
Friday 24 August 2018

[On October 13th, 2018, this blog replaced the one below 
to preserve the front page until November 5th, 2018]

I Want To Tell You Another Bedtime Story

Jamal Khashoggi
Part I

What Goes Around.....
Long-time contributor to CNN and The Washington Post, Jamal Khashoggi, a long-time confidant of Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Royal family and part of the intrigue with Zionists to destroy the Christian West through the fermenting of Islamic fundamentalism, the export of radical Imams worldwide and the promulgation of extremist Islamic literature across the Internet, worldwide.
No you won't hear about this on CNN nor in The Washington Post.

The Turkish Connection
Oh yes, did I mention that Mr Khashoggi was plotting with Turkish intelligence the violent overthrow of the Saudi Royal family and the assassination of the incumbent Saudi King Salman? (Now that would have really caused bloodshed on a frightening scale – not to mention total chaos in the financial world.)
You didn't know about all of this? Why am I not surprised?
[If I produce ''evidence'' then it identifies who told me this 'story'.]
Reading my blogs from time immemorial you can see that I am no supporter of Saudi Arabia - nor of Saudi despots. But neither have I ever advocated the violent overthrow of the House Of Saud and the murder of the entire Saudi Royal family – at the behest of a foreign power.
The Ultimate Nightmare: [The Libya Scenario]
Winners and Losers

Queues For Oil in America and In The West Kilometers Long, Markets In Turmoil, Chaos and Bloodshed in Saudi Arabia as Feudal Tribes 'settle' 'old scores'

Can you imagine the chaos in the Arab world, in the Gulf, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and in the Caucasus'
as Turkey assumes the mantel of leadership of the Muslim world. Now that would be a real ''game-changer.''

Iran would certainly be relieved to see the back of the House Of Saud.
Somehow, I cannot see Turkey and Iran as having any interest in a Saudi Arabia Western-orientated agenda after the destruction of the House of Saud and it's replacement with a puppet regime.

''Capo di Tutti Capi''
Of course, as a journalist, I have every empathy for Mr Khashoggi. But Mr Khashoggi was much more than a journalist. An intimate insider of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda and, at the very least, an interlocutor between the House of Saud, al-Qaeda and a myriad of intelligence agencies.
Khashoggi was ''playing both sides'' (or, indeed, every side [PE] ) ''against the middle'' that it was an untenable situation which could only end in distress for Mr Khashoggi – having fallen from grace with the ''surprise'' [to him] choice of [then] Crown Prince Salman as successor to the House Of Saud as 'Capo di tutti Capi.'

St. Valentine's Day Massacre
What you have just witnessed (by all accounts) is a 'Mob execution', Saudi-style. Why the surprise? Why the disgust? Why the outrage? Why the shock? Far far worse has happened.
What I will agree is disturbing is the use of a place of sanctuary – an Embassy – to be used for such a ritualistic killing. But this is an execution 'Saudi-style' of a Saudi citizen, for treason, on the 'sacred' soil of Saudi Arabia.

Whether Mr Khashoggi was given a lethal injection to initially incapacitate him, then executed, is neither here nor there.
If King Salman had not acted first, be assured Khashoggi, with Turkish assistance, [and no doubt Israel, as ever, 'aware' of the plot, and, as with 9/11, staying silent in the background – in the ''interests'' of Israel] would have acted to remove the entire House Of Saud. Think of how much bloodshed (let alone turmoil in the Arab world and beyond) this would have caused.

Surviving In A World Of Demagogues
Think for one minute, Brothers and Sisters, how this 'night of the long knives' would have impacted on the West, given the 'global ambitions' of Turkey and it's very own demagogue, President Erdogan, who, like all demagogues before him, will only be removed from power in either a coup, or otherwise.
The whole world knows this – but the whole world, likewise, stays silent.
[Who is the greater hypocrite? Saudi Arabia or the whole world?]

President Erdogan's plans for Saudi Arabia will have to be put on hold, for the moment at least.

So you didn't know any of the above?
Why am I not at all surprised?

You need to be better informed.

As I say, don't expect to read this in your mainstream media for some time.

Now you can sleep peacefully?

©Patrick Emek, October 2018

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ, for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Orthodox Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being ''fed'' by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.
I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox News, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ, for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Orthodox Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being ''fed'' by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.
I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

Donald J. Trump
Financial Disclosure 2017


Below you will find a copy of Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure which I made available at this website immediately I anonymously received it in early 2017.

All of the mainstream media - out of fear - refused to make it available even when they knew how useful it could be to the public.

If they had made it available, it would have been easier to understand why Trump has such disdain for the IRS, for the DoJ,
for the FBI, for the CIA, for the NSA and, indeed for the Armed Forces of The United States as currently constituted.
He has spared no effort to divide the U.S. Armed Forces along 'tribal' lines in an attempt to fracture the United States (at the behest of or in coordination with, the Russian Federation and it's Allies, history may very well show.)

Mainstream Media Oligarchs Created Donald Trump
This is what happens when you have mainstream media controlled by oligarchs in league with the political class: - the populace loose faith in everything the mainstream media are printing and reporting. 
This means that they trust Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh before anyone else - because they know they are being conspired against by 'the system.'  This means you truly have fiction and conspiracies dominating the thinking of 33-40% of hardcore Republican Party supporters because what Jones and Limbaugh present is an alternative view of reality, a parallel political universe to the counter-lies they are being fed by their mainstream media.

Parallel Political Universes
The parallel universe presented by Jones and Limbaugh is even further from reality and nearer to the alternative totalitarian State they would like to see.  In any case (I think they reckon) the general ''dumbed-down'' populace are so ''dumb'' they won't notice the difference between one totalitarian regime and the unreal and disconnected ''fake''  political world they currently exist within.
(The subtle and frightening difference is that their brave new world political and media class, in conjunction with the Russian Federation, have mastered the skills of political, technological and psychological control of the masses which the ''spineless'' ''fake'' news and ''fake''  ''dying'' political system could never accomplish because it lacked the will and had no backbone when faced with a reality check.)

Reality Check
(''I'm Just A Singer In A Rock and Roll Band'')
I do not blame these individuals from supporting Donald Trump.
Indeed, as I have never failed to admit, I share their many skepticisms of the mainstream media and, but for the fact that I research and analyze, I too would 100% ignore the lying mainstream media in favor of Jones and Limbaugh and Trump.

I drew the line at Bill O' Reilly. Someone I respect - and always respected while sharing a radically different political perspective
on many issues.
Indeed I believe it was O' Reilly who held back many of the atavistic instincts of Trump.  When he was conspired to be ejected from Fox, those remaining had no such scruples - and everything was fair game for (political) exploitation.
That is just a personal opinion.  I don't expect it to be shared by many.

The Officer who insisted on Trump's compliance and who released the Disclosure in disgust with Trump's refusal to be honest with the American people (and release his IRS filings) was subsequently fired by President Trump.
That Officer, a highly respected career public servant, helped many senior figures in public life from the shame and humiliation of concealing data from the IRS, and made it possible for those who had, to fulfill their statutory obligations and continue with their respective careers without any publicity.
A number of senior figures in Public life owe this Officer their careers (and possibly even their lives.)

It is with that selfless Public Servant in mind that I am re-releasing the only financial disclosure you will ever see during the presidency of that tyrant and demagogue, Trump, and the only one  the general public, have on recent file. 

You can download your own personal copy, as reluctantly supplied on demand, by Trump to *The Office Of Government Ethics, from here: 

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*Trump - acting like a Mob Boss - has now effectively ''silenced'' this Office - so don't expect further releases until issues such as conspiracy to commit treason, racketeering and money laundering (by President Donald J. Trump) have been dealt with by Congress.

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