''Nothing But The Same Old Story''
[900 Years Of Anti-Irish Racism]
Roseanne Barr follows a long traditional road of racists who depict historically oppressed people as cartoon caricatures and those who fight for their civil rights as less than human. I could dwell on the many comments of Roseanne but I will not. It would serve no useful purpose. What is useful - for those interested - in how such comments are carefully crafted to hurt not just one individual but an entire people - and why most of the mainstream media usually give them a 'pass' 'with a wink and a nod'. I am including here a selection of nearly 900 years of anti-Irish racist cartoons from Britain - almost right up until the present day. I include them with no further comment.
Patrick Emek, May 2018
Published here with kind permission of 'Information on Ireland' from the book
''Nothing But the Same Old Story - The Roots Of Anti-Irish Racism''
ISBN 0 9507381 5 8
First published in 1984
Second impression published in 1985