
Thursday 22 March 2018

If you are one of the 50,000 visitors to this website on your mobile device you will recall this blog which I published long before Donald Trump was elected President.
President Obama, through Director Comey, ensured that Guccifer was placed in protective care.  
[Even Trump, through Sessions, has been unable to access his location.]

Locating the whereabouts of Guccifer has been perhaps the most important task for a very long time for Russian agents and their assets in the U.S. and its territories. 

It has recently been revealed that Guccifer was a Russian intelligence officer.
I was unaware of this fact at the time of the blog below.
Now read on


Marcel Lazăr Lehel, oka, Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker. That we know. What the general public might be interested in is that he spent only part of his time time hacking the Western Defense Alliance computer network systems, for ideological reasons.

Guccifer has never worked for the Kremlin however, Kremlin penetration (ФСБ) of hacking networks in the West is unparallelled – even by NSA standards (!)
To put it in a nutshell and easy to understand language, the Russian government would prefer if Donald Trump is elected as the next President of The United States and have been working covertly to subvert the Clinton campaign for the Office of Presidency of The United States.
Playing off Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton is simply part of the same campaign in the Russian media – in particular 'Russia Today' Television Network – which is the heart of FSB propaganda.

Lehel was portrayed by the Russian media as a 'champion' of good causes – such as anti-George Bush, anti-The Iraq War, reputedly hacking the Pentagon's computer system and passing its details to unknown recipients.
What is not fully appreciated is the damage done to his victims through the unauthorized release of medical records, bank information, compromising data and photographs which he obtained through illegal hacking both military and civilian computers and systems.

We will never know the full extent of the damage to U.S. National and Western Europe security.

Plea Bargain
After extensive 'discussions' and appreciating that he was facing close to 999 years behind bars with only the prospect of a reduced sentence to, at the very least, 500 years, Lehel finally revealed the full extent of his operations and recipients for the mass data he accumulated, in exchange for leniency.
On 25th May, 2016, he entered a plea bargain with the DoJ.
(A copy of this is online at the site below.)
Marcel Lazăr Lehel is due for sentencing on September 1, 2016.
A recent plea deal with the DoJ means that he will serve a little time (in actual fact weeks to a few months -if even that) probably in a 'low security ' prison.
What Is Not Known
It was thanks to Lehel that a number of successful international operations were carried out by the FBI, worldwide.
As I understand it, the operations are ongoing – which is why their details have yet to appear in the general media.
(I await reading them with interest in the Washington Post or NYT !)

What you read in the attached plea document [Case 1:14-cr-00213-JCC Document 28 Filed 05/25/16] is what has been released for public consumption.

Guccifer II (The Kremlin At Work)
I don't want to dwell too much on Guccifer only to say that a 'Guccifer II' (most likely the Kremlin) deliberately hacked Senator Hillary Clinton's personal server in an attempt to give Donald Trump 'the edge' in what some believe, could be a close Presidential race.

Guccifers' Rule OK!
What is more interesting is how world power foreign governments now attempt to influence the course of local elections not just in Europe but also in the developing world through hacking into systems and computers, obtaining confidential information, compromising photographs and other information, then leaking this (anonymously) to local (and international) media for political and ideological reasons.
A whole new secret intelligence industry ('Security Consultants') has been built around data access through hacking systems by not just the global superpowers but any country, any individual,indeed any child(!) with the knowledge and capability to access the net (and intranets.)

Computer Engineering? What's That?
When one of 'the kids' said that he was studying engineering and robotics several years ago, I was terrified for his future: a life without work, jobless forever! Little did I have to worry. He was further ahead of 'the game' than I could ever possibly have imagined.

The Goose Which Lays The Golden Egg
So too is the extensive treasure trove provided to the FBI by Guccifer – and which, as I understand, give a remarkable insight not just into the science of hacking, but within the data itself, as I imagine, is so much to glean about, for example, the sexual proclivities of the rich, powerful and famous, never hitherto encountered.

The Right To Know
Some of you will be quite disgusted and contemptuous of what I have just said – but don't you think we have a right to know if our 'pious' pillars of the community (politicians, spiritual and other leaders of societies) ain't (are not) so pious as they make themselves out to be? (Remember Pope Innocent IV and Innocent VIII were not as 'innocent' as depicted for mass consumption by the Catholic Church – until fairly recently.)

Don't we also have a right to know who sleeps with who inside the Kremlin and other regions of the Federation?; or who has 'penchants' for this, that or the other?
(Different 'prominent' hackers have different 'genres' of data within their 'portfolios'.)
Guccifer also had the some of the 'low down' on the 'high life' -and he just did it 'for kicks'(!)
You see, Guccifer was playing both ends off against the middle and accumulating his own private database 'as keepsake' (or saving it, 'for a rainy day'.)

A Walk On The Wild Side
Very little has been publicly revealed about Guccifer's enormous
contribution to the West's understanding of both the hacking underground and extensive nature of The Russian Federation's penetration of the hacking community worldwide.

Hopefully he will, after release, stay on in the United States (where his safety is guaranteed) rather than return to Romania.

Unlike Edward Snowden it is unlikely that he will ever receive a military rank nor medal for espionage services rendered (see my earlier blog about Edward Snowden) - but at least his remarkable skills will be available to work for the other side.

©Patrick Emek, June 2016


If you are one of the 50,000 visitors to this website on your mobile device you will recall this blog which I published long before Donald Trump was elected President.
President Obama, through Director Comey, ensured that Guccifer was placed in protective care.  
[Even Trump, through Sessions, has been unable to access his location.]

Locating the whereabouts of Guccifer has been perhaps the most important task for a very long time for Russian agents and their assets in the U.S. and its territories. 

It has recently been revealed that Guccifer was a Russian intelligence officer.
I was unaware of this fact at the time of the blog below.
Now read on


Marcel Lazăr Lehel, oka, Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker. That we know. What the general public might be interested in is that he spent only part of his time time hacking the Western Defense Alliance computer network systems, for ideological reasons.

Guccifer has never worked for the Kremlin however, Kremlin penetration (ФСБ) of hacking networks in the West is unparallelled – even by NSA standards (!)
To put it in a nutshell and easy to understand language, the Russian government would prefer if Donald Trump is elected as the next President of The United States and have been working covertly to subvert the Clinton campaign for the Office of Presidency of The United States.
Playing off Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton is simply part of the same campaign in the Russian media – in particular 'Russia Today' Television Network – which is the heart of FSB propaganda.

Lehel was portrayed by the Russian media as a 'champion' of good causes – such as anti-George Bush, anti-The Iraq War, reputedly hacking the Pentagon's computer system and passing its details to unknown recipients.
What is not fully appreciated is the damage done to his victims through the unauthorized release of medical records, bank information, compromising data and photographs which he obtained through illegal hacking both military and civilian computers and systems.

We will never know the full extent of the damage to U.S. National and Western Europe security.

Plea Bargain
After extensive 'discussions' and appreciating that he was facing close to 999 years behind bars with only the prospect of a reduced sentence to, at the very least, 500 years, Lehel finally revealed the full extent of his operations and recipients for the mass data he accumulated, in exchange for leniency.
On 25th May, 2016, he entered a plea bargain with the DoJ.
(A copy of this is online at the site below.)
Marcel Lazăr Lehel is due for sentencing on September 1, 2016.
A recent plea deal with the DoJ means that he will serve a little time (in actual fact weeks to a few months -if even that) probably in a 'low security ' prison.
What Is Not Known
It was thanks to Lehel that a number of successful international operations were carried out by the FBI, worldwide.
As I understand it, the operations are ongoing – which is why their details have yet to appear in the general media.
(I await reading them with interest in the Washington Post or NYT !)

What you read in the attached plea document [Case 1:14-cr-00213-JCC Document 28 Filed 05/25/16] is what has been released for public consumption.

Guccifer II (The Kremlin At Work)
I don't want to dwell too much on Guccifer only to say that a 'Guccifer II' (most likely the Kremlin) deliberately hacked Senator Hillary Clinton's personal server in an attempt to give Donald Trump 'the edge' in what some believe, could be a close Presidential race.

Guccifers' Rule OK!
What is more interesting is how world power foreign governments now attempt to influence the course of local elections not just in Europe but also in the developing world through hacking into systems and computers, obtaining confidential information, compromising photographs and other information, then leaking this (anonymously) to local (and international) media for political and ideological reasons.
A whole new secret intelligence industry ('Security Consultants') has been built around data access through hacking systems by not just the global superpowers but any country, any individual,indeed any child(!) with the knowledge and capability to access the net (and intranets.)

Computer Engineering? What's That?
When one of 'the kids' said that he was studying engineering and robotics several years ago, I was terrified for his future: a life without work, jobless forever! Little did I have to worry. He was further ahead of 'the game' than I could ever possibly have imagined.

The Goose Which Lays The Golden Egg
So too is the extensive treasure trove provided to the FBI by Guccifer – and which, as I understand, give a remarkable insight not just into the science of hacking, but within the data itself, as I imagine, is so much to glean about, for example, the sexual proclivities of the rich, powerful and famous, never hitherto encountered.

The Right To Know
Some of you will be quite disgusted and contemptuous of what I have just said – but don't you think we have a right to know if our 'pious' pillars of the community (politicians, spiritual and other leaders of societies) ain't (are not) so pious as they make themselves out to be? (Remember Pope Innocent IV and Innocent VIII were not as 'innocent' as depicted for mass consumption by the Catholic Church – until fairly recently.)

Don't we also have a right to know who sleeps with who inside the Kremlin and other regions of the Federation?; or who has 'penchants' for this, that or the other?
(Different 'prominent' hackers have different 'genres' of data within their 'portfolios'.)
Guccifer also had the some of the 'low down' on the 'high life' -and he just did it 'for kicks'(!)
You see, Guccifer was playing both ends off against the middle and accumulating his own private database 'as keepsake' (or saving it, 'for a rainy day'.)

A Walk On The Wild Side
Very little has been publicly revealed about Guccifer's enormous
contribution to the West's understanding of both the hacking underground and extensive nature of The Russian Federation's penetration of the hacking community worldwide.

Hopefully he will, after release, stay on in the United States (where his safety is guaranteed) rather than return to Romania.

Unlike Edward Snowden it is unlikely that he will ever receive a military rank nor medal for espionage services rendered (see my earlier blog about Edward Snowden) - but at least his remarkable skills will be available to work for the other side.

©Patrick Emek, June 2016


If you are one of the 50,000 visitors to this website on your mobile device you will recall this blog which I published long before Donald Trump was elected President.
President Obama, through Director Comey, ensured that Guccifer was placed in protective care.  
[Even Trump, through Sessions, has been unable to access his location.]

Locating the whereabouts of Guccifer has been perhaps the most important task for a very long time for Russian agents and their assets in the U.S. and its territories. 

It has recently been revealed that Guccifer was a Russian intelligence officer.
I was unaware of this fact at the time of the blog below.
Now read on


Marcel Lazăr Lehel, oka, Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker. That we know. What the general public might be interested in is that he spent only part of his time time hacking the Western Defense Alliance computer network systems, for ideological reasons.

Guccifer has never worked for the Kremlin however, Kremlin penetration (ФСБ) of hacking networks in the West is unparallelled – even by NSA standards (!)
To put it in a nutshell and easy to understand language, the Russian government would prefer if Donald Trump is elected as the next President of The United States and have been working covertly to subvert the Clinton campaign for the Office of Presidency of The United States.
Playing off Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton is simply part of the same campaign in the Russian media – in particular 'Russia Today' Television Network – which is the heart of FSB propaganda.

Lehel was portrayed by the Russian media as a 'champion' of good causes – such as anti-George Bush, anti-The Iraq War, reputedly hacking the Pentagon's computer system and passing its details to unknown recipients.
What is not fully appreciated is the damage done to his victims through the unauthorized release of medical records, bank information, compromising data and photographs which he obtained through illegal hacking both military and civilian computers and systems.

We will never know the full extent of the damage to U.S. National and Western Europe security.

Plea Bargain
After extensive 'discussions' and appreciating that he was facing close to 999 years behind bars with only the prospect of a reduced sentence to, at the very least, 500 years, Lehel finally revealed the full extent of his operations and recipients for the mass data he accumulated, in exchange for leniency.
On 25th May, 2016, he entered a plea bargain with the DoJ.
(A copy of this is online at the site below.)
Marcel Lazăr Lehel is due for sentencing on September 1, 2016.
A recent plea deal with the DoJ means that he will serve a little time (in actual fact weeks to a few months -if even that) probably in a 'low security ' prison.
What Is Not Known
It was thanks to Lehel that a number of successful international operations were carried out by the FBI, worldwide.
As I understand it, the operations are ongoing – which is why their details have yet to appear in the general media.
(I await reading them with interest in the Washington Post or NYT !)

What you read in the attached plea document [Case 1:14-cr-00213-JCC Document 28 Filed 05/25/16] is what has been released for public consumption.

Guccifer II (The Kremlin At Work)
I don't want to dwell too much on Guccifer only to say that a 'Guccifer II' (most likely the Kremlin) deliberately hacked Senator Hillary Clinton's personal server in an attempt to give Donald Trump 'the edge' in what some believe, could be a close Presidential race.

Guccifers' Rule OK!
What is more interesting is how world power foreign governments now attempt to influence the course of local elections not just in Europe but also in the developing world through hacking into systems and computers, obtaining confidential information, compromising photographs and other information, then leaking this (anonymously) to local (and international) media for political and ideological reasons.
A whole new secret intelligence industry ('Security Consultants') has been built around data access through hacking systems by not just the global superpowers but any country, any individual,indeed any child(!) with the knowledge and capability to access the net (and intranets.)

Computer Engineering? What's That?
When one of 'the kids' said that he was studying engineering and robotics several years ago, I was terrified for his future: a life without work, jobless forever! Little did I have to worry. He was further ahead of 'the game' than I could ever possibly have imagined.

The Goose Which Lays The Golden Egg
So too is the extensive treasure trove provided to the FBI by Guccifer – and which, as I understand, give a remarkable insight not just into the science of hacking, but within the data itself, as I imagine, is so much to glean about, for example, the sexual proclivities of the rich, powerful and famous, never hitherto encountered.

The Right To Know
Some of you will be quite disgusted and contemptuous of what I have just said – but don't you think we have a right to know if our 'pious' pillars of the community (politicians, spiritual and other leaders of societies) ain't (are not) so pious as they make themselves out to be? (Remember Pope Innocent IV and Innocent VIII were not as 'innocent' as depicted for mass consumption by the Catholic Church – until fairly recently.)

Don't we also have a right to know who sleeps with who inside the Kremlin and other regions of the Federation?; or who has 'penchants' for this, that or the other?
(Different 'prominent' hackers have different 'genres' of data within their 'portfolios'.)
Guccifer also had the some of the 'low down' on the 'high life' -and he just did it 'for kicks'(!)
You see, Guccifer was playing both ends off against the middle and accumulating his own private database 'as keepsake' (or saving it, 'for a rainy day'.)

A Walk On The Wild Side
Very little has been publicly revealed about Guccifer's enormous
contribution to the West's understanding of both the hacking underground and extensive nature of The Russian Federation's penetration of the hacking community worldwide.

Hopefully he will, after release, stay on in the United States (where his safety is guaranteed) rather than return to Romania.

Unlike Edward Snowden it is unlikely that he will ever receive a military rank nor medal for espionage services rendered (see my earlier blog about Edward Snowden) - but at least his remarkable skills will be available to work for the other side.

©Patrick Emek, June 2016


If you are one of the 50,000 visitors to this website on your mobile device you will recall this blog which I published long before Donald Trump was elected President.
President Obama, through Director Comey, ensured that Guccifer was placed in protective care.  
[Even Trump, through Sessions, has been unable to access his location.]

Locating the whereabouts of Guccifer has been perhaps the most important task for a very long time for Russian agents and their assets in the U.S. and its territories. 

It has recently been revealed that Guccifer was a Russian intelligence officer.
I was unaware of this fact at the time of the blog below.
Now read on


Marcel Lazăr Lehel, oka, Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker. That we know. What the general public might be interested in is that he spent only part of his time time hacking the Western Defense Alliance computer network systems, for ideological reasons.

Guccifer has never worked for the Kremlin however, Kremlin penetration (ФСБ) of hacking networks in the West is unparallelled – even by NSA standards (!)
To put it in a nutshell and easy to understand language, the Russian government would prefer if Donald Trump is elected as the next President of The United States and have been working covertly to subvert the Clinton campaign for the Office of Presidency of The United States.
Playing off Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton is simply part of the same campaign in the Russian media – in particular 'Russia Today' Television Network – which is the heart of FSB propaganda.

Lehel was portrayed by the Russian media as a 'champion' of good causes – such as anti-George Bush, anti-The Iraq War, reputedly hacking the Pentagon's computer system and passing its details to unknown recipients.
What is not fully appreciated is the damage done to his victims through the unauthorized release of medical records, bank information, compromising data and photographs which he obtained through illegal hacking both military and civilian computers and systems.

We will never know the full extent of the damage to U.S. National and Western Europe security.

Plea Bargain
After extensive 'discussions' and appreciating that he was facing close to 999 years behind bars with only the prospect of a reduced sentence to, at the very least, 500 years, Lehel finally revealed the full extent of his operations and recipients for the mass data he accumulated, in exchange for leniency.
On 25th May, 2016, he entered a plea bargain with the DoJ.
(A copy of this is online at the site below.)
Marcel Lazăr Lehel is due for sentencing on September 1, 2016.
A recent plea deal with the DoJ means that he will serve a little time (in actual fact weeks to a few months -if even that) probably in a 'low security ' prison.
What Is Not Known
It was thanks to Lehel that a number of successful international operations were carried out by the FBI, worldwide.
As I understand it, the operations are ongoing – which is why their details have yet to appear in the general media.
(I await reading them with interest in the Washington Post or NYT !)

What you read in the attached plea document [Case 1:14-cr-00213-JCC Document 28 Filed 05/25/16] is what has been released for public consumption.

Guccifer II (The Kremlin At Work)
I don't want to dwell too much on Guccifer only to say that a 'Guccifer II' (most likely the Kremlin) deliberately hacked Senator Hillary Clinton's personal server in an attempt to give Donald Trump 'the edge' in what some believe, could be a close Presidential race.

Guccifers' Rule OK!
What is more interesting is how world power foreign governments now attempt to influence the course of local elections not just in Europe but also in the developing world through hacking into systems and computers, obtaining confidential information, compromising photographs and other information, then leaking this (anonymously) to local (and international) media for political and ideological reasons.
A whole new secret intelligence industry ('Security Consultants') has been built around data access through hacking systems by not just the global superpowers but any country, any individual,indeed any child(!) with the knowledge and capability to access the net (and intranets.)

Computer Engineering? What's That?
When one of 'the kids' said that he was studying engineering and robotics several years ago, I was terrified for his future: a life without work, jobless forever! Little did I have to worry. He was further ahead of 'the game' than I could ever possibly have imagined.

The Goose Which Lays The Golden Egg
So too is the extensive treasure trove provided to the FBI by Guccifer – and which, as I understand, give a remarkable insight not just into the science of hacking, but within the data itself, as I imagine, is so much to glean about, for example, the sexual proclivities of the rich, powerful and famous, never hitherto encountered.

The Right To Know
Some of you will be quite disgusted and contemptuous of what I have just said – but don't you think we have a right to know if our 'pious' pillars of the community (politicians, spiritual and other leaders of societies) ain't (are not) so pious as they make themselves out to be? (Remember Pope Innocent IV and Innocent VIII were not as 'innocent' as depicted for mass consumption by the Catholic Church – until fairly recently.)

Don't we also have a right to know who sleeps with who inside the Kremlin and other regions of the Federation?; or who has 'penchants' for this, that or the other?
(Different 'prominent' hackers have different 'genres' of data within their 'portfolios'.)
Guccifer also had the some of the 'low down' on the 'high life' -and he just did it 'for kicks'(!)
You see, Guccifer was playing both ends off against the middle and accumulating his own private database 'as keepsake' (or saving it, 'for a rainy day'.)

A Walk On The Wild Side
Very little has been publicly revealed about Guccifer's enormous
contribution to the West's understanding of both the hacking underground and extensive nature of The Russian Federation's penetration of the hacking community worldwide.

Hopefully he will, after release, stay on in the United States (where his safety is guaranteed) rather than return to Romania.

Unlike Edward Snowden it is unlikely that he will ever receive a military rank nor medal for espionage services rendered (see my earlier blog about Edward Snowden) - but at least his remarkable skills will be available to work for the other side.

©Patrick Emek, June 2016


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