
Wednesday 8 August 2018

{more fiction than fact?}

                                                  (images may be subject to copyright)


A Riddle Within An Enigma Within A Puzzle

It continues to remain a matter of speculation as to exactly what happened to Malaysia flight 370.
What I am offering is entirely speculation and I have no concrete evidence to back up any of my own conclusions.

This is what I believe happened:
The flight was taken over by hijackers en route to China. It was then abruptly turned around.
I suspect that the hijackers had both 'inside' information and 'inside' assistance with this 'mission.'
I further suspect that the transponder was deliberately switched off to facilitate a dramatic attack on a target – probably the remote island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
As with Tristan da Cunha in the mid-Atlantic, this remote military outpost not only supports military communications worldwide but also functions as one of the world's most secret test bases for naval and space warfare systems. It is also a storage facility for nuclear devices and some of the most deadliest bioweapons ever developed - part of a 'doomsday' scenario program to deliver such [by missiles] to any aggressor in the event of a 'sneak' attack on continental United States by an adversary.
The approximate time for delivery to an adversary would be some 13 minutes - for the likely targets.

Both islands (Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic and Diego Garcia) are part of a vital array of global military strategic partnership which masks itself under support for civilian and commercial GPS facilities.
The objective may well have been to draw worldwide attention to this remote outpost with an audacious attack on the submarine base located at the remotest islet point.
Turning off the transponder was intended to prevent Boeing taking remote control of the aircraft and 'crashing it' into the sea.
What the hijackers were unaware of is that there is another 'fail safe' system within ALL Boeing manufactured civilian aircraft in place [highly top secret and developed in earnest after 9/11] to prevent exactly another 9/11 happening anywhere in the world on Boeing-manufactured aircraft.
Boeing would require clearance (approval) at the highest level of the Pentagon before exercising executive responsibility in this regard.
[Indeed it may well involve the Pentagon taking executive control – and responsibility - of the final decision.]
The fact that the transponder was (deliberately in my opinion) turned off, the fact that the aircraft was headed for Diego Garcia would have meant that an opinion would have been taken as to whether someone was in control of the ill-fated plane. This could have been arrived at in several ways. Again 9/11 was a wake-up call for Boeing as it was for all airlines – and airport together with in-flight security and surveillance.
So an opinion would have been arrived at that the airplane was headed for this top-secret facility at Diego Garcia and a recommendation made to 'bring it down at whatever cost.'
It would not, in my opinion, have been necessary to 'shoot' the airplane out of the sky but bringing it down in the Indian Ocean would most certainly have resulted in the deaths of all on board – given the remoteness of the area.
There is a further issue here – and I allured to it earlier. Again this is entirely speculation. It is not meant to cause distress or further grieving to distressed relatives but is simply an analytical approach to a very enigmatic puzzle.
Perhaps the passengers were already dead – having become asphyxiated in the manner I described earlier (some years ago) and for reasons of easy management and control of the internal environment by the hijackers – who had no need for 'live' passengers to fulfil 'the mission.'

The hijackers may well have decided that having passengers alive would pose a serious 'threat' to the success of the mission and a very early (premeditated) decision was take to asphyxiate all on board in the manner I described some years ago. [An elementary knowledge of how to disrupt airflow without causing cabin depressurization – nor panic - would certainly have been helpful for the hijackers. The time of evening could well have been related to the likely 'state' of mind and body* the passengers.]
[I am not suggesting that the pilot was a part of the hijacking team and the remoteness of the destination (fuel availability and known or likely outcome for the passengers) may well have influenced any decision he took to either cooperate or oppose the hijackers – with fatal consequences.]

[You know, there are flight simulation programs available which, if used correctly and in conjunction with other software, can give more than an appreciation of how to handle a jumbo jet airliner for someone really interested and sufficiently motivated.]

My theory is that a decision to 'bring down' the plane was based on this knowledge – that there was no hope for the passengers – being dead already – with the only option remaining to prevent an even greater tragedy since it would have been unknown exactly what classified or declassified knowledge and materials for their task or mission the hijackers were actually in possession of but some certainty that their target was the nuclear facility base at Diego Garcia.

The more perplexing matter, if any of the above speculation is correct, is why the hijackers choose this particular flight? Was it a random choice?
If it was not a random choice then why this particular flight on that particular night?

One enigma involving an airline is chance but for a second to occur, with the same airline involved, is, in my opinion, a riddle within an enigma within a puzzle?

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

*state of mind and body: by this I meant that by the time the hijackers got their 'dog and pony show' off the ground (sic. on the aircraft) because of most peoples' circadian rhythm, many would already be asleep - even any kids on board - taking advantage of the night flight to be refreshed when arriving at their final destination.
In a bizarre way, perhaps, they (the hijacker-terrorists) were thinking that they were being 'merciful' - sparing too much suffering of the victims on that ill-fated airplane - by murdering them in the manner which was about to take place.
[I apologize sincerely if I am being very blunt and have caused any distress - but it is in keeping with the analytical pattern presented here and is simply part of such which explains as a follow-on from what we (and future terrorists) have already learned from events occurring on 11th September, 2001 in New York:the fact that passengers are a 'hindrance' [not an asset] to completing missions of this type - if indeed such a theory as that above were to hold as feasible or credible. ]

[if you were reading the blog I wrote here several years ago, you will see that this article below - written long after - does, in part ,agree with part of what I had earlier speculated.  In my opinion, it appears to be 'glossing over' Diego Garcia and no mention of it's vital role in U.S. global security - which is somewhat puzzling.]

{more fiction than fact?}
                                                (image may be subject to copyright)

A Riddle Within An Enigma Within A Puzzle

It continues to remain a matter of speculation as to exactly what happened to Malaysia flight 370.
What I am offering is entirely speculation and I have no concrete evidence to back up any of my own conclusions.

This is what I believe happened:
The flight was taken over by hijackers en route to China. It was then abruptly turned around.
I suspect that the hijackers had both 'inside' information and 'inside' assistance with this 'mission.'
I further suspect that the transponder was deliberately switched off to facilitate a dramatic attack on a target – probably the remote island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
As with Tristan da Cunha in the mid-Atlantic, this remote military outpost not only supports military communications worldwide but also functions as one of the world's most secret test bases for naval and space warfare systems. It is also a storage facility for nuclear devices and some of the most deadliest bioweapons ever developed - part of a 'doomsday' scenario program to deliver such [by missiles] to any aggressor in the event of a 'sneak' attack on continental United States by an adversary.
The approximate time for delivery to an adversary would be some 13 minutes - for the likely targets.

Both islands (Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic and Diego Garcia) are part of a vital array of global military strategic partnership which masks itself under support for civilian and commercial GPS facilities.
The objective may well have been to draw worldwide attention to this remote outpost with an audacious attack on the submarine base located at the remotest islet point.
Turning off the transponder was intended to prevent Boeing taking remote control of the aircraft and 'crashing it' into the sea.
What the hijackers were unaware of is that there is another 'fail safe' system within ALL Boeing manufactured civilian aircraft in place [highly top secret and developed in earnest after 9/11] to prevent exactly another 9/11 happening anywhere in the world on Boeing-manufactured aircraft.
Boeing would require clearance (approval) at the highest level of the Pentagon before exercising executive responsibility in this regard.
[Indeed it may well involve the Pentagon taking executive control – and responsibility - of the final decision.]
The fact that the transponder was (deliberately in my opinion) turned off, the fact that the aircraft was headed for Diego Garcia would have meant that an opinion would have been taken as to whether someone was in control of the ill-fated plane. This could have been arrived at in several ways. Again 9/11 was a wake-up call for Boeing as it was for all airlines – and airport together with in-flight security and surveillance.
So an opinion would have been arrived at that the airplane was headed for this top-secret facility at Diego Garcia and a recommendation made to 'bring it down at whatever cost.'
It would not, in my opinion, have been necessary to 'shoot' the airplane out of the sky but bringing it down in the Indian Ocean would most certainly have resulted in the deaths of all on board – given the remoteness of the area.
There is a further issue here – and I allured to it earlier. Again this is entirely speculation. It is not meant to cause distress or further grieving to distressed relatives but is simply an analytical approach to a very enigmatic puzzle.
Perhaps the passengers were already dead – having become asphyxiated in the manner I described earlier (some years ago) and for reasons of easy management and control of the internal environment by the hijackers – who had no need for 'live' passengers to fulfil 'the mission.'

The hijackers may well have decided that having passengers alive would pose a serious 'threat' to the success of the mission and a very early (premeditated) decision was take to asphyxiate all on board in the manner I described some years ago. [An elementary knowledge of how to disrupt airflow without causing cabin depressurization – nor panic - would certainly have been helpful for the hijackers. The time of evening could well have been related to the likely 'state' of mind and body the passengers.]
[I am not suggesting that the pilot was a part of the hijacking team and the remoteness of the destination (fuel availability and known or likely outcome for the passengers) may well have influenced any decision he took to either cooperate or oppose the hijackers – with fatal consequences.]

[You know, there are flight simulation programs available which, if used correctly and in conjunction with other software, can give more than an appreciation of how to handle a jumbo jet airliner for someone really interested and sufficiently motivated.]

My theory is that a decision to 'bring down' the plane was based on this knowledge – that there was no hope for the passengers – being dead already – with the only option remaining to prevent an even greater tragedy since it would have been unknown exactly what classified or declassified knowledge and materials for their task or mission the hijackers were actually in possession of but some certainty that their target was the nuclear facility base at Diego Garcia.

The more perplexing matter, if any of the above speculation is correct, is why the hijackers choose this particular flight? Was it a random choice?
If it was not a random choice then why this particular flight on that particular night?

One enigma involving an airline is chance but for a second to occur, with the same airline involved, is, in my opinion, a riddle within an enigma within a puzzle?

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

[if you were reading the blog I wrote here several years ago, you will see that this article below - written long after - does, in part ,agree with part of what I had earlier speculated.  In my opinion, it appears to be 'glossing over' Diego Garcia and no mention of it's vital role in U.S. global security - which is somewhat puzzling.]

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