
Saturday 29 July 2017

Instinct and The Human Species:
Sleepwalking Into The Past
I was asked why I did not do a detailed research comparison side by side of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.
One as ruler, took the world down a path to almost total annihilation.
Both appear to have clinically erased specific links of their genealogy to ensure that they were seen by their respective electorates (the 'uneducated' or 'manipulable' masses)  for something they were not prepared to openly reveal.
Both worked on the assumption that to reveal certain details would seriously hinder their political ambitions.
In the case of the Fuhrer it was quite deliberate and took place before he assumed responsibility as Chancellor of Germany. This meant that no official records exist from that time forward about what covert 'projects' preceded his consolidation of power.

Separating Facts From Racism
It is very difficult to conduct such research unless you are highly professional – and this is not my area of detailed expertise. Apart from anything else, a lot of such so called 'research' is simply disguised racism and anti-Semitism thus lacking the objectivity required for unbiased data analysis based solely on fact – however unpalatable these findings might be.
Trump knows all the media 'tricks' to motivate his electoral base – or at least thinks that he does.  He knows all the emotive 'strings' to pull to make the masses both happy and angry.

He has learnt from the Fuhrer's 'mistakes' and is hoping not to repeat them.

Trump's New World Order:
The New Triumvirate
Why is all of this relevant at this particular time?
Donald Trump has at his disposal the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons the world has ever seen.
While he appears to be very careful at this point in his foreign policy decisions, so too was the Fuhrer – that is – until he had consolidated power on the home front and was ready for the next step – world domination.

Trump would appear to favor a 'triumvirate' to rule this planet.
That triumvirate at this particular point in time is the United States, Russia and China – with the rest of the world serving as economic and political vassals.
So his first objective is to 'persuade' the masses that the world is 'better off' with a triumvirate.
Both China and Russia must be 'softened up' to appear, something like the International Red Cross, as saviours rather than as rivals or entities with ulterior motives.
As with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Russia is ready, prepared and eager to join this new world order.
All that stands in the way is the Congress of The United States and a number of specific influential individuals who, mark my words, will be 'targeted' for character assassination and replacement – if not assassination.
Their political bases are already being undermined - being targeted for  democratic 'replacement' at the next election.  A Gerrymandering conspiracy by President Trump  is already working at undermining the foundations of democratic America as we know it.
If character assassination and removal from office does not work, expect more  'proactive' measures.  [I do not make such utterances lightly but have no evidence to backup my analysis in this regard. - only species instinct, nurture and past history. Not many people now stand between this 'new vision' of world domination and its realization.]

[Nature and Nurture On The Road To Hell]
This new world order will work well when dealing with unsophisticated tribal peoples with little backbone nor appetite for conflict. 
Besides, if you have no nukes at your disposal and a (perceived) madman, demagogue or tyrant with a global army at his or her disposal does, what limited choice do you have?  [This would include the majority of nations around the globe.]
When dealing, however, with stronger-willed tribes with war, blood and sacrifice an integral part of their heritage for thousands of years, he will run into major problems.
The British are one such race. This is why he is (in many respects) 'ignoring' them – because he fears they could become a thorn in his side and provide a rally point for future 'resistance' when his longer-term 'ambitions' (and those being prepared for key roles) become apparent to all.  The British will start only to oppose Trump's plans when it becomes apparent that their 'global  interests' are part of 'hostile' corporate takeovers.  Until that time, they will dance to whatever tune Trump plays.
The same with the Fuhrer in the 1930s.  For so long as he posed no threat to Britain and the Empire everything he did was 'fair game'. 
His 'slight' of the 'special relationship' was there for all to see – pointedly ignoring the UK on his first overseas trip.  
Never forget that for Trump, Mammon for himself and his entourage is the name of the game - but the masses will be oblivious - lost in the emotive sentiments of all of our base tribal fears - all of our worst nightmares made manifest through one individual acting as saviour, guardian, shepherd, prophet and visionary - on the road to Hell.

'Peace For Our Time!'
Yes of course he will visit Britain and will be afforded all the pomp and ceremony befitting a head of state as is usual and diplomatic for such events.
Yes he will be greeted by all you would expect and affirm support for Britain whilst castigating the European Union. Yes he will talk about the 'special relationship' (to the applause, relief and joy of all politicians and the business sector.) But as with everything, as with the Fuhrer, he has other business plans for a (now) detatched part of the European continent – now 'living' in 'splendid isolation' (similar to the 1920s and early 1930s) 'unshackled' from that 'loser' (the European Union.)
So this is how Britons will see their transatlantic 'saviour' as he throws what appears to be an economic lifeline – throwing all caution to the wind for short-term financial gain.
This is what President Trump will literally be banking on and, do you know what, his own instincts about the British will be one hundred per cent accurate.

The Bystander Effect

How did we come so terribly far from the wonderful ideals of democracy, free speech and respect for the fourth estate, and, more importantly, why?
(The important question about Germany during the 1930s was why the rise of Hitler was not curtailed. Everyone could see what was happening yet nobody wanted to take action. When action was taken it was feeble and half-hearted, culminating in the Munich Pact.  I think it's called 'the bystander effect.')
In any event, the British establishment, was. for the most part, let's say 'mildly sympathetic' towards the Fuhrer in the earlier years.   Like donkeys, they realized, almost at the very last moment, that if they did nothing but remained in their high castle of 'splendid isolation' from Europe, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan - the triumvirate of that time – after Turkey opted out) from East to West would squash the British Empire out of existence with Britain and the colonies becoming vassals of the New World Order.

Don't expect your oligarch-controlled media to 'feed' you any truths with regard to the above. While you have it, gather as much virtual data and frontier channels for resistance and protest because you will need them in the years ahead.
Don't expect your mainstream media to tell you what you will find out here. Indeed expect the opposite. Prepare to be maligned, isolated, and called every name imaginable for speaking truth to power. Should you instinctively decide to pass on this detailed analysis, don't expect any reward or accolade for revealing that which is already known but rarely spoken as plain truth, without fear nor favor.

Every Empire and Aspirant Will Instinctively Attract It's Very Own Unique Demagogues [Or Demi-Gods]
And what about those institutions of the United States supposed to protect the process from tyranny? What happens when they themselves become the focus of a 'Night Of The Long Knives' by President Donald Trump?
Make no mistake as I have warned you from almost day one, this is his ultimate domestic objective.

Is there a solution or is this just part of the natural process of our species which will continue ad infinitum until extinction?
I think you know my answer already: – this species never learns from its past mistakes and is forever doomed to repetition, regardless of race, religion, color, creed or, indeed, sexuality.

So today it's Trump, tomorrow (some other future or  decade) it will  be someone else:
The Fuhrer is dead! – long live the Fuhrer!

With little else to say, I am presenting the best comparative ancestral analysis I have found of both Adolf Hitler and Donald J. Trump - back to back.

One word of caution before you read the comparative analysis between the Fuhrer and Trump.
I applaud the researcher for some excellent work in this regard.
I question his motives only in so far as he 'paints' a conspiracy to mislead the world by one exclusive group (Jews) from time immemorial.  This is not just inaccurate but plainly false and what comes out is a bitterness, derision and fear of one racial group - which does not help us (you know, the 'sane ' ones on the outside!)  to  progress how to deal with demagogues in general both now and into the future as they yet again hypnotize the masses and lead them (yet again) down the road to Hell. 

Every race on this planet has it's unique demagogue 'Donald Trump' who sleeps the dream of dreams - control power and wealth over all - and so many of these scumbags are currently awaiting the final outcome of this 'play' before contemplating their very own 'Trumpistans' - in deference and to mirror the accomplishments of their 'hero' to emulate.

In my short time in existence, I have seen, read and learned about it - so so so many times before - with no end in sight for now nor for the time to come.

Yes of course there are conspiracies - every 'tribe' 'race' or 'group' or board of directors on this planet has individuals (and co-conspirators from their own or other tribes who revel in them!)
So do not believe that Trump's  part of one unique global conspiracy - nor that the majority of  American Jews are not horrified by everything he represents.  [Do not also forget what happened to the German Jews when Hitler came to power. They were either expelled or  murdered -apart from a very close circle  of 'chosen' (or conspiracist) elites.]
It is ironic but little known that Jews who formed the armed resistance to the Fuhrer in Germany and across Europe were not  in the main Zionists but socialists (some might even call them, with some irony, democratic national socialists - but that is a bridge too far in thinking for general comprehension and I will not expand at on the issue at this point in time.)

All the above said this (below) is a very detailed piece of research which is highly accurate and utilizes non-Gentile sources as the  primary base for analysis and discussion.  
I do not believe that the researcher takes 'excessive' 'liberties' but he does let you know where his thinking is 'speculative' and not based on actual fact.  Where he speculates (or extrapolates with the interpretation of names and changes of names) these are not unreasonable and do have a modicum of validity.  Do not rely on any one source.  I use 'Wikipedia' as a standard yardstick but, as with the researcher, agree that it (and genealogy websites) are not 100% accurate so should never be taken as 'Gospel' and the last word for anything you are researching.   When fact-checking any genealogy website referred to, again check as to whether that website has a history of inaccuracies or misleading or omitted content.

I doubt that you will find anything like it elsewhere - but please do fill in any gaps or misleading statements.  

I think also that you will find Miles Williams Mathis very receptive and responsive to any criticisms you might have of his research below.

addendum on 30th July:

(I never cease to be surprised when people think it unusual that Jews would or should not have an affinity or interest (or support) for their place of historical heritage -Israel or Palestine or Judea - as it was known at various times until after World War II.  Italian-Americans are never criticized because they have an affinity for Italy, or German-Americans for Germany or indeed the Irish-Americans for Ireland, Iranian-Americans for Iran or Lebanese-Americans for the Lebanon or African-Americans for West Africa, nor Anglo-Saxon Americans for their love (or historical heritage interest, affinity and support) for Europe or England.
The problem only arises when the foreign policy of any country is compromised in terms of it's national security through such sentiments.)

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

Instinct and The Human Species:
Sleepwalking Into The Past
I was asked why I did not do a detailed research comparison side by side of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.
One as ruler, took the world down a path to almost total annihilation.
Both appear to have clinically erased specific links of their genealogy to ensure that they were seen by their respective electorates (the 'uneducated' or 'manipulable' masses)  for something they were not prepared to openly reveal.
Both worked on the assumption that to reveal certain details would seriously hinder their political ambitions.
In the case of the Fuhrer it was quite deliberate and took place before he assumed responsibility as Chancellor of Germany. This meant that no official records exist from that time forward about what covert 'projects' preceded his consolidation of power.

Separating Facts From Racism
It is very difficult to conduct such research unless you are highly professional – and this is not my area of detailed expertise. Apart from anything else, a lot of such so called 'research' is simply disguised racism and anti-Semitism thus lacking the objectivity required for unbiased data analysis based solely on fact – however unpalatable these findings might be.
Trump knows all the media 'tricks' to motivate his electoral base – or at least thinks that he does.  He knows all the emotive 'strings' to pull to make the masses both happy and angry.

He has learnt from the Fuhrer's 'mistakes' and is hoping not to repeat them.

Trump's New World Order:
The New Triumvirate
Why is all of this relevant at this particular time?
Donald Trump has at his disposal the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons the world has ever seen.
While he appears to be very careful at this point in his foreign policy decisions, so too was the Fuhrer – that is – until he had consolidated power on the home front and was ready for the next step – world domination.

Trump would appear to favor a 'triumvirate' to rule this planet.
That triumvirate at this particular point in time is the United States, Russia and China – with the rest of the world serving as economic and political vassals.
So his first objective is to 'persuade' the masses that the world is 'better off' with a triumvirate.
Both China and Russia must be 'softened up' to appear, something like the International Red Cross, as saviours rather than as rivals or entities with ulterior motives.
As with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Russia is ready, prepared and eager to join this new world order.
All that stands in the way is the Congress of The United States and a number of specific influential individuals who, mark my words, will be 'targeted' for character assassination and replacement – if not assassination.
Their political bases are already being undermined - being targeted for  democratic 'replacement' at the next election.  A Gerrymandering conspiracy by President Trump  is already working at undermining the foundations of democratic America as we know it.
If character assassination and removal from office does not work, expect more  'proactive' measures.  [I do not make such utterances lightly but have no evidence to backup my analysis in this regard. - only species instinct, nurture and past history. Not many people now stand between this 'new vision' of world domination and its realization.]

[Nature and Nurture On The Road To Hell]
This new world order will work well when dealing with unsophisticated tribal peoples with little backbone nor appetite for conflict. 
Besides, if you have no nukes at your disposal and a (perceived) madman, demagogue or tyrant with a global army at his or her disposal does, what limited choice do you have?  [This would include the majority of nations around the globe.]
When dealing, however, with stronger-willed tribes with war, blood and sacrifice an integral part of their heritage for thousands of years, he will run into major problems.
The British are one such race. This is why he is (in many respects) 'ignoring' them – because he fears they could become a thorn in his side and provide a rally point for future 'resistance' when his longer-term 'ambitions' (and those being prepared for key roles) become apparent to all.  The British will start only to oppose Trump's plans when it becomes apparent that their 'global  interests' are part of 'hostile' corporate takeovers.  Until that time, they will dance to whatever tune Trump plays.
The same with the Fuhrer in the 1930s.  For so long as he posed no threat to Britain and the Empire everything he did was 'fair game'. 
His 'slight' of the 'special relationship' was there for all to see – pointedly ignoring the UK on his first overseas trip.  
Never forget that for Trump, Mammon for himself and his entourage is the name of the game - but the masses will be oblivious - lost in the emotive sentiments of all of our base tribal fears - all of our worst nightmares made manifest through one individual acting as saviour, guardian, shepherd, prophet and visionary - on the road to Hell.

'Peace For Our Time!'
Yes of course he will visit Britain and will be afforded all the pomp and ceremony befitting a head of state as is usual and diplomatic for such events.
Yes he will be greeted by all you would expect and affirm support for Britain whilst castigating the European Union. Yes he will talk about the 'special relationship' (to the applause, relief and joy of all politicians and the business sector.) But as with everything, as with the Fuhrer, he has other business plans for a (now) detatched part of the European continent – now 'living' in 'splendid isolation' (similar to the 1920s and early 1930s) 'unshackled' from that 'loser' (the European Union.)
So this is how Britons will see their transatlantic 'saviour' as he throws what appears to be an economic lifeline – throwing all caution to the wind for short-term financial gain.
This is what President Trump will literally be banking on and, do you know what, his own instincts about the British will be one hundred per cent accurate.

The Bystander Effect

How did we come so terribly far from the wonderful ideals of democracy, free speech and respect for the fourth estate, and, more importantly, why?
(The important question about Germany during the 1930s was why the rise of Hitler was not curtailed. Everyone could see what was happening yet nobody wanted to take action. When action was taken it was feeble and half-hearted, culminating in the Munich Pact.  I think it's called 'the bystander effect.')
In any event, the British establishment, was. for the most part, let's say 'mildly sympathetic' towards the Fuhrer in the earlier years.   Like donkeys, they realized, almost at the very last moment, that if they did nothing but remained in their high castle of 'splendid isolation' from Europe, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan - the triumvirate of that time – after Turkey opted out) from East to West would squash the British Empire out of existence with Britain and the colonies becoming vassals of the New World Order.

Don't expect your oligarch-controlled media to 'feed' you any truths with regard to the above. While you have it, gather as much virtual data and frontier channels for resistance and protest because you will need them in the years ahead.
Don't expect your mainstream media to tell you what you will find out here. Indeed expect the opposite. Prepare to be maligned, isolated, and called every name imaginable for speaking truth to power. Should you instinctively decide to pass on this detailed analysis, don't expect any reward or accolade for revealing that which is already known but rarely spoken as plain truth, without fear nor favor.

Every Empire and Aspirant Will Instinctively Attract It's Very Own Unique Demagogues [Or Demi-Gods]
And what about those institutions of the United States supposed to protect the process from tyranny? What happens when they themselves become the focus of a 'Night Of The Long Knives' by President Donald Trump?
Make no mistake as I have warned you from almost day one, this is his ultimate domestic objective.

Is there a solution or is this just part of the natural process of our species which will continue ad infinitum until extinction?
I think you know my answer already: – this species never learns from its past mistakes and is forever doomed to repetition, regardless of race, religion, color, creed or, indeed, sexuality.

So today it's Trump, tomorrow (some other future or  decade) it will  be someone else:
The Fuhrer is dead! – long live the Fuhrer!

With little else to say, I am presenting the best comparative ancestral analysis I have found of both Adolf Hitler and Donald J. Trump - back to back.

One word of caution before you read the comparative analysis between the Fuhrer and Trump.
I applaud the researcher for some excellent work in this regard.
I question his motives only in so far as he 'paints' a conspiracy to mislead the world by one exclusive group (Jews) from time immemorial.  This is not just inaccurate but plainly false and what comes out is a bitterness, derision and fear of one racial group - which does not help us (you know, the 'sane ' ones on the outside!)  to  progress how to deal with demagogues in general both now and into the future as they yet again hypnotize the masses and lead them (yet again) down the road to Hell. 

Every race on this planet has it's unique demagogue 'Donald Trump' who sleeps the dream of dreams - control power and wealth over all - and so many of these scumbags are currently awaiting the final outcome of this 'play' before contemplating their very own 'Trumpistans' - in deference and to mirror the accomplishments of their 'hero' to emulate.

In my short time in existence, I have seen, read and learned about it - so so so many times before - with no end in sight for now nor for the time to come.

Yes of course there are conspiracies - every 'tribe' 'race' or 'group' or board of directors on this planet has individuals (and co-conspirators from their own or other tribes who revel in them!)
So do not believe that Trump's  part of one unique global conspiracy - nor that the majority of  American Jews are not horrified by everything he represents.  [Do not also forget what happened to the German Jews when Hitler came to power. They were either expelled or  murdered -apart from a very close circle  of 'chosen' (or conspiracist) elites.]
It is ironic but little known that Jews who formed the armed resistance to the Fuhrer in Germany and across Europe were not  in the main Zionists but socialists (some might even call them, with some irony, democratic national socialists - but that is a bridge too far in thinking for general comprehension and I will not expand at on the issue at this point in time.)

All the above said this (below) is a very detailed piece of research which is highly accurate and utilizes non-Gentile sources as the  primary base for analysis and discussion.  
I do not believe that the researcher takes 'excessive' 'liberties' but he does let you know where his thinking is 'speculative' and not based on actual fact.  Where he speculates (or extrapolates with the interpretation of names and changes of names) these are not unreasonable and do have a modicum of validity.  Do not rely on any one source.  I use 'Wikipedia' as a standard yardstick but, as with the researcher, agree that it (and genealogy websites) are not 100% accurate so should never be taken as 'Gospel' and the last word for anything you are researching.   When fact-checking any genealogy website referred to, again check as to whether that website has a history of inaccuracies or misleading or omitted content.

I doubt that you will find anything like it elsewhere - but please do fill in any gaps or misleading statements.  

I think also that you will find Miles Williams Mathis very receptive and responsive to any criticisms you might have of his research below.

addendum on 30th July:

(I never cease to be surprised when people think it unusual that Jews would or should not have an affinity or interest (or support) for their place of historical heritage -Israel or Palestine or Judea - as it was known at various times until after World War II.  Italian-Americans are never criticized because they have an affinity for Italy, or German-Americans for Germany or indeed the Irish-Americans for Ireland, Iranian-Americans for Iran or Lebanese-Americans for the Lebanon or African-Americans for West Africa, nor Anglo-Saxon Americans for their love (or historical heritage, interest, affinity and support) for Europe or England.
The problem only arises when the foreign policy of any country is compromised in terms of it's national security through such sentiments.)

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

Friday 28 July 2017

*'The Great Pretender'

All Of Your Darkest Nightmares Come True

(The Midas Touch-With A Twist)


What if all of the things Trump said about Obama:

1.that he was not a 'good' American

2.that he was betraying the country

3.Trump's media outlets were echoing Russian propaganda that he would declare martial law just before the election in order to retain power
4.That he was akin to a Fuhrer

what if all of the above were one huge projection of Trump, his past, and his future intentions with regard to America and its allies?

If you think that's bizarre, it is no less so than events and revelations which have been happening since Trump was elected into Office.

At the end of all the analysis, the job of the Armed Forces and IC community at the primary level is to protect America, it's constitution and it's institutions.

The pledge of allegiance is to the flag and not to a leader, as supreme ruler or 'Dear Leader' (North Korea.)

The End Of The Beginning

I was going to focus an article on policy issues of this incumbent U.S. Presidency but there seems little point when President Trump is about to embark on the same policy of destroying the U.S. Constitution, it's institutions and it's governance officers as did the Führer when he came to power.

I will not dwell on the Third Reich (which Trump has studied in detail some 40 years ago I might add.)

'Independence Day' Died A Long Time Ago (If It Ever Existed!)
The media is no longer independent in any shape or form.
We all know that. This is one reason why brothers and sisters are reading blogs rather than 'mainstream' news.
In this regard Donald Trump is telling his followers the truth. They know this already because the experiences of their everyday life are so completely divorced from that which they watch and read in the oligarch-controlled press, television and Internet services - all run and staffed by sycophants.
You get promoted and awards from mainstream media for keeping the truth from the public and not the opposite. But Trump supporters know this already.
This is why fed-up and frustrated America more trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh than they do the biased mainstream 'swamp'.
[If you follow my references I told you earlier that The Führer used the term 'fake news' to describe the countless media outlets which 'hounded him' until (and even after) he was invited to be Chancellor.
This 'frustration' (with 'mainstream' everything) applies across the racial, religious and political divides.]

Looking For Answers The Mainstream Media Deem Politically Incorrect and Refuse To Broadcast
I will not dwell on comparisons with the Third Reich and 'Der Sturmer' (one of it's mouthpieces) because a lot has been learned about propaganda techniques since those days and explaining to the novice would take years of lecturing.

In Search Of.........Hope
So I'll cut to the chase: there are more 'have nots' than 'haves' in the United States desperately seeking reasons why they and their children have little hope of anything other than being burdened with debt – like Black slaves or the indentured White and Black sharecroppers of old – than they do chances of legitimate commercial and professional success. They have been 'fed a diet' that 'all Socialism' is bad and that all 'Capitalism' is not just good but is 'God' itself.
Even though they do not realize it, 'Rust Belt'  and 'middle' America which voted Trump into power (never forget, the Führer was democratically elected by popular consensus)  have more in common with the supporters of the Islamic State than they would ever care to imagine.
It sounds preposterous, I know, but both ISIL supporters and Trump supporters are yearning for change from what they both regard as a totally corrupt 'swamps' of 'apostates'. In America it is 'political' apostates and in the Middle East and across the Islamic world, 'spiritual' apostates lost in the Dunya. 
Neither (sadly) realize, that their 'hope' of spiritual and political 'salvation' and revival are both being 'delivered' by 'false' prophets who will only deliver suffering, misery, division and war to their respective believers.
[This is why the  Führer replaced many pastors and other religious clerics when he was consolidating power in Nazi Germany.  He too appreciated that their allegiance to capitalism and to 'the establishment' might work against the commercial philosophical and practical interests of National Socialism economics.  Most fell in line to maintain their jobs and status. In some cases they did not 'go quietly' so he sent them (sometimes also their families) to concentration camps where many died of starvation or were murdered.]
The premise was that socialism is not all bad and that capitalism and National Socialism needed to be implemented in the interests of the Third Reich and its people (some Party Members, of course, being 'more equal than others'.)
Likewise, Trump demands loyalty not to the Constitution but to himself, personally.   Politicians have become so weak, so politically correct, so feeble, so beholden to 'special interest groups' that few have the courage to stand up to him.   Besides, for so long as they stay on the 'popular' side of  the incumbent, why should they worry?; the flawed thinking goes.
And the President is fully aware of these facts.
He is already attempting to 'Gerrymander' future elections and his Republican base, not appreciating the dangers to their own future, are for the most part, staying silent.

21st Century National Socialism -
One Interpretation
One of the key objectives of National Socialism is putting the nation back to work. A second objective is the family. Promoting 'family values' and a chain of linked social and recreational facilities – all free to citizens – was part of a 'body and mind' program.
Linked to this were free health care for all German citizens.
This program had a darker side where eugenics would eliminate those mentally and physically inferior from 'the gene pool' by either sterilization or 'mercy killing'. [Practices very common and learned from the highly popular and widely acceptable United States Eugenics Programs to purify the 'gene' pool of inferior and socially unacceptable individuals throughout the country.
You didn't know this (Eugenics) was a British and American 'invention' not a (Nazi) German one?  That 'concentration camps' (as we understand them in the twentieth century) were 'invented' by the British during the Boer War in South Africa to 'concentrate' White Boers and their families opposing British rule in South Africa, for mass extermination - dying from mass hunger, mass starvation and disease.

So Hitler's Third Reich simply 'copied' what was already in existence and added more frightening available technology for the swifter mass extermination of peoples than existed at the time of the Boer War.

You didn't know all of the above?  Am I lying to you?  Check out the matter by doing your own research before you say this.

You need to be better informed than what your 'politically correct' mainstream media tells you. ]

A Brief Politically Incorrect History Lesson
I would like for just a few minutes to revert to why you were not taught about all this in school.
My personal belief is that the horror of the general populace at finding out that Adolf Hitler was, more likely than not, Jewish, was more than enough to bar further debate. His father was probably Jewish. In my opinion, 'Wikipedia's' account of The Führer's origin is only partially correct.  It is for this reason that I focus on his father's likely origin

You Didn't Know This? You Need To Be Better Informed Than What You See On Mainstream Media
Long before the Führer assumed responsibility as Chancellor a secret unit was tasked with expunging not just The Führer's but a select handful of other identified senior Nazi politicians' Jewish bloodlines from Parish and other official records across Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland.
Because the Germans are very good at administrative record-keeping this was an easier task to accomplish than, say, in a third world country where such records are not so well-maintained.
They were given extraordinary powers – which included – where necessary – execution or assassination of anyone considered or suspected a threat or impediment to their orders and tasks being successfully implemented - with no evidence remaining.
(You didn't know this?   Why am I not surprised!)

Hitler and The Jews
The Führer had absolutely nothing in common (socially) with Jews nor the Jewish community.  [As the child of an illegitimate father whose ancestry was probably Jewish he would not in any case have been accepted into that faith at that time - even if he was interested in it - which quite clearly he was not.  There is debate about his father's ancestry but none about his own, on his mother's side in any event.  It is important to state this for the record.]
As I mentioned in an earlier blog at this website, he desperately wanted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to 'assist him' with his 'plan' to expel the Jews.  (Much to the horror of the Grand Mufti - who rejected the suggestion that Palestine take in Germany's Jews.   Madagascar and Cape Verde Islands were also looked at as alternative homelands for Germany's Jews long before Wannsee.  Nothing came of any of these suggestions.)

I do not know (nor do the best 'experts' in the world for that matter) whether his obsessive and obsessional hatred of Jews was based on his own racial uncertainty or that their practices and beliefs did not square with his 'vision' of National Socialism and the 'destiny' of the German people or that he just simply held them responsible for all of Germany's woes.
I suspect he asked himself a number of questions:
Where did all of these people come from?; they certainly were not refugees from the Middle East nor Palestine(!); why are they so 'different' from 'native' Germans and refusing to integrate?
[The Jews he grew up with in his small town were very different from the 'city' (religious) Jews.   The Fuhrer tells us this himself in 'Mein Kampf '.
How they looked, how they dressed, how they 'behaved' and how they related to 'non-Jews' were all matters he keenly observed and questioned.

His father, Alois, was born illegitimate and, knowing this, this may have had some effect on his perception of the world.
I don't know what influence his (Alois') mother Maria, had in the shaping of beliefs.  Maybe she felt abandoned, betrayed, embittered.   Who knows.
I don't think we ever will.
If you are a keen student you might want to look at earlier blogs I wrote at this website where, as part of references, I provide good 'beginners guides' to understanding the Führer and some of the childhood influences which shaped his later perceptions.

As soon as 'Mein Kampf' became available for free reading I also provided a reliable reference site where you can still download a copy, free of charge, and without giving any of your details to any organization, so that you can have your own personal copy for reading for study and for analysis.

'Mein Kampf' – In Very Brief
'Mein Kampf' is much more than about the Jews.  Although you might not think so if you never read it and were spoonfed on a 'diet' of the mainstream media and 'politically correct' society.
It is about one man's struggle for the destiny of Germany – as seen exclusively through his eyes.

The fact that his vision was seriously 'flawed' is neither here nor there.
That he could, as a powerful orator and visionary, 'attract' millions to 'buy into it' – and then compel every other German to accept it – are the real issues.

The 'Hypnotic' Effect Of Mass Rallies
You have probably heard of 'group hysteria' and 'mass hypnotism'. If you are part of a movement and the rallies are attracting tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of 'followers' – and they are all 'joyous' (and rejoicing with each other new-found 'brother' and 'sister') that their 'saviour' has finally arrived (and the Secret Police present everywhere but 'invisible' to the 'devotees' ensure 'troublemakers' are 'quietly' beaten up so bad that they will never attend another National Socialist Rally again!) you have 'the perfect storm' for 'mass conversions' (to National Socialism.)

''All That Glitters..........''
(Iron Pyrite)
Now if your school had taken the time to really teach you about 'Mein Kampf' about the Führer's own (likely) genetic origin, about National Socialism and it's philosophies beyond racial identity, it's social, economic, industrial, health and welfare programs, rather than portray Hitler as a demented mad racist and if they had taught you how propaganda helped shape the Third Reich, together with teaching you about the inequities imposed by the victors at the end of the First World War and the impact of (British and French imposed) 'reparations' on the German economy as 'punishment' for Germany 'starting' the First World War of the twentieth century, you might have been better able both to understand Donald Trump – and be better able, regardless of your individual circumstances, to resist the(hypnotic and politically unsettling) 'allure' of what he has to offer to the masses - on the basis that 'all that glitters' is certainly not gold.

Blaming 'Them' For 'The Donald'
Just to blame 'the system' does not account for Trump's attraction to the masses.
I, as with many others, share Trump's contempt for mainstream 'politically correct' politicians but, as yet, in my lifetime, have found nothing better to replace them with. Neither did Adolf Hitler and his entourage.

Another 'Politically Incorrect' Statement
Unless President Donald Trump expires of a brain haemorrhage together with a massive heart attack occurring simultaneously and in his sleep [and even the Titanic which 'God himself could not sink' quietly succumbed when that entity reached across from a place none of us know and knocked on it's door - with all the powers at it's disposal, bowed low in deference] the United States is embarked on a darker journey down the wrong forked road from the crossroads, leading to hell, where the final outcome can only end in tragedy for it's people, it's leader, his national and global 'vision'.

[With our species and as we interpret it, the 'four horsemen' have 'seen it all before.']

The Wheel Of Fortune
['round and 'round and 'round she goes..................]

History has already foretold this since it is always repeating – maybe in different guises – but it always repeating itself - with the civilizations and empires of yesteryear, all ultimately ground into fine dust - their 'spoils' being fought over by 'collectors' 'scavengers' and 'parasites'.

I continue nonetheless to remain hopeful that one day the ideals of nationalism and democratic socialism will rise from the ashes of the 'Great Pretenders' and deliver that long-promised 'shining City on the Hill.' without war, bloodshed nor violence.

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

'What If All Of The Things Trump Said About Obama'.......(see  the Preface above)

Barack Hussein Obama:
Trump: ''He's not a true American'':

What you keen researchers out there need to be doing is enquiring into the paternity of one
Donald J. Trump.

*'The Great Pretender':
This is not in any way shape or form a reference to a song by the singer songwriter Freddie Mercury nor to Adolf Hitler but I allure to one of the airplanes ( 'The Great Artiste' ) tasked with responsibility for implementing the Manhattan Project - the dropping of a nuclear device on a primary or secondary target in Japan.  'The Great Artiste' was utilized in practice runs in the lead up to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and was an observation plane while both tasks or missions were being implemented by 'Enola Gay'.  'The Great Artiste' was not tasked with 'the main event' but it's mission was solely data collection and observation.
You can read more about 'The Great Artiste' at and  'Enola Gay' at

It is only fitting to mention that the anniversary of this event on 6th August, 1945 takes place every year in Japan and throughout the world.
Two viewpoints are mentioned below: 
or at
or at  or

For the above blog, I am leaving the research to yourself – hence the paucity of reference material below.
I have made a number of politically incorrect statements above and some information is open to historical interpretation.
You might think that I am misleading you so to disprove the above, I invite to find your own references then decide the matter for yourself.

If you have taken the time to read the above, why not just a little more of your limited availability to some fact-checking?

[apologies for the earlier missing sections caused by format errors with the word processing program]

the following pdf download is a balanced historical perspective:

(it will take  time to download, please be patient)

Little known facts not publicized in the 'politically correct' mainstream media:

You find scant references to Waffen-SS and Gestapo elite units with special tasks.
However, there were such units about which little information exists today in historical 
It is believed however that the special unit tasked with erasing past records of the Führer preceded the above in formation.

The Eugenics Movement Britain Want's To Forget:

Propaganda of The Third Reich:

The Destruction Of America As We Know It:
Influential propaganda supportive of Donald Trump before he became a Presidential candidate
and some of  President Trump's ultimate targets for infiltration and takeover :

Alex  Jones:

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