
Thursday 6 October 2016


Oh, What A Lovely War!

Last year I said that if not careful we could be going down the path towards war with Russia over Syria.
It is a terrible thing to say but someone had to say it because the politicians are either too deaf or too ignorant to be paying attention.
Perhaps a war is required to silence the 'Gung-ho' attitude coming from Washington Senators and House of Representative Members whose only knowledge of war is derived from Hollywood and its characters?

On The Other Hand.........

What would a war between the United States and Syria entail?

Let us get a number of issues straight here.
A war with a superpower (Russia) will not be confined to Syria but, as I said eighteen months ago, involve the European Union and Britain (no matter how great a distance both attempt to place themselves from the political and military position of the United States via-a-vis the Russian Federation) it will cut no ice when the rubber meets the road.

With Friends Like These...................

The likelihood is that Turkey, given the present political climate, would declare itself 'neutral' (yes folks, withdraw from it's NATO commitments) if such a particular conflict went 'hot'.

Lines In The Sand
In the case of Syria, Russia has pretty much said to the United States (if it cared to listen) - 'this far and no further - this is where we draw our line in the sand.'

Living In Another World

The frightening thing for myself is that Washington is in its own 'bubbleworld' and is living in a sort of 'Reality TV' environment - which bares little to no relationship with what is happening in the real world.

A Stitch In Time
[As you may not know, very few U.S. politicians have ever travelled outside the territorial boundaries of the United States.  A few have travelled to NATO allied countries for conferences but that's about it.
I don't wish to be too critical here but our 'open society' does not provide adequate arrangements to facilitate most but the very senior U.S. VIPs (Senators and House members) to travel abroad with the resourced security detail required to guarantee their safety.  This is just one of the reasons so few travel outside the territorial boundaries of the United States.  
I want here to relate a story from some time ago (at least one decade.)
I recall a visiting VIP (Head of State/Senior Politician) had his/her own security.  A sort of row broke out between his/her (government assigned) security and British security (which was of course also assigned to protect the VIP whilst on British soil.)
The row was because I gave 'priority' (in the context of my minor involvement) to the  visiting VIPs security detail as opposed to the British security detail (because of their known reputation for efficiency, alertness and expertise.)   An unholy row almost broke out between me and the senior officer assigned by H.M. government to protect the VIP - which I managed to diffuse - and things settled down with everyone (almost!) happy again.  I could say more about this matter but I don't want to slight anyones reputation since some may still be serving officers in some capacity somewhere or other.  Suffice to say, here, at this time, I got the message - loud and clear(!)
Of course everything went smoothly.  But.....looking back....and with hindsight..... it would have been far better to have given priority to the visiting VIPs security detail because they were better trained than their British counterparts.  Indeed, their country provides training in diplomatic and personal protection to nations, corporations and VIP agencies across the globe - and has a reputation second to none in this regard.
The point I want to make here is that a number of countries have genuine concerns about the adequacy of 'local' security when their VIPs travel overseas - and in many cases they have every justification in being concerned in this regard.  So it should therefore not come as a total shock to learn that few U.S. Senators nor House Members travel abroad for the above reasons.]

Where The Rubber Meets The Road
Thankfully (at least at the present time) there exist in the senior ranks of the Pentagon, people who do have their feet firmly on the ground.
I have said for many years - and I repeat it again, the last thing any military high command  in the democratic world wants is to go down a path which could lead to nuclear war - especially with another nuclear superpower such as The Russian Federation.
If I am to be blunt and honest, military Staff in the democratic world would prefer to give speeches (about war preparations and readiness to fight future wars) attend conferences worldwide and 'party' than to fight in real wars (!)
This was the case in the past, and it's still the case today in the democratic world.
The last thing any sane serving officer wants to do is to fight in a real war - which they will of course do (with maximum efficiency) should they be so directed  by their politcial bosses.  Many have had first hand experience of a war zone in the course of their careers.  From what I was told, when you have this, the last thing which you want is to fight a war - because you have experienced, first hand, the horrors of warfare on both your colleagues and on the general populace.
I will not get into the argument here about drone warfare and how 'dehumanizing' it is to the remote service personnel. 

Ship Of Fools
The Chief of Defense Staff and senior military personnel have repeatedly warned U.S. politicians that a confrontation with the Russian Federation will become likely if they embark on particular actions.
The U.S. military is ready and prepared for a confrontation with Russia over Syria - should the need arise.
(Indeed I would imagine that battleplan operations to defeat Russia in Syria have been rehearsed for several years.)

Harum Scarum
What appears to be happening in the United States at present, particularly in the run up to the Presidential Election, is that both parties want to appear strong and confrontational with regard to Syria and Russia.
(Russia, in many respects, meddling in U.S. politics, has only itself to blame.  The heads of Russia's FSB and GRU should both be fired for gross incompetence since their actions equally share responsibility for the current state of tensions between Russia and the West.)
The Democrats cannot be seen to be perceived as 'weak' on defense matters - nor can the Republicans.
So expect everything to 'hot' up in the run up to the final countdown (Election Day.)
I would hope that after the election, the rhetoric will ease off  and then just pitter away into oblivion with the war in Syria just dragging on for years - with no end in sight - and, more importantly, no major military U.S. ground forces commitment into Syria.

So that's it folks (!)   The likely shape of things to come in Syria.
Iraq, however, with its strategic asset, is a very different kettle of fish.

©Patrick Emek, October 2016

(but remember folks, this was another era; these days, it's the democratic civilian politicians who are in ignorance and arrogance not their generals, in most instances)

Wednesday 5 October 2016

A Story You May Have Missed

Lewis Hamilton:

'There Is A Conspiracy Against Me!'
Lewis Hamilton is undoubtedly one of the greatest drivers of this century.
Nobody doubts his skills nor his temperament. He 'lost it', however, after the recent Malaysia Grand Prix in Sepang when he openly accused 'person or persons unknown' of 'sabotaging' his car. His view is that 'someone or somebody does not want me to win'.

I have covered this matter previously but feel that it must be seriously addressed by those who profit from car racing tournaments (Grand Prixs) worldwide.

As I said previously, whether it be on land, sea or in the air, there is an obsessive craving for pushing the limits in terms of speed and human endurance. Cars, boats and aeroplanes new technologies and appliances are all being pushed and( metaphorically speaking) pulled (in terms of metals, carbon fibre and nanofibre technologies) just up to and beyond the limits of what is known about the effects on performance, distance and human endurance.
In my opinion, this is disgraceful and akin to laboratory ('lab') rats being used for experimentation. The organisers and sponsors would argue that such personalities (and this is what Hamilton and his fellow drivers in the top leagues are. They are not drivers, but icons in the car racing world, sports star personalities with world-wide followings – and revenues in the billions of dollars in sales, rolyaties and sponsorships across the planet.)
But is it right to 'sacrifice' them in the 'arena' [Colosseum (!)] simply to provide the 'audience' with more 'kicks' (?); a crash or 'near death' will, most certainly 'heighten' awareness amongst the world populace and 'add' (or attract) even more 'glamour' and interest in the next race (or 'episode') in the 'saga'.
There are more practical ways (virtual reality simulations for example) in this day and age of reducing the risks on the open circuit to iconic personalities - such as Rosberg and Hamilton.
There is indeed, in my opinion, a 'conspiracy', it's nothing to do with Hamilton per ipse, but an obsession by the owners and investors with speed, performance and endurance - which is literally driving design and components (in a number of different areas-including airplane design, components and structure or form) to the brink of catastrophic failure.

Why is it that manufacturers and owners always wait until a tragedy happens before making (or being compelled to by law to make) changes in design in order to improve on safety for users or passengers?
It is not easy for stars simply to up and walk away on principle.
We all know how Hamilton's dear parents, of modest income, sacrificed so much for him, as a child, so that he would have the opportunities to be where he is today. How can you just give it all up and walk away when so many people throughout your life have 'invested' so much of their own lives and time (and resources) in your success? It's not an easy call, for anyone.
My hope is that the industry itself is the first one to make the call – and becomes a role model by voluntarily setting standards for other professions and industries to emulate - before any tragedy and heart-searching is necessary in the aftermath.

©Patrick Emek, 2016


And now for a lighter moment
(of sorts.....................!)

................end of Intermezzo.........
 Now back to the really serious reality stuff (!) 

''Don't regulate imagination. Stand up for copyright reform across Europe'' (Mozilla)

Monday 3 October 2016


I  wrote this blog about a year and a half ago.  I 'parked' it as a draft because it didn't quite 'fit in' with the other material. 
It was a sort of 'therapeutic' blog - after I had finished researching ISIL, its mindset and the cornucopia of horrors it beckoned believers, from the ages of 5 or 6 to the elderly, to wallow in, for guaranteed eternal salvation and the 'joy' (or rapture) of welcoming Allah's first Sharia kingdom here on earth.  I was still in a particular 'frame of thought' - which I felt I had to finally 'exorcise'.

I thought that, in some places, the blog 'rambled' on a bit, got too quasi-religious, ethereal and seemed to 'loose the plot'. 
If it appears in places to be decoherent and 'off-track' then please accept my apologies and attribute this to what I have just mentioned above.

I was recently going to delete it (because it is 'too rambling') with the other bits and pieces which never formed completed blogs.  But I looked at it again and, by coincidence, it was mentioned on TV that (yet another) a row about anti-Semitism was again raging within the British Labor Party.  I was curious to find out what this row was about and saw that there were issues which needed to be addressed, however uncomfortable they made one feel or think.
Recently, in the United Kingdom, a member of the Labour (Labor) Party was suspended for alleged anti-Semitism.  Her 'crime' was that she said that, in effect, the Jews only care about their own holocaust and ignore other peoples holocausts - the crime of slavery and the holocaust against Black people for centuries, Stalin's holocaust against millions of Russians, Pol Pot against millions in Cambodia, the holocaust against the Tutsi tribe in the Rwanda genocide (note that this is called 'genocide' not holocaust - which is 'reserved' for the crime by the Nazis against the Jews.)   I might add the Australian Aborigines and Native Inhabitants of Tasmania, the Indian Tribes in the Americas and the crime of economic slavery against  the African-Brazilians in Brazil today (who numbered over 75% of the population - before Brazil stopped recording racial statistics - on the grounds that racial differences were irrelevant) - and all such holocausts ignored by the world media and international community.
  The point being made here is that  peoples on different parts of this planet have suffered their own unique holocausts. 
It is neither generally known (nor publicized enough) that the term 'holocaust' has indeed, internationally, been extended to commemorate the sufferings of different peoples throughout the world.  Holocaust Day in many countries provide an opportunity for younger and older generations to reflect on the sufferings not just of their own 'tribe' or 'race' but place this evil into a better world perspective to try to minimize the likelihood of it happening again.

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, it's a fitting time to publish it as it was originally drafted, unedited.

The Islamic State or 'Bubbleworld'

 ISIL is probably one of the most evil movements this century  has created.
We have seen how the hatreds of Communism and Nazism tore Europe apart and resulted in the genocide and displacement of nearly eighty million souls during the last century.
The additional challenge in the twenty first century is now religious extremism preaching hatred, intolerance and death to unbelievers.
It's predecessors were imperial powers who used it's same methods of barbarity to
strike fear and terror into subjected populations and minorities in tribal backward Europe.
What is remarkable how much in common the Hutu preachers of hate in Rwanda, Pol Pot in Cambodia and all organizers of mass genocide  have in common with Nazism and Communism - if you care to study their propaganda literature.
It's organisers are not uneducated.  Quite the opposite.
But neither were the proponents and the politicians who supported Hitler or of Empires which used mass rape, enslavement of men and women as a means to their perfect end - a world where only one race or tribe or philosophy or religion would prevail.
But do you really need to read the vile and hateful literature of the Nazi regime to understand neo-Nazism or Communism or modern Fascism?   I contend that you do not.  Reading through it all is quite sickening and unless you have a strong constitution, bad for your mental health.  So I recommend that you read about it through people who have studied it and will honestly tell you of it's evil herein. Why allow yourself (and if you believe, your soul) to be contaminated and consumed with the fires of hatred and contempt for all others?
I say honestly because, not too long ago, someone I know, on several occasions, asked that I lie at diplomatic receptions so that diplomats are asked dishonest questions and not those which ordinary people (myself) are genuinely concerned about.
Her basis was that 'we only ask nice questions' at our Receptions.
I thought, I reflected and I contemplated for some guidance on what I had been asked to do.

I was taught that you never have to obey any command your conscience tells you is wrong.
You do not have to tell people in authority lies - especially if you believe that such lies will ultimately assist in creating misery and suffering for others.
It's almost as if lying is an essential part of our psyche or culture. [At least it is of hers!]
Without it, we [some people] are lost in a dishonest world where other wolves will devour the  lambs caught between right and wrong.
This happened on three separate occasions over a period of 3 months.
Something else happened around that that time - between at least two of the events.
I was speaking with a teenager (18 year old, practicing Christian, male) who was telling me that it was all 'the buzz' for kids to be watching the video of a Jordanian pilot being roasted alive by ISIL.
I almost jumped out of my skin when he told me this - but (alas!) pretended it was of insignificance to me.  It was of plenty of significnce!
During my lifetime I have personally seen the aftermath of bomb explosions - where people have been torn limb from limb and have been a witness to other horrors (both first and second-hand) which I do not want to relive, because, believe, me it is not therapeutic to relive everything - as the psychiatrists will falsely tell you in order to make money out of treating your misery and torment.
So I was absolutely horrified that this is what teenagers (and possibly younger) are watching 'for kicks' as he had no reason to lie to me and the manner in which the issue had arisen was not designed to either boast nor impress me - but just 'matter-of-fact' - this is what 'turns them on.'
In a world where children are constantly lied to - and they know they are being lied to - is it any wonder that they look 'elsewhere' for 'excitement?'
They are told they cannot have sex - yet their parents do it every night.
They cannot look at porn magazines, that taking drugs [even legal 'highs'] are evil and forbidden.  They cannot watch violence [unless it is violence sanctioned ritually by the State to promote the ideals of heroism in war or law enforcement] because we have 'nannies' to constantly regulate and monitor every aspect of their private existence.  They cannot gather in shopping Malls or within seconds security (active or passive electronic subsonic or ultrasonic) will turn up to confront them.  They cannot walk even in shops without being followed [see the recent law case where staff in the U.S. were ordered to follow every Black customer who came into the store chain - throughout the United States - and is now (quite rightly in my view) being sued for racial discrimination.]
I linked both these things (my politically correct individual living in her 'bubble') and what 'excites' young adults - the roasting alive, like a sheep on a spit,  of another human being, and his screams of pain - Reality TV ISIL style - for the pleasure of the masses.
We all live in 'politically correct' bubbles.  We try to creat these same bubbles for all those around us - then ultimately attempt to impose the 'serenity' of these newly 'discovered' bubbles on the rest of society and ultimately on the rest of the world.  We create a whole industry or structures which justify such bubbles - in much the same way as Dr. Goebbels created a whole industry of writing letters from Jews burnt in gas ovens in concentration camps to create the 'illusion' of 'normality' existing.  But things were far from 'normal' in concentration camps. The issue was that things were so abnormal that it was necessary, no should I say a prerequisite that 'normality' be invented because what was happening was patently abnormal and too insane to be a part of the normal world - but in actual reality it was a part of  normal life if you were a prisoner in Bergen-Belsen or Dachau or Theresienstadt concentration camps or a camp guard or commander.
People needed to invent lies to remain sane in the insane world we live in.
A furthert example is the mass rape of women and children by the Allied Forces during World War II.
Mass rape of women and children during World War II was just as common by Allied Forces as it was by the Russians.  Yet an industry of lies through historical books were created for the world 'to buy into' and a new  history 'created'  where the only 'rapists' were the 'barbarian' conquering Russian troops.  If you did not 'buy into the lie' you were 'frozen out' of mainstream society and denied a platform to evocate such truths.
Why such events happened can only be discerned if you study history since the dawn of human civilization and go figure out for yourself.
But we pretended that Allied troops were above such atavism, were Saints and the epitome of every lie we had invented over the centuries.
That we (in the West) are somehow more advanced in spiritual development than the animals in the jungle or the 'naked savages' in Africa, Asia or the 'uncivilized' Americas or convict colonies Australasia and New Zealand - until the truth finally surfaces that is to say.
Allied Western troops don't rape women in war zones  'en masse' only the 'barbarian' Russians and the Japanese, Africans, Mongols and other 'savages' do this.
The lies our society creates to maintain it's sanity are quiet profound.

Slavery or Personal Slave Ownership Was Abolished Because It Became Too Uneconomic In It's Existing Form In the New Industrialized World 

A further example is slavery.  Slavery was not abolished because of do-gooders but because slavery, as it existed, was had become patently uneconomic and, with the advent of the industrial revolution and mass production, better forms of 'new slavery' which were more productive financially were now available for exploitation.
This is why Christendom enjoys the luxury of criticizing 'slavery' in the developing world - where, to survive, children must work to support the extended family.
In developing and underdeveloped societies there are no advanced networks of State support and as all that you have is your extended family to turn to for financial and social assistance when times are hard there are no other options but to do something to earn a living - enter the Western NGOs to 'remould' third world societies and cultures into their own making and values -which never incidentally existed in reality(!)
 Another word for this is neo-colonialism.
So even the history books we teach our kids values about are all built on lies.

Why My Colleague Was Right And You Can Never Tell The Truth
I am now going to turn the argument upside down and say that lying is an essential prerequisite for survival and success.
This individual was right about lying and that I was patently wrong and naiive.
But it is because of the fact that I was naiive and wrong, that ISIL and it's inheritors [and even more evil from the dark side, just waiting for the boat ride across the Styx] will be waging Holy Wars for the next 100 years - and that, when such conflicts in the Muslim Arab world finally simmer, millions of souls (if not more) will have either perished or suffered greatly.

Evil Does Not Arrive From Nowhere
Yes, you could tell the truth - but who will ever listen if nobody will ever publicize you - because the mass media is also living in the same bubble and will never entertain your
viewpoint as part of mainstream knowledge - that is - until a tsunami hits or is predicted to hit (sic. that revelations about the truth are about to 'go viral') and someone 'politically' acceptable can be 'invented' to sing a new narrative about the 'revised' history or 'truth.'
It's a perfect system of bubbles of lies all insular from the feelings and emotions and sufferings of the real victims.
This is what has happened in the Arab world over the past centuries.
A few have benefited but the masses have ben impoverished and enslaved without a voice and without any hope of salvation - except through the words written in the Koran.
So ISIL was a movement waiting for it's time to come in the Arab world.
It was never a matter of 'if' but 'when' this monster-in-waiting would be let loose on the world stage.

To Prepare For What ISIL Is Saying Through It's Publication, DABIQ, You Must Recognise These Facts Or You Will Have Nothing To Argue Against It's Evil 

I won't even talk about the horrors of slavery of African people by the colonial powers nor the selling of naked men and women, boys and girls in the Slave Markets of Liverpool [England] or in South Carolina or Lexington Kentucky or even slavery today in Brazil or wage slavery in the United States.  Neither will I dwell too long on the fact tha African and Arab rulers and those victorious in battle traded captured slaves to Christendom and that the Koran endorses slavery - but it does not call it slavery by name. That similar practices exist worldwide is true today.
If you live in a financially impoverished community, have an extended family where a single income will not pay the bills, the children must work or everyone will starve to death. But you will be hard-pressed to find such controversial subjects talked honestly about in your history books or even in your media.
the emphasis will always be on 'exploitation' 'abuse' and 'neglect' and the urgency to impose our 'enlightened' Western values on Muslim, African and Asian societies.
The only acceptable slave economies are that run by multinationals where outsourcing destroys local Western and U.S. communities which are considered 'uneconomic' overpriced and no longer competitive - so the availability of labor in the developed world  
 Lies have been invented to 'protect' the children from the 'truth.'  Bubbles of politically correct language have been invented by the new Dr. Goebbels' so that nobody asks 'awkward' questions.
But kids are not stupid.  Intelligent ones never were.  They now have access to a treasure of information via the internet which once could be hidden away from them for their entire lives - effectively creating the perfect world bubble of  blissful lies for them to exist in. Should any raise 'awkward' questions it was never a problem as there were always enough too frightened to reveal the truth.
But nobody can conceal the truth forever - only  just long enough to benefit from the lie.
So now the aurhorities attempt to ban whole societies from sites on the internet in order to 'protect'  from 'exploitation'. 

Call 911! Kids Are Attempting To Find  Out The Truth via the Internet!
We attempt to ensure that the only websites they can visit have our stamp of approval and
are not politically incorrect [sites we say the law forbids them to visit.]
So now, having failed to achieve voluntary 'compliance', we introduce 'the whip' to compel it.  If that fails, then we can commence the 'torture' program. 
It is, in part, a rejection of our perfect world of lies that kids, for entertainment, today, watch a human being roasted  by other human beings (and prodded with an iron rod from time to time to ensure his 'full' and 'complete' roasting - according to ISIL's twisted interpretation of Islam.]

Rejecting The Narrative Christian kids, rejecting our perfect lies, are watching human roasting - 'Reality' Islamic TV - ISIL-style - because of it's 'entertainment' value (us having left them with little else but boredom, deceit and lies.) I am beginning to understand why young Muslims, some probably equally out of boredom many others for certain out of a rejection of the 'bubble of lies' we create  to deceive, join ISIL for 'adventure' and in search of  'the truth.'                    I will tell them this now - and this is not propaganda.  Christians never found the truth through their creation of a world or universe of lies neither will  Islam nor any other civilization or religion or philosophy.

Islam Rules, OK?
Islam is a wonderful religion  but sadly it can never be hijacked to 'rule the world' on a foundation of lies - which is what ISIL is attempting.
You probably do not know that, until the rise of movements such as ISIS and Al Qaeda which are, visibly, even to an educated non-Muslim such as myself, anti-Islamic and rotten to their core, Islam and not Christianity, was the fastest growing religion in the world. 
Without  movements such as ISIL, Salafism and Wahhabism, by pure default, Islam would have dominated the world - but as a conformist intolerant religion not one of peace tolerance and co-existence for all faiths, at least not yet.
If, to take it further, Islam had our equivalent of a Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin  then ther is no limit to it's possibilities after breakout from it's fixation of intolerance and conformity.
There are contradictions between what I have just said and above, but, go figure(!)
You cannot build and sustain an existence forever on foundations of lies.
Yet we all cannot live with the truth because it is too painful otherwise.   This is humanity's sad paradox.

In the absence of lies, we are all naked in the embarrassment of the  hypocrisies we have all hidden before our God or Gods and, more important, from each other.

It is much easier and more practical to build edifices to Mammon than to an abstract all knowing all seeing entity.

You can never build the prefect world either on the lies my colleague wanted me to 'buy into' or by roasting other human beings alive just for the fun of it - then justifying this in the name of religion.  Both are two sides of the same coin. And you'd better recognise this or you will not survive the ISIL's of this world mentally intact.

'Herrenvolk' - ISIS Style
 Many civilizations have a narrative around themselves as a 'Herrenvolk' or 'Master Race'.
ISIL's is built around the Prophet as leader or Fuhrer with Islam's followers as the 'Herrenvolk'.   Such has always been appealing to imperial powers from time immemorial and indeed civilizations have been built upon such lies - until they all came crumblimg into the dust with nothing remaining except their ultimate physical demolition by the next Master Race-in-waiting.  The Taliban smashed history into dust so too do ISIL.
But such is the ultimate faith awaiting all civilizations - if they do not succumb to other catastrophies first.

Edutainment [of sorts!]
Have you ever watched 'Planet Of The Apes' - the made for TV series?
In one episode a human and an ape fall into a hole in the ground and discovers a picture on a wall showing apes as caged animals in a zoo for human entertainment and spectacle.
The ape immediately attempts to kill the human fearing the truth about the past world will be revealed and upset the order of society.

The Killing Fields
So too ISIL kill everyone who is remotely linked to the past because their new world can never be built upon any effigy or picture which shows a prior contrary view of existence to that narrative they have created about existence.
This effectively means they (ISIL) will ultimately have to convert, kill, or enslave at least 98% of all Muslims and 100% of everyone else (including you and me.)
Surprisingly you are probably thinking that I will say how appalling this is.
To myself however this is simply a logical extension of the past millennia.

They say that the past cannot be changed.  The present and the past both together influence the future.
ISIL's future is built upon the horrors of the past - as they so perfectly demonstrate today - so logically it can never be the Heaven of the future.
It follows the same sad pattern of every Satan which preceeded it and such makes it our quest to ensure it fails in its tasks of murder, enslavement andthe roasting alive of our children and loved ones as heretics - like witches to be burnt at the Stake.

Is the magazine of the Islamic State.  I have read it from Issue 1 and it is built on a pack of lies.  The sad thing is they are the mirror-image of the bubbles of lies Christendom has created - so the wheel is simply being re-invented.
This is why young adults are turning to extremist literature and propaganda online.
It gives them a perspective which is being actively denied or hidden in and by the mainstream mogul-controlled media and their networks worldwide.
Such propaganda, similar to ISIL's, plays with your thoughts and feelings by 'revealing' to you 'truths' which have been 'hidden' by politicians, schoolteachers and the media over the centuries. All of such are mentioned above in brief.
Dabiq, like the more effective extremist counterpart online publications is a very carefully crafted propaganda magazine based on the worst the twentieth century had to offer.
It does little to conceal it's contempt and hatred of Christianity and it's perception of Christians as savages and 'unclean' - not worthy of the term 'human being.'
But, like all extremist publications, unless you have studied propaganda you will be lost in it's content and accept it's 'connections' between what the Prophet said and the history of the Muslim world.
Sadly, ISIL has nothing to offer Islam but more blood.
Was it Mahathma Ghandi who said that if we all practice 'an eye for an eye' soon the whole world will go blind.

Protect and Serve
When your services are called upon by your Commander-In-Chief to protect America and the world in the Middle East and in the Gulf you need to be fully aware of what a Holy War entails in order to persevere to final victory.
For the reasons above, it will be a 'hollow' victory - but at least you will have the reassurance that your family and loved ones will continue to enjoy the freedom to be different, to practice whatever religion they want (or none) to criticize without fear and, above all else, to be able to express themselves as they so choose.

Underlying Thoughts The two most important objectives of education are to provide knowledge and to give it's recipients a compass or GPS so that they are not stuck in a rut forever.
ISIL achieves both in DABIQ but it's truths are lies and half-truths and it's 'compass' or GPS is attempting to drive Islam over a cliff and into the abyss out of which it will take centuries to recover.

My book, entitled 'DABIQ' or 'Honey, How Do We tell the Kids About ISIL?' was inspired by the above encounters with MCW and 'the kid'.
I had sort of run out of new ideas and had no 'compass'.

It is deliberately written in a quasi-mystical style (gotta get yer brain re-orientated!) to bring readers into the 'thought framework' of what a Holy War, 21st century style, entails.

Unlike ISIL and rather paradoxically, I hardly make any mention of God - but the essence of the divine is contained in selected quotations throughout it's content.
I leave them 'nameless' so you can judge them 'by their content' and not, metaphorically speaking, 'by the color of their skin'.
The booklet will enable you, as a novice, to be more than prepared for assignment in the Middle East or Persian Gulf without having to read through ISIL's hate propaganda to understand completely their 'message'.  Nothing will shock you so hopefully, with such knowledge, you will be less traumatized  and suffer far less in the aftermath than someone totally or less mentally prepared than yourself.
You will be able to manage better the hypocricies and contradictions and fortify yourself
with both as strengths rather than, as ISIL intends as weaknesses - thereby  leaving you more vulnerable to ISIL's emotional or psychological exploitation, by a very cunning enemy.
  Your senses will aslo be heightened - and this may save your life as you will be less complacent in this unique hostile environment than you might otherwise be in a 'normal' war zone.

©Patrick Emek, October 2016


The Rape of Berlin:

additional references

I have cited the references below because they represent, in my opinion, best practice, for the commemoration of this evil in our world of today.  In this particular instance, the United Kingdom leads the way in terms of best practice for uniting a country around a common theme (and an alert or warning) for all of its citizens.

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD)

for Kindergarten/Primary/Junior Schools:

What Ha'aretz fails to mention (below) is that Walker is, herself, Jewish - but I think that reflects a 'psychological' 'problem' within Ha'aretz  as much as anything else - but that's another day's blog for me (!)

On reflection,to save myself the time of yet another blog on the above issue, best that I refer you to one already out there which aptly summarizes what I might have said, in the referenced article below written by Sam Kriss:
''It's hard not to see this as racism. Jackie Walker is of mixed heritage, both Jewish and black Jamaican; it's easy for white Jews to dismiss her as being not fully Jewish. When the pronouncements of a few unrepresentative and unelected "Jewish community leaders" are taken to be representative of our entire community, black, leftist, pro-Palestinian Jews like Jackie Walker don't fit into simple conceptual categories. (And it's worth remembering that this Jewish inability to be easily assimilated into existing structures was a major factor in pre-war European anti-Semitism.) But if Jews can be anti-Semitic – and this is what Walker's critics are tacitly claiming – then her treatment is also bald and despicable anti-Semitism.''

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Shimon Peres – R.I.P.

First I would like to pay a personal tribute to the man who could have brought a permanent peace to the Middle East.
I always believed, for most of my lifetime, that Peres, together with Golda Meir were the two singular individual leaders with the potential and capability of achieving this elusive Nirvana.
His passing ends an era where there existed leaders in Israel with a genuine desire for a true, a just and a permanent peace with the Palestinians.

I only met him on one occasion – and we had a disagreement which, thankfully, fell short of a publicly voiced argument, as I held my counsel; and which I never capitalized on afterwards for personal benefit.

My disagreement with Shimon Peres can partly be gauged when I was invited to address a B'Nai B'rith function (which has had more prominent individuals than me - such as the Israeli Ambassador) as the guest speaker.
(For security reasons and as it was a private function, I will not say here where it was held.)
I was asked a particular question after my talk to several hundred members and that was 'did I believe the Peace Process (at that time) would succeed? ' My answer was that I did not and that it would be a total failure.
It was just not sustainable with such unreliable partners as Saudi Arabia lurking in the background and the Palestinians running off to Riyadh, Baghdad and Damascus to ensure that finance would not be cut off when a final peace accord was signed with Israel.
The Saudis are one of the most untrustworthy and duplicitous of partners, for a Middle East permanent peace, you could ever hope or imagine to have.
They always were and they always will be whilst the House of Saud holds sway.
(In this world, there are usually good and bad tyrants. The House of Saud however, is just rotten to the core. Even more frustrating, given the present situation in the region, the only thing worse than the House of Saud is it's removal.)
Besides, the absence of a peace between Israel and Palestine and the concept of 'Arab renewal' in the form 'Islamic States' similar to ISIL/ISIS, keeps the minds of the Arab populace, as a whole, across North Africa and the Middle East, off democratic reform issues inside all these Muslim tyrannies (Sunni and Shia) throughout the region.

So Shimon Peres, God give him rest, never delivered on a permanent peace - for which he (falsely) accepted a Nobel Peace Prize (!) None of them -Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat, delivered permanent peace.
Just you look at the chaos and barriers of separation in the region today - with their (unresolved) political problems (and our stupid Western Christian politicians' military interventions and overthrowing Muslim regimes in Muslim lands - fueling the chaos and instabilities) are now overspilling into the whole of Europe and directly affecting political and social stability across Christendom.

The whole 'peace' process was a complete sham and farce from beginning to end, in my opinion.

Indeed I would argue that, at one level, we have ended up with the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) and its extremist proponents as a direct result of the absence of a permanent peace process (from that failed Camp David accord) which gives security to Israel and a homeland State with secure internationally recognised borders, to the Palestinian people.

Shimon Peres was surprised (and I think a little annoyed and upset) at my 'response' to his gesture of friendship – but there were issues I could never reconcile about a peace treaty with such an unreliable partner and its even more unreliable allies.
I said so in as many words during question time (when attending members were invited to quiz me about any issues I had raised in my talk.)

We never met again. I still to this day maintain that the peace process was (and is) doomed since there was not (nor is there today) a democratic nor reliable peace partner anywhere in the region.
[Until last year, Israel has been (unwisely) treating ISIL/Daesh fighters who managed to reach the Golan Heights and 'volunteers' assisting with 'health emergencies' in Jordan and elsewhere. You didn't know this? You need to be better informed than what you see on CNN.]

In the absence of a peace process, better to say today that there exists converging interests (for oil, gas, mineral resources exploration, development and water management sustainability) between antagonists and protagonists rather than any real and genuine desire for permanent peace amongst any of the
conflicting entities.

The history books will give, as they do in all countries, the usual false account of Shimon Peres' role in the Middle East 'Peace Process' and fail to point out that this particular whole process was a complete and utter failure.
I ask you to ask yourself: where is the peace for which Mr Peres received his Nobel Peace Prize?
(Indeed where is 'the peace' for which President Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize?)
Such is the planet we live on (!)

Perhaps it's just me. I probably have a few defective brain cells and genes - so the 'traditional' industrial mass populace media 'brainwashing' to facilitate my acceptance of war=peace and peace=war, 'love is hate and hate is love' never quite succeeded down on 'the farm'1 I was tagged for processing at, as 'useable' fodder (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2016

[Just to avoid any confusion, the reception I met Shimon Peres at was different from the B'nai B'rith event.     I have linked both because of the topic discussed.]

1Animal Farm by George Orwell

Addendum (29/09/2016)
2.The Oslo accord has been widely mentioned in the media as a 'revolutionary' development - by 'cub' reporters who known nothing about it and probably couldn't even mention to  you any of it's stipulations.   Don't believe a word of what they are telling you in the mainstream press.  If you are really interested in why it failed, you could do worse than start by reading the references which I cite below.  I didn't even bother to mention it in this blog  because it was a total failure - and to pick through it's shortcomings here would serve no useful purpose.  PE

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Health Information

Zika in the Americas: September 14, 2016


addendum (26/09/16)

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Film Of the Year

13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

''You can't put a price on being able to live with yourself''

This is a story about the efforts of military personnel, diplomatic staff and private contractors to protect an impossible CIA 'ghost' location (covert base) - given the meagre human resources which they were allocated.
Once you start applying the commercial market to safety and security lives are at inevitably risk. We saw this in the supply of equipment to allied forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the low-resourcing of protection teams, assets, and likewise the paucity of resources allocated for the protection of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya.
(Interestingly, the film obliquely blames Ambassador Stevens himself for the low security detail allocated. You need to read the Official Reports – which you will find at this blogsite – and then decide this matter for yourself. I have read all the Official released reports and have my own view on this issue.)
Ambassador Stevens was brutally butchered by ISIL-affiliated militias during this U.S. compound siege in Benghazi.
You may well conclude the following after both watching this film THEN reading the Official Reports on Benghazi at this blogsite:
When former heads of State are imprisoned or murdered by new tyrants – to our applause - and Ambassadors are getting murdered;when military rescue teams don't know whether they are coming or going, you can pretty much assume a dramatic failure in the process of delegated political leadership from the very top of the political (and military) command chain.

You also need to appreciate that what happened to the protection team during the compound siege at Benghazi was probably at least 5 times worse that this sanitized and dramatized version.

13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi:

Don't Believe What They Teach You In Diplomatic School!
Don't ever forget during your lifetime that when you see any embassy of any country being burnt to the ground anywhere in the world and its Staff being dragged out and butchered like animals in a slaughterhouse, apart from the obvious protective security failure, this always represents, a total and abysmal failure of both politics and diplomacy.
(I saw my first embassy being burnt to the ground before I reached the age of sixteen – I was standing no more than a few hundred feet away - amongst a very very angry, distraught and maddening crowd, many swept away in the group - and tribal - hysteria of the moment  - and have seen 2 Ambassadors I met personally (one for a courtesy NATO-Atlantic Council  delegate briefing in Turkey) brutally assassinated, and butchered, in the course of my lifetime.)

13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

A depressing film - with no happy ending – but more honest to form than is usual from Hollywood .

We had no problem in Libya with Ghadafi.  Thanks to President Ronald Reagan (and to a lesser extent  also to the policies of President George Bush, Jnr.) President Moammar Gadhafi had already surrendered all his nuclear weapons research programs and was cooperating fully with all international organizations for the development of the peaceful use of nuclear technology.
His tyranny in Libya was benevolent – and his chief political prisoners were Al Qaeda and ISIL militants and their supporters (which, incidentally, we let loose on the country following his overthrow.  You didn't know that? You need to be better informed than that what you see on CNN and read in the mainstream press.)
(Perhaps, some day, one of you younger individuals reading this alternative blog will write a book or article - the truth about why Gadhafi was really overthrown?)

13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

A 'must see' film should you be considering a career in the diplomatic service in any country. And should you, as luck, design or fate would have it, be at the receiving end of a difficult posting, forget the glamour of diplomatic life from bygone eras.   It only existed for the privileged few.  Throw away your notes from diplomatic school as it is unlikley they will save you when the sh*t hits the fan.    Get more uniquely (and unashamedly) 'native' and 'streetwise' for any potential extremes and challenges - and you may have a slim chance of coming back home, alive, and in one piece.
Also, not to forget : unlike what you see in the film, put not your fate nor faith in 'the Cavalry' arriving in time to save your sweet (and sorry) ass (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2016

Sunday 4 September 2016

Burkini or Birthday Suit?

Memoires d'un Gloire et un Siecle Disparu
I am of an age where I still can remember the Beach ('La Plage' or 'La Promenade') used to be a place most people went not to have a fight but just to wallow-up the sunshine and escape from the cares and worries of everyday life for a few hours or, if they were lucky (or kids bunking off school) for the entire day.
It was only during this time when I met up with my non-Catholic friends (Jewish and Church of England) since most of my school life was pretty regulated by convention – rugby, other sports, helping out with voluntary Catholic Aid activities such sorting stamps for sale to help the Foreign Missionaries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. All our fund-raising was, by today's standards, of a very benign nature and all profits went to help educate Christian children and their parents in the Third World.
Mind you, I now appreciate that it was not every child who 'volunteered' his time on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons, after Mass, for such selfless activities. I think those of us volunteering might have got, as 'thank you' from the Marist Priests running the Program, a mug of tea and a few 'Marietta' biscuits. But that was not why we volunteered. It was something about helping those less fortunate than ourselves. That was what it was really all about. I don't see this kind of enthusiasm today - with children all wrapped up and consumed in their digital gagets and their world of cyberspace, with little time for anyone but themselves and their personal needs.

Not too long ago I was travelling on an Arab Airline.
You know what it's like with everyone trying to get past you to get to their seat.
Several women wearing Burkas were in front of me and taking an inordinate amount of time to sort themselves out. I needed to pass to get to my seat – with at least 20 people behind me anxious to move.
As I attempted to pass one Burka-clad woman intervened and started screaming something to the effect that there should be 'empty space' between me and 'them' (women wearing burkas) – a totally impractical situation along the aisle of 'Economy' class. The plane was not even a 'Dreamliner' but a bog-standard 747 or something of the like.
With me in my shorts and tee-shirt and general 'Western' appearance, they felt that I was attired improperly (immodestly?) and, as a male, that I should not be standing so close to them. Fortunately a member of the Cabin Staff (Muslim, I think) intervened and told them in Arabic they were behaving stupidly and they should get out of the way and let me and others continue on to our seats further down the plane as they were the cause of this delay and not myself or the passengers anxiously standing behind me.
Stand Your Ground!
It strikes me that this issue of Burkinis on beaches represents an activist minority of individuals who have take their cues from militant ISIL-Al Qaeda-supporting hate-sermoned Imams who say the following , in a nutshell, to their 'flock':
'Use your wives and females to promote and advance the glory of Islam!'; ''Challenge the infidel at every opportunity. Their (secular) system is so weak (in comparison to that of theocratic Islam) that eventually it will crumble under the popular pressure we ('the Umma') exert and Islam will ultimately triumph.''
Knee-Jerk Racists
Politicians (and the populace at large) tend towards knee-jerk reactions: 'Ban The Burkini!', 'Get Them Off The Beach!' 'No Muslims Here!' 'Ban All Muslims' etc. etc. etc. Most of such reactions have racism (often violent racism) at their core and have no basis in actual reality to the issues being hotly contested - simply providing the basis for racists to vent hatreds against others whom they despise.
Indeed by introducing such measures we are actually imprisoning ourselves as we are behaving in exactly the manner which conjoins - rather than diffuses - the conflict. Such measures play perfectly into the hands of the other fanatical racists – the hate-sermoned Imams – who will use such as a justification to 'Holy Jihad' since they will twist such actions to justify why all Muslims throughout Christendom can resist such discrimination - with targeted and indiscriminate violence: (sic. A condition under which 'Holy Jihad' is justified exists when and where Muslims are prevented from exercising the practice of their faith.)
There is, actually, a very simple solution which bypasses all the hate-mongers on all sides:
The Birthday Suit Effect
Do not ban the Burkini but make Nudism perfectly acceptable on all public beaches throughout Christendom and make it a criminal offence for anyone to discriminate against nudists in any way on any public or Municipal beach.
It is then up to beach-loving Muslims as to whether they can 'tolerate' the exercise of 'freedom of choice' in a secular society or they wish to withdraw to a more private environment to exercise their democratic right to 'quiet enjoyment'.
It's not a perfect solution – but life is not perfect -and neither are the problems which we have to negotiate.

[In my own particular case it would not at all surprise me if special legislation was introduced to ensure that I remained covered-up at all times - on the grounds of public decency -as my half pot-pig beer belly might frighten the cats and dogs on beaches - and cause general mayhem and panic (!)]

©Patrick Emek, September 2016

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