
Wednesday 11 January 2017

 ''Pervert'' Trump To Be Inaugurated As President of The United  States  
On 20th January, 2017
Bestiality, Incest and Zoophilia
 (Sex with Animals) 
 - Porn Claims Abound -


If you want to read the full Intelligence Declassified Report about how Donald Trump was compromised you can see it here and download it in .jpg format.
The title and sub-title of this blog are sourced from the additional references below. 
[As I understand it, there will be Senate Select Committee Investigation into all the allegations and intelligence conclusions based on  substantiated  classified official data.
Donald Trump's words alone - that the intelligence community and the media are both 'conspiring' against him, that all the allegations are 'fake' news,  are not sufficient to satisfy Members that there is no just cause for a Hearing to establish the facts of the matters brought to the attention of both the incumbent President (Obama) and the incoming President (Trump) by the Intelligence Community over the past 10 days.
The allegations by the media outlets below are very serious and, if substantiated, there is no precedent as to what could happen - at least not for over one hundred years.







Thursday 5 January 2017

Is It Possible For An Incumbent U.S. President To Be Charged With The Crime of Treason?
Not too long ago I asked this question and the answer I was given was very interesting.
As I understand it, the definition of treason (or what constitutes treason) is very clear and very well-defined.
It is highly unlikely that a sitting U.S. President would be indicted simply because of the profound effects which this would have on the institution of the Presidency and credibility of the democratic process itself (!)
[Impeachment and resignation, followed by a pardon, would be more the order of the day.]
I found this to be a remarkable answer as I had naively assumed that such, if effected, would, in the eyes of the American public, strengthen the democratic process.
[This perhaps, more shows my naivety when it comes to 'raw' politics than it does anything else.]
I was assured that such a hypothesis was highly unlikely and that a U.S. President (or President elect) would never work to undermine his own Office with such reckless behavior.
That having been said, the revelations that 'actors' (Staff) of both (incoming) President Nixon and (incoming) President Reagan both, in defiance of U.S. laws, worked quietly to undermine incumbent but outgoing Presidents for political advantage, did not re-assure me that this will not happen again.
What would be the implications of, say, Chief Executives of major oil companies, global corporations or billionaire 'actors' personally carrying secret messages to President Putin to bypass the U.S. intelligence community (such as the CIA, The NSA or the DNI) or undermine departmental individuals targeted by a 'mentally unbalanced' (psychotic) President in the White House for 'character assassination' or indeed as a
'false flag' to 'assassinate' (metaphorically speaking) potential future rivals (such as Paul Ryan as just one example.)    Fanciful thinking?   Beyond the Pale?  Well far too much has been happening  lately in the United States political world which is more in the making of a surreal play than most average folks can get a grip on.
Would 'plausible deniability' cover anyone (Trump-appointed Directors or their appointees of the CIA or DNI for example) who was personally aware that this was going on if 'all hell broke loose' and they had to explain their actions to the American public?
Fanciful thinking on my part?   Well think again.
Trump and the Republicans are about to appoint many senior staff with very close links to the Kremlin.   How safe do you feel?
The donkey answers from the weak, the feeble and the scared are the usual crap ''well if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear''. 
Every country has business secrets, trade secrets, copyright and research secrets.
Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have already blazed the trail and shown how it is done: simply appoint (or work to have appointed) a low-level (expendable) Russian spy(ies) in the U.S. or elsewhere, ensure that she or he has the required access and, at the flick of a computer switch, relay everything to Moscow.
Scenario Example
Have any of you out there who are paid to think out of the box thought about what would happen if, under such circumstances, a hostile superpower (Russia) collapsed (again) the world economic system?   Next time there might not be an Obama to 'bail' out the economy (its key players) but 'billionaires' in Trump's cabinet who would step in and 'buy up the country' (the United States) for cents on the dollars.
How do you (or I for that matter) know that the Kremlin has no such plan in place?
The U.S. and world economic order came very close to collapsing in 2008.  I have said previously that Russia has never forgiven Obama for saving both the U.S. and world economic order as curently exists. [I said this long before Trump was nominated so it stands to record.]
Who would benefit from another collapse?
Certainly the current world economic order would not.  Russia and the billionaire oligarchs who rule the Federation with or on behalf of Vladimir Putin most certainly would.
Trump's vision of billionaire to billionaire enslavement of the masses across continents may well be the final solution and, you know what, with such dumb-ass folks who are stupid enough to believe and vote such individuals into high office, in a way, perhaps they will get what they deserve.   Having said that, how can you blame ordinary hard-working law-abiding folk who, without realising it, have already been 'dumbed-down'?  [see a previous blog for a personal opinion on how this has partially been achieved.]
I started off on the subject of treason - and it's appropriate considering the fact that all the individuals mentioned here - Manning, Assange, Snowden - are all guilty of it.
[Even if you believe in open electronic frontiers -which I still do - to use classified, hacked and other materials supplied by Moscow to overthrow the democratic process is treason.]
When, however, the Oval Office and the President's Cabinet are partial, sympathetic or indeed secretly supportive  to Wikileaks in opposition America's own intelligence agencies, it makes a world of a difference.
When, going on from that, the President appoints senior Military, Intelligence and Departmental Staff (at least one of whom should not be within a million kilometers of any classified data, let alone managing it, because of his known partial relationship, support from and support of Vladimir Putin) U.S. allies worldwide should carefully re-consider exactly how much and what level of data to be sharing - knowing as they now do, sharing anything with the U.S. will be, after 20th January 2017, just a data storage USB  away, from sharing it all with Moscow.

©Patrick Emek, January 2017


(not if history - or jumbled collections of half-truths - continue to be written by 'lying' historians!   PE)

Is It Possible For An Incumbent U.S. President To Be Charged With The Crime of Treason?
Not too long ago I asked this question and the answer I was given was very interesting.
As I understand it, the definition of treason (or what constitutes treason) is very clear and very well-defined.
It is highly unlikely that a sitting U.S. President would be indicted simply because of the profound effects which this would have on the institution of the Presidency and credibility of the democratic process itself (!)
[Impeachment and resignation, followed by a pardon, would be more the order of the day.]
I found this to be a remarkable answer as I had naively assumed that such, if effected, would, in the eyes of the American public, strengthen the democratic process.
[This perhaps, more shows my naivety when it comes to 'raw' politics than it does anything else.]
I was assured that such a hypothesis was highly unlikely and that a U.S. President (or President elect) would never work to undermine his own Office with such reckless behavior.
That having been said, the revelations that 'actors' (Staff) of both (incoming) President Nixon and (incoming) President Reagan both, in defiance of U.S. laws, worked quietly to undermine incumbent but outgoing Presidents for political advantage, did not re-assure me that this will not happen again.
What would be the implications of, say, Chief Executives of major oil companies, global corporations or billionaire 'actors' personally carrying secret messages to President Putin to bypass the U.S. intelligence community (such as the CIA, The NSA or the DNI) or undermine departmental individuals targeted by a 'mentally unbalanced' (psychotic) President in the White House for 'character assassination' or indeed as a
'false flag' to 'assassinate' (metaphorically speaking) potential future rivals (such as Paul Ryan as just one example.)    Fanciful thinking?   Beyond the Pale?  Well far too much has been happening  lately in the United States political world which is more in the making of a surreal play than most average folks can get a grip on.
Would 'plausible deniability' cover anyone (Trump-appointed Directors or their appointees of the CIA or DNI for example) who was personally aware that this was going on if 'all hell broke loose' and they had to explain their actions to the American public?
Fanciful thinking on my part?   Well think again.
Trump and the Republicans are about to appoint many senior staff with very close links to the Kremlin.   How safe do you feel?
The donkey answers from the weak, the feeble and the scared are the usual crap ''well if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear''. 
Every country has business secrets, trade secrets, copyright and research secrets.
Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have already blazed the trail and shown how it is done: simply appoint (or work to have appointed) a low-level (expendable) Russian spy(ies) in the U.S. or elsewhere, ensure that she or he has the required access and, at the flick of a computer switch, relay everything to Moscow.
Scenario Example
Have any of you out there who are paid to think out of the box thought about what would happen if, under such circumstances, a hostile superpower (Russia) collapsed (again) the world economic system?   Next time there might not be an Obama to 'bail' out the economy (its key players) but 'billionaires' in Trump's cabinet who would step in and 'buy up the country' (the United States) for cents on the dollars.
How do you (or I for that matter) know that the Kremlin has no such plan in place?
The U.S. and world economic order came very close to collapsing in 2008.  I have said previously that Russia has never forgiven Obama for saving both the U.S. and world economic order as curently exists. [I said this long before Trump was nominated so it stands to record.]
Who would benefit from another collapse?
Certainly the current world economic order would not.  Russia and the billionaire oligarchs who rule the Federation with or on behalf of Vladimir Putin most certainly would.
Trump's vision of billionaire to billionaire enslavement of the masses across continents may well be the final solution and, you know what, with such dumb-ass folks who are stupid enough to believe and vote such individuals into high office, in a way, perhaps they will get what they deserve.   Having said that, how can you blame ordinary hard-working law-abiding folk who, without realising it, have already been 'dumbed-down'?  [see a previous blog for a personal opinion on how this has partially been achieved.]
I started off on the subject of treason - and it's appropriate considering the fact that all the individuals mentioned here - Manning, Assange, Snowden - are all guilty of it.
[Even if you believe in open electronic frontiers -which I still do - to use classified, hacked and other materials supplied by Moscow to overthrow the democratic process is treason.]
When, however, the Oval Office and the President's Cabinet are partial, sympathetic or indeed secretly supportive to Wikileaks in opposition America's own intelligence agencies, it makes a world of a difference.
When, going on from that, the President appoints senior Military, Intelligence and Departmental Staff (at least one of whom should not be within a million kilometers of any classified data, let alone managing it, because of his known partial relationship, support from and support of Vladimir Putin) U.S. allies worldwide should carefully re-consider exactly how much and what level of data to be sharing - knowing as they now do, sharing anything with the U.S. will be, after 20th January 2017, just a data storage USB  away, from sharing it all with Moscow.

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

(not if history - or jumbled collections of half-truths - continue to be written by 'lying' historians!   PE)


Wednesday 4 January 2017

Inauguration Day
For The Manchurian Candidate

On The Planet of The Apes


January 20th 2017

[A Day To Live On In Infamy In the Annals Of American History!]

Bringing The Nation Together

Another first for an incoming U.S. President:
In a New Year's Tweet, Donald Trump, President of Twit, wished  all his enemies in the United States a 'Happy New Year' (!)
[I am presuming he was referring to all branches of anywhere which do not agree with his crystal ball intelligence analysis of the world and what is happening around the planet.]

As Hillary Clinton quite rightly pointed out, totally unfit psychologically and temperamentally to be President of anything - except Tweets.


Everyone has been 'press ganged' to turn out on inauguration day.
No Way Jose!
George Bush Senior, former Head of the CIA and a former President of the United States, has made it known that it will be over his dead body that he will attend in person this sham of a process to crown the Kremlin's first Manchurian Candidate into the Office of President of The United States.
The word 'on the street' – the donkey mainstream media – as in all totalitarian regimes - is that George Bush Senior is 'too ill' to attend.
(I recall 'the good ol' days' of the Soviet Empire era when similar pronouncements were made by 'Pravda' and 'Tass' as to why certain important figures were 'absent' from the May Day Celebration Parade in Moscow – coups having 'removed' or deposed them from the Communist hierarchy.)
The Cold War will effectively be at an end when the Kremlin takes over The White House on January 20th, 2017.

After The Ball

All that will remain will be to dismantle NATO (its served its purpose – creating chaos in North Africa and The Middle East) and it has no further role to play in Europe then get Britain and other Allies to 'walk the plank' into the 'loving embrace' of the Russian Bear.

Voodoo Military Planning In A Nuclear Age

(or My Dog Told Me To Do It!)

 As for the rest of the world, well I am already picking up 'noise' - twits or tweets - (whichever you prefer) about preemptive nuclear strikes against North Korea and Iran. His crystal ball (and dog) have both told him everything will be 'OK' and we should not wet our pants off too much should Melania's puppy give him the 'intelligence' 'OK' to 'burn' North Korea (!)


Looking Out For ET

As for myself, well I'm hoping that these stories I've heard about Alien Abductions are true.   I've got all my luggage packed - boxes of Cuban Habanos, crates of Bajan Rum, Heineken, and one clean pair of underwear together with a poster which says:

''Lift wanted to safer planet to live on for at least the next 5 years – maybe longer (!) ''

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

*I say five years instead of 4 because President Obama has effected more relevant legislation with regard to Russia during the course of his 'lame duck' 'fifth' year than he ever did as President during the previous 4 (!)


twit :

The kind of person that makes a retarded chimp look smart.

Inauguration Day
For The Manchurian Candidate

On The Planet of The Apes


January 20th 2017

[A Day To Live On In Infamy In the Annals Of American History!]

Bringing The Nation Together

Another first for an incoming U.S. President:
In a New Year's Tweet, Donald Trump, President of Twit, wished  all his enemies in the United States a 'Happy New Year' (!)
[I am presuming he was referring to all branches of anywhere which do not agree with his crystal ball intelligence analysis of the world and what is happening around the planet.]

As Hillary Clinton quite rightly pointed out, totally unfit psychologically and temperamentally to be President of anything - except Tweets.


Everyone has been 'press ganged' to turn out on inauguration day.
No Way Jose!
George Bush Senior, former Head of the CIA and a former President of the United States, has made it known that it will be over his dead body that he will attend in person this sham of a process to crown the Kremlin's first Manchurian Candidate into the Office of President of The United States.
The word 'on the street' – the donkey mainstream media – as in all totalitarian regimes - is that George Bush Senior is 'too ill' to attend.
(I recall 'the good ol' days' of the Soviet Empire era when similar pronouncements were made by 'Pravda' and 'Tass' as to why certain important figures were 'absent' from the May Day Celebration Parade in Moscow – coups having 'removed' or deposed them from the Communist hierarchy.)
The Cold War will effectively be at an end when the Kremlin takes over The White House on January 20th, 2017.

After The Ball

All that will remain will be to dismantle NATO (its served its purpose – creating chaos in North Africa and The Middle East) and it has no further role to play in Europe then get Britain and other Allies to 'walk the plank' into the 'loving embrace' of the Russian Bear.

Voodoo Military Planning In A Nuclear Age

(or My Dog Told Me To Do It!)

 As for the rest of the world, well I am already picking up 'noise' - twits or tweets - (whichever you prefer) about preemptive nuclear strikes against North Korea and Iran. His crystal ball (and dog) have both told him everything will be 'OK' and we should not wet our pants off too much should Melania's puppy give him the 'intelligence' 'OK' to 'burn' North Korea (!)


Looking Out For ET

As for myself, well I'm hoping that these stories I've heard about Alien Abductions are true.   I've got all my luggage packed - boxes of Cuban Habanos, crates of Bajan Rum, Heineken, and one clean pair of underwear together with a poster which says:

''Lift wanted to safer planet to live on for at least the next 5 years – maybe longer (!) ''

©Patrick Emek, January 2017

*I say five years instead of 4 because President Obama has effected more relevant legislation with regard to Russia during the course of his 'lame duck' 'fifth' year than he ever did as President during the previous 4 (!)


twit :

The kind of person that makes a retarded chimp look smart.

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