Iran Nuclear Deal
Political Opposition
an Independent Thinker-
who is not
Critique For Everyone To Despise]
I have
been asked many times, '' why write blogs for free when you can earn
money by writing for a well-known publication?;the public don't care,
they are all sheep, at least with payment for feeding their stupid
minds [the daily mirage - propaganda] you will get something out of
it.'' ''They (the general public) are not worthy of the truth –
because most are too lazy to go out and 'fight' [protest] or even
cast their vote in it's defense.''[paraphrase]
No matter
where you are in the world today – the U.S. Russia, China, Iran,
Africa or North Korea, an independent thinker writing an article or
blogging is probably the most dangerous profession to be in this
a status quo was always a hazardous profession, in any country.
The days
of the media moguls controlling what you think has nearly ended –
which is why governments have, in desperation, attempted to bring in
worldwide legislation restricting or firewalling access to the
internet – with the intent to ultimately charge you for download
and content, even if, like now, you are accessing it (almost) for
So, if
you really want to be a futurist activist, get ready to build an
service, not journalism, was my first choice for work.
I am not
talking about the public service where you sneak in under pretence to
undermine the organisation or company whose confidential data you
have sworn to protect only to release it under the banner or
subterfuge of 'public interest' because you found something you
didn't politically agree with in your job, 'woke up' suddenly and
decided that Joe Public was your real 'boss' and that you were it's
last line of defense in the known universe.
in Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are a certain death sentence,
dismissal or indefinite solitary detention in their equivalent of
Fort Leavenworth, in all of the above countries. In Arab and African
countries, like Saudi Arabia, that would be some rat hole prior to
public execution. In Saudi Arabia, where we (the United States, the
'free' world and it's public representatives) have over decades, all
endorsed their evolution and perfection of mediaeval Koranic
punishments – including stoning to death, crucifictions, public
executions in ''Chop Chop Square''(Saudi Arabia) whistleblowing would be regarded
as 'the work of the Devil' punishable by death. I'll leave it to your
imagination what the Muslim fanatics in the certain Arab lands have devised in law as
'punishments' for 'independent thinking' 'crimes' such as 'being a
Christian' or 'converting out of Islam' (apostasy) or speaking out
against 21st century feudal Muslim rulers or dictators and their families,
and the mediaeval Koranic laws, suitably adapted for Arab tribal
useage, which guarantee them infinite perpetual rule over the
[The most recent dictator of Egypt has just introduced such tyrannical laws, just to keep up to date with his counterparts in the region.]
The worst
crime you can commit today therefore is to be an independent thinker.
It's The Lobby Groups, Stupid!
Jewish Lobby, the Muslim lobby, the Arab lobby, the Iranian lobby, the GM Monsanto
lobby, the Chicken lobby, the Drug Companies lobby, the Oil cartels
lobby, the Armaments Industry lobby, the Private Healthcare lobby,
the No Corporation nor Personal Tax lobby, the White Anglo-Saxon
Protestant Lobby, the Irish Lobby, the Catholic Mafia lobby, the
Racist Lobby, the Black Caucasus lobby, the Chinese lobby, The Asian
lobby, the Neo-Nazi lobby, the Tea Party lobby, the Christian
Evangelical Lobby, the Satanists lobby, the White Christian lobby,
they will all get you on something if you stand in their way or don't
get on your knees to genuflect to their Mammon, deity or Devil-God.
So you
really can't win. With ignorant politicians and their lobby masters
in the U.S. cracking whips in opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and
ignorant politicians and religious fanatics in Iran preaching as
much hatred against the United States as anywhere else in the Muslim
world, there is no 'right' choice, there is no 'wrong' choice, since
no path will, for example, bring all wars to an end with no further
loss of life, ever, on earth.
(If you
fail to appreciate the latter it's not a problem. It is written for
a particular mindset from a particular point in time, and no
apologies are offered here for this personal perspective.)
So, you
see, there really is no 'Peace' choice in the Iran nuclear deal.
Let's just call it a 'temporary cessation' of hatred, murder butchery
and senseless slaughter, to the short-term benefit of the non-nuclear
and nuclear armaments industries, in one small corner of the planet -
which is a more apt description – if the Iran nuclear deal is
either agreed or rejected:
I have
thus managed to satisfy the 'blood lust' of all sides – by agreeing
that a deal or no deal is...... irrelevant....... in the longer scale
of things......... for all sides, but at least it represents (maybe)
a temporary cessation in bloodletting by all the parties in conflict
over resources and territory, in this part of the jungle.
With such
'bright' options for the future from the mainstream media on all
sides, I think I'd prefer to take my chances being hated or despised
by all sides than endorsed by any one.
They all,
like children, play their games, then manipulate a picture of history
to suit their lies.
So my
advice to you is to be an independent thinker. Consider it as
today's equivalent of 'urban guerilla' or 'jungle' warfare - minus
the physical weapons of war.
There are
probably about 250 million of you out there who think likewise.
(On the
brighter side, if united, it's more supporters than ISIL/ISIS has,
worry too much about making your way through the mainstream media
jungle – or clawing your way over dead bodies to the top of the
pile – just do the right thing.
I endorse
the Iran nuclear deal for one very simple reason:
heard so much hate (and ignorance in the extreme - many just one can short
of a six pack) spewed out against it – with no viable alternative
– except more hatred, insanity and war – that, given it's a
choice of two evils, anything else, has to be fractionally better.
Emek, August 2015