Diplomacy By Tweet
(The Man With The Golden Toilet)
Some time
ago, with regard to near this region, I said how challenging it was
to conduct
foreign policy when this was being done by instant Tweets.
What I could
not say (in that environment) was the impossibility of allies
(in crises) when they, more likely than not, will be flushed down
the toilet
in some subsequent new Tweet, simply to 'rubbish' them and to 'kick'
them into
place at the bottom of this Man's toilet s**t pile.
This is the
state of diplomacy in the age of reckless Tweets and statements by
leaders who should know better.
I will add
to that, this:
The majority
of Western citizens working and living in the Arab world do not
enjoy the
option,the luxury nor the protection of travel in titanium-protected
Most do
ordinary jobs in business, education, health and humanitarian support
with others
in protective security roles.
I often
wonder if these (so-called) politicians would be so cavalier with
their choice
of words if
it was their own sons and daughters who were the likely 'high-value'
(to quote
U.S. media statements) vulnerable targets in such contentious Muslim
following such intemperate statements?
Given the
irrelevancy of international law and Tweets to bomb 'the s**t' out of
cultural and
historical sites in Iran, what message does this send to North Korea
if it disarms?;
indeed what
message does this send to nuclear powers such as India and Pakistan?
I cannot
claim to know Pakistan but I know the love and devotion Hindus attach
their sacred
temples and historical sites. That in an instant of displeasure of a
tyrant, that he or she will destroy temples and raise the shrines of
to the
ground in an instant - if they, as nuclear powers, do not possess the
means to
through terrifying retribution - must now inevitably feature in all
decision making.
I can only
(privately) speculate as to what relevance such countries will ever
give in
the future
to signing up to any foreign-sponsored (or Western-encouraged)
treaty given the new mediaeval 'scorched-earth' policy being promoted
and turning
what was a
single assassination (lawful or otherwise) into a truly international
as the
profound effects of such continuing intemperate diplomacy by Tweet
policies on the
future of
security policies of non-Muslim nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons nations (and the ineffectiveness of international law and
international diplomacy) are all analysed worldwide by such entities.
Patrick Emek, 2020