
Thursday 26 March 2020

There are aspects of a potential global terrorist pandemic it is difficult to discuss in detail without giving 'pointers' for which I have neither the qualifications nor the expertise.
It is therefore better that I confine any statements to what I know – and can extrapolate – and which is easily available to confirm or acknowledge and already in the public domain.

What I can therefore do is to point you in the direction of open source data giving insights as to a number of components of a global pandemic, initiated by a terror attack, which could potentially cause the most destructive harm to the human species on this planet.

This is not a scientifically-based article and should be read as 'fiction.'

'Doomsday' Bacteria (and Microorganisms)
It is a well-researched fact that there are certain bacteria which thrive on radiation.
(New Scientist, 9th December, 1995:Doomsday Bacteria Thrive On Radiation) To put this into a nutshell, genetic modification or manipulation of microorganisms could conceivably produce (or may already have produced) a virulent 'strain' of microorganism which, for example, when in contact with skin (contamination) can sit 'patiently' on the dermis (or between the epidermis and the dermis) until, say, for example, that individual uses any microwaveable device, at which time they are 'activated' to 'go to work' 'penetrating' the dermis and destroying healthy body cells – that is to say, causing them to multiply uncontrollably (cancer.)
Now the fascinating thing in this instance is that because we are talking about ionized or radiated bacteria or microbes which have 'initiated' uncontrolled cellular growth, it is conceivable that this can also be 'transmitted' to individuals with weakened immune systems – such as elderly relatives – causing them to develop uncontrolled cellular growth (cancer) at a very rapid pace.
Because medical technology is neither calibrated nor designed to identify such a pattern, the cancer would simply be attributed to other natural events – such as age or just bad luck with the explanation given by an unsuspecting doctor or specialist physician that cancer is a very prevalent worldwide occurrence often with no specific factors other that presumed genetic or a weakened immune system.

Microorganisms As Bioweapons
There has been fascinating research data in the United States since the Second World War (which remains 'Classified') which may have unleashed the full potential of genetically modified bacteria and microorganisms as bioweapons - for use in a 'doomsday' scenario.
The data for this has been 'alluded' to in several studies but not fully referenced – or the references provided have been just slightly misleading – suggesting that the 'real' references for the data provided cannot be mentioned.
So there you have it. One possible factor of manipulation in a global bioterror attack – should the technology either fall into the wrong hands or simply be 're-created' 'mimicked' or 'reproduced' (for example, by extremists motivated by religion, politics, race or hatred or indeed by 'savants' with their own unique objectives which might be difficult for a 'normal' world to fathom.)
[The term 'autism', for example, is a uniquely misunderstood term - for which categorizations favouring the most acknowledged and universally accepted 'categories' (and spectra) have been agreed , accepted and adopted by the medical profession for reasons of simplification and commonality.]

The Human 'Gene Pool'
I now want to 'switch' to another 'aspect' of a global bioterror attack.
As I said in 2014, the prime targets are the emergency service personnel for a very logical reason:the whole fabric of society collapses once they (and their families) are infected - and there is no cure.
The attack virus, in this instance, must mutate by genetic variation (i.e. by race) together with the other (already known and widely accepted) known factors.
This is not, conversely, for any reason of 'racial hatred' or any such silly factor remotely related, but by the simplicity of the fact that the human population does indeed just slightly differ – Caucasians from Africans from Asiatics from Indians and it is in this just slight diversity caused by nature and nurture which an attack scenario will thrive – causing a multiple of varied mutations based on environmental-genetic different patterns of diet, prevalence of 'disease' (such as obesity, sickle-cell anemia, diabetes etc etc.)
You can see the obvious pattern – which a 'terror' virus will (be genetically modified) to fully exploit to the maximum available potential.

There are many other aspects which are challenging (but not insurmountable) for the 'creative' terrorist of the future to exploit.

Motives For A Global Bioterror Attack
The easiest motives to understand, when looking at the human species, are those where hatred, politics, race, tribe, religion, philosophy and ideology play prominent roles. If and where such are the motivating factors, then they are within the accepted known parameters of the human species and are, at the very least, 'understandable' – because they are based on variations which motivate individuals to undertake such a 'mission' of 'liberation.'

'Why would anyone be so crazy to contemplate such an event outside the realm of the known parameters above?' you may well ask.
Perhaps the answer is as old as time itself: because it might be possible to achieve.

©Patrick Emek, March 27, 2020

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