Saturday 10 October 2015

What The Government Failed To Reveal

I always begin any topic of such magnitude by stating that I am not a medical professional but my background in technical analysis and research has provided me with certain skills which I bring to bear in these situations.
The advantage here is that, other than occasional self-censorship, I am not blogging for financial gain nor dependant on a media organisation for my existence, salary, nor promotion.

As a Scottish Nurse who contracted Ebola in West Africa (Sierra Leone) is suddenly rushed to hospital having suffered a relapse, the British government had no option but to come partially clean with some more truths about the dormancy period and polymorphic aspects for this deadly virus.

If you want to know what they (Western governments) are or may still not be revealing about this potential pandemic, please refer to my earlier blogs for some guidance.

Why The Secrecy?
So as not to create panic amongst the general population of course.
Most people these days have little access to anything other than mainstream news. Successful sophisticated propaganda and technologies of political, technical and psychological control mean that many are anxious not to be 'seen' as 'unpatriotic' by 'searching' for a genuine alternative viewpoint beyond the defined social parameters as laid down by the State.
It is ironic that in a world of information overload many are concerned about what effect expressing an opinion contrary to the accepted norm will have on their life and careers. Their fears are quite justified.
I am probably amongst the last of the Riefenstahl generation to appreciate the value of propaganda whilst staying borderline to the 'system'.
(I had the opportunity, many decades ago, to meet with Leni Riefenstahl on one occasion, but due to other activities and my own work at that time, I was unable to attend the Reception.)

It should never be forgotten that while Riefenstahl was a pariah for decades after The Second World War in the West, her works were standard (if not seminal influences) on U.S. and Allied information specialists (including psychologists and psychiatrists) and were designated or required as study for appreciation, emulation and further development at military colleges, academies and other institutions and learned houses.

The Stuff Of Nightmares
Let's get back to the issue at hand.
The prospect of a pandemic plagues the nightmares of anyone with a modicum of understanding about what is out there – but not in the public domain. If Hollywood has made one positive contribution, it is the therapeutic effect which bringing the visual impact of such scenarios to life has in order to prepare the populace for situations where their compliance might be, at some future point, prerequisite by the State.

I can say for certain that I personally am more fearful of a major pandemic in the future than I am of nuclear warfare.
Virology and Bacteriology are subjects more prone to unique loners than their individual potential capability and capacity exists to develop a nuclear device.

As society becomes increasingly even more complex and its controls more subtle and obscurely rigid, the likelihood is that so too the sophistication with which a terrorist biowarfare strategy is developed, will be the likely response.

The popular scenarios played out by Hollywood bear some limited relationship to bioterror scenarios and potential for mass infection and, at least, they give the public an appreciation of the draconian response by authorities in the event of such an emergency as it is impossible to protect whole populations with any meaningful response other than monitoring, containment, isolation, disinfection and termination.

Why Lie To the General Public?

If you read my earlier blog you will see that an incubation period of (initially) 24-28 days was more for public consumption and to allay fears than bearing any logical relationship to what was actually happening.
The fact that 99% of the general public was prepared to accept this explanation should give Western governments (and indeed most worldwide) some relief that, in the event of a real emergency, the situation can be easily explained and contained with little to no questioning of the scientific community (eminent members) and public relations statements on behalf of the health and other government departments.
In Israel, for example, as in many other parts of the world, in the event of a major terrorist attack leaving carnage in it's wake, the important thing is to 'clean up' – remove the body parts, wreckage, etc as quickly (and as dignified and humanely, under the circumstances) as possible so that 'normalcy' is perceived as continuity.
The ideal scenario, after rapid forensics, is to have everything looking exactly as it was prior to the bloody carnage within hours as opposed to days.
An ideal situation would be within 3 hours but it currently runs between 18 hours to 3 days, as minimum, in many developed countries.
The longer the carnage remains in view the more likely it is to create a lasting imprint on the masses. So the prime objective is to remove all traces of a trauma – thus thwarting the terrorists – since all traces of 'shock and awe' have been completely removed and substituted with their antithesis.
I have some confidence that most of the major global viruses which have the potential for pandemics have been identified.   My fear is the ability of an individual to create a synthetic virus about which we know next to nothing. Far fetched?  Maybe? Maybe not so far fetched. Only time will tell.
The equally worrisome antithesis is the ability (and willingness) of a State or State body (plausible deniability) to develop such for a strategic or targeted population control purpose, as yet to be determined.
Which pose the greater danger depends on whether you see the glass as 'half full or half empty.'

Expect more revelations about Ebola to be 'coughed up' only as their concealments are no longer viable options.

©Patrick Emek, October 2015