
Friday 4 September 2015

Written In The Waters And In The Sands
  • An Old Problem From A Different Perspective -        - Europe's Refugee Crisis -

End Of The Beginning Or Beginning Of The End?
Nearly thirty years ago I said to someone I knew after the collapse of the Soviet Union that the expansion of the European 'Project' into Eastern Europe and the Baltic States would become it's own unraveling, as a democratic structure.
It was quite obvious even then to all who could see that incorporating countries, for example, whose Waffen SS are given pride of place within societies (indeed some educational organisation promoting neo-Nazism, under the guise of 'education' in the Baltic States, still receive grants from the European Union for 'cultural' education.)
But the European Union Project was never about democratic values as it was always about preventing another war in Europe, economic power, political and ultimately, military leverage adjunct of diplomacy, worldwide; an iron fist in a velvet glove.

What has put a temporary hold on these expansionist global plans has been the complete chaos created in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, Syria, North Africa and now in Yemen.
Europe's contribution forces operating in Iraq and Afghanistan have received a 'wake up call' under the protective wings of NATO and one which has temporarily 'clipped' future independent roles, in the absence of NATO, as a potential 'force de frappe' to extend EU diplomacy. The European Union now understands that less powerful countries, even under occupation by dominant foreign powers, are not attracted by it's ' democratic values' public relations packages - and actually fight back. That their own 'sons and daughters' are just as mortal as those of their Afghan counterparts, and that occupied countries will fight, to the last drop of the occupiers blood, to be liberated from military occupation. If such occupiers are Christians in Muslim lands, the motivation is even greater.
[Sadly the United States, as a global superpower, learnt thsese lessons a long time ago, which is why options to sub-contract the more grass roots aspects of global conflict are now a policy feature of engagement.]

Architects Of The New World Order
Military projects in Iraq, Libya and Syria (under political orders) for regime changes overseas were the first of the 'nuclear' fire chain to be set in motion.
ISIL and the Islamic Caliphate is the direct result of such interventions.
The 'swarm' of (mainly) Muslim refugees into Christendom is the other.
Together, they are all responsible for the world economic recession we are now experiencing.
(Read my previous blogs on Greece and Deutsche Bank to complete the world economic 'jigsaw' puzzle.)
It's difficult to explain to ordinary folk the connections because the mass media does such a poor job of connecting 'cause' and 'effect'.
This is quite deliberate because the same folk who own the media also own the companies supplying the military hardware, extracting the oil or other strategic resources and some even the funding (direct or indirect) of humanitarian aid for 'relief' in these very same war zones(!) If they do not own the companies directly then either indirectly or with family or other 'revolving door' links to the same.
If I was to be a total cynic I would add 'someone has to run the world and keep order, for better or for worse.' Now it's the West, in future times it will be it's successors in the East and Far East which will set the new agendas.

If You Want To See The Devil, Just Look Into The Mirror
Slovakia and Hungary are both typical of Eastern Europe.
They are Christian, monoethnic, tribal nations, not unlike Africa (but they would be shocked to see themselves, in the mirror, compared to Africans!)
If you take away skin color and just see them as single tribes ruling and living within the demarciated borders of particular countries, suspicious of outsiders or foreigners, particularly those of either a different visual complexion or with different cultural practices you get a better understanding of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Minorities in such countries have been traditionally persecuted because they are 'different' from the dominant tribe. It's as simple as that.  Once you see Eastern Europe for what it really is, you can better appreciate Hungary's attitude to a sudden influx of 'aliens'. Such is the 'cultural' experience of 'other worlds' for such [primitive?] tribes that these refugees suddenly arriving might well have landed from Mars. I am of course exaggerating – but to highlight a point applicable to the majority of monocultural (tribal) individuals within such societies. When you hear the President or Prime Minister or Senior EU Official who is Hungarian or Slovakian or from some other monoethnic tribal country such as Slovakia or Hungary say that the refugee crises is 'someone elses problem' (sic. Germany's) or 'we are not a social laboratory' (Slovakia) its only then that ordinary people who are used to multifaith and multicultural societies, remember the horrors of Nazism, of Anti-Semitism and of the recent genocide in such countries against the Gypsies, Jehovahs Witnesses and other minority tribes and groups during the Second World War (1939-1945.)
Such sentiments do, however, echo what the vast majority of ordinary folk in such countries would expect of their Christian politicians.
(Can you think of any Muslim country willing to accept hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of Christians? I don't . If you do, please let me know.)

We Are Not Our Brothers and Sisters Keepers?
All that most people ever heard about after the Second World War was the the Jewish holocaust. Yes their suffering was greater than most others - particularly in the countries of the Baltic States, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, because they constituted the largest tribal minority – but there were others the world (and the European Project) conveniently 'forgot' about.
You probably are unaware that the Gypsies (a tribal minority with non-European external historical roots (India) in Hungary) today live in abject poverty and face discrimination akin to that of the Jews in Nazi Germany?
Subtle discriminatory laws and 'tests' prevent Gypsies obtaining jobs, getting into Universities and keep them out of the professions – all such matters conveniently ignored by the European Union and the mass media since the fall of Communism. This is not the fault of present day Hungary per se but of Russia, it's master and ruler until the fall of Communism. As in the Ukraine, it was 'convenient' for the Russians to ignore the plight of the Gypsies and leave unhindered neo-Nazis creating divisions both in Hungary and within the Ukraine. Indeed, not until very recently has Russia cracked down on it's own home-grown and local administration cultivated Neo-Nazi movement in St. Petersburg - and this is only because they have voiced support for their Nazi brethern in neighboring Ukraine – for no other reason. Neo-Nazism, for example, was encouraged in St. Petersburg by the State Authorities to keep minority tribes (ethnic Ukrainians, ethnic minorities from within the Russian Federation which provide migrant labor) in a state of conflict with and separate from the mainstream (majority) ethnic (tribal) Russian populace in the city.
I am not surprised you do not know these facts. The mass media does its job of not informing about many such topics very well.
The point I am making here is that no efforts were ever made to fully integrate it's tribal minority, the Gypsies, into mainstream Hungarian society. Hungarians will protest this and, will provide racial stereotypical reasons why the Gypsies are impossible to integrate. I have heard them all in the course of discussions with Hungarian citizens. Racism will always find a way or an excuse. But racism is tribalism and many of us, if honest, cannot claim immunity at some point or points in our lives from the same dilemma.

Do As We Say Not As We Do
The European Union only pull such 'rabbit' 'tricks' out of the hat to 'blackmail' or 'bully' Hungary or the Baltic States into doing it's bidding.   So expect a 'flood' of media 'discoveries' about the plight of minorities in Eastern Europe or a 'discovery' of significant populous Nazi supporters in the Baltic countries (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) as the European Union attempts to impose Muslim refugees on these Eastern and North East European countries.  Again the word is 'impose.' Tyrants never seem to learn that you cannot 'impose' or 'force' people to 'live together.' This is even more true if there they have little to nothing in common.
The vast majority of such refugees, unlike the Jews before them, are not just of a different tribe, but have a different God (deity) a different culture and history, all are 'alien' to Europe in the sense that as soon as they are settled, there is little to no communication with their Christian neighbors except where there are no other options.
This is usually at the express directions of their Imams who (now) see their (brethrens) majority Christian neighbors more as 'the enemy' to be kept at a respectful social distance, than anything else.
Just to clariy, it is radical Imams who will be 'assigned' to these new 'communities' to ensure they do no 'stray' from Islam through interaction within Christian societies.       I am sorry to be so blunt here but I am talking from observation.
Historical Dimension Which Complicates The Present Muslim Refugee Crisis
In fact Europe has been at war with Islam to prevent it dominating the entire continent for over one thousand years. So such current refugees, in the eyes of citizens living in the heart of Europe, are not coming as just refugees, but as representatives of a faith which even today shows little mercy to Christians, let alone any other aspects of their tribal customs which might make them 'acceptable'.
In the case of the Muslim refugees seeking protection in Christendom – in Hungary to be precise - I need to go further here and say that they are not just another 'alien' tribe seeking refuge from persecution in their homelands by other related tribes, but their ancestors were, in actual fact, warriors who were, historically, 'stopped' from militarily dominating Europe and altering it's majority citizens religion by force of arms, from Christianity to Islam, at The Gates of Vienna , in the not too distant past.
For these reasons I cannot criticize Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister, for saying that he does not want Hungary to be 'Islamized' because he speaks for not just the majority of Hungarians but for other tribes living in Christendom.
There are many Christians who will at any time give food and shelter to any refugees, regardless of race, religion or creed, but not on the basis that such do not recognise the secular nature of Christendom which is non-negotiable and such refugees given temporary refuge, would then work to Islamize Christendom by undermining it's Christian ethos.

It's a difficult one for many Christians, who are not anti-Islam nor racist but who want, as British Premier Cameron said ' to do the right thing' and should be 'led with their heads, not only with their hearts' (in other words, commonsense must prevail.) These are the first words of wisdom I have heard from Premier Cameron for a very long time.

Integration Or 'Different But Equal'?
Unlike the Jews who were integrated fully into all aspects of German and other European societies by the twentieth century, Muslims are not only not integrated but their religion forbids integration as 'unclean.'
Even in Israel today (read my earlier blog back-to-back with this year's Armenian Commemoration of it's own racial genocide at the hands of the Turks) European and Non-European Jews (Sephardic and Ethiopian Jews) are separate tribes which rarely interact. Indeed European Jews do not like living in the same community as their Sephardic brothers and sisters. This is something many Jews will get angry about when confronted and, beware, you may be labeled a 'troublemaker' should you persist in researching this Achilles heel of Israeli tribal hierarchical society.
Again this should be no shock to (monoethnic) tribal societies where intermarriage with a more distant tribal group, sharing more distant values (or subsets) is rare or exceptional rather than the norm.
The Hungarian Prime Minister's statement about his country not wanting to be 'Islamized' is a 'wake up call' to the general public – at least those caring to inform themselves independent of the mass media.
So this (soon to be) attempt to 'impose' refugees on monoethnic tribal societies in Eastern Europe is simply doomed to failure because it is both against the local tribal traditions and ther is no wish to welcome another tribe for some irrational racist fears and also for some very understandable historical reasons in these particular cases.

Europe and It's Tribal Past – Are There Lessons We Can Learn For Africa, Asia and Elsewhere?
Historically, Europe has been conquered by military force. Ethnic slaughter and ethnic cleansing, sometimes in the name of a tribe, sometimes in the name of religion, has ensured that only the dominant tribes prevailed and ultimately ruled across the continent. This was both it's strength and it's weakness and remains so today.

Restrictive Practices
Until fairly recently in European history, laws were applicable forbidding the travel of designated tribal minorities beyond certain areas. Indeed it was illegal for Jews to travel outside designated 'Jewish zones' without legal permission in Europe less than four hundred years ago, long before Hitler came into power. It was only after 'liberalization' of such laws governing the Jews, and the first significant presence of the Jewish tribal minority was first experienced throughout the majority of cities of Europe, that modern anti-Semitism leading to Nazism was born. Before that it had been pogroms in countries such as the Baltic States, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia and Russia and other parts of Europe (witch hunts and murder-ethnic slaughter) against Jewish communities villages, towns, businesses and their mass murder in cities of Europe which were regular occurrences.
Some of the worst pogroms took place in Russia, the Ukraine, and other countries of central Europe – but such were by no means confined to Eastern Europe.
The good thing for the course of history is that such talented people from ethnic minorities took themselves and their families to 'The Promised Land' (America) and built it into the superpower it remains today. America continues to welcome skilled and talented individuals – regardless of tribe or religion or race - not to the same extent – and not without the usual stresses and strains (but which are dealt with within the rule of law as opposed to pogroms against minorities) - but no more than most other countries in Christendom.

Heart Of Darkness
All such history of Europe's very recent dark past before Nazism conveniently swept under the carpet after World War II by the European Union in it's bid to 'appear' civilized and 'reformed'. But even after all the horrors of World War II, pogroms were not a thing of the past.
As late as the early 1960s, a pogrom in the heart of Paris (France) resulted in the murder of more than 300 Algerian Muslims, their bodies thrown into the River Seine, during the period of the war against Algerian independence. Even today, few French citizens are aware of this genocide and it is not (naturally) widely publicized for topical discussion either in France nor in the mass media across the continent – since most European countries have their pogrom 'skeletons' in the cupboards which they certainly do not want disinterred.
The point I am making here is that continental Europe has a history of tribalism often leading to barbarity and warfare against minorities. It's recent history of 'tolerance' of minorities is exceptional rather than the rule. Today in Europe we see what happens under extreme pressure. Europe again reverts to tribalism.

Squandered Opportunities For Real Change
A unique opportunity existed after the Second World War to 'turn a new page' – just like it did in Iraq after the first Gulf War. All such opportunities were squandered – by other tribes and related new groups or subsets - who believed it was now their 'right' to resume 'rule the world' - under different guises.
My point here is that the militarily defeated tribes also learnt nothing – as their fate was now determined by new new alien tribes from the East – the Russian Slavs and Asiatics - and from The West – America and the Anglo-Saxon tribal world - and all discourse about the past was placed into deep freeze as a new mindset was created to educate the masses and to glorify the new tribal rulers, having replaced the defeated tribes.
In the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, history 1000 years from now might indeed see recent military interventions as significant turning points in world history. The defeated tribes did indeed learn lessons – but sadly the lessons learnt from the conquering tribes to which they were now subject, were ones which were not just negative, but were so nihilistic, that, given new opportunities to re-assert themselves, conquering lesser tribes and groups, similar to what happened in the history of Europe and with the potential to plunge the whole world onto a very different trajectory for centuries to come.
So you see, when you take it out of traditional politics and place it into the naked arena of tribalism, everything becomes so very clear to understand.  Tribalism, ethnic cleansing, scorched earth and ultimate majority tribe domination with all others 'sub nominae' (and not integration of the tribes) is the norm in Europe and it maybe a planetary phenomenon (worldwide) given the natural order of things.
'Separate but equal' (from the days of Apartheid in South Africa) would be a more appropriate phrase for the European Union integration project – with some tribes being 'more equal than others'.
The foundations and lessons may have been laid and learnt for more profound future projects.

Global or Local?
The United States is a global empire because it is global – but to the President or Prime Minister of Slovakia or Hungary or Latvia it is an 'ethnic laboratory' – and looking at it in the context of tribalism what they say, from their perspective, is perfectly understandable, as shocking or confusing as it might appear to the majority of U.S. and British and other nations which have had the experience of global empire management, in contrast to localized tribal (ghetto?) historical confinement and for the reasons mentioned above.
Don't also forget that it's not all that long ago (less than 500 years) the tribes in Europe lived, as do many people still in Asia and in Africa (I know because I have seen.) People were frightened to venture into the forests because such were inhabited by wild creatures, robbers, and they believed, witches, and all things mysterious. People rarely traveled at night for similar reasons.

Offering Shelter From the Storm – Not A Uniquely Christian Tradition By Any Means
There is a major refugee disaster unfolding in Europe of an epic proportion. The most affected countries are those on the doorstep – Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Italy and Malta.   Such countries in closer proximity have some empathy despite their own financial limitations and hardships. Then there are the countries more removed and nearer the heart of Europe.  They do not understand that such refugees are people who have lost everything, even their human dignity, because they have never had to internalize, in recent years, what it is like to be thrown into an 'alien' environment totally helpless and dependent on total strangers for everything we take for granted. Many Christians in the heart of Europe just do not care.    What they see are new future problems rather than new future opportunities.   But that is their right.  They are not interested in building world empires and are perfectly content for themselves and their people (in the main) to stay at home, within the secure confines of the tribe and its environment.   So for such reasons, they are reluctant to welcome refugees in large numbers.

Tribalism and Opposition To Profound Change
The last profound changes in Europe (excluding World Wars I and II) as a whole was when Christianity converted these all these warring tribes from Paganism.   There then followed periods of Holy and Unholy conflicts where other tribes asserted and re-asserted their influence over such territories and after bloody wars, the dominant tribes created the necessary adjustments to assert the Empire of Christendom, united under one rule, the Holy Roman Empire.   And Henry VIII put an end to that.

Statues Of Liberty In the Annals of History
Sweden, France, Denmark and the Netherlands, proportionate to their size, have done more than their fair share in the taking in of political refugees.
Ultimately the countries which will offer temporary and permanent sanctuary to today's fleeing Muslim refugees will be Germany, France, the United Kingdom and The United States, as they should, given the circumstances and their unique and exceptional historical destinies of being places of refuge for minority tribes fleeing persecution in Europe and from beyond.   Another reason for this Christian hospitality is because the above countries, in their own right, unlike their counterparts in the rest of  Europe and unlike China and Russia, are all global superpowers with global responsibilities, interests, accountability and future ambitions.
 [Who knows, perhaps a future American President or Secretary of State is, at present, walking on the road between Hungary and the Austrian Border.  This is the true meaning of just one aspect of  'American exceptionalism'.] 

(I should remark here that to elected President of the United States, you must, as a minimum requirement, be born  within the territory of the United States.)

And What About The European Union? Empires Rarely Limit Themselves To The Ends Of The Earth
The European Project will saunter on, until, like Alexander The Great, it will reach just beyond it's military limits (the fate of all demagogues and dictators) and then either just fizzle out or implode or just give up as it's leaderships tire of wars, conflicts for resources, all without end, to ends of the earth, at the expense of citizens and infrastructures back home.

The fate of all Empires, thus, are ultimately all written in the waters and in the sands.

©Patrick Emek, September 2015

Wednesday 2 September 2015

September Is National Preparedness  Month

Dept. of Health & Human Services

2015 HHS Night at the Ballpark
2015 HHS Night at the Ballpark
2015 HHS Night at the Ballpark
2015 HHS Night at the Ballpark
2015 HHS Night at the Ballpark

At HHS, we work every day to keep the American people safe from health threats. But we need your help. This September, we need you to take action.
September is National Preparedness Month, and we’re asking Americans around the country to take the first steps to being prepared. That’s why our motto this month is, “Don’t wait. Communicate. Make your emergency plan today.”
Don't wait. Communicate. Make your emergency plan today. September is National Preparedness Month.
Here are four ways you can prepare right now:
Be Informed
There’s no shortage of information and good ideas on how to prepare in the case of a disaster. Find out what evacuation routes are near you, how your community broadcasts emergency information and what emergency plans exist in places you and your family frequently spend time. Learn how other people and their families are preparing, and share your own thoughts.
For more ideas, visit and HHS’s public health emergency website.
Make a Plan
Once you’ve gathered some information, it’s time to put it to use. Make a plan for you and your family, and make sure you all can connect in case of an emergency. Test your plan with some questions, like:
  • Who’s counting on me, and who can I count on?
  • Where should we all meet?
  • Who could I contact to check in, especially someone far from the area of an emergency?
  • Does anyone I know depend on electrically-powered medical equipment? Do we have a fully-charged back-up battery?
  • If I get regular care for a chronic health condition, where could I go if the facility nearby closes?
A thorough plan could save your life and the lives of your loved ones. You don’t have to build it alone. Visit the National Library of Medicine to find free mobile apps that can help.
Build a Kit
What essential supplies would you and your family need for at least three days? You should buy those items now and start assembling your disaster supplies kit.
Start with fresh water, food and a battery-powered or hand crank radio. You can find many more ideas at
Preparedness shouldn’t be scary. It can give you some peace of mind, and you can even get the whole family involved. Ask your children to share ideas for items to include in the kit, and you can even start a scavenger hunt to shop for the supplies. Our Ready Wrigley activity series can help get the conversation started.
Get Involved
Finally, always remember the value of a community in an emergency. Reach out to your neighbors and friends and develop plans to keep everyone safe. has suggestions for how you can help in your area.
Our strength as a nation has always been our ability to come together to solve major challenges.
That’s why we are all getting together Sept. 30, the National Day of Action, to practice. Gather with family, friends and neighbors in your place of worship, community center or your business, and put your emergency plan to the test. Prove that you’re ready by registering as part of America’s PrepareAthon!
You can also join us for a Thunderclap for the PrepareAthon’s National Day of Action, which will go live on September 30 at 12 PM EST, and you can join the conversation in a Twitter Chat on September 16 at 2 PM EST. Just use the hashtag #CDCprep.
This National Preparedness Month, take the first steps. Together we can make sure our families and our communities are resilient in the face of whatever comes our way.
Sylvia M. Burwell

Friday 28 August 2015

The Ukraine:
Falling Through The Abyss
Taking Europe Along For The Ride
(The Magical Mystery Tour)

The Abyss
When the crises in the Ukraine began I predicted, based on factual analysis, that the country was not viable economically without the Eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk nor without the Crimea.
Civil war has de facto partitioned the East and West while Russia's illegal siezure of Crimea sealed that region's fate.
Who Is Really Responsible?
The responsibility for this crisis is clearly that of the European Union which insisted, against U.S. advice, that the Ukraine choose between Russia and the European Union.
This was all based on power and influence.
The European Union wanted to be the main power broker for access to Crimea and the (what was then) potential wealth creation in the Eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.
It wanted, through vast banking and private sector loans to The Ukraine's ailing economy, to be able to control the existing pipeline revenues of oil and gas, and, indeed, plan future transit pipelines for the exclusive benefit of EU global companies.
The last thing which the United States and NATO wanted was a direct confrontation with Russia.
Achilles Heel :– Washington's Eternal Failure To Learn From History
What Washington insiders and advisors were ignoring (out of ignorance or by design) was the historical dimension to relations between the Western region and Russia. This is not surprising as few in Washington these days, who have political influence, are independent enough to provide unpalatable facts to discerning and very partial folks on The Hill.
Senators and Representatives are only interested in a range of very narrow facts and options which will support their own very biased (and often ignorant) viewpoints. 'Compromise' is a four letter word to be viewed with disdain in Washington – and will do nothing to advance your career, whether you are an analyst or politician, these days.

Russia's Culpability: 
Disinformation & The Next Humanitarian Crisis In Europe
Russia continues to portray the crisis in Ukraine as a U.S. 'conspiracy' while conveniently ignoring the European Union's culpability in what can only be described as the next humanitarian disaster – after the present crises of refugees fleeing wars and conflicts in Muslim lands - which NATO's political bosses have grossly mismanaged - waiting to happen.
If this was failure in a corporate organization, heads would roll. What has happened is that these same politicians of failure have now moved on to replicate the past disasters in new campaigns – support of Syrian rebels and their non-existent 'moderate' armies being just the most obvious.
Unintended Consequences
One of the consequences here will be a 'stealth' migration of Ukrainian nationals into Poland.
In much the same way as the burgeoning numbers of Muslim refugees in The Lebanon has the potential to destabilize the fragile unity of this already fractured and dysfunctional country, so too Ukrainian ultra-nationalists being assisted by their Polish counterparts has the potential not just to destabilize Poland but also democratic frameworks throughout Europe.
New Security Threats To Western Europe
It is not possible for Interpol to rely on their Ukrainian counterparts in much the same way as it is not possible to rely on Pakistan to provide accurate information about individuals because in both countries you simply do not know whether you can rely on the data being supplied as not having been 'manufactured' for external compliance by Pakistan's ISI or Ukraine's SBU.
Interpol, at the end of the day, is simply a tool of politicians. If they are policy instructed to ignore specific criteria which have a political-humanitarian dimension – such as a migration of Ukrainian nationals – on the grounds that if there are no reasons to deny entry (for example, holding extreme political views, may not be regarded as a case for automatic barring, especially if the political parties to which the individuals are affiliated are 'legitimate' and 'representative' of popular opinion in the Rada – the Ukrainian Parliament.)
So just one unintended consequence of the deepening economic crisis in the Ukraine is a mass exodus of academics, professionals, young and talented to seek opportunities elsewhere – and the nearest 'elsewhere' is Western Europe.
Interpol will have misgivings but such will more likely be overruled by their political oversight committees - in terms of 'criteria' guidelines.

(Apart from anything else, Ukrainians can easily find their own way into Poland and, with the assistance of sympathetic individuals, make their own way on from there.)
Conspiracy? Find Out Who Benefits
If I was German, I could be forgiven for believing that there was a 'conspiracy' to destroy Europe's most successful economy in the world, besides those of China and the United States. I am of course speaking about that of Germany.
Unintended Trade and Investment Consequences
A whole series of catastrophes have unfolded over the past two decades which have either prevented the powerhouse of Europe, Germany, from trading in the East (Russia) in the Arab world (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan) and in other lucrative regions because of United Nations Security Council resolutions, anti-terror legislation against targeted countries, or simply because of 'new' designated 'crimes' such as 'slave labor' or below minimum wage payment, failure to meet United Nations designated targets for, say, CFC emissions (tax charges on offending countries) the now defunct 'Carbon credits' scam or other newer criteria specification for, say, the safety emissions from new vehicles or some other new designated criteria which must be present before a manufactured good can be imported into the United States or into Europe.
What such effectively are 'stealth' trade barriers to subsidize and give competitive edges to European and U.S. transnational companies.
In Europe all such measures affect German companies disproportionally because Germany remains the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe.
In the short term German companies benefit from such legislation but when told they cannot export for political reasons, then the markets abroad will ultimately be taken up by cheaper Chinese, Indian, and other countries who have not yet 'signed up' to the 'restrictive practices' 'clubs'.  Those markets will be difficult to win back in future decades for the simple reason that the initial barriers were created not on the basis of design faults of foreign competitors, but purely to restrict market access to external competitors.
The foreign goods themselves, from Asia and the Far East, are technically sound (as they always were) and cheaper than their U.S. and German counterparts. So German export markets have been, effectively, ruined, long term.

One could well be forgiven for seeing a new chapter in 'Great Game' unfolding as attempts by others to 'carve up' 'traditional' German markets to rejuvenate their ailing economies, are well under way.

The Refugee Crisis: The Mirage Media
I have already discussed the Muslim and Christian Arab refugee crisis which is also disproportionately affecting Germany more than any other wealthy economy in Western Europe.
If you read my previous blogs I do not blame these unfortunate refugees. They too are pawns of situations outside their control and are doing what any rational person would under similar circumstances. Their dilemma is also being manipulated to stoke the fires of hatreds and nationalism and deflect from those who are silently culpable for these unholy messes, disasters and mismanagement on scales which are almost incredible to believe in the 21st century. The only thing more incredulous to me is the blind ignorance which the daily mirages create for mass population consumption and manipulation so that they themselves cannot see the heart of the matter.

Geroge Orwell's '1984' probably arrived in 1954, but most were so blind, they could not see it then nor can they see it now.

©Patrick Emek, August 2015

Monday 24 August 2015


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The Refugee Crisis in Europe

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You do not want to miss the new Edition of the                                                                                    CDC Journal: Volume 21, Issue 9 - September 2015                                                                            Issue,Now Online, as it coincides with a major                                                                          humanitarian catastrophe unfolding  in Europe


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Buena Salud

Los estudios clínicos y las personas mayores

El Sr. Perez tiene 73 años de edad y acaba de enterarse que tiene la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Le preocupa cómo esta enfermedad afectará su vida diaria. ¿Se le olvidará tomar su medicamento? ¿Se le olvidarán sus recuerdos favoritos? El médico del Sr. Perez le pidió que pensara en participar en un estudio clínico, pero la idea de hacerlo lo hace sentirse nervioso. ¿Qué es un estudio clínico? ¿Podría empeorar su memoria?
Al igual que le pasa al Sr. Perez, es posible que usted haya oído hablar de los estudios clínicos, pero tal vez no esté seguro de lo que son o si quiere participar en uno de ellos. A continuación se presenta alguna información que puede ayudarle a decidir si participar en un estudio clínico es una buena idea para usted. Las palabras en letra negrita, junto con otros términos importantes, se explican al final del documento.

¿Qué es un estudio clínico?

Un estudio clínico es un tipo particular de estudio de investigación que se lleva a cabo con personas y que está diseñado para evaluar una intervención médica, quirúrgica o conductual.
La mayoría de los estudios clínicos prueban un tratamiento nuevo, como un nuevo medicamento o dieta o aparato médico (por ejemplo, un marcapasos), como un método para tratar un problema de salud. A menudo, un estudio clínico se usa para aprender si un tratamiento nuevo es mejor y/o tiene menos efectos secundarios perjudiciales que el tratamiento estándar.
Otros estudios clínicos prueban las maneras de descubrir una enfermedad temprano, a veces hasta antes de que haya síntomas. Otros prueban maneras de prevenir un problema de salud. También es posible que un estudio clínico investigue cómo mejorar la vida de personas que están viviendo con una enfermedad que amenaza sus vidas o con un problema de salud crónico. A veces, los estudios clínicos examinan el papel que juegan las personas que cuidan a los enfermos o los grupos de apoyo.

¿Por qué desearía una persona participar en un estudio clínico?

Hay muchas razones por las cuales una persona puede escoger participar en un estudio clínico. Algunas personas deciden participar en un estudio porque los tratamientos que han probado para su problema de salud no han funcionado. Otras participan porque no hay un tratamiento para su problema de salud. Cuando forman parte de un estudio clínico, es posible que los participantes se enteren de nuevos tratamientos antes de que éstos estén ampliamente disponibles. Algunos estudios están diseñados para, o incluyen a, personas que están bien de salud pero quieren ayudar a descubrir maneras de prevenir una enfermedad que puede ser común en sus familias.
Muchas personas dicen que participar en un estudio clínico es una manera de tomar parte más activamente en el cuidado de la propia salud. Otras personas dicen que quieren ayudar a los investigadores clínicos a aprender más sobre ciertos problemas de salud.
Cualquiera que sea la motivación, cuando decide participar en un estudio clínico, usted se convierte en un componente del proceso de descubrimiento científico, y su contribución puede ayudar a las generaciones futuras a vivir vidas más saludables. Los principales avances médicos no podrían ocurrir sin la generosidad de los que participan en estudios clínicos, tanto jóvenes como personas mayores.

¿Por qué los estudios clínicos necesitan participantes mayores y con características diversas?

Es importante que los estudios clínicos tengan participantes de diferentes edades, sexos, razas y orígenes étnicos. Cuando la investigación involucra a un grupo de personas que son parecidas, es posible que los resultados obtenidos no apliquen o beneficien a todos. Cuando los estudios clínicos incluyen a participantes diversos, los resultados del estudio pueden tener una aplicabilidad mucho más amplia.
Los investigadores necesitan la participación de personas mayores en sus estudios clínicos para que los científicos puedan aprender más sobre cómo los nuevos medicamentos, terapias, aparatos médicos, procedimientos quirúrgicos o pruebas médicas funcionarán para las personas mayores.
Muchas personas mayores tienen necesidades especiales de salud que son diferentes a las de las personas más jóvenes. Por ejemplo, a medida que las personas envejecen, sus cuerpos pueden reaccionar de manera diferente a los medicamentos. Los adultos mayores pueden necesitar dosis (o cantidades) diferentes de un medicamento para obtener el resultado correcto. Además, algunos medicamentos pueden tener diferentes efectos secundarios en las personas mayores que en las personas más jóvenes. Tener personas mayores inscritas en los estudios clínicos de medicamentos ayuda a los investigadores a obtener la información que necesitan para desarrollar el tratamiento adecuado para las personas mayores.
Los investigadores saben que puede ser difícil para algunas personas mayores participar en un estudio clínico. Por ejemplo, si usted tiene muchos problemas de salud, ¿puede participar en un estudio que está investigando una sola condición? Si usted está debilitado o tiene una discapacidad, ¿tendrá suficiente fuerza para participar? Si ya no conduce un automóvil, ¿cómo llegará al sitio del estudio? Hable con el coordinador del estudio clínico sobre sus preocupaciones. Puede ser que el equipo de investigación ya haya pensado en algunos de los obstáculos que enfrentan las personas mayores y tenga un plan para hacer que sea más fácil para usted participar en el estudio.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios y riesgos de un estudio clínico?

Usted puede preguntarse lo siguiente: "¿Por qué voy a probar algo que los investigadores no están seguros va a funcionar?”. Esa es una buena pregunta. Formar parte de un estudio clínico puede tener riesgos, pero también puede tener beneficios.
Los beneficios de un estudio clínico:
  • Puede obtener un tratamiento nuevo para una enfermedad antes de que esté disponible para todos los demás.
  • Puede tomar parte de manera más activa en el cuidado de su propia salud.
  • Como parte de su tratamiento, los investigadores pueden proporcionarle atención médica y chequeos de salud más frecuentes.
  • Puede tener la oportunidad de ayudar a otros a obtener mejor tratamiento para sus problemas de salud en el futuro.
Los riesgos de un estudio clínico:
  • El nuevo tratamiento puede causar graves efectos secundarios.
  • Es posible que el nuevo tratamiento no funcione o no sea mejor que el tratamiento estándar.
  • Es posible que usted NO forme parte del grupo de tratamiento (o grupo experimental) que recibe el nuevo tratamiento, por ejemplo, un nuevo medicamento o aparato, sino que en cambio, podría ser parte del grupo de control, lo cual significa que usted recibirá el tratamiento estándar o no recibirá tratamiento (es posible que se use un placebo).
  • El estudio clínico podría causarle inconvenientes. Por ejemplo, las citas médicas pueden tomar mucho tiempo o es posible que se requiera que pase la noche o algunos días en el hospital.

Si decido tomar parte en un estudio clínico, ¿cómo se protegerá mi seguridad?

Esta es una pregunta muy importante. La historia de las investigaciones clínicas no es perfecta. Basándose en muchos años de experiencia y aprendizaje, el Congreso ha establecido leyes para proteger a los participantes de estudios clínicos. Actualmente, a todos los investigadores clínicos se les requiere que vigilen y resguarden la seguridad de todos los participantes. Estas medidas de protección son una parte esencial de la investigación científica. Los abusos que ocurrieron en algunos proyectos de investigación antes de que las medidas de protección estuvieran establecidas, NO volverán a suceder.
A los investigadores se les requiere que cumplan reglas estrictas para proteger la seguridad de los participantes. El Gobierno Federal es el encargado de hacer cumplir estas reglas. Todo estudio clínico también sigue un cuidadoso plan de estudio o protocolo que describe lo que los investigadores van a hacer. El investigador principal, o jefe del equipo de investigación, es responsable por asegurar que se siga el protocolo.
Todos los estudios clínicos realizados en los Estados Unidos deben ser aprobados por una Junta de Revisión Institucional (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) en cada sitio donde se lleva a cabo un estudio. La Junta de Revisión está compuesta por médicos, científicos y miembros del público en general, como usted, que están dedicados a asegurar que los participantes de un estudio no son expuestos a riesgos innecesarios. Los miembros de la Junta de Revisión revisan el estudio y los resultados con regularidad. Ellos aseguran que los riesgos (o daños potenciales) para los participantes sean tan bajos como sea posible.
Junto con el IRB, muchos estudios clínicos son cuidadosamente vigilados por un Comité de Supervisión de Datos y Seguridad. El Comité está compuesto por expertos en su condición médica que periódicamente revisan los resultados del estudio mientras éste está en marcha. Si descubren que el tratamiento experimental no está funcionando o está perjudicando a los participantes, ellos pararán el estudio inmediatamente.
El proceso de consentimiento informado también ayuda a proteger a los participantes. Antes de unirse a un estudio clínico, a usted se le dará información sobre lo que puede esperar como participante y sobre todas las cosas que pueden suceder. Por ejemplo, alguien del equipo de investigación le explicará los posibles efectos secundarios u otros riesgos del tratamiento. Como parte del consentimiento informado, usted tendrá la oportunidad de hacer preguntas sobre el estudio. El coordinador del estudio clínico responderá cordialmente a sus preguntas. Después de obtener toda esa información, usted puede pensar en si quiere participar o no.
Si decide participar en el estudio, se le pedirá que firme un formulario de consentimiento informado. Al firmar el formulario, usted indica que se le han comunicado todos los detalles y que quiere ser parte del estudio. El formulario de consentimiento informado NO es un contrato. Usted puede salirse del estudio en cualquier momento y por cualquier razón sin que se le juzgue o se le ponga en una situación difícil en cuanto a su atención médica.

¿Qué preguntas debo hacer antes de decidir si quiero formar parte de un estudio clínico?

Las siguientes son algunas preguntas que puede hacerle al equipo de investigación cuando está pensando en un estudio clínico. Haga una lista con todas las preguntas que pueda tener y traiga la lista consigo cuando se reúne por primera vez con el equipo de investigación.
  • ¿Cuál es el propósito del estudio? ¿Qué está tratando de averiguar este estudio?
  • ¿Qué tendré que hacer como participante del estudio?
  • ¿Qué tratamiento o pruebas tendré? ¿Me dolerán?
  • ¿Qué probabilidad hay de que yo reciba el tratamiento experimental?
  • ¿Cuáles son los posibles riesgos, efectos secundarios y beneficios del tratamiento del estudio comparado con mi tratamiento actual?
  • ¿Cómo voy a saber si el tratamiento está funcionando?
  • ¿Cómo se protegerá mi salud mientras estoy participando en el estudio?
  • ¿Qué pasa si mi problema de salud empeora durante el transcurso del estudio?
  • ¿Cómo afectará el estudio mi vida diaria?
  • ¿Cuánto tiempo durará el estudio clínico?
  • ¿Adónde se llevará a cabo el estudio? ¿Tendré que quedarme en el hospital?
  • ¿Se me proporcionará transporte al sitio del estudio si lo necesito?
  • ¿La participación en el estudio me costará algún dinero? Si es así, ¿se me devolverá el dinero que yo gaste? ¿Mi seguro de salud cubrirá los costos?
  • ¿Puedo tomar mis medicamentos usuales mientras estoy participando en el estudio?
  • ¿Quién estará a cargo del cuidado de mi salud mientras estoy participando en el estudio? ¿Podré ver a mi propio médico?
  • ¿Se le dará seguimiento a mi salud después de que termine el estudio?
  • ¿Se me comunicarán los resultados del estudio?
  • ¿A quién puedo llamar si tengo más preguntas?

¿Adónde puedo encontrar un estudio clínico?

Hay muchas maneras de conseguir ayuda para encontrar un estudio clínico. Usted puede hablar con su médico u otro proveedor de cuidados de salud o puede hacer una búsqueda en (actualmente disponible solamente en inglés). Los grupos de apoyo enfocados en una condición médica específica a veces tienen listas de estudios clínicos. Además, los periódicos en las ciudades grandes pueden tener anuncios de estudios clínicos en hospitales, clínicas o universidades del área cercana.
Si está interesado en aprender más sobre las investigaciones clínicas y las personas mayores, puede visitar el sitio de internet NIHSeniorHealth's Participating in Clinical Trials (actualmente disponible solamente en inglés).

¿Cuál es el próximo paso después de que encuentro un estudio clínico?

Cuando encuentra un estudio en el que tal vez quiera participar, póngase en contacto con el estudio clínico o el coordinador del estudio. Usualmente esta información de contacto se encuentra en la descripción del estudio. El primer paso del proceso es una cita inicial para determinar si usted reúne los requisitos necesarios para poder participar en el estudio. Esta cita también le brinda la oportunidad de hacer sus preguntas sobre el estudio.
Infórmele a su médico que está pensando en participar en un estudio clínico. Tal vez su médico quiera hablar con el equipo de investigación sobre su salud para asegurar que el estudio no es peligroso para usted y para coordinar su atención médica mientras usted está participando en el estudio.

¿Cuáles son algunas palabras útiles que sería bueno saber?

Coordinador del estudio clínico—a veces llamado coordinador del estudio o coordinador de la investigación clínica, a menudo éste es el título de la persona que usted puede contactar para hacer preguntas sobre el estudio o sobre su participación en éste.
Criterio de inclusión y exclusión—los factores que los investigadores usan para decidir quién puede o no puede participar en un estudio clínico. El criterio puede incluir edad, sexo, tipo y etapa de la enfermedad y otros problemas de salud.
Efectos secundarios—efectos indeseables o adversos causados por un tratamiento. Ejemplos de efectos secundarios comunes son dolor de cabeza, náusea e irritación de la piel. A veces los efectos secundarios pueden ser más graves y hasta pueden amenazar la vida.
Estudio clínico randomizado—un estudio en el cual los participantes son asignados al azar a un grupo específico de tratamiento. Los investigadores y los participantes no pueden escoger quién está en el grupo de control o en el grupo de tratamiento.
Estudio "doble ciego"—a veces llamado un estudio enmascarado, es un estudio en el cual ni los investigadores ni los participantes saben quién está en el grupo de tratamiento y quién está en el grupo de control hasta que el estudio ha terminado.
Fases—los estudios clínicos están organizados en cuatro fases o tipos. Cada fase ayuda a los científicos a contestar diferentes preguntas sobre el tratamiento. Las primeras tres fases deben ser completadas para un nuevo medicamento o aparato para poder ser aprobado por la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés). Después de haber sido aprobado para un uso específico, la última fase de la investigación examina los diferentes usos para un medicamento o aparato.
Grupo de control—el grupo de participantes que recibe el placebo o el tratamiento estándar, o que del todo no recibe tratamiento. No todos los estudios clínicos tienen un grupo de control.
Grupo de tratamiento—a veces llamado grupo experimental. Estos participantes recibirán el tratamiento experimental que se está probando en el estudio clínico. Los resultados del grupo de tratamiento se comparan con los del grupo de control para determinar si el tratamiento experimental es mejor y/o más seguro.
Investigadores clínicos—los investigadores que trabajan en un estudio clínico.
Placebo—una píldora u otro tratamiento que se parece al tratamiento o medicamento que está siendo probado, pero que no contiene ningún medicamento. Los placebos a veces son llamados "píldoras de azúcar." Los investigadores pueden comparar lo que le pasa a las personas que están usando el tratamiento experimental con lo que le pasa a las personas que están usando el placebo.
Protocolo—el plan detallado del estudio que será seguido para contestar las preguntas específicas de la investigación y para proteger a los participantes. El protocolo describe el criterio usado para la participación en el estudio, los tipos de pruebas que los participantes recibirán, cuánto tiempo durará el estudio, y cómo los investigadores determinarán los beneficios y riesgos.
Tratamiento estándar—una terapia que es efectiva para una enfermedad o condición específica y que actualmente se usa extensamente. Algunos estudios comparan un tratamiento nuevo experimental con un tratamiento estándar para determinar cuál es mejor para las personas. Un tratamiento estándar usualmente es un procedimiento que ha sido aprobado por la FDA.

Para más información

Para más información sobre la salud y el envejecimiento, comuníquese con el:
National Institute on Aging Information Center
(Centro de Información del Instituto Nacional Sobre el Envejecimiento)
P.O. Box 8057
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8057
1-800-222-2225 (línea gratis)
1-800-222-4225 (TTY/línea gratis) (correo electrónico)
Nuestro sitio de Internet tiene información sobre una gran variedad de temas de salud. En este sitio usted puede también ordenar publicaciones y subscribirse para recibir comunicados electrónicos. Hay disponibles especialistas en información para responder en español a las llamadas por teléfono y a los correos electrónicos.
Abril 2015
Fecha de publicación: Mayo 2015
Última actualización: Junio 5, 2015



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Volume 21, Issue 9 - September 2015 Issue Now Online
THEME ISSUE: Emerging Infections Program
Emerging Infections Program—State Health Department Perspective
J. L. Hadler et al.
Incidence of Clinician-Diagnosed Lyme Disease, United States, 2005–2010
C. A. Nelson et al.
Reemergence and Autochthonous Transmission of Dengue Virus, Eastern China, 2014
W. Wang et al.
Randomness of Dengue Outbreaks on the Equator
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