The Edited version here has no title.
The Unedited version does.
The edited version's non-title (here) is ''non-inflammatory'' (!)
Donald Trump reserves for himself the right to say anything he likes about anyone - especially those whom he thinks are weak and cannot defend themselves - such as Senator John McCain, terminally ill and still fighting for his life.
(I want to again remind all that while McCain was serving his country in Vietnam, Trump was seeking every legal which way and means to avoid being drafted for active military service. But that's how cowards always operate - hiding behind others - who do the fighting and dying on their behalf.)
I could mention his current war on Hispanic migrants - which is tantamount to Hitler's war against the Jews - mass illegal arrests, incarcerations, and deportations by a Special Unit of The Police.
None of these victims should ever expect compensation nor financial restitution (for the lives and the dreams stolen from them by Herr Trump) at any future historical date.
They just don't have the political clout to achieve it.
A terrible injustice is being committed against Hispanic people, the documented and undocumented migrants in the United States, who every day live in fear of arrest and deportation for themselves and their families.
It is my hope that those 'Sanctuary Cities' who have defied tyranny and refused to cooperate with mass arrests and deportations and are providing what help and support they can to those living in fear will someday be recognized for their humane service to society as a whole.
What I want to now do is focus from time to time on the best of those who have had the courage to 'fight back' - and cause Mr Trump some of the same pain (or rage) which he is inflicting on others with his poisonous words in tweets.
Patrick Emek, June 2018
The first article is this:
Melania Trump Pronounced ‘Dead Inside’ After Suffering 13-Year Marriage to Donald Trump