Is America Turning It's Back On World Leadership?
Nobody will actually say it but every time President Trump get's 'caught out' with another lie - and it's proven to be untrue - his popularity amongst his base grass roots of supporters actually increases.
What does this say about Trump supporters and more importantly what does it say about their perception of politicians?
Hey, I Could Murder Someone!
When Donald Trump, Presidential Candidate, said that he could murder someone on a New York Street and nobody would care because he is Donald Trump, I wrongly assumed that all Americans would find this statement utterly repugnant.
In fact nothing he says or does appears to do little to dent his popularity - so what is this saying about America today, about how Americans see each other, their yearning for, yes, a Fuhrer
or Leader - especially for someone who will turn his back on conventional politics?
If Donald Trump was to be found guilty of murder or homicide tomorrow (that he goes ahead with what he said he could do on a New York Street) and was on a Presidential ballot at the same time, he would still probably win the election to be President of The United States.
As he said (quite honestly) 'I could kill someone and not loose my loyal voters because I am Donald Trump.'
No Middle Ground
What is it about American society which has caused it to, not just turn inwards but that the 'us' and 'them' racial, religious, social and financial castes or divides are creating a political-divide 'civil war' of words and deeds with either the 'fors' or 'againsts' - with no middle ground and no compromise?
Free Speech
[When Armed Militias Reject the Outcome]
When ordinary U.S. citizens start turning their guns on U.S. politicians because of the rhetoric they have listened to or read on what are now highly provocative talk and conspiracy radio and internet sites - all operating under the cover of the first amendment
is the problem with the First Amendment or with how it is interpreted to facilitate extremist and hate groups and individuals?
Mainstream Media:Heads In The Sand
I predicted what would happen when 'the Donkey mainstream media' [you know the one, the so-called 'moderate' middle-of-the-road brands such as CNN, BBC, NPR, VoA ] - which facilitated [or moderated] the coming into Office of President Donald Trump; in essence, that they would end up fighting for their very own survival - and from loosing the high ground to extremist and long-established conspiracy theorists and proponents - whose views are extremely popular - even with the 13 - 18 year-olds (!);demonstrating even how the battle for the middle-ground is already been lost for the future.
Republican politicians are behaving the same way major industrialists, bankers and politicians did when the Fuhrer was rising in popularity during the late 1920s and early 1930s.
They all thought that they could control and use him for their own ends or objectives.
How wrong they all were.
The Fuhrer had his own philosophy, his own his own 'clique' with their own agenda for a 'Make Deutschland Great Again'.
The parameters are of course very different but the extreme nationalist ideology is in some ways similar.
[More than a year ago 'Mein Kampf' became available for anyone to publish - I referred you to a website where you can download your own copy.
One of the greatest educational mistakes was banning this publication and refusing to discuss its content - as a warning to prevent future demagoguery. I said so much at that time and I repeat it now. Of course 'now' is too late.
As America turns inward in so many ways and focuses it's efforts on solely maintaining global 'paying' clients states and nations for weapons and military security; shuns all trade deals which are viewed as 'exploitative' of America; cuts back on aid programs - which expand U.S. presence and status in a way few others do and, as I have witnessed, have shaped the thinking of future generations worldwide with regard to the philosophy of democracy, free speech and America, as the greatest proponent of Socrates, Plato and Democritus - especially amongst those too poor or too uneducated to have ever heard of these individuals - rather than those of, say Confucius, or Karl Marx, the Fuhrer, Ayatollah Khomeini, ISIS, Salafism, Wahhabism or indeed those of Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-un.
With America out of the global picture - other than as a worldwide military superpower of the first order, and either battling all of the above or compromising to carve up the world with one or another of them, where will the 'new' global leadership emerge from?
Who will provide that 'vision' of equality for all, justice, fairness, free speech, of support for the weak and fragile and beneficence worldwide (even with strings attached!) and human rights. There are all elusive principles - but most want a just and fairer world - which is why these philosophies have survived for so long, in many different guises, worldwide.
Preparing The Groundwork
When America drops the torch - discarding it as irrelevant to the principles of One Country, One People and One Leader.
Is this what half of America really wants?
It sure looks that way?
Fascinating that the mainstream media had it's head so far into the sand it could not (nor cared) to see what was coming.
It's offices have so many politically correct staff and no conscientious objectors that it 'fawned' and lauded mainstream politicians to the point of disgusting 'silent majority' America which 'saw' the conspiracy and deserted long time ago into the welcoming arms of the conspiracy theorists and alternative media - which could now justify it's own existence by covering all the topics government-funded channels and networks and the private sector largely ignored.
[All independent thinkers long ago got fired or just deserted the mainstream in favor of the Alt-Right or the Alt-Left - the middle ground being deserted with no protective cover for compromisers. And all this was conveniently ignored by mainstream U.S. media as too 'politically incorrect' for discussion. Now, of course, it's way way far too late.]
The Groundwork Was Pre-Prepared For A 'Rigged Election' Against Donald Trump
Think what would have happened if President Obama had declared the Russians were 'rigging' in favor of Donald Trump
and, as ''Russia Today'' was suggesting (through individuals it was interviewing during this pre-election period) that President Obama would declare martial law or find some reason to postpone the election. [Knowing as we do today that Putin himself ordered the Cyberwar against Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.]
Was where the Fuhrer took the Fatherland greater than where it had been at the end of World War II than before?;and the rise of the Fuhrer was the green light for the start of a war which resulted in the deaths of 56 million people.
Were 56 million lives worth sacrificing for 'the higher political good?'
I earlier compared Trumpism to Confucianism - and how interesting it was that this philosophy as politically implemented in China (China for the Chinese, keep foreigners out) is the reason all Americans (and most of the world) do not speak Mandarin nor Cantonese today.
Deja Vu
As I watch the mainstream British and European TV and media, 'they still don't get it'. As during the 1920s and 30s, they believe that by simply putting their heads in the sand and ignoring the likes of Infowars, the 'problems' will simply 'go away'.
[just one sample of what got Trump elected - watch for Presidential mimics - much of it learned from the likes of Infowars.
This is a further example of what the mainstream media ignored:
For myself, it's just 'Deja Vu' - with a twist!
Emek, June 2017