
Sunday 18 June 2017

Why Trump Will Never Be Investigated For His 'Mob' Connections

[Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold]

Not To be Taken As Fact Complete - But Not Total Fiction Either
The information given here is presented without key evidence available.
As a professional researcher and analyst it is always a problem presenting data without backup evidence in considerable detail.
This evidence is usually contained in detailed references which are carefully sourced and which often contain kernel facts.
In this particular case it is impossible to present
these facts because they relate to sworn evidence given under oath and in secret.
The reason for this is because secret guarantees of anonymity were given in order to get vital information which secured the trial and conviction of powerful key crime bosses operating in New York and later in Florida.
What this means is that a secret pardon(s) was given to individual(s) who provided sworn evidence to ensure the conviction of Mob Bosses and their legal go-betweens (or Consiglieri.)
I have not seen the evidence and am reporting third hand what is available but not to be found (to the best of my knowledge) anywhere in the public domain.
I have researched the Internet and nowhere does the above information appear - other than here.
I cannot attest to the accuracy of what I was told just before the Easter break but neither have I reason to doubt that it may have a modicum of validity.
Of course it may have no truth whatsoever and was simply a distraction or propaganda exercise in lies and deceit ('fake news'.)

Donald and The New York Families Gambino and Genovese
What I will now do is present the public domain 'evidence' for Donald Trump's ties with the Mafia.
I will then leave the matter as inconclusive.
I am assuming my readership to be above average intelligence so you will already have enough research material to run with to further validate or invalidate (rubbish!) everything in this blog.
Yes folks I am challenging to use your own contacts to rubbish everything in this blog - and good luck!; - I am your biggest supporter (!)

Rich Kid Poor Kid
[Rich Kid (Trump) Poor Immigrant 'Kids' (Genovese and Gambino Families)]
The story begins with a very rich and spoilt kid from a background of exclusive wealth and privilege and how Anthony ('Fat Tony') Salerno and Paul Castellano helped him get started in the real estate business.
You can read about 'Fat Tony' an underboss and Capo of the Genovese Family, and Paul Castellano, Godfather of the Gambino family from the references below.

A Tale of 3 families:
(Genovese, Gambino and Trump)

''After graduating in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania, a rich young man sought his fortune on the island of Manhattan.'' (Politico)

It was recommended to him to seek the friendship of Roy Cohn, a Consigliere to both the Gambino and the Genovese families.
(It was suggested to me, from a source, that his father, Fred, gave this 'advice' to his son.    Fred Trump is an interesting individual in his own right - and one can only speculate as to the real motives for this advice to his son Donald.)
Both the Genovese and Gambino families ran New York, at that time.
Nothing major got built in New York nor imported through the Docks - without labor and materials problems and delays - unless you had the 'patronage' of one or the other Families.
Trump Tower was one of these contracts 'underwritten' by the Genovese family.
Right, let me stop here and say many decades ago, through a Swiss legal firm (Lalive Budin) I 'negotiated' through this firm for the 'return' of some 'assets' stolen by a Swiss-based 'branch' of one of the New York families.
The legal threat was to expose a ' highly lucrative' operation if at least part of the proceeds were not returned to one individual.   Exposure would have meant bad publicity and any assertion that the operation was illegal would have been most unwelcome - since it had never been challenged as being anything but legitimate and, to the best of my knowledge, was not under any investigation at that time anywhere in Europe.
[I believe that the FBI was moving in on their New York operation.]
(As a party, I was going on the old adage: ''half of something was better than half or nothing''!) 
I mention this because Swiss firms were, at that time, unwittingly and unknowingly I must add, themselves acting as 'middle-men' for Mob operations - including payments for professional contracted international services, to, individuals living in, say, Neuchatel.
Such individuals are long-deceased.
A small 'payout' to one client - with a 30-year confidentiality agreement - though legitimate legal  representatives - was a better option than (perhaps) having (ultimately) thousands (or maybe more) of huge claims for the return of misappropriated funds by the New York-based firm  (which had the Twin Towers as seen from above looking down) as logo on their sales brochure.
It was a serious business and people had unfortunate 'accidents' when deals went wrong or they 'crossed' the wrong individual with powerful 'connections'.
[There was always a 'soldier' or 'contractor' somewhere in the shadows to 'guarantee' compliance with agreements (between outsiders and a company or enterprise fronting a family) where deals were made to return partial funds in exchange for silence. Better to have some funds and be alive than all of the money - and not to be alive (!)]

I will not gloss over the fact that both families were utterly ruthless - and many who 'crossed them' 'disappeared' - rumored to be 'quietly resting' today underneath the foundations of many of the towers, shopping complexes and high-rise apartments the Families had an 'interest' in. 

The point I am making here is that I know what I am talking about from personal experience and not just from what I read - as most 'traditional' mainstream journalists and researchers will present to you as 'fact' data which they have little knowledge about in the real world from their own personal encounters or experience.

There was a legal link between Switzerland, the Genovese and Gambino families and Trump Enterprises at that time.

So Donald Trump got his properties built and went on to be very successful in Real Estate and in the Casino and gambling worlds.

Funny Thing: Luck?
His associates - those go-betweens who had helped him become successful - were no so fortunate.  They all seemed to have 'bad luck' ruin their enterprises.
The suppliers of goods and services - rarely paid - many went bankrupt, casinos and other entertainment enterprises - closed down or bankrupt.  
Even the Genovese and Gambino families were 'unlucky'.

Funny (strange) thing these bad luck chance happenings?
If I was paranoid I would say that 'bad luck' happenings were cleverly arranged to make things appear to be what they were not.

Not much cold weather at Mar - a - Lago (!)]

©Patrick Emek, June 2017

Why Trump Will Never Be Investigated For His 'Mob' Connections

[Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold]

Not To be Taken As Fact Complete - But Not Total Fiction Either
The information given here is presented without key evidence available.
As a professional researcher and analyst it is always a problem presenting data without backup evidence in considerable detail.
This evidence is usually contained in detailed references which are carefully sourced and which often contain kernel facts.
In this particular case it is impossible to present
these facts because they relate to sworn evidence given under oath and in secret.
The reason for this is because secret guarantees of anonymity were given in order to get vital information which secured the trial and conviction of powerful key crime bosses operating in New York and later in Florida.
What this means is that a secret pardon(s) was given to individual(s) who provided sworn evidence to ensure the conviction of Mob Bosses and their legal go-betweens (or Consiglieri.)
I have not seen the evidence and am reporting third hand what is available but not to be found (to the best of my knowledge) anywhere in the public domain.
I have researched the Internet and nowhere does the above information appear - other than here.
I cannot attest to the accuracy of what I was told just before the Easter break but neither have I reason to doubt that it may have a modicum of validity.
Of course it may have no truth whatsoever and was simply a distraction or propaganda exercise in lies and deceit ('fake news'.)

Donald and The New York Families Gambino and Genovese
What I will now do is present the public domain 'evidence' for Donald Trump's ties with the Mafia.
I will then leave the matter as inconclusive.
I am assuming my readership to be above average intelligence so you will already have enough research material to run with to further validate or invalidate (rubbish!) everything in this blog.
Yes folks I am challenging to use your own contacts to rubbish everything in this blog - and good luck!; - I am your biggest supporter (!)

Rich Kid Poor Kid
[Rich Kid (Trump) Poor Immigrant 'Kids' (Genovese and Gambino Families)]
The story begins with a very rich and spoilt kid from a background of exclusive wealth and privilege and how Anthony ('Fat Tony') Salerno and Paul Castellano helped him get started in the real estate business.
You can read about 'Fat Tony' an underboss and Capo of the Genovese Family, and Paul Castellano, Godfather of the Gambino family from the references below.

A Tale of 3 families:
(Genovese, Gambino and Trump)

''After graduating in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania, a rich young man sought his fortune on the island of Manhattan.'' (Politico)

It was recommended to him to seek the friendship of Roy Cohn, a Consigliere to both the Gambino and the Genovese families.
(It was suggested to me, from a source, that his father, Fred, gave this 'advice' to his son.    Fred Trump is an interesting individual in his own right - and one can only speculate as to the real motives for this advice to his son Donald.)
Both the Genovese and Gambino families ran New York, at that time.
Nothing major got built in New York nor imported through the Docks - without labor and materials problems and delays - unless you had the 'patronage' of one or the other Families.
Trump Tower was one of these contracts 'underwritten' by the Genovese family.
Right, let me stop here and say many decades ago, through a Swiss legal firm (Lalive Budin) I 'negotiated' through this firm for the 'return' of some 'assets' stolen by a Swiss-based 'branch' of one of the New York families.
The legal threat was to expose a ' highly lucrative' operation if at least part of the proceeds were not returned to one individual.   Exposure would have meant bad publicity and any assertion that the operation was illegal would have been most unwelcome - since it had never been challenged as being anything but legitimate and, to the best of my knowledge, was not under any investigation at that time anywhere in Europe.
[I believe that the FBI was moving in on their New York operation.]
(As a party, I was going on the old adage: ''half of something was better than half or nothing''!) 
I mention this because Swiss firms were, at that time, unwittingly and unknowingly I must add, themselves acting as 'middle-men' for Mob operations - including payments for professional contracted international services, to, individuals living in, say, Neuchatel.
Such individuals are long-deceased.
A small 'payout' to one client - with a 30-year confidentiality agreement - though legitimate legal  representatives - was a better option than (perhaps) having (ultimately) thousands (or maybe more) of huge claims for the return of misappropriated funds by the New York-based firm  (which had the Twin Towers as seen from above looking down) as logo on their sales brochure.
It was a serious business and people had unfortunate 'accidents' when deals went wrong or they 'crossed' the wrong individual with powerful 'connections'.
[There was always a 'soldier' or 'contractor' somewhere in the shadows to 'guarantee' compliance with agreements (between outsiders and a company or enterprise fronting a family) where deals were made to return partial funds in exchange for silence. Better to have some funds and be alive than all of the money - and not to be alive (!)]

I will not gloss over the fact that both families were utterly ruthless - and many who 'crossed them' 'disappeared' - rumored to be 'quietly resting' today underneath the foundations of many of the towers, shopping complexes and high-rise apartments the Families had an 'interest' in. 

The point I am making here is that I know what I am talking about from personal experience and not just from what I read - as most 'traditional' mainstream journalists and researchers will present to you as 'fact' data which they have little knowledge about in the real world from their own personal encounters or experience.

There was a legal link between Switzerland, the Genovese and Gambino families and Trump Enterprises at that time.

So Donald Trump got his properties built and went on to be very successful in Real Estate and in the Casino and gambling worlds.

Funny Thing: Luck?
His associates - those go-betweens who had helped him become successful - were no so fortunate.  They all seemed to have 'bad luck' ruin their enterprises.
The suppliers of goods and services - rarely paid - many went bankrupt, casinos and other entertainment enterprises - closed down or bankrupt.  
Even the Genovese and Gambino families were 'unlucky'.

Funny (strange) thing these bad luck chance happenings?
If I was paranoid I would say that 'bad luck' happenings were cleverly arranged to make things appear to be what they were not.

Not much cold weather at Mar - a - Lago (!)]

©Patrick Emek, June 2017

Friday 16 June 2017

The 'Golden Shower' Tapes

Do you remember that Company Report (first released here from an anonymous source - see the reference below*) where it was alleged that Donald Trump paid a bunch of young Hookers to urinate and defecate on the bed the Obamas slept in - because he has always hated the Obamas and has resisted sleeping with his wife in the same White House bed which they (the Obamas) 'occupied' - only reluctantly agreeing because of the international controversy it would cause if he threw out that same bed (!)

Well...........interestingly....there might very well be tapes of that 'Golden Shower' session.......released from a certain U.S. ally.................soon........

This would indeed vindicate yet another part of the 35-page Company Report - which President Trump has always emphatically denied - which Report you can read at


The most up-to-date information about this is contained within Donald Trump's favorite medium: 

The 'Golden Shower' Tapes

Do you remember that Company Report (first released here from an anonymous source - see the reference below*) where it was alleged that Donald Trump paid a bunch of young Hookers to urinate and defecate on the bed the Obamas slept in - because he has always hated the Obamas and has resisted sleeping with his wife in the same White House bed which they (the Obamas) 'occupied' - only reluctantly agreeing because of the international controversy it would cause if he threw out that same bed (!)

Well...........interestingly....there might very well be tapes of that 'Golden Shower' session.......released from a certain U.S. ally.................soon........

This would indeed vindicate yet another part of the 35-page Company Report - which President Trump has always emphatically denied - which Report you can read at


The most up-to-date information about this is contained within Donald Trump's favorite medium: 

The 'Golden Shower' Tapes

Do you remember that Company Report (first released here from an anonymous source - see the reference below*) where it was alleged that Donald Trump paid a bunch of young Hookers to urinate and defecate on the bed the Obamas slept in - because he has always hated the Obamas and has resisted sleeping with his wife in the same White House bed which they (the Obamas) 'occupied' - only reluctantly agreeing because of the international controversy it would cause if he threw out that same bed (!)

Well...........interestingly....there might very well be tapes of that 'Golden Shower' session.......released from a certain U.S. ally.................soon........

This would indeed vindicate yet another part of the 35-page Company Report - which President Trump has always emphatically denied - which Report you can read at


The most up-to-date information about this is contained within Donald Trump's favorite medium: 

Wednesday 14 June 2017

High Crimes Of Treason and Espionage V

EXCLUSIVE: Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s Phone Hacked by Five Eyes

Thank you for visiting the website 'patribotics' from which the past 3 Treason & Espionage blogs at this site have been extracted.  
From now on I will feature new information as inserted 'basic' details on the far right hand side of this website and not as a main web page.
The reason for this is so that you go direct to their website for regular updates.

Please could you also remember that while not always agreeing with the content, we support our brothers and sisters at 

whose invaluable contribution to research ensures that your rights to free speech are also protected.

The investigative work they undertake is not for the faint-hearted but without their research we would all be in ignorance about what politicians who hold high office are doing - supposedly in the names of the American electorate.

Their investigative work is also an inspiration for journalists and researchers who live and work in restricted environments where such tasks are dangerous and undertaken in peril.

Remember brothers and sisters, what restrictions President Trump would like to introduce against a free media which exposes treason and espionage by politicians today, will be used against yourselves on the alternative political spectrum tomorrow - or as soon as you no longer agree with him and his small clique. 
[Just study how the Fuhrer disposed of Rohm and others after they had served their purpose.]
So defending our right to free speech is the same as defending your own.

This evening I learned of the shooting of House Majority Whip Leader Steve Scalise, two  Police Officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, a former Congressional Staff Member - Matt Mika - and Zack Barth.

I wish them all a speedy recovery and send best regards to their families at this time of tragedy.


High Crimes Of Treason and Espionage V

EXCLUSIVE: Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s Phone Hacked by Five Eyes

Thank you for visiting the website 'patribotics' from which the past 3 Treason & Espionage blogs at this site have been extracted.  
From now on I will feature new information as inserted 'basic' details on the far right hand side of this website and not as a main web page.
The reason for this is so that you go direct to their website for regular updates.

Please could you also remember that while not always agreeing with the content, we support our brothers and sisters at 

whose invaluable contribution to research ensures that your rights to free speech are also protected.

The investigative work they undertake is not for the faint-hearted but without their research we would all be in ignorance about what politicians who hold high office are doing - supposedly in the names of the American electorate.

Their investigative work is also an inspiration for journalists and researchers who live and work in restricted environments where such tasks are dangerous and undertaken in peril.

Remember brothers and sisters, what restrictions President Trump would like to introduce against a free media which exposes treason and espionage by politicians today, will be used against yourselves on the alternative political spectrum tomorrow - or as soon as you no longer agree with him and his small clique. 
[Just study how the Fuhrer disposed of Rohm and others after they had served their purpose.]
So defending our right to free speech is the same as defending your own.

This evening I learned of the shooting of House Majority Whip Leader Steve Scalise, two  Police Officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, a former Congressional Staff Member - Matt Mika - and Zack Barth.

I wish them all a speedy recovery and send best regards to their families at this time of tragedy.


As if having Donald Trump as President isn't the end of the world, the Sun (that big yellow ball in the sky!)  is now playing up.
Yesterday a massive hole opened up  in the Sun's atmosphere and it is turning towards earth.
This is a coronal hole so expect at the very least high magnetic storms and fluctuations in the magnetosphere resulting, at the very least, in telecommunications disruptions globally.

article below is a partial extract from the website:

Please visit this website for updates - especially if you are a pilot or navigator

Lights Over lapland is excited to announce that Autumn Aurora Adventures are available for immediate booking! Reserve your adventure of a lifetime in Abisko National Park, Sweden today!
NASA TRIES AGAIN TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS: On Thursday, June 15th, NASA will attempt to overcome a series of weather and hazard-related postponements to launch a sounding rocket over the east coast of the USA.  The Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket will blast off between 9:05 and 9:20 p.m. EDT and release a network of red and blue-green vapors more than 100 miles high. Tracking the motions of the colorful gases will help researchers study the dynamics of Earth's ionosphere. The vapor tracers may be visible from New York to North Carolina and westward to Charlottesville, Virginia.
A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere and it is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure, shown here in an extreme ultraviolet image taken on June 13th:
This is a coronal hole (CH) -- a region where the sun's magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. A fast-moving stream of solar wind from this coronal hole is expected to arrive on June 16th, possibly sparking G1-class geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where autumn darkness favors visibility.

Forecasters note that this stream is unusually fast with wind speeds as high as 700 km/s. Moreover, it is threaded with "negative polarity" (south-pointing) magnetic fields. Such fields do a good job connecting to Earth's magnetosphere and energizing geomagnetic storms. Free: Aurora Alerts

As if having Donald Trump as President isn't the end of the world, the Sun (that big yellow ball in the sky!)  is now playing up.
Yesterday a massive hole opened up  in the Sun's atmosphere and it is turning towards earth.
This is a coronal hole so expect at the very least high magnetic storms and fluctuations in the magnetosphere resulting, at the very least, in telecommunications disruptions globally.

article below is a partial extract from the website:

Please visit this website for updates - especially if you are a pilot or navigator

Lights Over lapland is excited to announce that Autumn Aurora Adventures are available for immediate booking! Reserve your adventure of a lifetime in Abisko National Park, Sweden today!
NASA TRIES AGAIN TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS: On Thursday, June 15th, NASA will attempt to overcome a series of weather and hazard-related postponements to launch a sounding rocket over the east coast of the USA.  The Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket will blast off between 9:05 and 9:20 p.m. EDT and release a network of red and blue-green vapors more than 100 miles high. Tracking the motions of the colorful gases will help researchers study the dynamics of Earth's ionosphere. The vapor tracers may be visible from New York to North Carolina and westward to Charlottesville, Virginia.
A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere and it is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure, shown here in an extreme ultraviolet image taken on June 13th:
This is a coronal hole (CH) -- a region where the sun's magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. A fast-moving stream of solar wind from this coronal hole is expected to arrive on June 16th, possibly sparking G1-class geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where autumn darkness favors visibility.

Forecasters note that this stream is unusually fast with wind speeds as high as 700 km/s. Moreover, it is threaded with "negative polarity" (south-pointing) magnetic fields. Such fields do a good job connecting to Earth's magnetosphere and energizing geomagnetic storms. Free: Aurora Alerts

As if having Donald Trump as President isn't the end of the world, the Sun (that big yellow ball in the sky!)  is now playing up.
Yesterday a massive hole opened up  in the Sun's atmosphere and it is turning towards earth.
This is a coronal hole so expect at the very least high magnetic storms and fluctuations in the magnetosphere resulting, at the very least, in telecommunications disruptions globally.

article below is a partial extract from the website:

Please visit this website for updates - especially if you are a pilot or navigator

Lights Over lapland is excited to announce that Autumn Aurora Adventures are available for immediate booking! Reserve your adventure of a lifetime in Abisko National Park, Sweden today!
NASA TRIES AGAIN TO PRODUCE ARTIFICIAL CLOUDS: On Thursday, June 15th, NASA will attempt to overcome a series of weather and hazard-related postponements to launch a sounding rocket over the east coast of the USA.  The Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket will blast off between 9:05 and 9:20 p.m. EDT and release a network of red and blue-green vapors more than 100 miles high. Tracking the motions of the colorful gases will help researchers study the dynamics of Earth's ionosphere. The vapor tracers may be visible from New York to North Carolina and westward to Charlottesville, Virginia.
A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere and it is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure, shown here in an extreme ultraviolet image taken on June 13th:
This is a coronal hole (CH) -- a region where the sun's magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. A fast-moving stream of solar wind from this coronal hole is expected to arrive on June 16th, possibly sparking G1-class geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where autumn darkness favors visibility.

Forecasters note that this stream is unusually fast with wind speeds as high as 700 km/s. Moreover, it is threaded with "negative polarity" (south-pointing) magnetic fields. Such fields do a good job connecting to Earth's magnetosphere and energizing geomagnetic storms. Free: Aurora Alerts

Tuesday 13 June 2017

High Crimes Of Treason and Espionage  IV


Director Comey Legally Taped Calls, Meetings With Trump

This reference (above) completes and answers some of the questions I have had about the sequence of events.
It is not by any means complete but it adds context to Director Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week.

Please could you refer to this investigative research website (given above) directly for any updates.   Thank you.

Esprit de Corps
The existence of Director Comey's tapes are the final episode of the sealed indictment revealed earlier (and exclusively) - again at the research website below.

This whole sad and sorry episode in U.S. Presidential history emphasises the importance of political research and investigative journalism being prepared to go where few others in the national and international media, out of fear and trepidation, dare to venture.

It also underscores the importance of the legal protection of a free media and freedom of the press in open societies from interference by organs of the State or State-sponsored 'contractors' or 'surrogates'.

Sealed Indictment
A sealed indictment of a sitting President is not something lightly undertaken.   
There is a world of a difference between being unhappy with Russian interference in an electoral process and accusations of treason and espionage - especially where tapes exist to confirm such treason.

When 'the whole package' is finally presented, Republicans will have no choice, as patriots, but to take 'the message' to the President.

The future is not set in stone and the road to impeachment is not the only road available  by any means.

President Trump's Trip To Saudi Arabia, The Vatican, and NATO
One of the saddest things which I will remember is the President's speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and in particular, his call for peace and unity.
I say 'sad' because it took place in Saudi Arabia whereas a similar conciliatory speech should have been delivered to the American people on Inauguration Day in the United States.

The next saddest event was his insulting gestures to the Pontiff
and the Pope's general 'unhappiness' with the meeting as can visibly be seen below.
The only time President Trump appears 'happy' is when he is insulting and humiliating and degrading other individuals - such as in this case the Pontiff.

Praising The Wealthy Saudis While Insulting The Pope and NATO
Finally President Trump departs from the Vatican to insult every NATO Representative whose member countries all ensured that the skies above America -  the American people and their families regardless of  politics - were being protected in the immediate aftermath after 9/11.  The task was entitled 'Operation Eagle Assist' and it was the first time ever Article 5 of the NATO Treaty was invoked - not by a European country under imminent attack - but by the United States itself.
(You did not know this?; you need to be better informed.)

These are my enduring memories of the incumbent U.S. President's trip to the Middle East and Europe.  
I doubt that I am alone being left with such impressions.

© Patrick Emek, June 2017

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