
Monday 16 March 2020

The Second Wave

[Please note this blog is not a scientifically-based assessment but speculation based on a known pattern of  terrorism, extrapolated into an example of how a bioterror attack might 'mimic' one such known pattern.
If you are looking for scientifically-based data please refer to my earlier blogs about bioweapons.
As soon as this current 'event' began to manifest itself, I determined not to 'undermine' the legitimate scientific efforts to tackle this emergency with anything which might be considered simply an attempt to 'capitalise' on a major tragedy.
It does however raise interesting matters for further research.
You already know the science from my previous blogs.
If you have already taken some of your valuable time to read and analyse these, then you know most of the answers;so I am in some respects 'preaching' to the 'converted.']

'The Big Kahuna'
It is for certain that this coronavirus pandemic, while interesting in itself, is not 'The Big Kahuna.'

One of the key patterns in terror attacks is to create as much disruption as it is possible to achieve.
For example, a bomb goes off in a crowded market place.
This is quickly followed by a secondary attack when the emergency services have arrived.
The pattern is obvious:the first suicide 'wave' is the distraction for 'the main event.'  With those providing emergency services being the primary targets for the terror attack - and not the primary attack itself.

Speculation - Taking Coronavirus As A Template
There is no practical reason why, a second even more 'lethal' mutation of coronavirus could not be introduced.
Indeed, as with the common cold (but 10 times more lethal) it would be very challenging for most societies to cope with an even more virulent strain of this virus - seeing how badly most societies have managed the first outbreak or wave.
(Look at it like this, Influenza has a 'club' membership of about 200 variations or strains.
Coronavirus might open it's own 'club' - with it's variations or strains each having it's own unique etiology.)

As I said earlier, this current outbreak is, but a grain of sand, for what is to come - if  such a bioterror attack ever takes place - with billions dead.  I did a calculation of how many at the time of my research analysis and it worked out at 6.85bn or thereabouts at the higher end and 4.85bn at the lower end of the model.  The considerable difference or 'spread' were caused by 'mitigating factors.'
To repeat, I am 99.99% certain that this current pandemic is not a bioterror attack.

The Second Wave
So what would this 'second wave' look like?
In the case of a gene-mutated (or genetically bioengineered) terror attack, I want to show you what it would look like - taking this non-terror emanating coronavirus as an example.
The second wave would be specifically targeted to infect those thought to be partially immunized.
Take a simple example.  A lock and a key.  The bioengineered virus (key) will 'home in' by 'radar' on those with the presumed antibodies ('locks') but in such a way that it will cause added cellular disruptions - perhaps resulting in a breakdown in the body's ability to maintain 'cellular integrity.'  The effects could be dramatic - similar to reported cases for Ebola but, by contrast, not easily transmissible.  
An objective here would be to cause major disruption - similar to that caused by landmines and mini-projectiles on the battlefield.
The purpose of such is to cause such injuries that battlefield medical units will be unable to cope so great are the casualties.
In the case of a bioterror attack as envisaged, the 'medical units' are relatives and friends who will be able to tend their loved ones -perhaps without themselves becoming secondary victims - at least not initially - such would be how the mutation 'behaves' in secondary transmission between genetically-related and genetically unrelated individuals.  

A further variation (mutation) of this same aspect could, conceivably, be highly transmissible.  
You can see the obvious pattern.
Any virus which causes such cellular disruption will have it's own unique etiology as demonstrated  in the above example.

Failure Is Not An Option
Many years ago I had the privilege to meet Markus Wolf, former Head of the HVA (Main Intelligence Administration) of the Ministry For State Security, East Germany.
This was long after the fall of the Berlin Wall and of Communism.
What I learned, is that success in any operation involves training to the nth degree of perfection.
That the consequences of failure should be so dire that failure is not an option.
With these two tenets (alone) in mind a high degree of 'preparatory' work is required for such a hypothetical terrorist operation.
(I have outlined possible preparatory scenarios in earlier blogs with research data.)

Effects On Societal Behavior
The effect of The Second Wave will temporarily change the pattern of world social (societal) behavior - especially since nobody will have claimed 'responsibility' (for the events for reasons given earlier) so there will be no 'enemy' to go after.
[Every other nation will, however, be the 'potential' enemy.]

Motivation:Look For The Motive
I have no special knowledge nor insight with regard to motive.
It could well be that it is neither spiritual nor political in motivation.
That there is no grievance just a burning 'desire' to 'start again' - and see 'where things go' next time 'round.
In other words, the objective might not be based on hate of any person or group or system just a simple desire for a 'different' 'type' of planet - where all existing structures are no longer in place - with no specific political nor philosophical manifesto. 
This is the very 'extreme' - motiveless - bioterror attack.
The one which is most incomprehensible since it is motiveless.
This, however, might have a higher probability of success than it's (more likely) alternative [bioterror] scenarios for future disruption  which are quite clearly based on known issues of politics, race, religion and tribe. 

If such an event happens as above, it is highly unlikely we would ever know the 'how' nor the 'why' nor even the 'who.'

As I said previously, in such a 'main event' there is no requirement to leave a (traditional) 'calling card' - since 'the manifest' itself, is in the chaos all around.

©Patrick Emek, March 17, 2020

4.trichuriasis (parasitic)
3.ebola (virus)
2.dengue (virus)
1.necrotizing fasciitis (bacterial)



Thursday 27 February 2020

updated 28th February 2020
updated 15/3/2020

Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen
[Let The Pictures Tell The Story Of Why 10-Year Old Yemeni Boys Train As Snipers - Would You Not Do the Same If The Saudis Destroyed Your Home, Your School, Your Hospital And Did This To Your Family?]

I thought for a long time about how to tell this story:how one of the the richest country on the planet is butchering innocent civilians of one of the poorest - it's next door neighbor. Then I remembered something: this is the history of humanity - so what's new? The actors are different but the stage is still the same.
It's a tragedy on many levels.  The Saudis will bomb a hospital or school in Yemen then, when the Western or Asian Media highlights the story, offer 'Blood Money' (to mollify a confused  public audience) to the Houthi victims.  This money is of course never paid by the Saudis, who have been 'well-trained' on how to 'manage' the Press.
At another level (and this you may find hard to believe) with Western connivance, Saudi Arabia has been 'stealing' the oil wealth from below the ground of one of the poorest countries on the planet - Yemen - for over half a century and using it's influence (and wealth) to ensure the Yemenis never get justice.
(That is a territorial and contour issue I will not address here.)

The pictures are taken by local photojournalists and occasionally by independent foreign journalists - from countries like Germany, Austria and Italy.
The objective of the photojournalists is not to make money but to show the depths of human despair in the hope that someone with power and influence - Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen - or someone close - even one individual  - might someday see these horrific images and resolve to end this carnage. An influential person, perhaps, who is not reliant on Saudi patronage and has some mercy for these unfortunate victims.
Because there is (and never will be) no justice for these victims I am not even calling for War Crimes trials (which will never happen because all such trials are political) but just an end to this bloody carnage perpetrated by Saudi Arabia.
I am not even going to appeal and say 'what if it was your father son or daughter, brother or sister, husband wife aunt or grandparents' who were butchered like this, but only to ask that you use your influence to bring this suffering of civilians to an end.

If you are religious, have you ever thought about how much more money will you need in the after life to buy back your soul if you do nothing about this senseless slaughter and butchery of innocent civilians in this War Zone?
Nothing will ever bring these victims back to life - but you can save your own soul in the after life if , even now, at this late stage, you do something to make a difference to the life or death of future innocent Yemeni civilians.

I am not even calling for an arms embargo against Saudi Arabia (which occupies an address in a very dangerous neighborhood) but that they be told that the United States will no longer ignore, at any price, this senseless tribal butchery and will not continue any longer to embargo Yemen ports nor airports.  
(Be assured, when the U.S. changes policy on Yemen, so too will follow the British and the European Union.)

U.S. politicians will sometimes ask as a counter-argument for supporting the Saudi campaign in Yemen  'why do Yemenis ask for support from Iran's Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah?'
Rumi answered this question nearly a thousand years ago:
''If thou hast not seen the Devil look at thine own self''

[and why is all this butchery and carnage by Saudi Arabia in Yemen permitted by the Christian West?  Money of course.
The wealth Saudi Arabia transfers to the West far outweighs the weight of innocent blood spilled (below) on these scales  PE] 

Patrick Emek, February 2020

There was some hope last year that the war might be nearing an end.  Unfortunately this is not the yet the case.  This article will also give you some background to the ongoing Saudi conflict in Yemen.

Additional photos (some not already included) in this .pdf file:

some images below are duplicates in total there are approximately 239

Update at 15/3/2020
These are even more distressing photos of Saudi Arabia's primary targets in Yemen than those previously published at 'Blogger.'

The point you must take away from these photos is that
War Crimes Tribunals are political instruments used by victors and powerful countries to punish their rivals or vanquished 'score' a political point(s) or further other military, economic and territorial agenda(s.)
For this reason their only validity is that they reinforce the belief that 'War Criminals' exist.
The term itself, is, sadly, entirely subjective.
The next 50 photos are very distressing.
Please do not view unless you are prepared to see what really happens in a War Zone.
If you are in Junior Military Cadet School you must ask permission from your CO before viewing.

continue to below.....

Earlier Photos:

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