
Friday 22 August 2014

Was President Putin The Real Target ?

     Was President Putin The Real Target ?

You many recall that I referred to the presence of the airplane of the Russian Federation President
within 20 minutes of MH17.
My source gave me two distinct information references which I could not question for further details.
The first was a 20 minute time difference.
The second was the presence of 2 Ukrainian fighter planes in the immediate vicinity.
It has since emerged that President Putin was indeed on board the Presidential Airplane of The Russian Federation, returning from a visit to South America.
According to unofficial reports, the Presidential Airplane did not fly over the Ukraine - certainly not over the war zone.
As the media in general have ignored this matter I would like to look at it again – with the unthinkable in mind:  what if the President's plane was  the intended target  ?
First, if President Putin's plane had been shot down over Ukraine, Russia most certainly would invade the country right up to the Polish border.   The West (NATO) would be effectively at war with The Russian Federation.
Not too long ago a friend from Cambridge (United Kingdom) contacted me to say that he was in no doubt that Russia would also re-occupy Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania as it would no longer be prepared to accept the humiliation of it's ethnic Russian citizens anywhere in the Baltic States.
This was a very real fear being expressed to him by his own contacts in the Baltic States.
The Baltic States are not as strategically important to Russia as is The Ukraine.
From a strategic stranglehold viewpoint, Latvia and Lithuania have less a critical value as Estonia.
In the event of the President of Russia being assassinated under such conditions as, say, the downing of MH17,  it is not easy to predict what would happen in this regard.

Who Would Be Held Responsible?

A number of scenarios  immediately come to mind:

1. Disaffected Separatist Ukrainian Rebels.  Disaffected because President Putin refused to send
combat forces to support their insurgency against the legitimate Ukrainian government.

2. An attempted coup within Russia by generals disaffected with the conduct of the Ukrainian
civil war and President Putin's reluctance to commit ground forces (other than of course the existing presence of 'volunteers' and Russian Special Forces.)

3. A political or intelligence services' organized coup d'etat against President Putin – any new interim leader being seen or portrayed as the plotters choice.

  1. An extremist conspiracy plotted in Kiev to provoke NATO intervention possibly leading to a third world war at the most, a new Cold War at the very minimum.

5. Separatist Chechen or Al Qaeda/ISIL rebels present in Eastern Ukraine.

6. A rogue commander.

7. An unfortunate accident.

Whatever the case, unless world leaders can re-assure each other that agreed protocols will continue to be observed (at a time when principles of international law are being flouted by major powers on a frighteningly regular basis) traveling  over airspace not within their own remit is not going to be a very safe affair for any of them and could indeed become a very hazardous experience.

I did say last year that when countries start to 'down' (force to land) presidential airplanes in transit, for whatever given public reason, that this was the start of a very slippery slope – leading to where, nobody can at present predict but what it will imply is a breakdown in international law and protocol which itself is also so reflective of the apparent breakdown in international standards and conduct in so many spheres of diplomacy, humanitarian principles in war, international relations between states and nations and, what I grew up with and was taught, as known and observed codes of international conduct.

I hope history does not show that this was indeed the case.
It would be beyond tragic to even contemplate that innocent travelers  worldwide are now pawns in a very dark and a very dangerous game which has no future in any sane world.

Patrick Emek

Technical Analysis
 Section 1 The Buk M­1 Missile System & Section 2 The Loss of Malaysian Airways Flight MH17 :

MH17 : Boeing's Downing By BUK Missile System Unlikely - Russian Military Expert :

''Unless one of the greatest sick hoaxes of the 21st century has been perpetrated and I too am a recipient,  I stand by my decision to include this next reference below.  I have, as far as I was able, researched the background of Herr Haisenko and have no reason to believe him to be anything but genuine.  Neither do I believe him have a 'grudge', to  be a 'crank'  a 'cookie' or a publicity seeker'' (Patrick Emek, 23rd August, 2014.)

July 30th, 2014, Analysis of photos of  downed MH17 (of any credibility) made available by By Peter Haisenko
German version:
English version: 

This site below  is identified as being openly pro-Russian in it's reference websites, some of which are conspiracist theory-orientated.   Some doubt exists about the authenticity and impartiality of all the photos - which are not all the same as those provided for analysis by Herr Haisenko at the website above, but much more detailed, undocumented and untraceable in provenance:

For those of you requiring some elementary schooling in aviation ballistic forensics, you might also consider a more impartial analysis by Mike "Mish" Shedlock: 
Mr Shedlock also makes reference in his blog to a You Tube video of a Militia Soldier (Anti-Kiev Rebel) named 'Elena' from Sloviansk.  This video was published on You Tube on 18th June, 2014.  MH17 was shot down on 17th July, 2014.  I have only recently become aware of this video.  What 'Elena' says, if true, lends further credibility to my statement about a total  (observable) breakdown in the norms of international law (aviation in this case) and suggests that innocent airline passengers and crew could be deliberately used as 'human shields' in zones of conflict.   This, if true, is a relatively new and frightening development.   Yes, there have, historically, been cases of the deliberate targeting of civilian and presidential airplanes in zones of political tension and confrontation to either catalyze or initiate conflict and indeed, the use of spy planes 'tailgating' civilian airliners - with tragic results -  is not unheard of; but this recent tactic, if confirmed, brings what were once far away incidents right into Europe.   There are now, in my opinion, very immediate, very real and very imminent dangers to our own Ministers and  Heads of State as they carry out their normal duties by means of air transportation if agreed international standards are being flouted.
If the lives of ordinary airline passengers and crew are expendable then rogue elements in this and other conflict regions will not think twice before creating an international incident with  more 'spectacular' gestures:

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