
The Justice Department of The United States is fully aware of his role in IMF
discussions aimed at saving the Euro and ensuring that Portugal, Greece, Spain and Ireland do not default so why are they not prepared to release him on bail in order that this work, vital to the unity of the European continent as an economic block can continue?
They would quite rightly answer because he is being arrainged on a serious criminal matter and the issue of bail and bond is a matter for a judge at a hearing and is not the Justice Department's decision.
In so high profile a case, The New York State Criminal Justice Department, the U.S. Justice Department and even The State Department could conceivably intervene with their own conflicting recommendations.
The alternative interpretation of this event could be very troubling and not at all related to the alleged crime.
Which currency, I was asked, most benefits with the collapse of the Euro as a single currency?
''The dollar has never been in a more precarious condition than it is today-under pressure from the Yuan.
The emerging Russian Rouble is poised to affect the Eurozone in a way Strauss-Kahn has been working to positively and co-operatively pre-empt.''
Russia managed to prevent a global meltdown of its financial and industrial institutions several years ago when, what it perceived as an external conspiracy to place control of it's key strategic resources into the hands of hostile foreign corporations and place the country into a future situation of indebtedness was foiled.
President Putin, a former intelligence officer, could never prove a conspiracy to bankrupt and seriously indebt the country so Russian authorities responded by promptly arresting and serving warrants for the arrest of all the oligarchs they could get within it’s own territory who were believed to be part of this unproven conspiracy and charged them on spurious economic crimes grounds-justified or not.
Today, the Rouble is, like the Yuan, emerging as one of the future challengers to the Dollar-and the Euro-worldwide.
Strauss-Kahn was involved in other delicate discussions-to bring the European Union and Russia into a closer economic union-and to persuade The German Chancellor Merkel to accept Turkey as a de facto associate member of the European Union with the issues of Cyprus and immigration being left for longer term settlement-should the Turks agree not to press for full membership.
From what I gather, a complex man involved in intricate and complex issues profoundly affecting all our lives-now incarcerated in a U.S. jail and being paraded by U.S. Detectives from court hearing to court hearing as an indicted common criminal.
The gut instinct of Chancellor Merkel and other European politicians will be to drop him like a stone as the political fall-out from having such an albatross could be even more damaging.
No doubt many former colleagues will now try to distance themselves as far as possible from Mr Strauss-Kahn fearing the outcome on their own political careers.
Strauss-Kahn’s impact as the most likely future President of France would have been even more profound. Even the incumbent President, Sarkozy, would admit he (Sarkozy) is not a brilliant economist. Having a man like Strauss Kahn running France and with German money and drive behind him, this powerful combination could have conceivably lifted Europe out of the economic recession faster than it will now take with the absence of so powerful an alliance of brilliance, brains, connections, fixing ability money and brawn - as all in unison would have effectively implemented an EU-structured Marshall Plan to save the economic union.
Should any of the above prove true, (and I have been offered nor am offering any proof), then key personnel involved in critical aspects of EU policies may well be advised to take extra special precautions to avoid entrapment when on business or holiday trips abroad.
If such proves to be the case, it would be reminiscent of the Cold War days when civil servants and other commercial and local government officials were expressly forbidden to travel behind the Iron Curtain without governmental permission
It may well also be advisable to have a new set of rules governing the arrest of suspects so as to ensure that all are guaranteed protection from publicity under the law
until conviction takes place as often the unproven allegations alone can destroy a life and a career.
The stakes are very high-a fact not appreciated by the general public since it's difficult to have access to a complete picture of exactly what is happening and how one issue affects another in a world where information overload creates as much confusion as it's paucity.
Either this story represents the personal tragedy and the untimely end of a brilliant career of an individual who has succumbed to human failings at a most historically unfortunate time for Europe or a new, very vicious and very ugly chapter is emerging in the global fight for currency domination.
I would hope that the former is the case so that one day Mr Strauss-Kahn and his victim will both be able to re-build their shattered lives and that the victim of this crime will see the justice she deserves.
In conclusion, in the world we live, human failings and high public office do not go hand in hand.
Is it any wonder that the most gifted and able individuals in this world avoid politics, high profile and public office like the plague.
I left my contact with many questions unanswered and unresolved and with a heavy heart.
Patrick Emek
Monday 16th May 2011
The person I met said, basically, that the woman involved in the allegation has a history of sexual dysfunctionali
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Photos © Patrick Emek |
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ty which makes here prone to making allegations after suggestive encounters towards men-not for attention seeking reasons but because of her own profile and background with relationships going back to her childhood.
‘’Because she is an immigrant her own background as a child may be hard to uncover and she is also in the unique position of having complete anonymity under US law-until she decides voluntarily to ‘cash in’ on this affair.’’
As the alleged victim,should anyone attempt to reveal her identity they too become liable to criminal prosecution.
At this point, whether guilty or not, Strauss-Kahn is ruined politically and socially.
‘’The only people with the capability of unearthing the facts are the USCIS the FBI and the CIA and most likely all three agencies will be required to take a back seat as it’s a US Police local state (not Federal) matter and only the Justice Department will be involved.’’
As a Euro sceptic I have always been against most things which are EU-orientated.
Indeed for many years I have supported an anti-European Union group as I share it’s sentiments-so I am the last person in the world to want to say any good words about the EU or it’s officials.
Why would anyone want to ‘set-up’ Strauss-Kahn and who benefits from his absence from key talks about the Euro and it’s future hanging as they are in the balance?
What would be the global implications of the collapse of the Euro as a single currency and how would it affect the dollar?
Strauss-Kahn is undoubtedly a brilliant economist and visionary in his own field.
He is singularly credited with saving the Euro from collapse by his ability to persuade
Germany to buy into a rescue package with the prospect that it will emerge as
the economic super-giant of the European continent when the European economies recover-which they eventually will.
How would this emergence affect Europe’s relationship with the United States and the rest of the world?
Let’s stick with the facts as known at present and remove the hype.
Is it credible to believe that Mr Strauss-Kahn would, without being solicited, actively commit a sexual assault of the kind he is being accused of?
The answer is currently unknown but as in the Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) case, there are troubling doubts-not about his guilt but about the scenarios of alleged guilt given the critical timings.
''Even if he is eventually proved to be guilty of attempted rape that does not preclude the possibility of him having being set up to commit a crime.
Entrapment of high-profile individuals by rival companies and corporations is not unknown in the world in which we live.''
It is known that there have been prior issues affecting Mr Strauss-Kahn in his work environment and this alone is likely to heighten suspicions about his guilt-even before a fair trial.
Already today an individual in France is alleging attempted assault and other individuals may see this as the time to also bring forward past affairs or grievances.
''These issues however were matters, as I gather, which could affect many co-workers working or travelling together for prolong periods of time and under great stress and should not have a bearing on any current accusation-but in this case they undoubtedly will-making it impossible for Mr Strauss-Kahn to be given a fair trial in the United States in the glare of media publicity which will now devour every aspect of the man’s private and public life.''
Back to the crises in Europe. Mr Strauss-Kahn is being replaced in these complex negotiations between economically ailing Euro zone countries and the IMF by someone who has only months of experience as a Deputy Director and lacks the charisma and ‘fixing’ abilities across so complex an economic structure which Strauss-Kahn is reputed to possess.
Why is such an international high profile individual who cannot flee nor hide anywhere in the world being held in custody and not released on bail to continue his work-which is critical to the future of Europe?
Even if he is released on bail or bond assurance, such is the damage done to his reputation that he may find it impossible to function in his current role at this critical juncture in EU-IMF relations such will be the detraction of this issue.
This will have immediate effects on the course and direction of the negotiations-especially if European leaders lose faith in his credibility-which is highly likely.
Of course everyone can be replaced-but in time. So the timing is critical in this instance.
The Justice Department of The United States is fully aware of his role in IMF
discussions aimed at saving the Euro and ensuring that Portugal, Greece, Spain and Ireland do not default so why are they not prepared to release him on bail in order that this work, vital to the unity of the European continent as an economic block can continue?
They would quite rightly answer because he is being arrainged on a serious criminal matter and the issue of bail and bond is a matter for a judge at a hearing and is not the Justice Department's decision.
In so high profile a case, The New York State Criminal Justice Department, the U.S. Justice Department and even The State Department could conceivably intervene with their own conflicting recommendations.
The alternative interpretation of this event could be very troubling and not at all related to the alleged crime.
Which currency, I was asked, most benefits with the collapse of the Euro as a single currency?
''The dollar has never been in a more precarious condition than it is today-under pressure from the Yuan.
The emerging Russian Rouble is poised to affect the Eurozone in a way Strauss-Kahn has been working to positively and co-operatively pre-empt.''
Russia managed to prevent a global meltdown of its financial and industrial institutions several years ago when, what it perceived as an external conspiracy to place control of it's key strategic resources into the hands of hostile foreign corporations and place the country into a future situation of indebtedness was foiled.
President Putin, a former intelligence officer, could never prove a conspiracy to bankrupt and seriously indebt the country so Russian authorities responded by promptly arresting and serving warrants for the arrest of all the oligarchs they could get within it’s own territory who were believed to be part of this unproven conspiracy and charged them on spurious economic crimes grounds-justified or not.
Today, the Rouble is, like the Yuan, emerging as one of the future challengers to the Dollar-and the Euro-worldwide.
Strauss-Kahn was involved in other delicate discussions-to bring the European Union and Russia into a closer economic union-and to persuade The German Chancellor Merkel to accept Turkey as a de facto associate member of the European Union with the issues of Cyprus and immigration being left for longer term settlement-should the Turks agree not to press for full membership.
From what I gather, a complex man involved in intricate and complex issues profoundly affecting all our lives-now incarcerated in a U.S. jail and being paraded by U.S. Detectives from court hearing to court hearing as an indicted common criminal.
The gut instinct of Chancellor Merkel and other European politicians will be to drop him like a stone as the political fall-out from having such an albatross could be even more damaging.
No doubt many former colleagues will now try to distance themselves as far as possible from Mr Strauss-Kahn fearing the outcome on their own political careers.
Strauss-Kahn’s impact as the most likely future President of France would have been even more profound. Even the incumbent President, Sarkozy, would admit he (Sarkozy) is not a brilliant economist. Having a man like Strauss Kahn running France and with German money and drive behind him, this powerful combination could have conceivably lifted Europe out of the economic recession faster than it will now take with the absence of so powerful an alliance of brilliance, brains, connections, fixing ability money and brawn - as all in unison would have effectively implemented an EU-structured Marshall Plan to save the economic union.
Should any of the above prove true, (and I have been offered nor am offering any proof), then key personnel involved in critical aspects of EU policies may well be advised to take extra special precautions to avoid entrapment when on business or holiday trips abroad.
If such proves to be the case, it would be reminiscent of the Cold War days when civil servants and other commercial and local government officials were expressly forbidden to travel behind the Iron Curtain without governmental permission
It may well also be advisable to have a new set of rules governing the arrest of suspects so as to ensure that all are guaranteed protection from publicity under the law
until conviction takes place as often the unproven allegations alone can destroy a life and a career.
The stakes are very high-a fact not appreciated by the general public since it's difficult to have access to a complete picture of exactly what is happening and how one issue affects another in a world where information overload creates as much confusion as it's paucity.
Either this story represents the personal tragedy and the untimely end of a brilliant career of an individual who has succumbed to human failings at a most historically unfortunate time for Europe or a new, very vicious and very ugly chapter is emerging in the global fight for currency domination.
I would hope that the former is the case so that one day Mr Strauss-Kahn and his victim will both be able to re-build their shattered lives and that the victim of this crime will see the justice she deserves.
In conclusion, in the world we live, human failings and high public office do not go hand in hand.
Is it any wonder that the most gifted and able individuals in this world avoid politics, high profile and public office like the plague.
I left my contact with many questions unanswered and unresolved and with a heavy heart.
Patrick Emek
Monday 16th May 2011