the edited version
[History Repeating]
[Now read that ensuing blog, again, if you have the time.]
© Patrick Emek, April 2019

[History Repeating]
(The Backstory)
A number of my blogs have interesting backstories or prologues. This is one such blog.
Some time ago I was asked by a XXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX ''what would you do if you were given an order or instruction you knew to be wrong or illegal?'' I enquired whether he/she meant in writing or verbally. The reply I got was ''doesn't matter'' (sic. whether in writing or verbally.)
I immediately brought up Nuremberg as a classic example of ''I was only following orders'' - and the legitimacy of this argument when applied to commands issued by higher authority during a time of war:
''What about those British RAF pilots who bombed Dresden killing tens of thousands of German civilians - men women and children - in a heat inferno where the very skin and flesh on their bones melted away leaving charcoaled ash and bone fragments?''; what about those German Luftwaffe bomber pilots who mercilessly bombed Coventry killing hundreds of men, women and children and reducing the city to rubble?''
''Is everyone who follows orders - no matter how legal or illegal those orders were - to be brought to trial at a Nuremberg-style show-trial - of the victors over the vanquished?''
Believe me, if Germany had won the Second World War, Churchill and his Cabinet would have been in the dock in Dresden or in Berlin - as War Criminals - no different from that of The German High Command at Nuremberg.
So this is where the discussion started - and it provided me with the incentive to look closely at what Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States, appeared to be initiating - encouraging the breaking of laws he disliked but could not persuade Congress to revoke by democratic means.
There will come an 'after Trump' era, and, there will be [political] ''scores'' to be settled, on Judgement Day.
The more misery Trump creates the more vengeance there will be to reaped when that time comes.
As merciless as he has been with others, so too will this befall him and his scattered entourage
[Now read that ensuing blog, again, if you have the time.]
© Patrick Emek, April 2019