Man More Sinned Against?
[Invasion Of The Body Snatchers*]
[Invasion Of The Body Snatchers*]

not easy to know exactly where to place President Putin.
many in the West he is portrayed as a villain – the epitome of
evil, of everything wrong with Russia today. To others he is the
savior of Russia, in whose absence it would have been sold, lock,
stock and barrel to American multinationals and international banks.
not ISIL or Al Qaeda, everything bad which befalls the West is the
product of this evil genius, Vladimir Putin – no proof required –
don't even take time to question nor investigate the circumstances –
just rush to judgement and you will have fulfilled the criteria.
schemer and the ultimate Godfather. The harbinger of death and
destruction – if you are a Western Ukrainian nationalist. If you are pro-Russian, living in
the Crimea or in the East Regions , a reincarnation of Peter the Great.
you live in Chechnya, President Putin has facilitated stability out
of total chaos and anarchy. Chechnya now, and what it was 20 years
ago, are two different countries. Chechnya
today has totally disappeared from the Western media yet it was in
daily reportage when Al Qaeda-affiliated groups were butchering local
citizens (and foreigners) with frightening regularity.
If you were a Chechen nationalist or pro Western rebel you rue and curse the day Vladimir Putin
came to power, nay, the day he was born.
Because of the world economic and the oil crises, the
Rouble has collapsed – and for that many Russians curse Putin. But
the more pressure and demonization America and the West pile upon
their nemesis, the more his own people forgive him for this
could quote you eminent scholar after eminent scholar from the most
prestigious institutes in the West who will, on the basis of their
scholarly analysis, decades of experience and membership of the most
prestigious and elite institutions in the world, all tell you why
President Putin is an evil, demented, ogre, akin to Adolf Hitler. In
fact many will confirm that he has Asbergers syndrome – and this in
part accounts for his dysfunctionalities. What many of these eminent
individuals will not tell you is their own ties to extreme
neo-Conservative, neo-Nazi and other extremist organisations. Is this a
lapse of memory which is acceptable in the sense that the end
justifies the means? If so then they are absolved from all blame.
are so many issues which open chasms and gulfs between Russia and the
West with both on different sides of the perceptive divide. I could
mention them all – but that would only provide opportunists to home
in on my own prejudices and priorities – which I have no intention
of doing: sometimes exasperation, mystery or enigma is not a completely bad thing (!)
too long ago I was walking with a friend on Main Street and I said,
'let's just stand still here for a minute and let everyone pass us
by.' My colleague was obliging and as we stood still, swarms of
robots, outtakes from Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' swarmed yet contoured around us, never colliding, almost
unaware of our suspension in time, some expressing a millisecond of surprise or shock that two individuals had actually stopped time itself to witness it's passing. As they continued to meander their way, I said ''you
know, sometimes I feel that I am the odd one left out – like in the
film 'Invasion of The Body Snatchers'.'' Everyone else thinks it's
perfectly reasonable for NATO to be in the Ukraine and evil Russia is
blocking the path to freedom. Nobody is thinking for themselves nor
questioning or asking or 'but wait a minute, what if Russian military forces had bases in Mexico or in Canada or Greenland, Iceland, The Caribbean or South America would this also be OK and reasonable for
the United States? I would think not. It would certainly not be OK for me. As a sometime pacifist, which is why I believed in NATO during the days of the Cold War, I would now probably be arming myself to the teeth under such conditions (!) The issue here for me is that nobody is
questioning, nobody is thinking independently, everyone (well, almost
everyone) is letting someone or something else do their thinking for
them – and shape how they frame their thoughts and opinions. I
have said this a long time ago, perhaps I am just too dumb to
program? (That's
a new one!; you've heard of '''too big to fail'' now how about ''too
dumb to program?'') Perhaps you have to be at a certain
intellectual level (higher or lower) before the Body Snatchers can
capture your mind? I am still to this day trying to work out what
makes me so 'unprogrammable'. I was always terrible at IQ Tests -
failed them all – so that might be some indicator. I was always
terrible at 'Logic Tests' – failed them all. I hated Crossword
Puzzles could never put all the Lego pieces in the right places and
had no brain for Jigsaw Puzzles, and it would have taken me centuries
to get Rubrik's Cube sorted out (!) So perhaps these are some of
the reasons the Body Snatchers just gave me up as a lost cause and
moved on to a more promising trophy – the rest of the world. In
a way I am glad that they did. I am just not 'hard-wired' to
appreciate the logic of their arguments.
Not too long ago I got a look of incredulity from someone on a six figure salary when I said I was happier writing blogs for nothing than being one of the 'herd' and how, unlike Mephisto's Faust, I would feel 'gutted' if I (consciously) took the money and sold my soul. I can't blame him for walking away, probably shaking his head in despair and with resignation.
Not too long ago I got a look of incredulity from someone on a six figure salary when I said I was happier writing blogs for nothing than being one of the 'herd' and how, unlike Mephisto's Faust, I would feel 'gutted' if I (consciously) took the money and sold my soul. I can't blame him for walking away, probably shaking his head in despair and with resignation.
we stood suspended on Main Street I could see that my colleague
remembered something....from some distant past existence....which
resonated with what I was saying.....but it was so far
gone.......but strangely so familiar....was it deja vu or something else? colleague seemed to say without a word being was order to believe.....would
require a huge leap of faith.....which logic cautioned 'one should never entertain.'
one born every minute'', he probably mused to himself as we
recommenced our journey, in a hiatus of silence.
time will tell.
Emek, 2015
*Don Siegel's 1956 film, in it's fourth remake, in 2007, as 'The Invasion'.
In my opinion, the original still remains the classic.
*Don Siegel's 1956 film, in it's fourth remake, in 2007, as 'The Invasion'.
In my opinion, the original still remains the classic.