The Great Game
What Is Diplomacy Coming To?
Today I listened to some very insulting words being traded between the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States at the United Nations. I have not heard discussions at the U.N. descend to such a sad level of vituperous debate between nations for a very long time.
It does indeed show both the low level to which debate has sunk and the depth of this serious international crisis in both Syria and now in North Korea.
If I was to give a personal opinion it would be that Presidents and Prime Ministers need to 'reign in' their respective 'representatives' at the U.N. To 'tone down' the rhetoric for all parties to attempt to diffuse an already 'nuclear' charged debate rather than (as is likely) 'pat' everyone on the back for a 'job well done!' as (sadly) is more likely to be the case.
I say this because the U.N. Is the last forum before war.
Should one or more sides walk out of the United Nations in anger or despair, then they will need to explain to future generations (and to the living relatives of those who will die in the conflict) why, when the opportunity was available, they did not take their responsibilities seriously enough to prevent war.
If not in politics, there used to be some 'honor' at least in diplomacy, in the diplomatic service.
Now we have the same disparaging remarks exchanged between diplomats as we do the cannibalizing of rivals' opinions and positions in the political arena and throughout the mainstream media.
Higher Goals:The Grand Design
Because none will reveal the true motives for war, I need to continue with a theme started several years ago when I gave you a vision of the chaos and wars to come in the Caspian Sea regions as the scramble for new mineral resources reaches the same fever pitch that we see today in many parts of the world.
The Four Horsemen
Now I too will go into hyperbole.
I shudder when I think about it.
When I see the Four Horsemen riding to the Caucasus, to The Silk Road Trail, to plunder its wealth, destroy its civilisations of old and, in the process, bringing pain and suffering every kilometer of the way, to those yet unborn. And the knowledge that this was all premeditated is all the more sadder. That not a single mainstream media in the West, bothers to 'connect the dots' is not just an indictment of Christendom-but also of human nature, worldwide.
Sadly too, I would expect no less of any other country or superpower in any age or time of world history.
The name of the game is power and influence at any price. You are either in or you are not.
Because I have covered the Caspian Sea region in detail some years ago I just want to briefly explain why the wars in the Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan are all connected and have very little to do with the agendas being evocated to the ordinary man and woman in the street but are more about hidden agendas and political-economic projects for the future.
Absolute Power...................
What do all these Muslim countries invaded and occupied by Christendom have in common?
What does the breakup of the Balkans have to do with this new economic project for the wealth of the Caspian Sea and the new Silk Road? What do they have in common with the vast oil and strategic resources wealth of the Caspian Sea and the North Caucasus and also their geographic location as transit points for pipelines, air and sea hubs and docking stations?
Politicians of today are already, in consort with other parties, fighting resources wars of the future. In some twisted way they must see themselves as 'knights in shining armor' defending their own future generations so that existing lifestyles can continue to be maintained well into the distant future.
Higher Plans
You know, I don't think much of the Islamic State but occasionally they do come up with a phrase which catches my attention:
''Man Plans, but so too does God''
Even for a non-believer or atheist the phrase might be: 'you cannot foresee everything'; 'sometimes inexplicable things just happen of their own accord to conspire to destroy 'the best-laid plans of mice and men'.
I have been told so many times not to ask 'awkward' questions that I have given up on the mainstream and these days prefer to communicate direct to anybody out there prepared to listen.
The Great Game
Jordan is already 'in the bag' as is part of the Ukraine, but Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran are all key geostrategic and geopolitical locations which are themselves part of that golden new transit corridor (or The New Silk Road) bringing the wealth of the mineral resources of Central Asia into Europe and beyond.

The Birth and Graveyard Of Civilisations
Study the above regions very carefully because wars in you and your childrens' names will be fought in all of them. They may well be the last resting place for some of them – never having known exactly why they were 'sacrificed' 'for a (higher?) political 'vision'.
The Caspian Sea region is the next El Dorado for mineral exploitation.
After that (or maybe sooner) will come the North and South Poles, Africa, the Southern Philippines – which is why all superpowers are racing to place their flags in and underneath the Arctic and Antarctic Seas and positioning to deploy forces (paramilitary, contractors, advisors and otherwise) into new potential areas of 'conflict'.
I am not passing judgement. What I am saying, as a professional journalist and researcher, is that I believe that you do have the right to know exactly why your sons and daughters may be required to make the ultimate sacrifice. As I have explained it, the grand project, perhaps you will be of the view that the 'price' is worth paying?;to maintain an existing civilization, an existing lifestyle, values, ethics and structures of power. So I am assuming that, even when you know the truth, you will not be 'too angry'.
Unfortunately the politicians (a core of them to which the higher projects are integral) calculate that this would not be so and that the anger of the common man and woman would be 'politically unsustainable' and morally 'unjustifiable' (reprehensible) should they ever reveal their 'grand designs' for public scrutiny.
Just One Example
The scientific 'missions' or 'outposts' at the North and South Poles are now being replaced with permanent military outposts and bases. Those countries who have the strongest claim to territories at both Poles are those who can demonstrate their ability to protect their territory through the display of military force.
The Caspian Sea Region
If you look at the above map you will see the strategic importance of all the countries bordering the Caspian Sea.
Just to reiterate the wars in Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan and the ( Christendom-backed) Islamist separatist groups affiliated to ISIL who were so fanatical and caused such carnage on a par with ISIS/ISIL were all backed by the West to break the provinces away from Russian 'influence' so that future resource and military alliance deals could protect the vital oil, gas, uranium, plutonium and other mineral asset transportations through Turkey and Syria and then onto Europe.
The wars in Dagestan and Chechnya have been very vicious, all covertly funded by either Western superpowers or by the Russian Federation (supporting the anti-rebel forces.)
They have been forerunners and 'testing grounds' for tactics and strategies later used by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL.)
Interesting, Al Qaeda is and was separately funded and is ideologically 'different' from many of the Caucasus groups, even though it sent fighters 'in solidarity' with 'Islamic brothers fighting the Christian oppressor' (who in this case, is the Russian Federation.)
It becomes very complicated when you know that the Gulf States have played an integral 'middleman' 'broker' role for Christendom in the logistics, the backing funding and training of these separatist groups of the Caucasus and elsewhere.
[Just One Phase Of A Long Journey]
On one level I can of course appreciate the sentiment.
The political thinking for these grand projects is something along these lines:
Well we have used up most of the accessible resources in our own parts of the world. In order to maintain the civilization we have all become accustomed to it will be vital to secure new mineral, oil and gas resources and other strategic assets, as yet undeveloped, from other parts of the world – and to protect them against 'marauders' [pirates] along the way - just like centuries long past – forming military alliances with friends and partners along the route.
This is simply following a tradition and strategies of empires - which is thousands of years old.
The weapons have changed but the thinking, tactics and strategies are fundamentally the same.
If it were not Christendom it would be Russia, or Japan, China or Germany or the Arab Islamic world, or Africa or whichever civilization held sway at that moment in time. Human nature is human nature. ['The Fitrah' I think it is called in the Islamic world. It has no exact translation but I believe that it refers to a 'natural calling' which every human being possesses at the moment of birth.]
You are probably expecting me at this point to draw a conclusion or offer solutions.
Those I want to leave to you, the reader.
Thanks for taking the time to read and to reflect.
©Patrick Emek, April 2017
Please note that the 2 maps shown here in this blog may be subject to copyright so I might have to remove and replace them with alternatives if so requested. I was unable to establish the copyright owners so could not request permission to show them here for educational use. Thank you. [PE]
Graphics Design and Art Section:
The Islamic State makes considerable use of visual art part of it's propaganda.
I will be showing a major collection of its propaganda works in a later blog.
For those of you interested in the visual media I have included the 4 references below.
They are only relevant should you be an artist and seeking to draw on anything described above as inspiration for visual [3D VR graphics] works.
trivia: and if you are looking to start an online project:
References (Continued)
Coming next............
The Power of Graphics:
How ISIS Recruits Using The Visual Medium
and Graphic Design
The largest collection of Islamic Caliphate State visual propaganda assembled to date at any one blogsite on the internet..... don't miss it!
This will not include beheadings, torture, and the murder of innocent people as featured elsewhere but it will show very cleverly crafted graphic works to attract (mainly young naïve)
recruits to their ranks with the promise of 'fun' and 'adventure' at the 'fringes' and how 'hip' Islam is - should they join the ranks of the 'invisible' 'armies' of The Caliphate – for 'adventures' which are not available for them in their 'boring' lives so carefully 'crafted' and 'controlled' by others to 'deny' them their 'true' potentials and the 'true' knowledge of Islam as interpreted through The Islamic State.
This use of the visual medium and, what I call, 'adventure surreal graphics' is part of a growing trend amongst 'terrorist' groups of all persuasions, worldwide.
It started with the far left movements in the 60s and 70s, then the far right, now it is a recruitment tool by nearly every 'extremist' organisation seeking to 'capture' the next generation of acolytes.