Is There A Case For A Temporary Military Provisional Administration In The United States?
The clear and honest answer is that there is not, at present.
But the reasons that there is not a clear path to a provisional caretaker administration are less straightforward.
There continue to remain semblances of constitutional authority and hierarchical structures as inherited for more than a century which provide civil society with democratic redress.
These boundaries are, however, on a daily basis, being pushed back to enable hostile foreign superpowers and organised crime to infiltrate the structures of governance in order to destroy them (from the inside) and to 'mould' a new America in their own image.
Unfortunately the mainstream media has a lot to answer for – leaving the vast majority of Americans with little information about civil society and their responsibilities whilst flooding the airwaves with reality and games shows.
American media oligarchs have sought to create the very conditions which could now destroy free speech.
American politicians have surrendered powers to interest groups which are now turning their leverage against civil administrations – or threatening to do if such do not comply with their demands.
What is happening before our very eyes is the meltdown of democracy in the United States as it is slowly being destroyed by Donald Trump.
There will be more 'red flags' and it will be incumbent on those exercising their responsibilities to decide what they want to do as each is arrived at: – are they prepared to see American slide into a cauldron of civil war or are they prepared to exercise their duty to save the country.
And all this has been brought about by the Russian Federation – almost to the incredulity (and disbelief) of at least one quarter of the American general public.
Quite a remarkable achievement - in it's own right.
Donald Trump appointed former military personnel to his administration for one – and solely one – reason. That was to test their loyalty. When he discovered that, unlike what the conspiracists are telling the American populace – that a 'deep' conspiratorial State exists – what he actually found, much to his horror, was that such individuals were diligently performing their duties on behalf of the Office of the President of the United States – and not prepared to swear personal loyalty to him as a de facto 'godfather'. Nor as head of a criminal enterprise.
So now he has to continue to purge both the government administration, the processes of law and legislation protecting successive administrations from corruption and conspire with handfuls of politicians and extremist groups to destroy the American constitution from the inside outwards.
Donald Trump will have little time left to achieve this.
He is aware that as the Mueller investigations reveal more and more of his criminal enterprises – and as the general public become more and more aware of the extent of the conspiracy – of which this incumbent President played an active role - which took place against their country and its lawful political candidates during the last Presidential election – they will be so disgusted that the Trump administration (and all politicians who partook in the conspiracy then cover-up) will all be left ''in the dustbin of (American) history.''
It is sad to even contemplate that a body charged with the conduct of the defense of the nation might have little choice given the extent of the all-pervading influence of the Russian Federation across certain sectors of American society to the extent that such influence has the potential to bring the country to its knees.
I know as a fact that military people in the democratic world have little to no appetite for running governments. If they wanted to do this, they would have long ago exercised their democratic right to enter politics.
All the above are uncharted waters.
Faced with the prospect of seeing the United States and the Western Alliance collapse and a new world political order, which ultimately sees America as subservient to Russia, take it's place, hitherto unimagined scenarios will need to be looked at to save the nation in it's hour of crisis.
In England a similar situation arose.
A politician (former military commander who assumed both roles) named Oliver Cromwell reluctantly temporarily abolished the Royal Monarchy to save the nation from itself.
(Sadly he never discontinued the wars in Ireland – so his brother-in-law, Ireton, lies today in a disused Irish grave, killed in battle whilst fighting hopeless, endless and unwinnable wars against the fanatical Irish.)
As soon as civil society was restored, so too was the Monarchy – with reduced powers – ushering in, as with the French revolution, the era of modern Western democracy.
So there are precedents for the temporary stewardship of nations to prevent tyranny and restore democracy.
Indeed a temporary President could be installed in the United States whilst the full extent of the crimes committed against the American people during the 2016 election were openly being examined across the country and new democratic elections, free of foreign interference, were being prepared.
There was a prophesy that the 44th President of the United States would be the last.
I took little notice of it. Just the sayings of seers and mystics – who do not always get everything exactly right.
Perhaps the reality is that the 44th Presidency marked a watershed, immediately after which there would be a void, followed by a restoration?
Nothing is written in stone – but saving the nation and protecting it against all internal and enemies who would wish to enslave it to foreign superpower rivals - should play heavily on the minds of all exercising their duties and loyalty to the constitution of the United States.
©Patrick Emek, March 2018
Their medthods may differ but the objectives are the same: