Sunday 20 March 2016

President Donald Trump?

I May Be Wrong But...........

On a head count alone, it unlikely that 'The Donald' will reach the magic figure of 1237 delegates required for automatic endorsement as Republican Presidential Candidate.
This is on the basis of my analysis of how the votes are likely to be divided in the remaining States yet to vote. I may be wrong. I hope that I am. But the figures don't add up to 1237 delegates.
Unless nobody comes out to vote for alternative candidates (which is unlikely!) then Donald Trump is likley to be somewhere between 45 and 100 candidates short of automatic endorsement. Under such conditions, he will have to either gracefully bow out or, as he has remarked, exhort his followers to take to the streets in protest.
The Republican 'establishment' is both hoping (and praying) the number falls short of 1237 delegates for 'The (enigmatic) Donald.'

[My guess is that at the Republican Convention he will, after a futile battle, accept defeat and, within a period of a few years retire to, perhaps, Hawaii - maybe even get together for a few games of golf with (then) retired former President Obama (?)]

If Donald Trump Falls Short Of The Magic Figure
Nominating a candidate will then go back to 'the party establishment'.
The problem with Donald is that he does not genuflect to any interest group or lobby. Here there is no love lost between himself and, for example, transnational policy elites – yet, like all astute politicians – he aggressively courts all of their votes on the campaign trail.
Nonetheless his supporters accept him at his word when he says that he remains fundamentally committed to the extension of American influence rather than it being 'held hostage' to foreign lobby groups.
(Trump Cruz Ryan and Clinton are all  due to address AIPAC's Policy Conference Convention over the next few days.)

Team America
Unfortunately he is not rich enough to replace them all (!) but certainly intelligent enough to offer alternative options or, even more alarming for the corrupt Washington elites, bring in or create his own 'task force' teams to 'sort out' America. In other words, Donald Trump is just as dangerous as was John Kennedy – with regard to his 'vision' for America not because he has a vision, but more because it has not been manufactured for him in China, Saudi Arabia nor elsewhere nor do such countries have any more leverage to influence the same in ways more favorable than they would  if he were an 'insider'.  In fact the opposite might very well be the case.

Like all politicians, however, should Donald Trump ever assume Office as President, in the coduct of pragmatic foreign policy, all bets would, more likely than not, be off.

Skull & Bones - But No Thules In The Box!
Skeletons In The Attic
Interestingly Kennedy himself was not very partial towards Israel despite the fact that his wife was one third Jewish (a fact concealed from the general public very well by the media for nearly half a century.)
You could liken Kennedy (politically) with today's charismatic Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders – who has recently declined an invitation to speak at AIPAC because of a very busy schedule – and who is infusing the same momentum and hope into the Democratic Party which JFK offered to the electorate in 1960 general election.

Capricorn One
Getting rid of Trump will not be an easy one for the insider establishment elite - who will now have to wait until the Convention if the delegate votes go to the wire with no obvious winner of the magic number.
So Donald Trump, the first 'wildcard' since John Kennedy (but, unlike Kennedy, an outsider from the political, military-industrial - but not from the business establishment elite) will be stopped at the Republican Party Convention because he will (more likely than not) lack the number of delegates to guarantee automatic nomination – leaving the issue to be decided by the Republican Party's 'traditional' 'backroom horse-traders'.
He has been a headache, a real headache to vested political Republican Party establishment interests. (They have probably learnt some bitter lessons from this Trump Presidential bid – one of which is that allowing an intelligent, articulate television business celebrity to be in the homes of tens of millions of Americans for almost a decade - should never be encouraged nor promoted, ever again.)

With 'The Donald' History....Where Does This Leave The Party?
So where does this leave insider establishment politics?
The next obvious figure is Ted Cruz.   He is likewise intelligent, opinionated and charismatic.
But he too is disliked by Washington's insider establishment – for other reasons. A friend of corporate financial America, the gun lobby, bible-belt middle-America, but luke warm to foreign lobby groups as his interests are U.S. financial interests and the projection of U.S. influence and power abroad - as opposed to the corruption of American politics by foreign lobby groups – anxious as they all are to extend their own country's influence within the United States. He is partial to Israeli lobby interests in Washington and has the support of significant sectors of Orthodox Jewish voters in New York, Florida and California where such group vote would, in a Presidential candidate election, be split between Hillary Clinton and himself.
For example, the votes which Bernie Sanders will loose in extremist Jewish communities and in Dixie because of his background (he is Jewish) and his commitment to 'Peace with the Palestinian Arabs', Ted Cruz and Donald Trump could well scoop up a significant number of these voters.
To say however that Ted Cruz is 'disliked' in Washington by the (Christian) 'insider elites' would be an understatement.
He has not spent a lot of time 'cultivating' potential patrons and friends within such groups and traditional societies, where it is a prerequisite ritual, to be seen - as 'a safe pair of hands'.  It is often remarked that he has a lot of disdain for 'Washington insiders' preferring to spend more of his time outside and yonder beyond - in the heartland of his constituency (Texas) - than living inside the Washington matrix bubble (or sty!)

A Cuban-American, born in Canada (a country traditionally mistrusted as 'too socialist' by many Republican 'insider' groups) Ted Cruz is often portrayed as a gun-toting slightly scary figure (something in the same manner Donald Trump portrays poor Hispanic economic migrants – except this time the 'feed' for such stories sometimes come (covertly) from his own Republican Party, and, I am likewise convinced, from overt Democratic sources.)
It is a great pity that pride, ethnicity, style, background, individuality and charisma prevents a Trump-Cruz presidential ticket.
It would certainly give Hillary a run for her money – and just might even succeed.
But that's what history is about: missed opportunities, chance encounters, location, birth and status or just sheer brute force to be ruthless enough take power – and to hold it.

Doctor Ben Carson
I would be doing a disservice if I did not mention Dr. Ben Carson.
His polling amongst Southern Whites and Blacks in Dixie was not insignificant as a Black Republican Candidate. My understanding is that he is well-liked and respected by all who have met him and personally know him.
There will be many senior cabinet posts in a future Republican administration which will require talented leadership and vision – so don't entirely rule retired neurosurgeon Dr. Carson out in this regard.

So Who Will The Republican Convention Backroom Insiders Choose?
The safest pair of hands is Paul Ryan. Lacking charisma but a well-trusted insider, a technocrat who knows how to 'work' the wheels of power in Washington whilst maintaining the confidence of all the 'traditional' groups – and lobbyists - at home and abroad.
So what would a Ryan Presidency look like?  It would look more like Ronald Reagan's presidency than that of George Bush Junior. One consolation, if it can be called that, is at least you would not find a President Ryan (or his enforcers) storming into CIA nor NSA Headquarters to demand that data be 'doctored' in order to justify military campaigns abroad. Ryan is far more intelligent than to ruin his place in the annals of U.S. presidential history with such folly.
Paul Ryan is a gifted individual and with the right media 'makeover' will be imprinted onto the minds of the electorate, as charismatic and the only great hope for a ' change' Americans can really believe in.

Sadly, neither he nor anybody on the ticket with him, are the team to defeat Hillary Clinton - Bernie Sanders (possible) ticket.

Furthermore, it would not at all surprise me if many middle American voters (who are no fools) disappointed and angry with the ignominious dumping by the 'establishment' of their choices (and the best candidates for the job) - Donald Trump and Ted Cruz - will 'cross the floor' and, in protest, vote for Hillary Clinton and her running mate (possibly, but not a mandatory choice, Bernie Sanders) at the next U.S. Presidential election, enabling the Democrats to sweep into power with a historical majority unseen in recent decades

One thing that is for sure, the next 'Candidate' election is one soap opera epilog not to be missed!; wherever you live in the world!
