
Wednesday 8 November 2017

the edited version

I do from time to time make spelling mistakes.
I did not however originally mistake 'Archbishop Makarios III' for 'Makarios II'.
I do make mistakes - but this was not one of them.
My edit program shows Makarios III yet until I 'updated'
it appeared live as 'Makarios II'.
I am assuming that this was an internal program error.
An earlier error was made in the spelling of Mahatma Gandhi
and apologies for that error - which was quickly corrected.

The NYC ''Terror'' Attack
[How Much Further Can The American Populace Be
'Dumbed Down' By Mainstream Media?']
(Making Sense of the Alt-Right and Their Supporters, the Right and The Far Right In America Today)
An Uzbek-American Goes on the Rampage in New York

The first thing to say is condolences to the victims and to their distraught families.
It is always such an unbelievable shock it takes a long time to both accept and to recover from.

As I said on many occasions brothers and sisters, most of these deranged individuals pose no serious threat either to the left nor the right for the reasons I outlined earlier.
What I am more concerned about is that the actions of one or more mentally unbalanced individuals are currently being used against Muslims – but you will be next on the politicians 'hit list' as soon as you start to question and politically organise against policies which they are attempting to implement.

A 'Snapshot' In Time
The purpose of this blog is to give a 'snapshot' into 'mainstream' thinking across the Caucasus'.
Secondly to escape from the Alternative Right 'narrative' which is constantly flowing from the White House to expand it's base.

The Alternative Right, do not forget folks, is composed of Zionist Jews who identify themselves as neo-Nazis and their Christian supporters.
(I say identify themselves because the Extreme Right while sharing some core aims and objectives, are certainly not Jewish-Americans and few have any commonality for Jews - as a whole community.)

Why The Average 'Fearful' Citizen Is Very Confused
These Zionist neo-Nazis does not represent the majority of Jewish-Americans who are Liberal, Reform and non-Zionist Orthodox Jews.

The Alternative Right is a hijacked movement exclusively being used by Zionists to pursue their own sectarian agenda within the United States and worldwide.
Remember folks, it is this same group (Zionists) who cooperated with the Fuhrer before 6 million of their tribes members were being sent to concentration camps.

You do not believe this? Then refer to the references which I include here to re-discover the truth your mainstream media is either hiding or ignoring.

Neither does the Alt-Right represent the extreme Far Right (Aryan Nation, for example) but has stolen the mantle of such groups, effectively hijacking the extreme Far Right and its political agenda.

To complicate matters even further, there are Zionists in America who do not support neo-Nazism.

Again your mainstream media is either ignorant or concealing these facts from yourselves.
Indeed, many journalists in the mainstream never venture to explore the politics of the extreme Far Right for fear of social opprobrium, social censure or how it is likely to affect their career (job) prospects if they are perceived as 'partial' to 'extremists'.
Where they do approach the subject, their views are always highly negative - so as to not offend or to gain approval for 'towing the line'.

In order to understand exactly what is going on between the extreme Right and the Alt Right in the United States today, where the extreme right is represented by Aryan Nation and the Alt-Right by Zionists and their neo-Nazis – you need to watch a video produced by one organization. 
It does contain known truths but is also, very likely, be anti-Semitic.

As I have said in the past, if you are anti-Semitic, then it is irrelevant whether the Alt-Right has been set up by Zionists, any other group of Jews or Christian Zionist neo-Nazi supporters - attempting to 'mimic' their Aryan counterparts. 
For the ill-informed masses, however, it is hugely significant – because they (the majority of the American voting population and the ill-informed Western world) are automatically associating everything happening (or being effected or implemented by the Alt-Right) with the American Nazi movement and with Aryan Nation – which is a complete falsehood – but one which Zionists and their Christian-Zionist neo-Nazi supporters are happy to allow to 'play out' – as it suits their long-term objectives and narratives.
This is very complicated and most ordinary folk do not understand exactly what is happening because either mainstream media is concealing or itself has been so 'dumbed down' that it too does not understand the parameters – hence the terrible dangers ahead.

In The Aftermath Of The Darkness
In many instances, anger against Trump will be misdirected as anger against Jews as a whole after the Trump era ends.
This is exactly what the Zionist neo-Nazis want – a race war in the United States -where they come out as beneficiaries.
[You need to appreciate that any group (Zionist neo-Nazis) which will send Fascist Brigades to serve against the Allies during World War II is not a dependable partner you can do business with -whether on the political Left or on the Right of the spectrum. [Just ask Bernie Sanders who has never given the time of day to Zionists knowing as he does full-well their shameful history. Partially, for this reason, this sector of the Jewish vote campaigned for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump rather than Sanders to ensure that he would never secure the Presidential nomination in 2016. But don't expect your mainstream media to tell you this.]

Educated Liberal and most Reform Jews will have absolutely nothing to do with Zionists. But all such facts are not understood by the general public – who are ill-informed about these matters by their mainstream media, worldwide.

(Even the Extreme Far Right organization, Aryan Nation, has a political program which stops short of a race war – so you can appreciate what you are dealing with when confronting the Alt-Right and supportive Christian Zionist neo-Nazi movements in the United States today.)

Please refer to the references below.

having watched the above video you may well ask me 'how do you explain Israelis being stopped by law enforcement Officers in a van (packed with explosives and guns) depicting a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers on 9/11 day itself.
My reply is: this was one hell of a coincidence – but that is exactly what it was.
You see folks, many people are so so inherently racist, biased or just sheer ignorant and biased that they cannot separate what their eyes see from what their logical brain tells them (or conversely, their brain misinterprets what their eyes and common sense tells them) – so they put 'two and two' together and get 9 instead of four.
You need explosives and guns for a variety of circumstances - as film props, as part of movie stunts, for plays and other legitimate activities.
To have the horrible misfortune of being stopped in a van packed with explosives, a van with a mural of a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers on 9/11 is fantastic in itself – but just that, and no more.

Just because they happen to have been Israelis, on the day of 9/11, soon after the World Trade Center terrorist event, being stopped proximal to the WTC vicinity, in a van, packed with explosives, and with guns, and with a mural depicting a coincidental event which has just taken place, means absolutely nothing – zero - as evidence of a 'conspiracy'.
(If they had of been Muslims, given the same circumstances, they would probably have been charged with a conspiracy 9/11 terrorist offence – such is the biased strength of mainstream media - and the general populace - responding to public opinion and mass (racial) hysteria without exercising restraint nor common sense, let alone 'justice'.)

The Trump 'Pattern':
Regular Opportunistic Motives For Hate Against 'Them'
Finally, to take one Uzbekistan (Uzbek) citizen and to paint the entire people (or indeed an entire diversity policy) as failed is a classic case of the Alternative Right stealing the mantle of the extreme Far Right and taking it to a new political level.

It is as if the extreme Right itself has been hijacked and everything that happens will be blamed on certain groups – as legitimate reason to purge them – just as the Muslims are being 'purged' and marginalized today.

A brilliant and complicated strategy – which will ultimately fail spectacularly and rebound with enormous consequences.

This 'Cancer' In American Politics Is Spreading Worldwide
At every step of the way (as I warned you before Trump was inaugurated) the objective is to marginalize the extreme Far Right and the Far Left – which have now more in common than ever before to preserve their common rights and freedoms.
If this 'Cancer' of outright lies and deceit on a daily basis from every department and Office of the White House continues, it will destroy not just the Left and Right, not just the Far Left and the Far Right, but the entire fabric of America and all of it's institutions – leaving nothing but hatred, suspicions, and urban warfare in its place.
But Trump's objective was never to unify America nor Americans as a people.  Quite the exact opposite.
(I am using the pejorative word 'Cancer' because this word was recently used by the acting Chair of the Democratic Party, Donna Brazile, when she spoke about identifying the root causes which led to the failure of the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign.)
But before all of this happens you need to understand why the Alternative Right has 'gone for broke' with regard to the United States.

Donald Trump Does Not Represent The Extreme Right Of American Politics
Donald Trump does not represent the extreme Far Right.
This so-called 'Alt Right' has hijacked – as indeed have so many other political movements – by the aspirations of other political movements.

My fear is that by the time Mr Trump has 'finished' with the United States, it will be a divided, embittered, suspicious and broken unified nation.
But that, in my view, was always the objective.

Remember I explained to you how the Nazi Party and the Zionists agreed to the transfer of Zionists to Palestine prior to World War II.
That the agreement was exclusively for the transfer of Zionists.
So, as one of the original Jewish researchers says ''while one train
(sic.with Zionist Jews) was going to Switzerland, thousands of trains were headed (with mixed, Liberal, Reform and Orthodox Jews) to the concentration camps.

You need to appreciate that Zionist Jews did not care one iota about the fate of 'the rest' of their (non-Zionist) community of Jews, either then nor now.

The Day After Trump
There will undoubtedly be backlashes from the Left and from the Right, regardless, after the Trump era ends because of the 'poisoned' atmosphere which has been created and has spread like a cancer.
My concern here is that because the general populace will continue to remain largely ill-informed (about what you know from reading this article) that this anger will be widespread and very misdirected.
This is wholly unjustified and you must see through this to identify who is really responsible for all the chaos created in the aftermath of Trump and, more importantly, what the motives are: to create the exact anger, hatred and divisions triggering violence and disintegration.
[You might further want to explore the motive for such madness because if you do not, you are playing exactly into their hands - and into a fatal (and in my opinion) an already pre-set trap.]

In my opinion, the motive is the destruction of the United States as a world power because it has failed the aims and objectives of Zionist neo-Nazi Jews – both in the United States and in Israel.
(To complicate matters even further, you must remember that not all Zionists are neo-Nazis and not all neo-Nazis are Zionists. But these small  (yet highly significant) details will be lost against a background of blind anger and hatred.)

In other words, the United States has 'outlived' it's usefulness.
Liberal, non-Zionist Orthodox and Reform Jews, who are the vast majority of this racial (tribal) community in the United States, have never, on the whole 'bought into' the Zionist extremes.
In my opinion, a 'conclusion' has now been reached that they never will and as they constitute the majority of Jews in the United States and will only increase in the future, they are now as 'expendable' – as indeed they were in Nazi Germany – so their ultimate fate is irrelevant to the Alt-Right movement.
(I say 'a conclusion' but I cannot offer you any proof of this. It is a personal opinion observation and an assessment.)

The 'bitchute' reference below is taken from an extreme Right Wing
anti-Zionist media release. It does, however, contain known truths. It's facts are correct but the conclusions reached from these facts – that 9/11 was a 'Zionist conspiracy' - has absolutely no proof either then nor does it have now.
I have spoken with several people over the years offering similar views and pleaded with them to give me just 'one shred' of 'evidence' of a collective 'Zionist' conspiracy to run with - but they cannot produce any.

When Every 'Hate Crime' Is Used For Political Motives:
What happened in NYC was a Hate Crime.
The first response should have been to unify the nation at a time of tragedy then order the FBI to get to the bottom of this tragedy not have neighbor turn on neighbor with inflammatory statements.

It is not 'politically acceptable' for these individuals who go on 'killing sprees' to be simply 'mentally unbalanced' – because it serves others' political agendas to use such horrors for political motive - in order to initially restrict one groups rights and liberties – but be sure – they are coming after you next – as soon as you start to mobilize and politically organize against what you consider 'repressive' policies which deny your rights and liberties.

Murder Incorporated
I want to give you a recent example of such 'fuzzy' muddled-up thinking.
Recently a British Minister said that the only way to deal with returning ISIS fighters (to the United Kingdom) is 'to kill them' before they return to the United Kingdom.
He did not add...'with the death penalty' but, to use Trump's language, just 'kill them'.

But let's look more closely at what this British Minister is saying:

1.That there should be officially sanctioned political 'death squads' to assassinate individuals 
You know the ones, like they had in South and Central America, in Egypt, in Libya, along the borders of Rwanda and Burundi and in the Congo (Zaire) Central Africa.
2.That the United Kingdom becomes the first country in Europe (in recent times) to have officially sanctioned 'Death Squads'.

I can tell you what the response in Northern Ireland was to counter this program when last used by the British:
The setting up by the IRA and INLA of their own 'Death Squads' to 'take out'  British Ministers during 'The Troubles'.
(Yes indeed, believe it or not, British Ministers thought themselves 'immune' to being 'taken out' by others - also operating in the shadows.)
In addition to this the UVF/UFF set up their own Death Squads to take out IRA activists known to be supportive of Death Squads 'taking out' British Ministers and Security forces personnel.
So the 'playing field' was now, again, even - with each group having it's own personal Death Squad.

This was,incidentally, that same 'philosophy' which led to nearly 500 years of wars in Northern Ireland – and the British appear to have learned absolutely nothing from that experience.

That British politicians agree with this Minister's views is in no doubt.   (He has neither been sacked nor reprimanded so it is safe to say that the majority of Conservative politicians agree with what he says.)

There is another practical issue here:
Some (perhaps more than a few) of these ISIS returnees will be disillusioned with their experience of the Caliphate's 'heaven on earth' and identifying which of them fit this 'profile' is a more productive task than setting up Third World, neo-Stalinist-style 'Goon Squads'* to murder (assassinate) them all.

I could express disgust with what Rory Stewart is proposing** – but I've seen and heard it all before – and it all ends very tragically - with the politicians themselves all becoming the assassin's target – 'blood for blood'. (The chickens coming home to roost you might say.)
It ultimately ends with everyone relevant in the political environment living in perpetual fear of assassination.   
At least in Northern Ireland there was a sense of 'honor' - with  women and children (non-combatants)  never targeted deliberately.
(There were exceptions - and most of those were called 'unfortunate' mistakes' or errors in timing.)
Middle-East religious-inspired extremism is, however, an entirely different 'ball game' where there are no exceptions nor codes of honor but only one group's interpretation of the Qur'an as the guiding principles for revenge or justice.

But don't expect to read this in your tightly controlled mainstream media. They have all jumped on the murder bandwagon (as usual) without any comprehension about where this will all end.
(But at least you, as an intelligent person, are already forewarned and can plan accordingly.)

An Uzbek-American Goes Insane, Mows Down Innocent Cyclists and Pedestrians Then proclaims Himself 'A Soldier of The Caliphate's Army'
So back to the main story.
This deranged individual who committed this hate crime did not even have a plan of 'what to do' after murdering innocent civilians with a hired pick-up truck – other than jumping out of his hired truck and waiting to be shot to death by responding law enforcement officers.
I am 100% convinced he was not intending to be taken alive – but don't expect your mainstream media to dwell on this small detail – which by the way – is hugely significant.

It appears that there is no real provisions (nor medical resources for treatment) in America for someone to be simply 'insane' – because our politically correct societies, based solely on Mammon, require motives enacted by sane individuals where such atrocities are committed – and if that person happens to be a Muslim or Mexican then they 'fit' the current 'terrorist' or 'hate' narrative of the government and fearful populace.
But this narrative is being expanded to include the Left and Right. [and I am not of course talking about the Alt-Right which is safely in the White House.]

So while supportive of the grieving families and relatives, do not allow yourselves to be 'swept away' in the hysteria of the mainstream media.

You will note how the media stampede into 'explaining' the motives for the Las Vegas massacre (by, yet again, someone who, in my view, simply 'flipped it' (went temporarily insane) has all but faded away – since, as I thought, they (investigators) would find no motive for the murders and wounding of over 500 innocent civilians.

All The President's Men (and Women)
The honest truth – which they will not tell you – is that you cannot prevent someone from going insane - and either attempting to start World War III, having the nuclear codes and their chain of command 'restructured' to attempt to start such a world war, or indeed, in the more 'media sexy' narratives - such as 'Islamic terrorism' – seek to mollify a very confused (ill-informed) and frightened general populace with even more legislation and technologies of political and social controls.

So where to from here?

(A Very Beautiful Country But A World Removed From The United States)
A Snapshot Into The Mindset Or Culture-Shock Of The Caucasus'
I have met individuals from this part of the world and their perceptions of 'reality' are often a world removed from you and me.
They have no concept of 'democracy' or rights of men and women – as we know them today. Yes they do have human and civil rights in their respective countries – but not as you and I understand them.

For example, in the Caucasus' is has been a common traditional practice for centuries for a man to 'kidnap' a girl he likes – simply to hold her in his family home against her will. Even though no physical harm has come to her, her 'honor' has been 'violated' (by the act of 'kidnapping' then 'detaining' her in another family's household against her will.) Either the family will go to war, disown their daughter or, as a matter of family honor, agree reluctantly that she marry her 'captor'.
In the past such kidnappings were 'real' and the distress was very genuine.
Today, in most parts, it is entirely ritualistic – and the 'kidnappings' are often by 'mutual agreement' and mutual arrangements between the prospective bride and groom – sometimes to even force the hand of reluctant parents to agree to a marriage which one or the other family disapprove. [A classic 'Romeo and Juliet' scenario.]

Homosexuality is either illegal or not acceptable across the Caucasus' but what individuals do in the privacy of their homes is their own business across many Muslim communities and societies.  These are societies where a man's home is, literally, his (or her) Castle – which you violate at the price of a blood war.

In brief, this culture is a world removed from Western society and many of it's values.

'The World Gone Mad!' (A Different Reality)
To see women in short dresses, dying their hair multicolors, wearing 'Gothic-style' attire; to see grown men and women holding hands, kissing, touching each other in public; to see girls in 'hot pants' or semi-nude (or indeed nude) on beaches, to see men holding hands' kissing in public; to see 'Gay Pride' Festivals and the numbers of individuals who partake and support these activities, all constitute a considerable 'culture-shock' to such individuals, just arrived from the Caucasus' and, for some, 'mental illness' brought about by stress at the shock at what they are seeing – totally contrary to all their upbringings and beliefs – is often too much for them to bear - since all of the above are a world removed from their experiences and it sometimes takes decades (if ever) to 'adjust' to the new environment - if indeed they ever do.
[What you will never hear about are those individuals who 'flee' back to the Caucasus' from the United States and Europe - out of their 'disgust' with the 'decadent' 'godless' 'Satanic' West.]
There are many cultures and political groups in the United States and in Europe which regard what I have said in the previous paragraph (Gay rights,) with disdain and contempt.
The difference is these individual groups and communities have not been marginalized and no 'war on terror' has been organized against their respective hereditary homelands overseas.
In the case of Muslims however, we are today fighting a continuation of the Crusades in the Middle East (the Levant) in the Arabian Peninsula, in North and Central Africa.

A Caucasus' Immigrants' Perception Of Reality
[Codes Of Honor]
You do not need to be radicalized from abroad when, every day, as you walk down the street in the United States or in Europe you mother, or sister or your daughter can at any moment be 'violated' or 'molested' (sic. touched or frisked or searched – all the same thing) by the Police (searched in the course of their activities or duties) – a 'crime' (of a physical search and touch of their body) which would have led to their certain death (of that Police Officer) back home or, even worse, a blood (murder) feud between two or more families where nobody knows who, where or when the next 'victim' will be. Even 'blood' or 'honor' money paid will often not resolve the feud (but intensify it.) [This is a classic Western (Christian) 'mis-perception' or 'misconception' of exactly what honor (blood) feuds are all about.

[On the subject of tribal 'codes of honor' and hierarchy in the Caucasus' for brevity brothers and sisters re-watch 'The Godfather Part I' to see what happens when 'honor' codes against a 'tribes' woman(en) or man(en) are 'violated' where the law does not protect or is hostile towards poor immigrants and, as an alternative to an unjust or absent system, an appeal for justice is instead made to a respected 'Tribal Elder' or 'Chief' (individual, male or female) who has the 'power', outside the State law - but within that tribe's domain - to 'right a wrong' or to dispense justice where nobody else can or is so prepared or willing to so do.]
This is why that film is popular from Azerbaijan to Uzbekistan, America to Zimbabwe, from Andorra to Zanzibar, not because it is about gangsters but because people can relate aspects of the series to the 'tribal' nature of societies across the races and the groups worldwide.

Why The Alt-Right Is So Zealous Demonizing Muslims In America and Worldwide
Only alternative political parties can offer any future beyond eternal wars (sic. commitment of Christian forces or contractor teams from Christendom to wage perpetual wars) with or within the Muslim world.

Ask yourself this question:
When did you last hear a mainstream politician question ''why do we have to wage perpetual wars in Muslim lands against the wishes of the majority of local populations and in favor of despotic and feudal rulers?

Why is the Christian world refusing to allow them (Muslim populations in Muslim lands) to work out their own destiny?
For so long as a unified Muslim world poses no threat to Europe, why do we not allow them to resolve their internal conflicts without constantly alienating significant sectors of Muslims worldwide through our military adventures?
You need to be asking future politicians these questions before voting into office individuals who will be sending your sons and daughters children or great-grandchildren (even if engaged as 'contracted' or 'sub-contracted' in or with private enterprise armies or remotely operating drones and new technological hardware and software) to war in the these lands for obscure economic objectives known only to themselves and major corporate financial enterprise partners.

As the resources of the Gulf deplete,this 'War On Terror' is now shifting (as I told you some time ago) to the Central and South Caucasus' Afghanistan and to Africa as the search for rare earth minerals and strategic assets shifts to other regions of this planet.

The Fatherland and Motherland
We are literally 'at war' with either sections of or the entire 'motherlands' and 'fatherlands' of these Muslim immigrant communities.
The only near (and it is still rather vague) comparison I can make is the divide between German-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Italian-Americans and the remaining sectors of society during World War II in the United States and Great Britain.
German nationals, Japanese nationals and some Italian nationals were 'interned' in Britain and in the United States as suspected 'enemy spies' or suspected 'enemy supporters' during World War II.
These humiliations (Internment of Japanese-Americans without trial)  were never forgotten by those who experienced them – and to listen to their stories was very sobering and inspirational.

Beyond this period in history, 'show trials' of suspected communists took place throughout the United States.
The focus and hysteria had now shifted to 'the Red Menace' and the war against Communism.
(Many would like to forget about this as if it never happened – since China together with the Soviet Union - was a focus of hatred – and narratives constructed by the politicians to 'defeat' the 'Red Menace'  worldwide.)

Deja Vu?
The Politics Of Denial
As politicians legislate to defeat 'support for terrorism' at home, you need to be cognizant about their real objectives – and they are coming after yourselves next on the list. Of this you can be certain. It may not be tomorrow, but as soon as you organize or militate, the legislation will already be in place to be extended.
To refrain from emotive reactions which facilitate politicians 'clamping down' on what they identify as political 'extremists' whilst exercising your democratic rights is one option.
Remember, historically, anti-terror legislation has never succeeded.
Here are just a few historical examples:
Archbishop Makarios III of Cyprus (EOKA 'B'; Enosis) Jomo Kenyatta (Mau Mau Freedom Fighters) and Nelson Mandela (The Africa National Congress Liberation Movement) and hundreds other individuals and groups were all labeled as 'terrorists' by the British Empire for decades.
This includes, by the way Mahatma Gandhi. You didn't know the British labeled him a terrorist before appreciating he could not be defeated?
You need to be better informed.
So even peaceful protest without force of arms will ultimately get you the same label as Muslim-Americans are being branded today.

These same British politicians, where alive today, will hide from describing these (now deceased) Statesmen in such terms or say 'it was a long time ago' – as if the world has lost it's collective memory of - for example - the banishment of Archbishop Makarios II from Cyprus to the Seychelles - because of the passage of time.

Before entrusting such politicians with more powers which they only require for hidden agendas – no genuine concern for 'you' – the people - be circumspect .

And if you don't believe me, just look at the historical track record as outline above. It speaks volumes.

©Patrick Emek, November 2017

**The Syrian Army and Hezbollah are more than capable of dealing with ISIS fighters.
In any event, the British government has no international mandate to be militarily engaged in the sovereign territory of Syria.

When Mahatma Gandhi Was declared A terrorist:

(From a Greek-Cypriot perspective)

(From a Turkish-Cypriot perspective)

the edited version

I do from time to time make spelling mistakes.
I did not however originally mistake 'Archbishop Makarios III' for 'Makarios II'.
I do make mistakes - but this was not one of them.
My edit program shows Makarios III yet until I 'updated'
it appeared live as 'Makarios II'.
I am assuming that this was an internal program error.
An earlier error was made in the spelling of Mahatma Gandhi
and apologies for that error - which was quickly corrected.

The NYC ''Terror'' Attack
[How Much Further Can The American Populace Be
'Dumbed Down' By Mainstream Media?']
(Making Sense of the Alt-Right and Their Supporters, the Right and The Far Right In America Today)
An Uzbek-American Goes on the Rampage in New York

The first thing to say is condolences to the victims and to their distraught families.
It is always such an unbelievable shock it takes a long time to both accept and to recover from.

As I said on many occasions brothers and sisters, most of these deranged individuals pose no serious threat either to the left nor the right for the reasons I outlined earlier.
What I am more concerned about is that the actions of one or more mentally unbalanced individuals are currently being used against Muslims – but you will be next on the politicians 'hit list' as soon as you start to question and politically organise against policies which they are attempting to implement.

A 'Snapshot' In Time
The purpose of this blog is to give a 'snapshot' into 'mainstream' thinking across the Caucasus'.
Secondly to escape from the Alternative Right 'narrative' which is constantly flowing from the White House to expand it's base.

The Alternative Right, do not forget folks, is composed of Zionist Jews who identify themselves as neo-Nazis and their Christian supporters.
(I say identify themselves because the Extreme Right while sharing some core aims and objectives, are certainly not Jewish-Americans and few have any commonality for Jews - as a whole community.)

Why The Average 'Fearful' Citizen Is Very Confused
These Zionist neo-Nazis does not represent the majority of Jewish-Americans who are Liberal, Reform and non-Zionist Orthodox Jews.

The Alternative Right is a hijacked movement exclusively being used by Zionists to pursue their own sectarian agenda within the United States and worldwide.
Remember folks, it is this same group (Zionists) who cooperated with the Fuhrer before 6 million of their tribes members were being sent to concentration camps.

You do not believe this? Then refer to the references which I include here to re-discover the truth your mainstream media is either hiding or ignoring.

Neither does the Alt-Right represent the extreme Far Right (Aryan Nation, for example) but has stolen the mantle of such groups, effectively hijacking the extreme Far Right and its political agenda.

To complicate matters even further, there are Zionists in America who do not support neo-Nazism.

Again your mainstream media is either ignorant or concealing these facts from yourselves.
Indeed, many journalists in the mainstream never venture to explore the politics of the extreme Far Right for fear of social opprobrium, social censure or how it is likely to affect their career (job) prospects if they are perceived as 'partial' to 'extremists'.
Where they do approach the subject, their views are always highly negative - so as to not offend or to gain approval for 'towing the line'.

In order to understand exactly what is going on between the extreme Right and the Alt Right in the United States today, where the extreme right is represented by Aryan Nation and the Alt-Right by Zionists and their neo-Nazis – you need to watch a video produced by one organization. 
It does contain known truths but is also, very likely, be anti-Semitic.

As I have said in the past, if you are anti-Semitic, then it is irrelevant whether the Alt-Right has been set up by Zionists, any other group of Jews or Christian Zionist neo-Nazi supporters - attempting to 'mimic' their Aryan counterparts. 
For the ill-informed masses, however, it is hugely significant – because they (the majority of the American voting population and the ill-informed Western world) are automatically associating everything happening (or being effected or implemented by the Alt-Right) with the American Nazi movement and with Aryan Nation – which is a complete falsehood – but one which Zionists and their Christian-Zionist neo-Nazi supporters are happy to allow to 'play out' – as it suits their long-term objectives and narratives.
This is very complicated and most ordinary folk do not understand exactly what is happening because either mainstream media is concealing or itself has been so 'dumbed down' that it too does not understand the parameters – hence the terrible dangers ahead.

In The Aftermath Of The Darkness
In many instances, anger against Trump will be misdirected as anger against Jews as a whole after the Trump era ends.
This is exactly what the Zionist neo-Nazis want – a race war in the United States -where they come out as beneficiaries.
[You need to appreciate that any group (Zionist neo-Nazis) which will send Fascist Brigades to serve against the Allies during World War II is not a dependable partner you can do business with -whether on the political Left or on the Right of the spectrum. [Just ask Bernie Sanders who has never given the time of day to Zionists knowing as he does full-well their shameful history. Partially, for this reason, this sector of the Jewish vote campaigned for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump rather than Sanders to ensure that he would never secure the Presidential nomination in 2016. But don't expect your mainstream media to tell you this.]

Educated Liberal and most Reform Jews will have absolutely nothing to do with Zionists. But all such facts are not understood by the general public – who are ill-informed about these matters by their mainstream media, worldwide.

(Even the Extreme Far Right organization, Aryan Nation, has a political program which stops short of a race war – so you can appreciate what you are dealing with when confronting the Alt-Right and supportive Christian Zionist neo-Nazi movements in the United States today.)

Please refer to the references below.

having watched the above video you may well ask me 'how do you explain Israelis being stopped by law enforcement Officers in a van (packed with explosives and guns) depicting a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers on 9/11 day itself.
My reply is: this was one hell of a coincidence – but that is exactly what it was.
You see folks, many people are so so inherently racist, biased or just sheer ignorant and biased that they cannot separate what their eyes see from what their logical brain tells them (or conversely, their brain misinterprets what their eyes and common sense tells them) – so they put 'two and two' together and get 9 instead of four.
You need explosives and guns for a variety of circumstances - as film props, as part of movie stunts, for plays and other legitimate activities.
To have the horrible misfortune of being stopped in a van packed with explosives, a van with a mural of a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers on 9/11 is fantastic in itself – but just that, and no more.

Just because they happen to have been Israelis, on the day of 9/11, soon after the World Trade Center terrorist event, being stopped proximal to the WTC vicinity, in a van, packed with explosives, and with guns, and with a mural depicting a coincidental event which has just taken place, means absolutely nothing – zero - as evidence of a 'conspiracy'.
(If they had of been Muslims, given the same circumstances, they would probably have been charged with a conspiracy 9/11 terrorist offence – such is the biased strength of mainstream media - and the general populace - responding to public opinion and mass (racial) hysteria without exercising restraint nor common sense, let alone 'justice'.)

The Trump 'Pattern':
Regular Opportunistic Motives For Hate Against 'Them'
Finally, to take one Uzbekistan (Uzbek) citizen and to paint the entire people (or indeed an entire diversity policy) as failed is a classic case of the Alternative Right stealing the mantle of the extreme Far Right and taking it to a new political level.

It is as if the extreme Right itself has been hijacked and everything that happens will be blamed on certain groups – as legitimate reason to purge them – just as the Muslims are being 'purged' and marginalized today.

A brilliant and complicated strategy – which will ultimately fail spectacularly and rebound with enormous consequences.

This 'Cancer' In American Politics Is Spreading Worldwide
At every step of the way (as I warned you before Trump was inaugurated) the objective is to marginalize the extreme Far Right and the Far Left – which have now more in common than ever before to preserve their common rights and freedoms.
If this 'Cancer' of outright lies and deceit on a daily basis from every department and Office of the White House continues, it will destroy not just the Left and Right, not just the Far Left and the Far Right, but the entire fabric of America and all of it's institutions – leaving nothing but hatred, suspicions, and urban warfare in its place.
But Trump's objective was never to unify America nor Americans as a people.  Quite the exact opposite.
(I am using the pejorative word 'Cancer' because this word was recently used by the acting Chair of the Democratic Party, Donna Brazile, when she spoke about identifying the root causes which led to the failure of the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign.)
But before all of this happens you need to understand why the Alternative Right has 'gone for broke' with regard to the United States.

Donald Trump Does Not Represent The Extreme Right Of American Politics
Donald Trump does not represent the extreme Far Right.
This so-called 'Alt Right' has hijacked – as indeed have so many other political movements – by the aspirations of other political movements.

My fear is that by the time Mr Trump has 'finished' with the United States, it will be a divided, embittered, suspicious and broken unified nation.
But that, in my view, was always the objective.

Remember I explained to you how the Nazi Party and the Zionists agreed to the transfer of Zionists to Palestine prior to World War II.
That the agreement was exclusively for the transfer of Zionists.
So, as one of the original Jewish researchers says ''while one train
(sic.with Zionist Jews) was going to Switzerland, thousands of trains were headed (with mixed, Liberal, Reform and Orthodox Jews) to the concentration camps.

You need to appreciate that Zionist Jews did not care one iota about the fate of 'the rest' of their (non-Zionist) community of Jews, either then nor now.

The Day After Trump
There will undoubtedly be backlashes from the Left and from the Right, regardless, after the Trump era ends because of the 'poisoned' atmosphere which has been created and has spread like a cancer.
My concern here is that because the general populace will continue to remain largely ill-informed (about what you know from reading this article) that this anger will be widespread and very misdirected.
This is wholly unjustified and you must see through this to identify who is really responsible for all the chaos created in the aftermath of Trump and, more importantly, what the motives are: to create the exact anger, hatred and divisions triggering violence and disintegration.
[You might further want to explore the motive for such madness because if you do not, you are playing exactly into their hands - and into a fatal (and in my opinion) an already pre-set trap.]

In my opinion, the motive is the destruction of the United States as a world power because it has failed the aims and objectives of Zionist neo-Nazi Jews – both in the United States and in Israel.
(To complicate matters even further, you must remember that not all Zionists are neo-Nazis and not all neo-Nazis are Zionists. But these small  (yet highly significant) details will be lost against a background of blind anger and hatred.)

In other words, the United States has 'outlived' it's usefulness.
Liberal, non-Zionist Orthodox and Reform Jews, who are the vast majority of this racial (tribal) community in the United States, have never, on the whole 'bought into' the Zionist extremes.
In my opinion, a 'conclusion' has now been reached that they never will and as they constitute the majority of Jews in the United States and will only increase in the future, they are now as 'expendable' – as indeed they were in Nazi Germany – so their ultimate fate is irrelevant to the Alt-Right movement.
(I say 'a conclusion' but I cannot offer you any proof of this. It is a personal opinion observation and an assessment.)

The 'bitchute' reference below is taken from an extreme Right Wing
anti-Zionist media release. It does, however, contain known truths. It's facts are correct but the conclusions reached from these facts – that 9/11 was a 'Zionist conspiracy' - has absolutely no proof either then nor does it have now.
I have spoken with several people over the years offering similar views and pleaded with them to give me just 'one shred' of 'evidence' of a collective 'Zionist' conspiracy to run with - but they cannot produce any.

When Every 'Hate Crime' Is Used For Political Motives:
What happened in NYC was a Hate Crime.
The first response should have been to unify the nation at a time of tragedy then order the FBI to get to the bottom of this tragedy not have neighbor turn on neighbor with inflammatory statements.

It is not 'politically acceptable' for these individuals who go on 'killing sprees' to be simply 'mentally unbalanced' – because it serves others' political agendas to use such horrors for political motive - in order to initially restrict one groups rights and liberties – but be sure – they are coming after you next – as soon as you start to mobilize and politically organize against what you consider 'repressive' policies which deny your rights and liberties.

Murder Incorporated
I want to give you a recent example of such 'fuzzy' muddled-up thinking.
Recently a British Minister said that the only way to deal with returning ISIS fighters (to the United Kingdom) is 'to kill them' before they return to the United Kingdom.
He did not add...'with the death penalty' but, to use Trump's language, just 'kill them'.

But let's look more closely at what this British Minister is saying:

1.That there should be officially sanctioned political 'death squads' to assassinate individuals 
You know the ones, like they had in South and Central America, in Egypt, in Libya, along the borders of Rwanda and Burundi and in the Congo (Zaire) Central Africa.
2.That the United Kingdom becomes the first country in Europe (in recent times) to have officially sanctioned 'Death Squads'.

I can tell you what the response in Northern Ireland was to counter this program when last used by the British:
The setting up by the IRA and INLA of their own 'Death Squads' to 'take out'  British Ministers during 'The Troubles'.
(Yes indeed, believe it or not, British Ministers thought themselves 'immune' to being 'taken out' by others - also operating in the shadows.)
In addition to this the UVF/UFF set up their own Death Squads to take out IRA activists known to be supportive of Death Squads 'taking out' British Ministers and Security forces personnel.
So the 'playing field' was now, again, even - with each group having it's own personal Death Squad.

This was,incidentally, that same 'philosophy' which led to nearly 500 years of wars in Northern Ireland – and the British appear to have learned absolutely nothing from that experience.

That British politicians agree with this Minister's views is in no doubt.   (He has neither been sacked nor reprimanded so it is safe to say that the majority of Conservative politicians agree with what he says.)

There is another practical issue here:
Some (perhaps more than a few) of these ISIS returnees will be disillusioned with their experience of the Caliphate's 'heaven on earth' and identifying which of them fit this 'profile' is a more productive task than setting up Third World, neo-Stalinist-style 'Goon Squads'* to murder (assassinate) them all.

I could express disgust with what Rory Stewart is proposing** – but I've seen and heard it all before – and it all ends very tragically - with the politicians themselves all becoming the assassin's target – 'blood for blood'. (The chickens coming home to roost you might say.)
It ultimately ends with everyone relevant in the political environment living in perpetual fear of assassination.   
At least in Northern Ireland there was a sense of 'honor' - with  women and children (non-combatants)  never targeted deliberately.
(There were exceptions - and most of those were called 'unfortunate' mistakes' or errors in timing.)
Middle-East religious-inspired extremism is, however, an entirely different 'ball game' where there are no exceptions nor codes of honor but only one group's interpretation of the Qur'an as the guiding principles for revenge or justice.

But don't expect to read this in your tightly controlled mainstream media. They have all jumped on the murder bandwagon (as usual) without any comprehension about where this will all end.
(But at least you, as an intelligent person, are already forewarned and can plan accordingly.)

An Uzbek-American Goes Insane, Mows Down Innocent Cyclists and Pedestrians Then proclaims Himself 'A Soldier of The Caliphate's Army'
So back to the main story.
This deranged individual who committed this hate crime did not even have a plan of 'what to do' after murdering innocent civilians with a hired pick-up truck – other than jumping out of his hired truck and waiting to be shot to death by responding law enforcement officers.
I am 100% convinced he was not intending to be taken alive – but don't expect your mainstream media to dwell on this small detail – which by the way – is hugely significant.

It appears that there is no real provisions (nor medical resources for treatment) in America for someone to be simply 'insane' – because our politically correct societies, based solely on Mammon, require motives enacted by sane individuals where such atrocities are committed – and if that person happens to be a Muslim or Mexican then they 'fit' the current 'terrorist' or 'hate' narrative of the government and fearful populace.
But this narrative is being expanded to include the Left and Right. [and I am not of course talking about the Alt-Right which is safely in the White House.]

So while supportive of the grieving families and relatives, do not allow yourselves to be 'swept away' in the hysteria of the mainstream media.

You will note how the media stampede into 'explaining' the motives for the Las Vegas massacre (by, yet again, someone who, in my view, simply 'flipped it' (went temporarily insane) has all but faded away – since, as I thought, they (investigators) would find no motive for the murders and wounding of over 500 innocent civilians.

All The President's Men (and Women)
The honest truth – which they will not tell you – is that you cannot prevent someone from going insane - and either attempting to start World War III, having the nuclear codes and their chain of command 'restructured' to attempt to start such a world war, or indeed, in the more 'media sexy' narratives - such as 'Islamic terrorism' – seek to mollify a very confused (ill-informed) and frightened general populace with even more legislation and technologies of political and social controls.

So where to from here?

(A Very Beautiful Country But A World Removed From The United States)
A Snapshot Into The Mindset Or Culture-Shock Of The Caucasus'
I have met individuals from this part of the world and their perceptions of 'reality' are often a world removed from you and me.
They have no concept of 'democracy' or rights of men and women – as we know them today. Yes they do have human and civil rights in their respective countries – but not as you and I understand them.

For example, in the Caucasus' is has been a common traditional practice for centuries for a man to 'kidnap' a girl he likes – simply to hold her in his family home against her will. Even though no physical harm has come to her, her 'honor' has been 'violated' (by the act of 'kidnapping' then 'detaining' her in another family's household against her will.) Either the family will go to war, disown their daughter or, as a matter of family honor, agree reluctantly that she marry her 'captor'.
In the past such kidnappings were 'real' and the distress was very genuine.
Today, in most parts, it is entirely ritualistic – and the 'kidnappings' are often by 'mutual agreement' and mutual arrangements between the prospective bride and groom – sometimes to even force the hand of reluctant parents to agree to a marriage which one or the other family disapprove. [A classic 'Romeo and Juliet' scenario.]

Homosexuality is either illegal or not acceptable across the Caucasus' but what individuals do in the privacy of their homes is their own business across many Muslim communities and societies.  These are societies where a man's home is, literally, his (or her) Castle – which you violate at the price of a blood war.

In brief, this culture is a world removed from Western society and many of it's values.

'The World Gone Mad!' (A Different Reality)
To see women in short dresses, dying their hair multicolors, wearing 'Gothic-style' attire; to see grown men and women holding hands, kissing, touching each other in public; to see girls in 'hot pants' or semi-nude (or indeed nude) on beaches, to see men holding hands' kissing in public; to see 'Gay Pride' Festivals and the numbers of individuals who partake and support these activities, all constitute a considerable 'culture-shock' to such individuals, just arrived from the Caucasus' and, for some, 'mental illness' brought about by stress at the shock at what they are seeing – totally contrary to all their upbringings and beliefs – is often too much for them to bear - since all of the above are a world removed from their experiences and it sometimes takes decades (if ever) to 'adjust' to the new environment - if indeed they ever do.
[What you will never hear about are those individuals who 'flee' back to the Caucasus' from the United States and Europe - out of their 'disgust' with the 'decadent' 'godless' 'Satanic' West.]
There are many cultures and political groups in the United States and in Europe which regard what I have said in the previous paragraph (Gay rights,) with disdain and contempt.
The difference is these individual groups and communities have not been marginalized and no 'war on terror' has been organized against their respective hereditary homelands overseas.
In the case of Muslims however, we are today fighting a continuation of the Crusades in the Middle East (the Levant) in the Arabian Peninsula, in North and Central Africa.

A Caucasus' Immigrants' Perception Of Reality
[Codes Of Honor]
You do not need to be radicalized from abroad when, every day, as you walk down the street in the United States or in Europe you mother, or sister or your daughter can at any moment be 'violated' or 'molested' (sic. touched or frisked or searched – all the same thing) by the Police (searched in the course of their activities or duties) – a 'crime' (of a physical search and touch of their body) which would have led to their certain death (of that Police Officer) back home or, even worse, a blood (murder) feud between two or more families where nobody knows who, where or when the next 'victim' will be. Even 'blood' or 'honor' money paid will often not resolve the feud (but intensify it.) [This is a classic Western (Christian) 'mis-perception' or 'misconception' of exactly what honor (blood) feuds are all about.

[On the subject of tribal 'codes of honor' and hierarchy in the Caucasus' for brevity brothers and sisters re-watch 'The Godfather Part I' to see what happens when 'honor' codes against a 'tribes' woman(en) or man(en) are 'violated' where the law does not protect or is hostile towards poor immigrants and, as an alternative to an unjust or absent system, an appeal for justice is instead made to a respected 'Tribal Elder' or 'Chief' (individual, male or female) who has the 'power', outside the State law - but within that tribe's domain - to 'right a wrong' or to dispense justice where nobody else can or is so prepared or willing to so do.]
This is why that film is popular from Azerbaijan to Uzbekistan, America to Zimbabwe, from Andorra to Zanzibar, not because it is about gangsters but because people can relate aspects of the series to the 'tribal' nature of societies across the races and the groups worldwide.

Why The Alt-Right Is So Zealous Demonizing Muslims In America and Worldwide
Only alternative political parties can offer any future beyond eternal wars (sic. commitment of Christian forces or contractor teams from Christendom to wage perpetual wars) with or within the Muslim world.

Ask yourself this question:
When did you last hear a mainstream politician question ''why do we have to wage perpetual wars in Muslim lands against the wishes of the majority of local populations and in favor of despotic and feudal rulers?

Why is the Christian world refusing to allow them (Muslim populations in Muslim lands) to work out their own destiny?
For so long as a unified Muslim world poses no threat to Europe, why do we not allow them to resolve their internal conflicts without constantly alienating significant sectors of Muslims worldwide through our military adventures?
You need to be asking future politicians these questions before voting into office individuals who will be sending your sons and daughters children or great-grandchildren (even if engaged as 'contracted' or 'sub-contracted' in or with private enterprise armies or remotely operating drones and new technological hardware and software) to war in the these lands for obscure economic objectives known only to themselves and major corporate financial enterprise partners.

As the resources of the Gulf deplete,this 'War On Terror' is now shifting (as I told you some time ago) to the Central and South Caucasus' Afghanistan and to Africa as the search for rare earth minerals and strategic assets shifts to other regions of this planet.

The Fatherland and Motherland
We are literally 'at war' with either sections of or the entire 'motherlands' and 'fatherlands' of these Muslim immigrant communities.
The only near (and it is still rather vague) comparison I can make is the divide between German-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Italian-Americans and the remaining sectors of society during World War II in the United States and Great Britain.
German nationals, Japanese nationals and some Italian nationals were 'interned' in Britain and in the United States as suspected 'enemy spies' or suspected 'enemy supporters' during World War II.
These humiliations (Internment of Japanese-Americans without trial)  were never forgotten by those who experienced them – and to listen to their stories was very sobering and inspirational.

Beyond this period in history, 'show trials' of suspected communists took place throughout the United States.
The focus and hysteria had now shifted to 'the Red Menace' and the war against Communism.
(Many would like to forget about this as if it never happened – since China together with the Soviet Union - was a focus of hatred – and narratives constructed by the politicians to 'defeat' the 'Red Menace'  worldwide.)

Deja Vu?
The Politics Of Denial
As politicians legislate to defeat 'support for terrorism' at home, you need to be cognizant about their real objectives – and they are coming after yourselves next on the list. Of this you can be certain. It may not be tomorrow, but as soon as you organize or militate, the legislation will already be in place to be extended.
To refrain from emotive reactions which facilitate politicians 'clamping down' on what they identify as political 'extremists' whilst exercising your democratic rights is one option.
Remember, historically, anti-terror legislation has never succeeded.
Here are just a few historical examples:
Archbishop Makarios III of Cyprus (EOKA 'B'; Enosis) Jomo Kenyatta (Mau Mau Freedom Fighters) and Nelson Mandela (The Africa National Congress Liberation Movement) and hundreds other individuals and groups were all labeled as 'terrorists' by the British Empire for decades.
This includes, by the way Mahatma Gandhi. You didn't know the British labeled him a terrorist before appreciating he could not be defeated?
You need to be better informed.
So even peaceful protest without force of arms will ultimately get you the same label as Muslim-Americans are being branded today.

These same British politicians, where alive today, will hide from describing these (now deceased) Statesmen in such terms or say 'it was a long time ago' – as if the world has lost it's collective memory of - for example - the banishment of Archbishop Makarios II from Cyprus to the Seychelles - because of the passage of time.

Before entrusting such politicians with more powers which they only require for hidden agendas – no genuine concern for 'you' – the people - be circumspect .

And if you don't believe me, just look at the historical track record as outline above. It speaks volumes.

©Patrick Emek, November 2017

**The Syrian Army and Hezbollah are more than capable of dealing with ISIS fighters.
In any event, the British government has no international mandate to be militarily engaged in the sovereign territory of Syria.

When Mahatma Gandhi Was declared A terrorist:

(From a Greek-Cypriot perspective)

(From a Turkish-Cypriot perspective)

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