the edited version
''Spooks Spooking Themselves: Did US Elites Outsource Election ‘Meddling’ to Britain?''
[Background To Daniel Lazare's article referenced below]
The Playing Field
With the news that a Cambridge academic-cum-spy named Stefan Halper infiltrated the Trump campaign, and that other individuals (including Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese academic) have been 'active participants' in a 'campaign' to 'discredit' Donald Trump's presidential candidacy, Daniel Lazare, who is regarded as, at best, an apologist for the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) , is an acknowledged admirer of Vladimir Putin and the style of modern-day Bolshevism he espouses, has recently written an article where he conflates a massive conspiracy by the Democratic Party in the United States, to destroy democracy.
Before you read the reference below you need to understand exactly what is going on – and how the Democratic Party in the United States missed the same 'red flags' or 'lines in the sand' which are conspiring to discredit (if not destroy) the Labour Party in Britain today.
Indeed, if Britain had an 'intelligent' Conservative Party, it would act in unison with the Labour Party to deny both parties destruction by the same entities (or political infiltrators.)
This of course is not happening since most within the rank and file of the British Conservative Party – let alone their electorate as a whole – would not have the slightest clue what forces are at work to hold both parties 'hostages' to fortune – against the vital national interests of their respective countries.
Hidden Motives Are Important
A little more to understand about Daniel Lazare.
Daniel Lazare is a Zionist Jew. You need to know this to understand the importance which Zionism (and support for Zionism in the White House by a Zionist President of the United States) is playing in the chaos of the political Middle East at present.
It is also important for brothers and sisters to remind them that I warned about this situation
long before Trump was elected President.
Most of the far right are as awestruck and in admiration of Trump as are their conservative colleagues in Europe. There are historical reasons for this. When the former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, pointed out these reasons – and how Zionism had conspired with Hitler's Nazi Party to evacuate Zionists to Palestine (read my research at this website) whilst 6 million of their fellow- non-Zionist Jews were 'en-route' to Belsen, Little Fortress and Auschwitz, he was conspired against by Zionists and has now resigned from the Labour Party of Great Britain.
I met on one occasion the incumbent leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn (see my account at this website.)
I know he is not a Zionist but the weight of media pressure was too great and he was forced to act to suspend his one-time colleague (Livingstone) for fear of becoming 'unelectable' because of such pressures and a torrent of personal abuse (all motivated by Zionists and their supporters in the British media. If you don't believe me, check out the backgrounds of those media individuals in the mainstream who are vociferous in their opposition to Corbyn to 'appreciate' their motivations.
[In my opinion, he (Corbyn) did not appreciate that when dealing with fanatics, appeasement is never the way out.]
''Fool Me Twice...................''
So Trump has fooled the far right into giving him a 'pass'. I did warn you this would happen!
The only group on the far right, ironically, Donald Trump has not fooled, is Aryan Nation.
Like the Nazi Party when approached by Zionists in the 1930s in Germany, they also respectfully decline their funding and political support, in all of their forms, even when Zionists appeal in their media outlets to the 'commonality' of both (Zionism and Nazism.)
Such appeals do, however, resonate with many other far-right groups and the mainstream media does little to point out that most Reform and Liberal (Progressive) Jews want nothing to do with Trump nor his Zionist aspirations.
Hence, as in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, in Oregon today (as just one 'Lander' example) intimidation by the far right against progressive Jews is at an all-time high (ironically not by Aryan Nation per se but both by those on the right fooled by Trump and by extremist Zionist Jews 'taking revenge' against their fellow-Jews – because of their non-support of Zionism in Israel and their traditional (liberal) anti-Zionist stance and rhetoric.)
From mainstream media reporting, the impression which the U.S. electorate and the rest of the world has is that Neo-Nazis are intimidating Jews and defiling synagogues without explaining that it is these same ''supporters'' of Donald Trump who are doing the intimidating.
(CNN, to be fair, have called Trump out for what he is and have directly linked his provocative language with the rise in attacks on synagogues in the Mid-West of the United States.
What they tend to do however is 'lump' the far right together - as if it is all one and the same - which clearly it is not - if you research the far right in American politics.)
I appreciate the criticism that ''CNN is Israeli-financed and controlled'' but again, this statement, alone, by itself, only tells part of the story.
[Believe me, I am no great fan of CNN and have no reason to defend their position - other than their mainstream alternative perspective for the general public to digest.]
History Repeating – Albeit In A Different Format
For students of the real history of the causes of the second world war, what is happening today in the United States is so remarkably similar to the divisions of Jews and Gentiles in pre-war Germany. That is remarkable in itself.
Unfortunately a 'fake history' has brainwashed the world – and, as a direct consequence as much as a kept-in-ignorance populace as a determined long-term political strategy to undermine U.S. Foreign policy, has created (perhaps) the first of many 'dictators' of the United States. This time it is unashamedly someone on the right of the political spectrum. Next time it may well be someone on the left.
Yearning For Leadership In An Unpredictable World
What a minority of the populace seem to yearn for is a benevolent 'Fuhrer' or strong leader – regardless of whether on the left or right – who will 'fix' the country's problems.
Hence the private admiration of many Trump supporters for Vladimir Putin and a disinterest in whether or not he 'meddled' in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in favor of Donald Trump.
''All The World's A Stage.....................''
All the above is as remarkable to myself as it may be to you, my reader.
Where you do read in other articles about the issues above, they will all be either pro-Zionist or pro-Nazi or 'anti' both – and anti-Semitic – just to balance both (!)
One theory goes something like this:
After Emperor Caligula was assassinated, the Praetorian Guard proclaimed Claudius Emperor. Agrippina, Claudius' wife, persuaded her husband to favor her son, Nero, as the next successor Emperor (as opposed to Claudius' own biological son.)
You will also recall, brothers and sisters, that Nero made several (some quite 'elaborate' and 'creative') failed attempts to murder his own mother (Agrippina) eventually sending paid assassins to slay her. Realizing what their intent was, her only wish was that they (the assassins) symbolically 'cut' or 'slay' her womb as the first of many cuts – to emphasize the fact that she wanted history to 'remember' that she wished she had never given birth to Nero.
When Nero took his own life, as his assassins moved in for the kill, his last dying words were along the lines ''I die as I have lived, a great artist'' (paraphrase.) This was how he perceived himself and all his worldly deeds.
''What in heavens name has any of the above to do with Trump and the world?'' you may very well ask. [Well Nero also took particular pleasure in crucifying minorities – just for the fun of it. If Donald Trump had an autistic son, it might be similar to compare (!)]
''All That Glitters................''
Nero also bled the Empire dry of money – to fuel his own crazy and selfish ambitions.
He and those around him (in his circle or orbit) only understood the economics of self-indulgence - so the Roman provinces were bled dry of funds for lavish spectacles to only benefit a very small elite.
Nero was also clever enough to provide 'entertainment' for the masses [burning of Christians, feeding them and their children to lions and other wild animals in the Stadium, inventing new mechanical methods to decapitate and tear from limb to limb – as slowly as possible – those he disliked and keeping the ignorant masses in enough food and drink so they 'forgot' that he and his small family entourage were 'looting' Rome and the Empire for their own personal gain. Today such ''entertainment'' is provided for the masses through the mainstream media.]
Never forget also that Nero conspired to 'burn down' a sizeable area of Rome just so that he could 'purchase' (confiscate) land for his own personal use.
[Trump currently owes Deutsche Bank in excess of $300 million – which he has personally guaranteed. It is a known fact that DB has refused to renegotiate the terms of this loan - hence the arrival of Qatar, Bahrain and China - courtesy of his son-in-law - to 'pick up the slack.'
If Deutsche Bank were to 'call in' this debt, Trump would be the first President in American history to be declared bankrupt whilst in Office.]
Deutsche Bank is under considerable investigative pressure in the United States and Trump is using this (sending signals) to warn them that he will use his powers either in their favor or against the Bank, depending on their 'behavior.']
Stepan Andriyovych Bandera
Is one of the great heroes of the Ukraine. A complex personality, of Greek heritage, to understand Bandera you must read about his childhood and his background.
Most importantly you need to understand the profound part which the Orthodox Greek and Russian Churches played in shaping the views of people almost right up until the present century and how difficult it was (and still is in Russia today) to question the Church since patriotism to Mother Russia and loyalty to the Orthodox faith are one and the same, separable only through treason.
You either love Bandera or hate him, admire or revile him. Call him a Nazi supporter or apologist during the second world war. In fact, in my opinion, Bandera was none of the above. In my opinion he was simply a Ukrainian nationalist. Today he would be considered an Alt-Right politician, with some liberal tendencies.
Lazare has a particular interest in the Ukraine and his review of Timothy Snyder's ''Bloodlands'' has evoked fury both on the left and right of the political spectrum.
[After reading the reference below, I recommend for your reading ''Bloodlands'' then Lazare's critique of the book.]
So that's all folks (!)
I have taken up too much of your time with my introduction to ''Spooks Spooking Themselves: Did US Elites Outsource Election ‘Meddling’ to Britain?'' by Daniel Lazare.
I hope you have now found a perspective into which to place Lazare's article – so that you are not one of the 'sheep' who read his article below without considering his 'Alternative Right'articles, the fact that he is an apologist for Vladimir Putin nor his personal motives and political affiliations.
©Patrick Emek, June 2018
[Trump currently owes Deutsche Bank in excess of $300 million – which he has personally guaranteed. It is a known fact that DB has refused to renegotiate the terms of this loan - hence the arrival of Qatar, Bahrain and China - courtesy of his son-in-law - to 'pick up the slack.'
If Deutsche Bank were to 'call in' this debt, Trump would be the first President in American history to be declared bankrupt whilst in Office.]
If Deutsche Bank were to 'call in' this debt, Trump would be the first President in American history to be declared bankrupt whilst in Office.]
Deutsche Bank is under considerable investigative pressure in the United States and Trump is using this (sending signals) to warn them that he will use his powers either in their favor or against the Bank, depending on their 'behavior.']