the very heavily edited version
''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family
David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential Trump strong room safe.
This blog speculates in images as to the types of Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.
This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and broad range of interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:
Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York. (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)


''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family
David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential Trump strong room safe.
This blog speculates in images as to the types of Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.
This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and broad range of interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:
Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York. (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)
Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments
Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments
Photo of unknown individual found in the National Enquirers' Trump safe
Believed by National Enquirer to be animation co-conspirators. Do you know who these animation characters are? They are wanted for questioning.
One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Above: Tweet at 00.26 EDT:
'' Definitely a 10 folks!'' (''NOT LIKE THAT CROOKED HILLARY!'')
What else happened in that Moscow Hotel Room?

Above:Top Secret:The exact geographic location of Area 51